Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

UNSC says Sudan must withdraw from Abyei, warns on Misseriya ‘influx’

June 3, 2011 (WASHINGTON) – The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) issued a strongly worded statement condemning the takeover of Abyei by the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) last month.

Nelson Messone, President of the Security Council for the month of June 2011 and Permanent Representative of Gabon to the United Nations (UN Photo)
Nelson Messone, President of the Security Council for the month of June 2011 and Permanent Representative of Gabon to the United Nations (UN Photo)
Abyei is an oil rich region that lies on the North-South borders of Sudan but has remained a source of dispute between the National Congress Party (NCP) sand the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM).

The area was supposed to have a referendum held last January for its residents to decide whether they want to be part of the North or South. The latter will become an independent state nest July.

The NCP and SPLM have failed to agree on who is eligible to vote in the Abyei referendum and various mediation efforts by regional and international players were unsuccessful in breaking the impasse.

Following an ambush by Southern forces against an SAF convoy that was escorted by UN peacekeepers, the Northern army moved on May 21st to take full control of Abyei. The Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir immediately issued a decree dissolving the area’s administrative council without consulting with his First Vice president Salva Kiir who is also the president of South Sudan government.

The United Nations estimates that around 60,000 have been displaced as a result of the military offensive. Images released showed burning huts and ongoing looting.

A monitoring group known as Satellite Sentinel said satellite images showed “evidence of attacks by armored vehicles and the destruction of villages”. It estimated that one-third of civilian buildings in the town were burned by SAF.

Today the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) expressed its grave concern on the ” ongoing violence and rapidly deteriorating situation in Abyei”.

“The Security Council strongly condemns the Government of Sudan’s taking and continued maintenance of military control over the Abyei Area and the resulting displacement of tens of thousands of residents of Abyei. The Council calls on the Sudanese Armed Forces to ensure an immediate halt to all looting, burning, and illegal resettlement” said a unanimous formal council statement read out to a meeting of the 15-nation body by Gabon Ambassador Nelson Messone, this month’s president.

“The Council stresses that all those responsible for violations of international law, including humanitarian and human rights law, as well as those who ordered those acts, will be held accountable”.

“The Security Council condemns the fact that two of the three main supply routes from the North to the South have been blocked, and that the Banton Bridge in Southern Abyei was destroyed by the Sudanese Armed Forces, which impedes needed trade and makes the return of civilians to Abyei more difficult. The Council calls for immediate measures to restore full access through all routes”.

The seizure of Abyei by SAF was called a “serious violation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement” signed in 2005 between the North and South.

“The Council underscores that failure by the Government of Sudan to comply with and to fulfill the CPA jeopardizes the benefits that could flow from such compliance”.

The statement also expressed concern over the sudden influx of Arab The council condemns all unilateral actions meant to create facts on the ground that would prejudice the outcome of negotiations,” it said.

“The council condemns all unilateral actions meant to create facts on the ground that would prejudice the outcome of negotiations,” it said.

Diplomats said that the original U.S. draft had used the phrase “ethnic cleansing,” but other council members argued that it might be overstating the case. The phrase was dropped from the final statement adopted by the council.

Bashir declared that Abyei belongs to the North and rejected international calls for withdrawal. However, other government officials indicated that SAF could withdraw on the condition that new arrangements be reached with the South.

U.S. president Barack Obama dispatched his counterterrorism adviser John Brennan to Sudan this week for talks on Abyei.

In a warning of follow-up unusual in such statements, the council said it would meet in the coming days to review how its demands had been implemented.



  • Chier Akueny
    Chier Akueny

    UNSC says Sudan must withdraw from Abyei, warns on Misseriya ‘influx’
    Dear UNSC, Please get rid of Bashir so that North Sudan and South Sudan may remain in Peace because Bashir is already a criminal and he wants to mess other up in to unnecessary war between North and South Sudan which will result to lose of lives of civilians and other innocent people.

    Also remember that Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok and there is not way Mr. Bashir claims the land without the people originated there, however it would be upto the UNSC to look into the crimes Bashir are doing gainst the civilians of South Sudan.

    Bashir must think twice this time.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    UNSC says Sudan must withdraw from Abyei, warns on Misseriya ‘influx’
    Omar Al Bashir, his criminal armies as well as their allies Miseriah normads know that Un as well as UNSC are like old toothless lions and that whatever wording they give is nothing of a threat to them but a mere wording they heard many times in the past with no real threat to them and that is why, time and again, they have been committing crimes in Darfur and South Sudan interchangeably.

