Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Lakes state holds emergency security meeting

By Manyang Mayom

June 3, 2011 (RUMBEK) – Lakes state MPs and executive held an emergency meeting in Rumbek on Thursday with the deputy speaker of South Sudan‘s parliament Daniel Awet Akot to address security fears in ahead of South Sudan’s independence in July. Cattle raiding, banditry and revenge killings have blighted Lakes state in recent months.

The meeting called upon all Lakes state inhabitants to remain calm and to be fully prepared for the celebration of the independent of the Republic of South Sudan on July 9. It called for the immediate cessation of cattle raids and inter-clan conflicts and the arrest of the violent gangs who operate on the roads of Rumbek Central and Cueibet counties.

The meeting discussed the impact of insecurity on the Lakes state government, collaboration with opposition parties and increasing support for the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) – South Sudan’s ruling party – at the grassroots level.

Awet called upon Lakes state’s citizens to stop disputes among themselves and appealed for peace as independence from the North approaches in July.

The new country – to be called the Republic of South Sudan – will be created after an overwhelming vote for independence in a referendum held in January as part of a 2005 peace deal. Under the agreement the former rebels the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) became the official military of South Sudan and its political wing – the SPLM – the ruling party.

After the deal was signed, the SPLM/A moved from Rumbek to Juba, which will be the capital of the new nation in five weeks time.

Speaking during the meeting, Awet said:

“Lakes state [was] the center of Southern Sudan during the struggle. It became the base of UN [and] NGOs. It became base of the SPLA/M. It became base of struggle. The world was with us in 2000 to 2003 here in Lakes state.”

During the north-south civil war the SPLA and SPLM were based in Rumbek as were humanitarian agencies working in non-government controlled areas of South Sudan.

However Awet noted that since 2005 Rumbek has fallen behind over states in South Sudan because of insecurity hindering development.

“Our neighbors although they have problem among themselves, they are better then us”, he said.

The South Sudan deputy speaker added that “togetherness” after independence, despite the 99 percent vote in favour of secession, would not be achieved without including opposition parties.

Awet said that the state belonged to its citizens but more efforts were needed to address the grievances of young people and prevent young men from entering a cycle of tribal violence.

Lakes state member of parliament Marial Amum, challenged Awet saying that the SPLM in Lakes state had lost control since Awet based himself in Juba.

Awet moved to Juba after he failed to win the nomination to contest the Lakes state Hogubernatorial on the SPLM ticket. Despite moving to the South Sudan capital Awet to become deputy speaker of the Juba parliament he has retained the chairmanship of the SPLM in Lakes state as well membership of SPLM Political Bureau.

Amum said that the SPLM deputy chairman of state has resigned and the SPLM state secretary was ill and died recently. It was this power vacuum, he claimed, had watered down power of the SPLM and the resulted in the recent killing, as there were no people to talk to young people.

Chol Tong Mayay, the governor of Lakes state acknowledged that “there is a great need to heal all wounds” of the April 2010 general elections.

He added that opponents from other political parties “are not happy with us – they are disappointed seriously upon us and we have a chance to forgiveness with them.”



  • dinkador1

    Lakes state holds emergency security meeting

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    Lakes state holds emergency security meeting
    “Emergency meeting in Rumbek” This is all SPLM. Government of killing. Consult oppositions to assist you in such meetings. They may have a better idea and a solution to your bad characters. I do not see why Awet is better now. Killing has not stop. Manyang release the data of killed persons from time of John Lat, Awet and Chol. Those killed in Lakes are more than what Lakes State had lost during the 21 years of war.

  • Deng Amos Achol Madol
    Deng Amos Achol Madol

    Lakes state holds emergency security meeting
    Sincerely the senior government officials need to concentrate on the most important issues and also to put pressure on the police and other government armed forces to make sure that all citizens are granted the right to protection both to property and their lives in all corners of the states.More especially this issue of attacking people or vechicles on roads is extremely important to be iron out before independence day because many people are losing lives on the roads when they do not know who actually are killing them. we need a stop to this madness.

  • junub

    Lakes state holds emergency security meeting
    Seriously, what does the insecurity had to do with the opposition parties and the 2010 election.

    Shouldn’t whoever really acknowledge the truths that his adminstration had indeed failed to provide the fall promises he made during the election that to merely uses the election and the opposition parties as excuse.

    I don’t think the concerned compatriots will buy any of your remarks since it all about spearing at the shadow then at the real problem.

    Honestly, you sound like looking for scapegoats in order to divert people’s attentions at you when you failed to give them what you vowed before.

  • Muor-cinkok Tungawan
    Muor-cinkok Tungawan

    Lakes state holds emergency security meeting
    Dear readers,what does future tell former governor of lake state? it is shame for person clear to celebrated dealth and loss of lives instead of mourning.south sudan is lacking an ability to investigated and discover an individual who are behind dealth and loss of everydays lives in some states of southern sudan like lake states.
    the situation in lake states has become monotonos and no point a meeting should call to waste local national resources those suppose to be given to people in needy in lake states.
    Mps of lake states should not listen to the mastermine of lake states who should suppose to brought to book of his past records of human rights abuses.former governor has no right to intervene in these crisis. it is better for him take to druma out and dancing to enjoy arena. people with low reason capacities would fail to realise this initative idea.
    former governor is enjoying comfortably event of lake states at juba and no need for him to waste time. Awet had been fighting for shrinking and downfall of lake states of which he cann’t rescue this shy situation. since he is founder of these problems and is buffer of lake states,should first stopped division of point certain ethic community. he must brought wrong doings who involve in crimes like John Lat and Kongar Deng who had killed 52 people in ambush during their administration.should report and face trial for Akot civilian turtured those loyal commander Bol Akot whom hire to kills members of Agaar community, without follow these processes ,no one can listen to him anymore because is number one enemy. currently ,Awet is powerless in lakes states administration to help in these ongoing issues. Mr Awet best initiative who design these problem and left for people lake states because Awet has been representing lake states over 23 years and he had changes either eradictaed outstanding issues facing lake states.former governor is enjoying comfortably those event in lake states in juba and he can’t worried of again the break of backbone and shrinking of states. as a founder, how would he resolve and educated people of lake states while he was one teaching them behavours of disowning?
    Through coments made by some commentators and Together with my view,former governor was fighting and impose and perception of everyone reorting in been buffer in lake states.
    graduately ,i usually make comments unlike to other commentators who commencing on website without prove.Awet call upon government of lake states government to recognised opposition parties is last resort and strategy to destroy government lead by his opponent , or otherwise he may loss support from splm and is searching to get new in parties.why is it so important now for Awet to argued lake states recognised opposition parties?
    is it cover up?

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