Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan calls for foreign military intervention in South Kordofan

June 9, 2011 (JUBA) – South Sudan on Thursday called for foreign military intervention over armed confrontation involving forces loyal to its military wing, the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) and the northern Sudan Armed Forces in the northern border state of South Kordofan.

Joseph Ukel, minister of higher education in the government of South Sudan, told Sudan Tribune that the fighting in the Nuba Mountains of South Kordofan would not stop unless foreign forces intervene.

“There is a need for foreign military intervention because nothing will stop the ongoing fighting in the Nuba Mountains from resuming anytime soon since the government of Sudan as officially announced allowing its forces to drive out SPLA forces from the area”, Ukel said.

The Khartoum government gave SPLA forces from South Kordofan and Blue Nile an ultimatum to move south of the border or disarm otherwise they would be attacked by the Sudan Armed Forces.

Despite fighting with SPLA, which became the official army of the south as part of a 2005 peace deal, many people from South Kordofan and Blue Nile joined the southern rebels in the civil war against Khartoum.

The 2005 peace deal gave the people South Sudan and Abyei right to self determination while granting Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile States in central Sudan “popular consultations” to assess and determine the system of governance after the end of the six year interim period.

In January the South opted to secede, leaving the two states in north Sudan and still governed by the National Congress Party (NCP) in Khartoum.

The Comprehensive Peace Agreement states that the popular consultations cannot go ahead until a state legislative assembly and governor have been elected.

Blue Nile State took part in last years general elections, which were marred with allegations of frauds and intimidation, returning Malik Agar the candidate from the SPLM, the political wing of the former SPLA rebels.

However in South Kordofan the elections were delayed over disputed results of a national census, conducted in 2008. A new census was conducted in March, 2011 and accepted by all the parties paving the way for conduct of the elections held in May 2-4.

The NCP won the election, which was endorsed by international observers, by 6,500. The SPLM rejected the results claiming there were irregularities in the aggregation process and said it would not share any government brought into the power as part of the election.

On Sunday the Sudan Armed Forces moved into Kadugli, capital of South Kordofan State, with tanks and other heavy machine guns mounted on military vehicles, thus prompting an eruption of a fighting.

The fighting which began in Kadugli on Saturday, and resumed on Sunday in the town and surrounding areas.

Eye witnesses in Dilling told Sudan Tribune on Wednesday that a commanding officer of the Sudan Armed Forces in the area was killed along with eight other soldiers. A senior SPLA military officer was also reported to have been killed with two of his bodyguards.

The United Nations Mission in Sudan office in Kadugli on Tuesday and Wednesday in an interview with Sudan Tribune confirmed eruption of fighting in the town and subsequent killing of six people, 4 of whom were government police and 2 civilians but said it subsided on Thursday, though there were erratic shootings.

While the SPLM had reported killing of 17 on Tuesday, eyes witnesses including employees of international organizations in the area say a lot more people have been killed. No independent report has confirmed the killing and it was not clear whether figures of people killed six reported by the United Nations were part of the SPLM’s report or not.

The United Nations also announced it was suspending its operational activities on Tuesday and relocated over 300 staff members of UN agencies and international organization out of the area. Multiple sources in Kadugli in on Thursday told Sudan Tribune on Thursday that UN has relocated its staff members including staff members of the international organizations to various locations in Sudan.

International relief organizations were forced to leave as they were unable to perform their normal duties due to lack of access to the injured as well as water and electricity shortages, a source in the area said.

UN sources also confirmed eruption of heavy fighting on 8 June, 2011 including aerial bombardments.

“It was tough yesterday. There was fire in every direction,” says a UN source who did not want to be named.

“It was a cat and mouse game going on in the town yesterday between the armed forces. I cannot [tell] who was who among them anymore. We even had people coming to our camp and snatching people suspected as political supporters,” the source said.



