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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM in S. Kordofan wants new security arrangements, accuse UNMIS of rape

June 11, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudan People Liberation Army (SPLA) in South Kordofan downplayed prospects of solution to the situation in the oil-producing state during Sunday’s meeting between president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir and his First Vice president Salva Kiir in Ethiopia.

Residents gather outside UNMIS sector headquarters in Kadugli town June 9, 2011 (Reuters)
Residents gather outside UNMIS sector headquarters in Kadugli town June 9, 2011 (Reuters)
More than a week of clashes between the SPLA and Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) in the state led to the displacement of as many as 75,000 people according to the United Nations. The number of casualties have yet to be affirmed by independent sources.

This week Afaf Taour Kafi, a South Kordofan MP from the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) said that bodies are lying on the streets of the capital town of Kadugli.

Southern Kordofan is home to thousands of fighters from the Nuba mountains region who fought with both Khartoum and SPLA during the civil war.

The Sudanese government said that the SPLA began the attack on police station in Kadugli and stole its weapons forcing a response from SAF.

However, the SPLA accused the Khartoum-based government of seeking to disarm its members in South Kordofan by force. The NCP declared the situation in the state as an armed mutiny that would be dealt with only in a military manner and not through political dialogue.

Yesterday the NCP-affiliated governor of South Kordofan Ahmed Haroun said that SPLA’s Abdel-Aziz al-Hilu who was his deputy prior to last month’s elections will be held accountable for the violence and killings of civilians.

Haroun is one of the suspects charged by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for war crimes and crimes against humanity he allegedly committed in Sudan’s western region of Darfur.

Gamr Dalman, the media adviser to Al-Hilu, told Sudan Tribune by phone from Juba that the issue is no longer related to South Kordofan but to the entire country.

He said that the NCP is using militias to fight on its behalf similar to the way it did in Darfur adding that Arab tribes in the region refused to be part of it prompting Khartoum to recruit from elsewhere.

On the military front the SPLM official claimed downing two Antonov and MIG SAF planes yesterday in Kauoda and Kloud respectively after flying on a low altitude making them an easy target.

There was no confirmation of this report from an independent source.

Dalman said that the Sudanese government must declare Al-Hilu the winner in the gubernatorial elections of last May.

Al-Hilu who ran on the SPLM ticket against Haroun claimed the vote was rigged and vowed that his party will not take any part in the state’s government. International monitors however, said the polls were credible.

On top of that Dalman said that the SPLM wants new security arrangements which would allow them to keep their weapons until ‘popular consultations’ are held and their outcome implemented.

As part of the 2005 peace deal that ended the conflict and granted South Sudan the right to self determination, the two states were accorded ’popular consultations’ to consider whether the Comprehensive Peace Agreement addressed their grievances and to propose what their future relationship with Khartoum might look like.


In a related issue the spokesperson for the United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) spokesman Kouider Zerrouk said that authorities on Friday closed down Kadugli’s airport.

“The closure of the airport by the SAF will dangerously hamper the U.N. humanitarian operations in Southern Kordofan, as thousands of civilians are in urgent need of emergency assistance,” he was quoted as saying by Reuters.

Zerrouk added that “localized fighting with sporadic artillery fire and continuing military build-up were reported during the last 24 hours in the state.”

Al-Hilu’s adviser on the other hand said that there was a lull in fighting between the two sides on Saturday.


Dalman also directed criticism at UNMIS and accused the Egyptian contingency in the area of raping six women. He said the incident took place after civilians fleeing the fighting took shelter at the headquarters of the peacekeeping force.

This comes on the heels of a statement issued by Al-Hilu this week in he which he said that the Egyptian peacekeepers are complicit in the attacks by SAF in the state revealing that a letter was sent to them asking for clarifications.

“We are investigating serious accusations against the Egyptian forces, and we have doubts on its role, especially that its history in the region shows that they are not straight and have abnormal and criminal tendencies,” Al-Hilu said.

He alleged that the Egyptian peacekeepers turned away civilians who sought refuge and even handed over some of them to SAF who killed them on spot.



  • George Bol
    George Bol

    SPLm in S. Kordofan wants new security arrangements, accuse UNMIS of rape
    I am very sad on how the Eygptian forces turn away civilians and let them be killed by the obvious enemy. If the hand civilains to Saf then I am agree that they did rape the innocents women. How come Arabs Eyptians forces commited this crime? they must be discharge and we want Ethiopian and ereitera forces. And let them go to their own country and clean their own mess them host thier Mubrak out in power. How come UN allowed criminals?
    Saf will under fire sooner than latter.
    Thanks SPLA for gunindown those aircrafts.

  • jur_likang_a_ likan'g
    jur_likang_a_ likan'g

    SPLM in S. Kordofan wants new security arrangements, accuse UNMIS of rape
    Egyptians should not have been there by the way? How can the world community expect impartiality in such situations in Sudan? They are the major contributor of trouble in Sudan. History clearly points a fingure to Cairo for its part in trouble in Sudan. In fact be asked to quit the area. Other forces from Africa should replace them.

  • liberator3

    SPLM in S. Kordofan wants new security arrangements, accuse UNMIS of rape
    TO: Government of South Sudan (GOSS)

    please do not accept UNMIS extension in the South and in other marginalized regions such as South Kurdofan & Blue Nile states.

