Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Jonglei assembly increases cost of land in Bor

By Philip Thon Aleu

June 1, 2011 (BOR) – Jonglei state’s legislative assembly passed a new land fees bill, rental income and fuels taxes on Tuesday with a huge increment in the amount that will be paid for residential and commercial plots in the state capital Bor.

Jonglei state governor Kuol Manyang Juuk (L) and JSLA Speaker Peter Chol Wal at a gaurd of honor at the opening of state assembly in Bor, ahead of South Sudan's referendum on independence. Dec. 14, 2010 (ST)
Jonglei state governor Kuol Manyang Juuk (L) and JSLA Speaker Peter Chol Wal at a gaurd of honor at the opening of state assembly in Bor, ahead of South Sudan’s referendum on independence. Dec. 14, 2010 (ST)
Peter Chol Wal, the speaker of Jonglei state parliament, justified the move saying that the government have no other sources of revenue to boost the state finances. Under the new scheme land buyers in Bor will pay 3,000 Sudan Pounds (SDG) – around US $1,000 – for a 35 by 30 meter residential plot and 22,500 SDG [about US $7,500] for a 30 by 15 meters commercial plot.

“It was necessary to increase the fee because [the government] wants to produce title deeds [for plots owners]; which is [a] land list,” said Chol.

The land bill also indicates that residential plots in Payam (districts) and Boma (sub-districts) headquarters will be surveyed and leased out at cheaper rates than in the state’s capital.

According to the land fees bill, residential plots are charged by different grades. First class plots of 1,050 square meters will cost 3,000 SDG. Second class plots of 750 square meters will cost 1,200 SDG, up from the previous rate of 240 SDG. Third class plots of 500 square meters will cost 400 SDG, up from from 180 SDG before the bill was passed.

A commercial plot of 64 square meters remains at 3,200 SDG, while what the land bill describes as super market plot of 750 meters now stands at 22,500 SDG. Land bought as an investment will now cost 125,000 SDG, about US $41,000, per 2,500 square meter plot.


Alongside land bill fees, the assembly also passed rental income taxes where home owners will pay 5 percent of rental fees as taxes. Fuel sellers will pay 5 percent of selling prices as taxes to the government.

The bill, proposed by Jonglei state government, was passed overwhelming by members of state assembly on Tuesday in the final sitting of the second session before breaking for recess on Wednesday June 1.

Speaker of the Jonglei assembly, Chol Wal told the Sudan Tribune that the traditional three months assembly recess has been reduced to one month in move to make lawmakers available in Bor when South Sudan’s independence celebrations will be held on July 9, 2011.

South Sudan’s state assemblies commonly open and close in three month cycles. Lawmakers say this is to allow MP’s to spend time in the areas they represent.

South Sudanese voted to secede from the north in January, 2011 referendum in accordance with a 2005 peace accord that ended decades of south-north civil war.

There were mixed reactions from Bor residents on land fees bill. Some describes it as a move to give land to highly paid government employees and deny landlords their rights.

“Because the members of parliament receive huge pay, they want everyone who cannot afford to quit the town,” said Jok, a Bor town resident. “They (MPs) want to distribute the land to themselves,” he added.

“All of us shall face consequences. The MPs occupy large land, we in the commercial and in first class plots don’t have land titles and the ball is now on own side,” Jacob Gai, who owns a commercial plot of 10,000 square meters told Sudan Tribune.

The bill does not, however, cater for wide commercial plots beyond 2,500 meters squared and it some fear that lodges sitting on plots of the size 40,000 square meters may loss some of their land.

Other residents welcomed the land fees bill as an agent for town-to-village migration.

“They are targeting the increasing rural-urban migration,” said Bor resident Chol Deng. “If you are unable to buy a plot in Bor [the capital of Jonglei state], you can try at Payam or Boma headquarters. That is great,” Chol added.



  • saban John
    saban John

    Jonglei assembly increases cost of land in Bor
    Dear Readers,

    Indeed it is very sad to have come across this decision by the uneducated governor of jonglei. I suggest they must seek the help from arabs because they are more intelligent than us who are black. white number one followed by chinese and arabs and black. they have fair skin and therefore are intelligent than us.

