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Sudan Tribune

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Traditional authority building opened in Lakes state, S.Sudan

By Manyang Mayom

June 8, 2011 (RUMBEK) – The government of Lakes state in collaboration with a US aid organisation officially opened the Council of Traditional Authority Leaders (COTAL) in the state capital, Rumbek, on Wednesday

US ambassador, GoSS representative and Lakes state Governor, right to left, open traditional authority building in Rumbek, Lakes state, South Sudan (ST)
US ambassador, GoSS representative and Lakes state Governor, right to left, open traditional authority building in Rumbek, Lakes state, South Sudan (ST)
The opening ceremony was attended by government officials from the state, both executive and lawmakers, as well representatives from Government of South Sudan (GoSS) including the Ministry of Peace and Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) Implementation, the Director of Conflict Mitigation and the US Ambassador and various directors from the states and various NGOs.

The CPA ended more than two decades of civil war between north and South Sudan. A stipulation of the signing was the opportunity for the South Sudanese to vote in a plebiscite. They voted in favor of secession in January, which will be implemented in the formation of the Republic of South Sudan on 9 July.

Speaking during the opening, the deputy mission director for USAID Sudan, Susan Fine said, “I would like to add my acknowledgment and recognition of the strong partnership between USAID and the people of Lakes state. USAID and the US consulate are very pleased to be working with such good and capable partners in support of building the capacity of local government to monitor and mitigate conflict”.

She explained the role of USAID in Sudan as follows: “USAID’s conflict reduction program has two main focuses. First, USAID is working to strengthen the capacity of local authorities by giving them more resources to manage conflict, such as furnished county headquarters and communications equipment. Second, USAID supports programs that productively engage youth, who can turn to cattle raiding because they lack formal education or access to alternative livelihood. Our program seeks to support the government of South Sudan in its efforts to quickly implement practical projects with tangible dividend.”

Fine said that, within this broad strategy, Lakes state occupies a special place. Lakes state is the geographic heart of South Sudan, it held a central role in the South’s struggle during the war, and its stability is extremely important for the development of all of South Sudan. As a result, USAID’s conflict reduction program has been working and will continue to work in closed partnership with the state government to support activities in Lakes state.

“In additional to the new COTAL building, this dry season USAID has also supported the construction of a new county headquarters in Rumbek North. Local youth from Maper and Mayendit were brought together for block-making training. USAID has also delivered communications equipment, including satellite phones, Vsats for internet access, and high frequency radios to many counties in Lakes “said Fine.

Susan reaffirmed that “the US government has been a strong friend of the government and people of South Sudan – during the war, through the peace process, and after the CPA. We will remain with you as South Sudan continues its historical move towards independence and beyond, working with you on this project and much more.”

According to US Ambassador R. Barrie Walkley, “after decades of struggle and sacrifice, South Sudan will gain its independence on July 9. South Sudan will soon stand tall as an equal among the community of sovereign nations. This is a time to appreciate your hard work and to celebrate your success in making history. On behalf of the government of the United States, I am here today to offer my deepest congratulations to all of you. The US Government has been a close friend of South Sudan in the past and will continue to be a strong partner to the people of the independent South Sudan as you build a new nation that is peaceful prosperous for generations to come.”

In partnership with local government, USAID has assisted state authorities to construct or complete COTALs in Kuajok, Bentiu, and now the impressive building in Rumbek. USAID has also supported the construction of centers for traditional authorities in Akobo, Pibor, Makuatch, as well as constructing a building for a peace committees in Warawa, Northern Bahr el Ghazal state that will enable chiefs on both sides of the north/south border to resolve local disputes more effectively.

Walkley promised that American people will stand beside people of South Sudan to support them in any kind of developmental activities.

Governor Chol Tong Mayay said that the Lakes state government will be able to work the traditional leaders by using the building to house a council of traditional chiefs. Tong said that some chiefs hold court under trees in their areas, which has proved difficult for local government to regulate.

With regards to inter-clan clashes, Tong said “Dog are better than us nowadays – we are killing our mothers – all marriage relationships between clans get spoiled […] even dogs have mercy among themselves and I don’t understand why are we killing children and women who are harmless?”

Lakes state has long been subject to inter-tribal clashes, which have been on the increase in recent months due to an atmosphere of instability, with an increase in the cost of living, increasing rebel activity and political unrest in the run-up to South Sudan’s independence, which has been conducive to cattle rustling and other crimes.



  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    Traditional authority building opened in Lakes state, S.Sudan
    Yes, where is it located? Why is it called Council of Traditional Authority Leaders? Who is the chairman for Traditional Authority Leaders?

    Lakes States officials are seen smiling among the international community members in such a occassion when their tears flow in inwardly because of the continue conflict and frequent death of their citizens. If the keep joy in their hearts then they are a canibolic officials.

    Make peace, maintain it and build on it and this is when you will be free and all eyes turn off from looking at Lakes State.

  • Madut Tong
    Madut Tong

    Traditional authority building opened in Lakes state, S.Sudan
    Bravo, Lakes State for this wonderful work since traditional leadership has proved to be powerful among different ethnic groups. You only have to provide possible support to those traditional leaders. I am wondering if the governor who is an engineer by profession know something about the nature of human beings. From his comments that ‘dogs are better than us…’ I think he doesn’t in difficult times people are confused and they may do anything to make sure that they are respected by others. especially the threat of poverty, lack of education, lack of employment, lack of activities among the youth which will always make them transfer their energy into violence. So, please Mr. governor you have a wonderful people only help them through different programs to use their energy for the welfare of the State, counties, Payams, and Bumas. And thanks to the USAID and the government of the USA for the great job.

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