Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Lakes state releases provisional security order

By Manyang Mayom

June 5, 2011 (RUMBEK) – The government of Lakes state has issued a provisional order prohibiting the carrying of firearms by civilians in the town, as part of new security measures, to stabilise the security situation, issued on the 4 July.

Lakes state governor, Chol Mayay (ST)
Lakes state governor, Chol Mayay (ST)
Security forces and organs are to continue carrying out day and night patrols inside and outside the towns.

State prison administration will put in place strict security measures to prevent convicts and suspects from escaping from prison and any negligence, either from a group or individual “must be disciplined” reads the provisional order.

“Any civilian found in possession of a fire arm in side or around Rumbek town in the radius of 7km as well as in the rest of the county H/Qs in the state must be disarmed and apprehended. Any resistance must be dealt with accordingly” it continues.

It singles out “the killing of vulnerable groups including elderly, women and children” is a particular concern as it is a “new phenomenon in our society”, the culprits of which will be shown the full extent of the war.

It described that all armed personnel, including visiting members of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army must “report himself/themselves and hand over their weapons to the relevant units so that they are kept in the armoury till the end of their stay in the state.”

Governor of Lakes state, Chol Tong Mayay also appointed three border advisers. Decree No. 10/2011 appointed Madit Geu Achol as advisor for Jonglei state, Samuel Mayek Bol as advisor for Warrap state and Manyang Luk Lueth as advisor for Western Equatoria state.



  • Buffalo One
    Buffalo One

    Lakes state releases provisional security order
    Dear Mr. Governor,

    The issue of the insecurity is not in Rumbek Town nor even at the radius of 7KM around headquarters of Rumbek as you said. The situation reach beyond the borders of the state Counties as well as the neighboring States.

    Please upgrade your thinking ability and think Internationally not locally. Or your provisional order has been misinterpreted by the reporter himself. You two should learn how to handle national issues instead of doing things emotionally. Consult and you will be help rationally instead of rushing and posted a challenging and misinterpretation order.

    First of all, the provisional order should have to arrest the bandits along the road to Cuei-bet who ambush and attacked buses then brought them to book. Again, it need to be applied to culprits who recently attacked people Yirol West County both in cattle camp and in the nearby villages which resulted in to the killing of inocent people particularly women and children as well as elderly people. These thugs known to be Youth from Rumbek East County who attacked Pandit area killing the spiritual leader in the area.

    Appointing three advisers is somewhat good but i don’t think these men will represent what is intended for them to do in those states they are sent to.

  • dinkador1

    Lakes state releases provisional security order
    Mr govern,
    Thanks for reduce crime in rumbek,you have done a good job this time,we are feed up of daily killing in rumbek and Bor.
    Dinka rumbek always like to attack their neighbors for no reason,and the name dinka spoiled for nothing,since we are one southerns for one coutry and unity is the only means.

  • Malou Manyiel
    Malou Manyiel

    Lakes state releases provisional security order
    I would be still doubting despite provisional security order reached by the State’s authority.
    Implementation is another challeng here, people like putting things in the paper and die off immediately without action.

    Malou Manyiel

  • Emmanuel Ajang Solomon
    Emmanuel Ajang Solomon

    Lakes state releases provisional security order
    That is great Rumbek people.
    U have start a very good way of dealing with security, but implement it to the last with out saying these are in- laws of the Governor, minister,or for Awetdit please!

  • John Gum
    John Gum

    Lakes state releases provisional security order
    Dear Colleagues
    I requeest u to leave praising people who have done nothing since this government came up to power,we have experienced bloodshed flowing around Lake State thought the halted promises made during the comphaiz election in 2010 will be implemented.this is how our government in lake state plan to consum state resources for nothing.
    why people are talking of provisional order at this time while they were existed in state law and order and even laws for south sudan.
    Pls,just sing big for your corruption.


  • Thonkiir

    Lakes state releases provisional security order
    Well done Mr.Governor for providing strong measurement safeguard ahead of 9/07/11. Another good move, appointment of three advisors to neighbouring states, is a way forwards to reduce conflict on the borders

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