    I am a south sudanese and i always have argument with my fellow brothers when i raise this point because they do not want to listen to truth. but one day God will open their eyes to see the truth and mind to think about the truth


  • Wensi

    Jonglei assembly increases cost of land in Bor
    Saban John,

    I can just simply call you a puppet. You are the hater of yourself, and the person who hates himself lack understanding of why he was created by God. If you considered yourself an intelligent person, then I can asure you brother, you are not!!!!!

    Can you really examine this dummy statement of yours, “They have fair skin and therefore are intelligent than us.” Well, my advice to you is, if you like that skin, then you fucken lighted or bleached up your fucken skin, if that will make you intelligent, you fucken dope.

    Saban John, you are one of those African dopes who have allowed Our Mother Africa to always be given a simple respect by other races you are now fucken wishing to be like them.

    I am really furious by your statement man, you are fucken deserving a stab.

  • Riak

    Jonglei assembly increases cost of land in Bor
    Hello guys!

    Don’t let yourself be distracted by this idiot called Saban John. He doesn’t belong here, however he doesn’t even know what he’s doing. Just leaves him alone and he will definitely vanished as time goes by. He’s an Arab immigrant whose agony and desperation of having lose South Sudan is taking toll on him.

  • We Might be Doomed
    We Might be Doomed

    Jonglei assembly increases cost of land in Bor
    Hey man I haven’t seen since you came back from Saudia, how are things with you these days?


  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    Jonglei assembly increases cost of land in Bor
    The big question is:

    Where does this money from selling land goes? Since 2005, Land has being sold, where is the money, what has been done with it? This money, if not well used will cause a problem to somebody like the tax money.

  • Nguetbuny de Luelpiny
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny

    Jonglei assembly increases cost of land in Bor
    Greedy Kuol Manyang

    Kuol Manyang is discouraging people from developers the land and civilians to build their housing.
    Bor state is not a good place to live in. How about Agriculture with huge land in south; Greed Junglei people are the feed that created Corruption in the south Sudan.


  • Nguetbuny de Luelpiny
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny

    Jonglei assembly increases cost of land in Bor
    Greedy Kuol Manyang

    Kuol Manyang is discouraging people from developers the land and civilians to build their housing.
    Bor state is not a good place to live in.

    How about huge land for Agriculture. we a big wide land in south that can create more venue in the state. Greed Junglei people are the seed that created Corruption in the south


  • liberator3

    Jonglei assembly increases cost of land in Bor
    Dear readers:

    Demand a short transitional period after July of less than 7 months to 18 months.
    Lets all the parties including the rebel hold talks with GOSS and form unity government which will oversee the legislative elections in seven months time and write a genuine constitution.

    Holds immediate elections after that and removed all these failed pretenders elected officials(no one elected them in the first place) it was a sham elections.

    Unless all these corrupt and sometime thugs officials are removed from holding this offices, the downward spiral of the chaos we are witnessing today will only up its ante to the level of “Somalia” syndrome.

  • Ariambek

    Jonglei assembly increases cost of land in Bor

    It is heart breaking news for those who wish to reside with Bor capital city. We the citizens know very well MPS had passed the law against the will of innocent people whom they claimed elected them to be the voices of voiceless, but reality and expectation has changed. If you see from MPS to state Governor, each of them has more than five plots including commercial because they have an enable to grabbed by using their powers as they be came deaf to and forgetting: Civil war disables, oldest fathers/mothers who lost their sons and daughters, widowers who lost their husbands and many people. Here in Jonglei state, some families earned only 100 SDG for month, if you calculated how long those groups will struggle to paid for land. No matter, we shall see, the new motor has come to Jonglei such as rich is move forward and the poor outstanding.


  • Abuoi Jook
    Abuoi Jook

    Jonglei assembly increases cost of land in Bor
    Dear friends,
    There seems to exist high level of illiteracy amongst some fellows as they don’t deferentiate Governor’s powers from the State Legislative Assembly’s powers. For such poorly educated ones, i am bringing to your attention that all bills poassed in any parliament are done so under the leadership of the Hon. the Speaker by MPs and therefore if any thing goes against residents, blame it right away on Mps but not Kuol Manyang or Speaker in that matter.