    These thugs will only stop their terrorism acts only when UN and UNSC show that they are truly serious with them whether that means doing what they agree for the action similar to the one of Libya to protect innocent people in Darfur and Abyei or give South Sudan and Darfur rebels mandate to protecte their by any means at their disposal. It is than and only than will these North Sudan looter armies and their allies Miseriah militias as well Janjaweed stop killing the Natives of Sudan.
    They have killed many civilians time again both in South Sudan and Darfur and nothing happened to them, they are used to UN, UNSC and as well as international vacuum threats that held no waters and see that it is no threat to them and they would otherwise continue on their usual civilian messacare.

  • eye-of-an-eye

    UNSC says Sudan must withdraw from Abyei, warns on Misseriya ‘influx’
    Dear International comunity, UNSC, its too sad when frequent killing of innocent civilian is continues in Sudan and you watch, the late you take an action is the more civilian are dying and suffering, why don’t you sympathized on innocent civilian, SPLM are not coward to response the agression from NCP but only keep the law and respect the CPA that has been sign by the two parties in 2005.

    What Pres. Bashir planed is to evaquate the Dinka Ngok community in Abyei and resettle the Misseriya tribe.

    Note: if the international cummunity is not capable to handle Abyei situation we the South Sudanese are ready to take by our own means, is better to be get notified early before loosing other bad number of lives. I hope to hear the better informtion only that SAF must withdraw from Abyei not more than a week, if the Saf are remain in Abyei until the 9th/7/2011 then you will witness the flames the consequnces of aggression from NCP. the current situation will force us to do so. non of us fears to die, die today is like you will die another day, we are ready to sucrifice our selves for our homeland and for other other generation to come.

    You must to be seriouse and urgent to secure this situation otherwise it will lead to where I don’t know!


    eye of an eye for Sudan

  • Nhomlawda

    UNSC says Sudan must withdraw from Abyei, warns on Misseriya ‘influx’
    Throughout the liberation struggle, there had never been a single battle in which SPLA had ever run away from SAF to the level that they could not even protect the vital bridge which is the only way for accessing Abyei from South Sudan.
    SPLA needs some serious discipline and morale boasting if this defeat was caused by lack of discipline and morale. It will take several months to restore that bridge while the Misieraya tribe continues to move into Abyei to occupy Dinka Ngok land.
    The Dinka Ngok of Abyei sons are also stupid, they should have organized their own Abyei based well-armed militia brigade like the Misieraya to fight for their community survival with the backup from SPLA if needs be. This could have given SPLA some protection on the blame game of who did what first on Abyei crisis.
    Dinka Ngok of Abyei intellectuals had been sending mix signals to both North and South Sudan on Abyei throughout the liberation struggle. They will be homeless or under oppression for ever if they don’t unite and speak in one voice.
    The current GOSS leadership had too many problems than its capabilities can handle and Abyei people may not be surprised if they are sacrificed to release GOSS from those mounting pressures.
    Unless Abyei people unit under one leadership and stop using their precarious position as eating tool from Khartoum, they will likely remain with the North and they will regret it. John Garang had tried his part and Abyei PhD holders such as Francis Mading Deng and other influential Abyei community sons should now come in for their people or live in shame.

  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    UNSC says Sudan must withdraw from Abyei, warns on Misseriya ‘influx’
    Dearest Southerners,

    Why the whole world community don’t act quickly on Southern Sudanese matters? 2 million and something of Southern Sudanese people died during 21 yrs of war and the world superpower call UNSC didn’t mention anything like Goncide while when the same war happened in western Sudan (Darfur), which has lost 30,000 people only, then the UNSC rush into commending and consider it to be Goncide, is it fair? Now, people of Abyei are laying down died, everything burnt down and still no serious actions taking place against Bashir regime. Is there any different between Abyei’s people and Libya people? In Libya, there are only hundred died compare to thousands died in Byei and yet UNSC attention is much higher in Libiya rather than Southern Sudan, why the world community assistant so slow for Southerners?

    Southern Sudan people surffered a lot for a long time in the hand of Northern Sudan regime and World community hesitate to realising the deteriorating situation of Southern Sudanese. Should one day one time Southern Sudanese get their rights as human being from human rights and UNSC? shouldn’t they?