  • George Bol
    George Bol

    South Sudan calls for foreign military intervention in South Kordofan
    Dear South Sudanese,

    We should minimize exposing our affairs to NCP-Khartoum enemies by now. I fear that this site has CIA monitoring it,so we must stop talking about nonsese and let focus on our security with the real enemy-NCP.

    We have understand that the North Arabs are planning for war because they saw the South to be officially announced by international communities and this has made them jumping up and down like cow on heat.

    But let us be very clear to Jallaba that the problems that they are looking is going to intrude in Khartoum and there is nobody will prevent the SPLA to go there. They have started in Abyei, Nuba mountains, and then now to Unity state. The SAF never defeated the SPLA with their airplans or other weapons from their china counterpart.–!

  • dinkador1

    South Sudan calls for foreign military intervention in South Kordofan
    Mr george,
    You are right,we have to keep our top confidential for south only,those arabs wants to know our confidential affairs.

  • Sam.Eto

    South Sudan calls for foreign military intervention in South Kordofan
    Why dont you get it in your thick skull. The north does not war – it accepted your independence. It wants ALL those armed forces that call themselves SPLM out of the north ! just like you dont want any SAF in the South. Abyei is a different matter – but South Kordufan is a northern territory and like any other country has the right to disarm or fight armed groups.

    I agree with you on one thing. The South – GOSS – SPLM South should stick to its affairs and solve its own ongoing problems. You interfere in the Northern states of Kordufan and Blue Nile with the help of Darfuri rebels. You will soon see the North really arming and helping the rebellions in the South and trust me it would take 48 hours to clear Juba !

    But some individuals in the US, EU and South Sudan have their own agenda and if that means sending the North and South back into war so be it. They do not want stability for either the 2. Open you brain washed minds for a few minutes and look at the bigger picture. Yasir Arman, Al Hilu want to become important figures in the North (American backed) and they are using some elements the SPLM South who have grievances over Abyei to cause chaos. South sudans independence will be jeopardised – Not because the North won’t accept it only, but the lack of focus on what independence means. The GOSS cannot feed or look after its own people. The crying over international help will continue so they keep their seats comfortably while blaming the North for all their problems. The people of South will never feel secure and no change will happen in the South – hence this joke of a draft constitutions. They know the South is going to continue to be unstable so they give themselves the power to remove any SPLM Dinka opposition – militarily or legally (e.g removing elected governors).

    The solution is simple. Armed SPLM in the North Disarm or leave, the South minds its own business, stop helping Darfur rebels. The South GOSS focus on getting other parties and tribes involved and stop this Dinka lead SPLM domination of the South and seek true democracy (if that is truly what they want). Focus on major development projects with the North and neighbouring countries.

    The alternative is a return to 1999 and the ongoing suffering of the people of south sudan and the quick fall of the GOSS.

  • Sam.Eto

    South Sudan calls for foreign military intervention in South Kordofan
    UN spokeswoman denied that the northern army had launched air strikes south of the border.

    “The place that they bombed was an SPLA assembly area, right on the north-south border. This is one of the disputed territories,” Hua Jiang for the UN mission in Sudan told AFP. A Sudanese army spokesman was not immediately available for comment.


    South Sudan calls for foreign military intervention in South Kordofan
    I don’t Know if the guy Eito an Arab man stollen African name to provoke Africans, could read well. North Sudan including Egypt belongs to Africans wherever they are. Please read the book Distruction of African civilization by whites and Arabs. On that book on Al Bagat Treaty between African Kingdom Alawa who were our grandfathers and Arab invaders headed by Sudanese Arab grandfather Abdalla Bin Saraah. Arabs when defeated signed this agreement. On this agreement Arabs are given free path for trade not to own any land. This was first condition of the treaty. The only land given was a place to build a Mosque in Dongola for the Arab traders. From that day no any single paper written between the indiginous people of Sudan to settle any group in Sudan only in the time of Sultan Ali Dinar of Darfur who gave land to Arab tribes in Darfur. Now all Arabs in the rest of Sudan are illegal immigrants, they are suppose to delt with them. Now Eito if you are from Numba Mountains you betary your people and if you are an Arab then shut up and we are coming to deal with you and other barking dongs ????. What I wrote is not a hate but these are historical facts, When Fur tribe asked for their land in Mekka Saudis told them if you need the money of your grandfather who paid for the land we will pay you back now but this land belongs to Saudi Arabs,as if telling them openly no land for black men in Arabia.