    It seems that some guys are suffering from Kuolpobia when they just rush at accusing him for Land bills passage by the State Assembly. Hope you get right now and never repeat such cheap politics no more!!!!

  • aguach arab
    aguach arab

    Jonglei assembly increases cost of land in Bor
    the government led by a villagers who know nothing other than looting.the money they have stollen for the last six years has not been enought to fill their big dancing bellies.the MPs who were elected by people to represent and serve their interest have forgotten the real purpose for what people choosed is a big shame on these ungrateful ingrates who buy thier way out to parliament thro people only to end up in fulfilling their hidden selfishness.I call on all to oppose that bills using all the neccessary measures.

    watch out!!

  • liberator3

    Jonglei assembly increases cost of land in Bor
    Abuoi Jook

    You are absolutely right. the Governor doesn’t passes the bills but the state assembly.

    But Governor should not sign so that it does not become law. either it goes back to the assembly to start a new bill from scratch or amend/make changes to it, so it’s acceptable to the public. Governor should veto it and in that way the state assembly will have to introduced a new bill or just not introducing any bill at all on such controversial subject.

  • de yen
    de yen

    Jonglei assembly increases cost of land in Bor
    Dear All,
    If and only if people could accept criticism then one would say why at this time when the ‘uppermost’ people have grabbed more than enough land.
    When you go to all the blocks allotted, you find out that NYANKOT has more than ten percent of the land and this is not the Battalion NYANKOT, this is his wife; the big fish.
    Now my advice to leaders in the making, watch out after your wives because some goes to bewitch you until you accept their proposals.
    Am not sure if that money will be used for the right purpose.
    De yen

  • Emmanuel Ajang Solomon
    Emmanuel Ajang Solomon

    Jonglei assembly increases cost of land in Bor
    God help Jonglei after 4 Years
    brothers,we have no option but to wait and change the law after the Election in 2015,if there will be election at all but as long as I know, no election will be done; they will again say, even if dog is brought in the ticket of SPLM elect Him this is order.

    make sure, when electing the new people asked them of their programme so that they don’t tell U what don’t U know from the SPLM what do U want me to tell U that is the the compaign of Our God Papa Kuol Manyang.

    our system is Kingdomship that is why we are suffering from the leaders.our Papa is right to do whatever he wants the Assembly to pass because, it within their properties as uncle Dr.John told them or else suffering will take long if U look at the line, because every one is waiting for his time or else they say Jalaba bought so and so.

    I don’t know what are they going to say after July? But may be bought by Nyagat,or still Arab.
    make sure the new government is to initiate the corrupt land ownership by our leaders as leader mean taking people things and because they don’t know their rights they keep quiet,such accountability will deter the next leaders or else they produce the document left to them by our late leader Dr. John Garang.

    Take all the information neccessary together them and have them at hands.
    Dear, families our late heros and heroen,we are sorry, the same people who deceived U to battle and diet there are the same people who are know saying for get about any other poor person in the state, we all have salaries, and in order to make quick money for us let each family pays as he wants, we are not fools maybe we shall not come back next term or election.

    Jonglei Assembely, U R right, there was nothing called families of our late heros and heroen,your belly are better at this time and one day all what are going on in Jonglei will be shame up on many leaders even to make people for get the struggle they did, and show the rest why they said said to uneducated and time will proof all things.

  • kwel mark
    kwel mark

    Jonglei assembly increases cost of land in Bor

    The whole suffering being endured by the people of Jonglei came as a result of a fail system of Governance by the higher authorities in the State ( Governor and his affiliates )Increment in Land fees is mere tactic to stray away the innocent people who cannot afford even a day to day income .
    It’s totally disturbing to many people’s ears but what can they do? they will eventually be evicted from their lands hence forth selling it to THE BIG GUYS of their ranks…. AMAZING , lets wait and we see how things will unfold in the State .
    SHAME ON YOU BIG MEN . people of Jonglei State have pitty on you all I.E if elections were to be held today all of you cannot garner a single vote .KEEP ON WITH YOUR GREEDY.

  • Dhalaluaak

    Jonglei assembly increases cost of land in Bor
    Dear fellow Southerners,
    This guy by names Saban John is not indeed a Southerner but an Arab decent who pretended to be a Southerner.You can know him by the way he put his comments always.He is a slicker and forlorn in this webb.