    If World community don’t help Southern Sudan people liberately because of their weakness political arena, then can Southern Sudan people start right from Government upto ordinary people revise their reputation and join world community reputation so that their lives can be compared with others who have the same problems like them? I appeal for any Southerners to do that really; because I feel pity for the surffering of Southern Sudanese and I feel like crying when I hear a word about Southern sudan situation only from UNSC without action.


    Lok T. Simon.

  • saban John
    saban John

    UNSC says Sudan must withdraw from Abyei, warns on Misseriya ‘influx’
    Dear REaders,

    We as people of south sudan condemned the decision taken by UNSC to condemned the democratic government of Hero Bashir; American are trying to tarnish the image of National Congress Party to look bad but they will never succeed because arabs are good people. As they say if you are truth in your heart, it will set you free at any time.

    I am south sudanese but I know very well that arabs are the best kindhearted people on this earth, without them south sudanese would not survive. I hope those involved in making those decisions would revoke their decision and analsyse the history once again in order to correct it.

  • Atak Akok
    Atak Akok

    Omar Al-Basir is trying to escape the internal conflicts in North Sudan
    The ethnic cleansing,” in Abyie region is a reality and the UN council should not underestimate what Bashir is doing in Abyie, Mr President trying to escape from the frustration of Northern Political parties, such as Dr Hassan Al-Trabi, Mr Alsadiq and so, because War mean a lot to NCP in North, especially War against South Sudan it mean anything for NCP , because without fighting South, they will not last even for a day in power.
    We have seen this action by Bashir last November 2010 when all Southern Sudanese were about to vote for referendum which we already achieved in 9 January this year, Mr Bashir tried to deteriorate the condition before the referendum by attacking innocent civilian of South Sudan along North-South boarder, however he was trying to generate the War and so that the Southern Sudanese may lose the chance of voting in referendum of January 2011 .but we survived and our GOSS and the Hon-Mr Kiir Mayardit made a very wisely decision to stop all SPLA forces to retaliate , we waited with all our hearts and the result of referendum was beyond NCP expectation, Omar Bashir didn’t believe that South Sudanese will ever vote in high number for the succession of South from North ! however we did it, now the second part of becoming the independent Nation in 9 July ,it is obvious a huge problem to the NCP because it mean the end of National Congress Party in Sudan at large, they are now in power because of being in fight with South but is the South gone , then that end of business and certainly NCP or Omar AL Bashir would not tolerate that moment when the South Sudan become a new Nation, when he lose the power , when Mr Luis Ocambo get him, when, when, when, when etc. that why he now trying to play the War game from the very first square , but in order for myself to put my personal opinion, Mr Omar don’t realise We the Southern Sudanese had defeated many of the strongest and the largest of the North Sudan during the beginning of SPLA back 1983 til the CPA in 2005 , we started the fight from scratch with white traditional weapons , and Mr President should know by now that the South Sudanese Forces are not the same as in the 1980s or back 1970s , he should know by now that when we ring the bell and announce the name our new Nation , our Southern Sudanese Air forces will hit Khartoum not Abyie.
    I will encourage all our brothers in Abyie region, that we got to be patient, we will wait and from now the days are counting-down, from now we have 36 days to declare our youngest Nation in the world’ the Republic of South Sudan’ and when we do the Arab-Msseria will get out from abyie before we kick NCP out and that’s a promise.
    Because we will never bow down for Mr Bashir’s intimidation, but we will wait and wait and wait no matter how many civilian he will or may kill during the 36 days , I believe the payback will come one day when Mr Bashir and members of his NCP or whoever with him will be answerable before the ICC.
    I would like to thank our GOSS and our president Mr Kiir Mayardit for being patient, keep it up Mr President.

    South Sudanese

  • Chuangah

    UNSC says Sudan must withdraw from Abyei, warns on Misseriya ‘influx’
    The phrase ”ETHNIC CLEANSING” you removed was correct, you need not to hide anything UN, you are there on facts findings Arab are clearing black south sudanese with the ambitions of bringing their Arab Messeriya.

  • rock

    UNSC says Sudan must withdraw from Abyei, warns on Misseriya ‘influx’
    Saban John;
    stop your nonsense in this site, let me tell you is a matter of time. if may ask you when did you be come Southern?
    what you started will jeopardize the future of this poor nomad people seriously. this time will be different between us guys, don`t just laugh and pretend to be Southern.
    ROCK !!!!!!!

