Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Obama dispatches adviser to Sudan for talks on Abyei

June 1, 2011 (WASHINGTON) – The United States appeared to step up its effort to contain the crisis in Sudan in the wake of the military escalation in the country which led to the takeover of a contested area by the Northern army.

White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan (AFP)
White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan (AFP)
Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) sent tanks and troops into Abyei pushing out Southern units but in the process also caused the displacement of 60,000 people according to United Nations estimates.

The Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir unilaterally dissolved the Abyei administrative council without consulting with his First Vice President Salva Kiir who is also the head of the soon to secede South Sudan government.

Bashir declared that Abyei belongs to the North and rejected international calls for withdrawal. However, other government officials indicated that SAF could withdraw on the condition that new arrangements be reached with the South.

The White House said today that president Barack Obama’s assistant on Homeland Security and Counterterrorism John Brennan met in Khartoum with Sudanese officials to discuss implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed between the North and South more than six years ago.

“Mr. Brennan underscored President Obama’s deep concern over the continued presence of Sudanese Armed Forces in Abyei and urged a rapid and peaceful resolution to the crisis and to resolving outstanding CPA issues,” said the White House statement

“U.S. Special Envoy Lyman will remain in the region to work with the African Union, United Nations and the parties to urgently address this crisis. This trip reflects the President’s personal commitment to a peaceful resolution of the problems that have beset the region over the last several decades.”

The United States has warned last month that the SAF takeover of Abyei would impact Sudan’s imminent removal from the list of countries that sponsor terrorism.

“In his meetings with Sudanese officials, Mr. Brennan discussed the status of the ongoing review of Sudan’s inclusion on the State Sponsors of Terrorism list and the importance of counterterrorism cooperation against al-Qa’ida and affiliated groups,” said the statement.

Johnnie Carson, the U.S. assistant Secretary of State for African affairs, said Brennan went to Khartoum “primarily” to discuss efforts to delist Sudan as was promised last year in return for recognizing the results of the South Sudan referendum.

“The United States condemns the offensive operations being undertaken by the Sudanese Armed Forces in and around Abyei town and the presidential decree dissolving the Abyei administration. The actions being taken by the Government of Sudan are blatant violations of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement of January 2005, and they threaten to undermine the mutual commitment of the CPA parties to avoid returning to war,” Carson said.

“We call on President Bashir and First Vice President Salva Kiir to meet immediately and to agree on a way forward that restores calm, upholds the CPA, and recommits both sides to negotiated political settlements on the future of Abyei” he added.

The top US diplomat for Africa said that Sudan’s removal from terrorism designation is at risk because of the recent crisis in Abyei.

“The review and the basis for taking them off of the list are defined legislatively. And that will be the most important guidepost. They have to meet the legislative requirements for being taken off of SST, but there is no doubt that the events of the last several weeks do undermine people’s confidence in the commitment to follow through on the roadmap that was laid out some months ago,” Carson said.



  • liberator3

    Obama dispatches adviser to Sudan for talks on Abyei
    Dear readers: South Sudan in particular

    Do not hold your hope on that visit.

    Start to believing in yourself, because the world is o brutal to weak and the helpless but receptive to strength.

  • aguach arab
    aguach arab

    Obama dispatches adviser to Sudan for talks on Abyei
    this so calld international community is never ashame of assuming every time to resolve crisis and later fail.why not shut up and leave us or else intervene millitarily like the case of Libya.


  • Land-of-Cush

    Obama dispatches adviser to Sudan for talks on Abyei
    Too much talk from world leaders… but nothing to be determine.

    SPLM/A are lacking capacity to make their own decisions but they always intent advocating from United Nations.

  • Maperdit

    Obama dispatches adviser to Sudan for talks on Abyei
    The so called land of cush, your baseless contribution will overide your damped expectation.i dvice, if you don,t have some thing to post then you better read and remain quite untill you think some things good to post.
    SPLM/SPLA are far better then khartoum Gov,t you think to be will soon keep your big mouths shut when SPLM/A celebrate an independant day.

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    Obama dispatches adviser to Sudan for talks on Abyei
    I am glad when I read your message on this forum. The day you climbed up The United State Presidency was the first day for me to have celebrated a big event I ever had with my whole family and friends and it was not because you’re black like me, not because you’re originated from my homeland BUT because you’re a son of slave born in slavery and it was the day masters free their slaves from slavery. Most importantly it came to my understanding that you will be the one to solve our problems with Arabs. We were living under slavery for so long and who will free us I think is the son of man like you [Mr Obama] will solve it to relief us from slavery. I appreciate your tireless effort toward Abyei crisis. Your work is welcome Sir.

    God bless you and Abyei people.

  • Obol Sam Gabriel
    Obol Sam Gabriel

    Obama dispatches adviser to Sudan for talks on Abyei
    Congretulation Mr. sir the Us President go ahead with your mission.we are tired of this Evil NCP Party for their usually atrocities on our black Africa .What happened in Abyei was un believable at this time i don’t think innocent civilians will suffer like the way it’s happened please hurry up to rescue our people from this atrocities crime’s against humanity in Abyei
    US oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    South Sudan oyeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    People of Abiyei oyeeeeeeeeeeee

  • monykuc, Southerner
    monykuc, Southerner

    Obama dispatches adviser to Sudan for talks on Abyei
    We all know America has an interest in bringing permanent peace in Sudan.Obama Administration believes that the prevalent of peace in Sudan as well as in the world at large will enhance development in term of infrastructure all over the world. there is nothing special with South Sudan to be supported by America. Let’s admit that America are supporting democracy for the freedom of every human being not only in South Sudan but across the globe.It is very hard to believe what American are after but it is mere peace and human right.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Obama dispatches adviser to Sudan for talks on Abyei
    Abyei son,

    Obama was not a son of a slave. His father was a black African form a Kenyan Muslim family. That he is black does not mean he is slave.Being black does not mean you are slave.

    Be proud about yourself , you are a black man!

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