    Mr.Pretender,you have just mentioned ”they have fair skin”.Do you think knowledge or being intelligent comes from the color of your skin?If a person’s intellects come or mark by the color of the skin,i would refer white people to be the most intellects and wise but this isn’t how it work if you are not a fool among the fools.The far eastern are the most intelligent people,African and the rest of the world at last.

    Let’s visit the world’s ancient archives,you will discover most of the first world technologies were at first invented in Africa and then they came and stole those archives to help them shape their technologies.

    Governor is one of the most trusted leader during the struggle for our and freedom of our people.He redeemed us from the hands of our long time oppressors whom you are praising to be good.
    When did they become Good?they are thieves who looted our resources to build their cities rapidly knowing that their oppressed rule is coming to an end.They killed our prominence leaders who often times fought for our rights.
    Governor kuol is doing his fine job.Remember that the land belong to the citizens and the government.And the government is made up by the people[ citizens ].Please stop your naive comment in our site.

    No body will wrestle with the government in Bor town like that of juba in regard to the land being taken over by the gov’t but people may complaint about reduction of a plot prices since the inhabitants will not afford the cost of owning a piece of land.

    We the Southerners are intelligent people indeed.The world knows our being intelligent, for instance justice late Majier Gai was the winner of the United nations’s literature,Our late hero Dr.John was a warded with a gamma prize when he was in merit 15 among 200 students from 15 different countries.were they white or Did they had fair skins? while many other southern intellectuals are doing fine in shaping and building our country.

    You said,they fight the british for our freedom,false it was we the southerners and other native regions who did fought the british aggressively not them.Have you ever heard of somebody by name abdel Latiff?the names sound arabic but he was a dinka by name Deng who fought the british but they changed his dinka given names to an arabic names in order to cloud the history of our struggle when we droved away numerous foreign invaders who tried Sudan early on started with:Turkey,Belgium,French and the british from our land,not the arabs who fought them.

    I think you are not good in a Sudanese history and therefore don’t involve yourself in our affairs which you lack knowledge and logic to claim what you claimed.
    what if you plant your crops and somebody come and harvest them for himself,cook your food and somebody come robbed you with and build your house and somebody come and satfire on it.Do you think that is your friend if he did these things to you? abosulately not,he is athief,greedy and glutton and a self centered or egotist person.that’s how these stupid Arabs are in our Land.

    You also mentioned it rhetorically that” they bring money from the middle east”
    .If they got money from the middle east why then they stole our resources to fill their greedy stomach?

    you need to pray to God to open your eyes to see things clearly and to guide you to know the truth since you are a confused slave or pretender not us,you got that?

    We the people of Cush are strong,brave and intelligent.
    We are not nambypamby as you dragon minded hateful bandit.

    The brave republic of southern oyee!
    Victory for our people Oyee!
    long live our nation[ South sudan!

  • Dhalaluaak

    Jonglei assembly increases cost of land in Bor
    Please show your self esteem such that others can respect you as well.Why are you blasting your leader who does no wrong as a governor?The governor Kuol Is not a greedy leader and hindering agricultural developments.He is one of the most anti-corruption leader that’s why he was demoted overnight when he was about to be swear in the next morning as a minister of defense which he would have serve most.But his alleged position was terminated when those corrupted leaders acted against the conditions he sat forth to deal with corruptions.He mentioned five points which he would enforce to fight the corruption in the GOSS.That’s why he was changed with Nhial because the corrupted leaders were scared of his proposed given conditioned
    which could have results into the lost of a minister’s job,fine,imprisonment,long term sentencing and many more.

    Coming to Agriculture,he didn’t put any restrained conditions which may prevent people from farming,but insecurity which is caused by local people.If you go to Bor town it look clean.He shutdown domino from being played in the morning hours and open in the evening such that people can go to work.He also clearedwhat he called the ghost lists by screening pay list such that people cannot earn double payments.Isn’t it a fight for corruption?

    the insecurity in jonglei State is not caused by the government but by the locals who are still primitive enough to refrain from insurgency activities.There are plenty of lands in jonglei for farming but insecurity wouldn’t make happen.Stop blaming the governor.

    Peace for sake!!

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