  • unityfirst1 unityfirst1
    unityfirst1 unityfirst1

    UNSC says Sudan must withdraw from Abyei, warns on Misseriya ‘influx’
    Saban John!

    are you really a true Southerner,then you shouldn’t be praising those thugs in Khartoum.NCP party has failed over twenty some years,the killing of the innocent civilians in Southern Sudan followed to the Genocide in western Sudan-Darfur Region.Abyei issue is another problem in Sudan,and the Hague high judicial court have not take a look over that.why President Bashir is still loose walking around freely and the justice hasn’t been done,why?

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    UNSC says Sudan must withdraw from Abyei, warns on Misseriya ‘influx’

    As mature people, we should use the strength of mankind to reason things out for better and civilized way, if you happen to have lack of such gift naturally you better avoid commenting. Mr Francis Mading Deng is a PhD holder exactly as you said but you don’t know what he is upto as per now, addition to that southern Sudan liberation was fought by all southerners including blue Nile and now you said Abyei sons should fight Jallaba. What are you talkin’ about really? You called yourself “Nhomlawda” unknowingly if you really meaning “our freedom”then you’re wrong my dear and apart from that Abyei people and sons are not generally stupid according to your narration but they know, they know including other southern, they know what they are doing. Without Abyei you won’t get freedom perfectively.

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    UNSC says Sudan must withdraw from Abyei, warns on Misseriya ‘influx’

    As mature people, we should use the strength of mankind to reason things out for better and civilized way, if you happen to have lack of such gift naturally you better avoid commenting. Mr Francis Mading Deng is a PhD holder exactly as you said but you don’t know what he is upto as per now, addition to that southern Sudan liberation was fought by all southerners including blue Nile and now you said Abyei sons should fight Jallaba. What are you talkin’ about really? You called yourself “Nhomlawda” unknowingly if you really meaning “our freedom”then you’re wrong my dear and apart from that Abyei people and sons are not generally stupid according to your narration but they know, they know including other southern, they know what they are doing. Without Abyei you won’t get freedom perfectively.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    UNSC says Sudan must withdraw from Abyei, warns on Misseriya ‘influx’
    You are the stupidest northern Sudanese that I have ever came across. Why are you always fooling yourself by saying I am southern or we are southerners when everyone including yourself know you one of stupid northerner. Get lost please or use your satanic real na
    name such as Omar or Osama or Mohammed. There Northerners using their real names and their northern identities and yet, nobody is preventing them from commenting their views but you chose not to follow the rule but instead fool yourself all the time.

  • LongTweng

    UNSC says Sudan must withdraw from Abyei, warns on Misseriya ‘influx’

  • Nhomlawda

    UNSC says Sudan must withdraw from Abyei, warns on Misseriya ‘influx’
    Abyei Soil
    My name is Nhomlawda and that is why I blamed SPLA/M/GOSS for weak respond in Abyei case. We cannot depend on international community for a solution. International community comes in when there is a serious crisis involving parties squaring it out on the ground but it does not come in strongly when the other party had relinquished its claims on the land. This example can be found in Egyptian and Isreali war of 1967 and 1973 if you follow international politics. No permanent peace without serious battle involved.
    Abyei people for the sake of their survival should form their own militia like Misieraya – a conventional army like SPLA will never defend Abyei on small and localized confrontation.
    Abyei sons and daughters are sending out mix massages too, there is now a group supporting NCP move including intellectuals from the area. We hear of powerful NCP Abyei Lobby group made up of Abyei Ngok Dinka sons and daughters.
    So brother, I am fully aware of what am saying. Please organize yourself and be fully committed to the course of Abyei if you are one of the sons of the area.
    Speaking in different voices will make you and Abyei falls into the hands of the enemy forever.

  • padiit gaga
    padiit gaga

    UNSC says Sudan must withdraw from Abyei, warns on Misseriya ‘influx’
    Saban John

    You are realy black Arab your both Omer will be hang now his rop is on his neck, but not yed tie.you are free to go back where you used clean Omer is bath room and tange his Anus when it is time for his praying. Do not say Bashir is hero he is criminal.