  • Madut Tong
    Madut Tong

    South Sudan calls for foreign military intervention in South Kordofan

    Although you seem to be logical in your own eyes, you have forgotten that these regions which belong to the north underwent war for 22 years with the Sudan government. Has the NCP as the government representing them looked into their right as it is in the CPA? why are they disarm forcefully without even knowing the future of the former SPLA soldiers in the army, is it not another way of telling them that surrender you weapons or go back to war? why doesn’t the SAF disarm the militia (guwatt al-difa al-shabi) who are in the region, misirya and gengewid? why Southern Kordufan and Blue Nile? is it that they are not Arabs? this is a war of discrimination against others, which I think will not stop by just driving away those forces in their regions, they will fight for their right.

  • Sudani Logik
    Sudani Logik

    South Sudan calls for foreign military intervention in South Kordofan
    My African Sudanese brothers

    Don’t waste your time on these fake wana-be-Arabs on this site, SAF are a bunch of pussycats and sons of Blue Nile and Nuba Mountains have endured the hardship of war for more than twenty yrs before.

    A few idiots on this site are only good for serving the real Arabs in the Middle East as drivers etc etc.. SAF will probably have the upper hand to begin with but they lack endurance and will soon fade into the shadows, trust me on this. Foreign military intervention is not the best answer and it will only come if their interest is threatened which is not happening for now.

    The NCP knows that evidence implicating the rigged elections of S. Kurdofan was handed over to international bodies and yet the results were endorsed, meaning the international community is not intervening for now, so the NCP feels powered to commit atrocities against civilians/ SPLA-North and get away with it, at least for the time being.

    SPLA-North and not SPLM the political party (as some idiots like to intentionally confuse the two) is prepared for these SAF pussycats, it will take time and patience as SAF currently have air superiority. But SAF knows very well the bloody nose they got during the long years of war, just ask some of the current ministers and they will quietly confirm behind closed doors. Bashir himself only left the battle field after narrowly escaping with his life, even that dog ‘Karti’ the Foreign minster (famed for being a ruthless commander who ordered the killings of many POWs) knows only too well the resolve of the African Sudanese.

    We are the rightful owners of this land and no fake-wana-be-Arab is going to tell us to leave our land or hand over our weapons, the days will come when the republican Palace will fall to its rightful rulers. As Nafi al ma Nafi has already declared to be removed only as a body ready for burial but not through elections or otherwise. We shall show them mercy at the hands of justice, because we are not merciless like them, we are better!

  • Sudanthinker

    South Sudan calls for foreign military intervention in South Kordofan
    Obviously your knowledge of African history is as good as your knowledge of the English Language, which is poor to put it softly.
    The treaty that you claim was signed by defeated Arabs and the Alawa kingdom, what language was it written in? As far as I know, Africans have never developed a written language, not even today. East Africa is Anglophone, most of west and central Africa is Francophone.
    Historically, the only advanced civilizations on this continent were the Egyptians, Ethiopians and yes the Afro Arabic tribes which sprawl the entire width of the continent up north, Sudan, Libya, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Mauritania.
    The peoples who populated those areas were dark skinned, but they are as similar to you as the Ethiopians are similar to let’s say Nigerians??
    Darfur was civilized through its contact with the Arabs of the time, hence they still use Arabic as their primary language and Islam is the dominant religion and just for your information, Darfur’s primary business before the Arab tribes started moving down the Nile was Ivory and slave Trade, guess where they got their slaves from?