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    SPLM in S. Kordofan wants new security arrangements, accuse UNMIS of rape
    Egyptian peacekeepers are arabs in nature who are our immediate enemies and as a result being in South Sudan guaranteed them chances for fulfilling their goals which president Bashir had requested from them to perform here in the Southern territory. Now you Nubian and south Kordofan natives sons & daughters don’t seek for help from such individuals, you will end up loosing your life coz Egyptian are being authorized by our enemy to do all these, ie raping and so on. We are not part of that fights there but we are part in your grievances therefore, we’re ready to die alongside you.

  • Nguetbuny de Luelpiny
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny

    SPLM in S. Kordofan wants new security arrangements, accuse UNMIS of rape
    We do not need any Arab UNMIS force in Sudan at all.
    Egyptian UNMIS should be given 24 hours to leave Kordufan or should categorize as Sudan Army.

    Those that are Muslim and any Arab country should not be allow in UNMIS force to operate as they are part of spy and disadvantage the black Sudanese get to day.
    Son of the Nile River.


  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    SPLM in S. Kordofan wants new security arrangements, accuse UNMIS of rape
    Liberator3, you are real southerner who when it comes to the common enemy, you put down your differences with your brothers and look the enemy in the eye. I like that, keep it up. Brothers differ and in the end they are still brothers. I feel pity to some brothers who are ready to touch their own house with enemy because he mad with his brother and tha is a wrong move.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    SPLM in S. Kordofan wants new security arrangements, accuse UNMIS of rape
    Yeeh, either he wins the elections or he should kill,destroy and lie and all others are wrong doers.It is not the government which will declare that he won the elections, the whole international, local, and other parties testified that the elections were fair, clear and credible and that he had lost the elections and does not represent the people of the Nuba mountains.Even one of his own representatives was assasinated by his millitia, because he accepted and signed that the results were credible; because the man was fair, honest and decent he deserved to be excuted to by Al Hilou’s Millitia!

    The main stream SPLA in Juba had distaned itself publicly and wisely from the atrocities commited by Al Hilu. Haroun confirmed that Al Hilou is not getting any support from Juba but he is getting support from the leftist and communist thugs of the northern sector and Abyei’s sons millitia who have a common goal.. to derail the whole peace process. They will fail as the will of the people of the people in both north an south is to maintain peace.

    Because he lost the elections then, to him the international observors are liers and biased, the Egyptians are rapist and biased.The man is power hungery and is ready and willing to kill innocent people and assasinate his opponents in their homes and infront of their familes without any remourse for the sake of power, such a man can easily lie. This man is a lier.

    If he doesn’t win the elections that he means the Nuba people should suffer and they should be punished for making him loose the elections..for not voting for him.

    Am sure that Nuba people will hold him accountable for the random killing of innocent civillians and the destructionof home and properties and disturbing the peace of the innocent civil population.

    At the end of the day peace and only peace will prevail.

  • Tiger black
    Tiger black

    SPLM in S. Kordofan wants new security arrangements, accuse UNMIS of rape
    Those Egyptian soldiers they are Arab, i doubt why they are deployed in southern Kordafan as peacekeeper. they are accountable for such crimes.

  • dakin

    SPLM in S. Kordofan wants new security arrangements, accuse UNMIS of rape
    The worse is yet to come from this so called UNMIS in Sudan.
    If it has not already happened, they will one day open fire upon Spla soldiers or civilians under the pretext of having been under attack

  • Achiek Alier Jr
    Achiek Alier Jr

    SPLM in S. Kordofan wants new security arrangements, accuse UNMIS of rape

    Why the government of South Sudan can’t support UNAMIS extension those respective areas as you mention?. You need to explain something as to why you took such a position.

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    SPLM in S. Kordofan wants new security arrangements, accuse UNMIS of rape

    I am using the term syndicate simply because it best describes the SPLM thugs than any other words I can imagine. The is no other word will describes SPLA gangs any better than that.

    Hahahahah Marco, why don’t you remove that slave name man and use your family given name, son, slavery is over thus there Is no point to continue using those forced slave names by your white owners.

    I am really sick and tired seeing my brothers from Dinkoy land calling themselves with those slave names like salva and marco, pathetic.

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    SPLM in S. Kordofan wants new security arrangements, accuse UNMIS of rape

    Hahahahah It is true when I say you must be an ignorant individual pretending to be an intellectual.

    Now, Look at you are childish terms you are using here such as African Sudanese, from where did you learn that there is something called African Sudanese or you meant to say black Sudanese because all Sudanese are Africans given that Sudan is an African country. Being an African is not the same as being black race. Some North Sudanese are mix of black and Arab others like Luka pong , Deng Alor and Malik Agar to name few are pure black Africans. Not just Africans. Life span of lies is short.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    SPLm in S. Kordofan wants new security arrangements, accuse UNMIS of rape
    Death to eyptians, how could the committed this crime to our people?
    Eyptians missionaries must leave sudan or they are subject to death. shame on Arab evil.

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    SPLM in S. Kordofan wants new security arrangements, accuse UNMIS of rape

    when are you going to give up your slave name called Marco, my friend the slavery is over! what about your Sudanese like mawang or malual! shame on you.

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