  • Amin

    UNSC says Sudan must withdraw from Abyei, warns on Misseriya ‘influx’
    Dear Fellows Southerners,

    Our problem with Arabs is not a simple game as we speak on this site. It is a huge problem that each every nation on this earth is thinking.

    In the current development, Abyei is going to be a separate entity which is to be run by a third party nation until it is safe for the of Dinka Ngok’s People. Under R2P of international law provision, U.S is going to takeover Abyei Administration as it is authorized by UN after 30 days without any derailing conditions from party in the S. and N. Sudan. Thank to former Lost Boys for this ending game campaign.

    Another Good News is that East African Community has award three Mega Dames contracts to Israel for Dual Track Approach purpose as Arabs aggression is touching heart everywhere. Therefore, Arabs lives depend on Israel faith in time to come.

    I’m the living Amina!

  • Emmanuel Ajang Solomon
    Emmanuel Ajang Solomon

    UNSC says Sudan must withdraw from Abyei, warns on Misseriya ‘influx’
    Readers, like I said many times what NCP was doing was to make sure that SPLA start the war and the rest will be storys.The person whoshot the first bullet on the convoy was an agen of Khartoum and he is currently on the side.

    Let’s first wait for July 9 and the rest will be determin by time and who is really doing what and what is the real situation+ who is the owner or origin, but Militias and Misseriya will all regert what they have been doing to people of Abyei, and the whole South Sudan since 1867.

    Ping Deng,Deng Aloor,Dr. Luka Biong talk to your people about wearing Jalabya, most of Us southerners were diappointed when people when to the streets to condemn the occupation of the NCP Forces to Abyei,most of peole from Abyei were on Jalabyat which is like we are doing what we don’t know by calling them our brothers and it only seems they are only black but not southerners.

    The decision of transferring Abyei in 1905 was,a denyal from your father to his brothers as far as saying, which Junb do U want me to come back to when U don’t have schools no food always fighting your self, no Roads and so on, to Abel Alier in 1972/76 tell them about that and let them wait until July 9 the rest will be help to bring U here and no big Jobs to you again like we did in the Bush as most of your rights are in Khartoum and we shall have to see U for 100 Years on probation.
    Never forget the history and we shall be together again soon.

  • Emmanuel Ajang Solomon
    Emmanuel Ajang Solomon

    UNSC says Sudan must withdraw from Abyei, warns on Misseriya ‘influx’
    Readers, like I said many times what NCP was doing was to make sure that SPLA start the war and the rest will be storys.The person whoshot the first bullet on the convoy was an agen of Khartoum and he is currently on the side.

    Let’s first wait for July 9 and the rest will be determin by time and who is really doing what and what is the real situation+ who is the owner or origin, but Militias and Misseriya will all regert what they have been doing to people of Abyei, and the whole South Sudan since 1867.

    Ping Deng,Deng Aloor,Dr. Luka Biong talk to your people about wearing Jalabya, most of Us southerners were diappointed when people when to the streets to condemn the occupation of the NCP Forces to Abyei,most of peole from Abyei were on Jalabyat which is like we are doing what we don’t know by calling them our brothers and it only seems they are only black but not southerners.

    The decision of transferring Abyei in 1905 was,a denyal from your father to his brothers as far as saying, which Junb do U want me to come back to when U don’t have schools no food always fighting your self, no Roads and so on, to Abel Alier in 1972/76 tell them about that and let them wait until July 9 the rest will be help to bring U here and no big Jobs to you again like we did in the Bush as most of your rights are in Khartoum and we shall have to see U for 100 Years on probation.
    Never forget the history and we shall be together again soon.

  • Adam

    UNSC says Sudan must withdraw from Abyei, warns on Misseriya ‘influx’
    It would have been better for the UNSC to issue a resolution putting Abyei under UN mandate. Both NCP and SPLM are unable and will never be able to solve this issue peacefully. It is not for the best of North or South to escalate the matter in the international arena. UN mandate to control the area for some time until it is safe for the real residence to return and a referendum is organized under international close observation.

    It is better for the North and for the South to solve this problem using the heritage of co-existence between tribes in the area. Siding one party will result in unrest and disasters only.

    The AU has done a lot of work in this regard, it should be taken up and strengthened. Abyei issue can only be solved by CPA Abyei Protocol. NCP and SPLM should have the minimum contribution in implementing the Protocol.

    Adam Milawaki, Nairobi

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