    Furthermore, the Arabs that you despise so much for understandable reasons have left their mark on human history.

    They made great contributions in all areas of Science, physics, chemistry, mathematics, engineering, medicine, astrology, literature, poetry etc. Their inventions and discoveries helped shape the modern world as we know it. As a matter of fact the internet you are using today would not have existed if an Arab did not invent the number 0.

    But all that aside, South Sudan has been peaceful and independent since 2005, you have your own government your own army and police and your legislative assembly. What have you achieved since then? How many roads did you build how many schools and hospitals? How many factories and universities? Let me think….ummmm…. 0?? (The Zero that Arabs invented??)

    You ran off and bought a few tanks for a few millions, tanks which the latest battles in Abyie and kadugli have proven to be useless?? Your all so wise leadership bought a few more Land cruisers for astronomical figures because their family and friends benefitted from those deals, not to mention the properties they all bought abroad in Australia, Kenya and the US?

    But to be fair there is one great achievement, you build a Beer factory!!!

    Yes, after 50 years of war, a population that is 90% illiterate, a constant threat of famine, the most urgent need is getting drunk ?!!!

    The SPLA is currently busy fighting among itself because ignorance and greed knows no limits, and all you could do is blame the Arabs yet again.

    I honestly wish South Sudan all the best, but I have seen enough of Africa to know that the chances of South Sudan becoming a modern, peaceful and democratic country is 0 (that Arabic invention again).

    If you want to see where you will probably end up, look to your west the DRC, or look to your East, Somalia.

    And the saddest part of it all, is that you would do this all by yourself, without any help from the ‘’Arabs’’, although I am sure you would still blame them 100 years down the line for it is always easier to point your finger at someone else instead of pointing it at yourself.


    South Sudan calls for foreign military intervention in South Kordofan

    First if you know the meaning of Sudan you can not claim to our thinker.You can not have a guts to be the thinker of the black.Otherwise you don’t know what you are doing; Haaaa. Please change it to Arab thinker!!! However man you talk about seventy years back but I talk about African history 5,000,000 years back written by Herodotus and others which is denied to be taught in Sudan as you know why? If they taught us that history you would not still been in Sudan. Thats why they brough junk history meaningless written in room. I will mention all what you need.But I challenge to mention the names of your grand fathers Arabs those brought science in life and I will give you what I wrote. The history you claim is stollen history most of those whom you will mention were not Arabs boy!! they were non Arab may be Muslims but being muslim is not necessarily being an Arab I talk genetic not religion here. The much wording you wrote shows that your lack of evidences but blinded by your Arab centric bebaviors. Haaaaaaa, give the names and I will show you they are not Arabs. What Arabs know is illusive heroism and praising women and animals in poems.

  • Sudanthinker

    South Sudan calls for foreign military intervention in South Kordofan
    First of all, the fact that you are unable to put forward anything that even resembles a debate only goes to underline what I have mentioned before.

    Secondly, I never claimed to be ‘’your’’ thinker nor a ‘’black’’ thinker, for am neither Arab nor African.

    But just in case you didn’t know, thinking takes brains, not guts, evidently you don’t have much of the former, which leads you to the delusion that you have some of the latter.

    5 million years you say (assuming you could count)? That’s an incredible figure given that just 200 years ago you were and to some extent still are running around naked or in grass skirts, so much for a highly evolved civilization I guess?

    Furthermore, Herodotus lived only some two and a half thousand (2,500) years ago 484 BC – 425 BC (a far cry from the 5 million (5,000,000) you mentioned), but I guess counting Zeros ‘’invented by the Arabs’’ is not your forte.

    As for praising animals in their songs, isn’t that actually a Dinka Tradition?

    I have no objections to debate everything, but I only do so with people that can at least count and write properly and you my dear fellow man are certainly not that person.


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