Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

W. Equatoria governor calls for southern unity on return from US

June 12, 2011 (TOMBURA) – The state governor of Western Equatoria State Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro has returned to Yambio the state capital after spending 16 days in the United States, to discuss South Sudan’s independence and the insurgency of Ugandan rebels in the state.

Upon arrival at Yambio airstrip, the governor was warmly welcomed by groups of traditional dancers, government officials, and citizens.

Bakosoro said, his visit was response to an invitation by Western Equatoria communities in USA and to extend appreciations to the American government for the support given to South Sudan.

“The American government deserve our thanks, more especially now that the south is soon to be declared an independent state”, he said.

The governor said he held series of meetings on the insecurity caused by the northern armies occupation of the contested region of Abyei and the fighting in South Kordofan State, which borders the south.

He said he urged the “US government to put more pressure on Khartoum … to respect the rights of the people of Abyei” and let them “hold their referendum to decide their fate”. Abyei was due to decide whether it was to remain in the north or join the south but failure to agree on who could vote has derailed the process.

Bakosoro revealed that he also called for support to the president of new Republic of South Sudan Salva Kirr in order for him to lead the nation until the next election in four years time.

“With the ongoing insurgencies of the Ugandan Lord’s Resistance Army I also urged the US government to intervene into LRA problem in the state which has become a regional threat as the US government promised to do something about it,” disclosed Bakosoro.

The governor further said he asked southern Sudanese in US to come back to South Sudan to help the development of the new nation.

“I am asking everyone to be united and avoid any thing that will separate us from each other” he said.

He said that he had used the trip to try to get investors in the US to invest in agriculture in Western Equatoria. Bakosoro called upon people of South Sudan to invest in agriculture in order to fight food insecurity.

The governor said everyone he had met on his tour was eager to support South Sudan.

As the days countdown until South Sudan’s independence Bakosoro said the state is ready to host the celebrations.

“To celebrate that is history in making; all south Sudanese can realize themselves in their own country and we are calling upon everybody who wants to distort the celebrations to stop in any form,” noted governor.

He stated that the trip has been fruitful, having learnt the importance of taxation in America.

“America is developing because of taxations therefore the south Sudan government should learn and impose taxation in order to foster development,” stressed Bakosoro.

Over 90 percent of South Sudan’s budget comes from oil.



  • Waucity

    W. Equatoria governor calls for southern unity on return from US
    I Hope everybody from Southern Sudan is welcome in Yambio..NO more selfishness..Thanks

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    W. Equatoria governor calls for southern unity on return from US
    We need to work hard for development. We need to stop complaining about everything. You need to show your determination and you will be fine. No one is going to listen about complaining certain tribe dominating SPLM/A, that is a divide and rule policy. No body should listen to someone is grabbing my land-another divide and rules policy, nobody should think about power greed or rotation-that is a clear devil functions and a clear divide and rules policy. Let work together and removed all those ill-intentions because they are thing being implanted by enemies to energized the ill-illusions. Thanks

  • superior Junibi
    superior Junibi

    W. Equatoria governor calls for southern unity on return from US
    We appreciate the governor’s comment. I am from Dinka and Appreciate the patience Equatorian communities endured in South Sudan. You have always been supporting the Southern Sudanese cause even when we sometimes turn to be insecure and suspicious about your leaders. You are the best people in South Sudan and keep your up your patience, you will rule this country soon.

  • Lamija Milaja
    Lamija Milaja

    W. Equatoria governor calls for southern unity on return from US

    Why do you always want to be welcomed? One day think of welcoming others to you state. For some of you Equatoria is like America where everyone wants to go to. Don’t only think of admiring other states of south Sudan, admire your state too.

  • dakin

    W. Equatoria governor calls for southern unity on return from US
    Mr. Bakosoro America is indeed developing from tax money but this could not be the case to us because you people are using the tax money to develop your families and not the country

  • Kon Garang
    Kon Garang

    W. Equatoria governor calls for southern unity on return from US
    I appreciated all the supportive words of Western Equatoria state governor on his return from USA, however before imposing taxes on Southern Sudanese, proper accountability system and employment for all qualified Southern Sudanese should first be made a priority by the tax collector.

  • WendeMajok

    W. Equatoria governor calls for southern unity on return from US
    Don’t be a fool Lamija, I understand you are talking at a tribal point of view but its sectarianism that makes things fall apart. There is no town that can successfully develop when people practice segregation, amshi zarawu fi gbwondo if you can’t afford town requirememnts.

    Indeed, Western Equatoria State is leading in agricultural practices in South Sudan…show the rest that “its better to be hungry and a free man than a well fed slave” though the security deteriorates in greater Nzara (Sakure, Basukangbwi, Sangua etc), Ibba, some parts of Yambio, Ezo and Nagero..we all have a hope that with time, everything will be okay no matter current circumstances, I appreciate tireless effort made by arrow-boys (masette armed boys) for depending the region. Its through moral boosting that determine any success in any trial….Bakasoro is a man of people and hope all the W. Equatorian won’t let him down with the myopic ideas that would come from state advisory board. Dodge or skip obstacles whenever!

    “A leader is someone who helps improve the lives of other people
    or improve the system they live under.” Bakasoro is active and positivisely progressing in executing his duties assigned and this shouldn’t make other Governors jealous about his moves. Do your best and people will like it!!

  • Tribe

    W. Equatoria governor calls for southern unity on return from US
    It is good that Bakosoro learned a small hint of how U.S. government generate revenues throught taxation. However one thing missing from his finding is what U.S. government does before enforcing taxes. This comes down to j.o.b. i repeat j.o.b. Job creation is the cornerstone of any developed nation. To success economically, our young nation need to combat this issue squarely. Other than relying only on government workforce, our government need to venture into agricultural realm.I suggested that it chose one area that can support this program and put those sitting machines into work. This way , the government would add more jobs into the whole workforce and then it would plausible to impose taxes right afterward.

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