Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

North Sudan army denies mutiny, downing of warplane in South Kordofan

June 11, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – North Sudan’s army has categorically denied reports of a mutiny within its ranks as well as claims by the opposition Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) that one of its warplanes was shot down in the central state of South Kordofan.

Sudan's military First Commander Ismat Abdel Rahman (3rd R) waves to supporters during a rally to voice support for the northern army in Khartoum May 26, 2011 (REUTERS PICTURES)
Sudan’s military First Commander Ismat Abdel Rahman (3rd R) waves to supporters during a rally to voice support for the northern army in Khartoum May 26, 2011 (REUTERS PICTURES)
Since Sunday, 5 June, Sudan’s oil-producing state of South Kordofan, which borders the soon-to-be independent region of South Sudan, has been the scene of violent clashes between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), north Sudan’s army, and elements of the SPLM’s military wing, Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA).

The fighting, which erupted in and around the provincial capital of Kadugli, less than a month after the result of South Kordofan’s gubernatorial elections was announced in favour of north Sudan ruling National Congress Party’s (NCP) incumbent Ahmad Haroun, has hitherto displaced as many as 75,000 people, according to UN figures, and claimed an unknown number of lives.

SAF claimed that the fighting was ignited after SPLA forces attacked a local police station and made away with a stash of weapons. According to the SPLA though, the fighting was caused by SAF’s attempt to forcibly disarm its members.

Aerial bombardment and heavy artillery were reported as late as Friday morning in the vicinity of Kadugli amid reports of dead bodies being seen on the streets.

On Saturday, Gamar Dalman, the media secretary to the SPLM’s leader in South Kordofan and candidate in the state governor elections Abdul Aziz Adam al-Hilu, told Sudan Tribune via the phone from South Sudan capital Juba that SPLA forces on Friday downed two Antonov and MIG SAF planes in Kauoda and Kloud respectively after flying on a low altitude, making them an easy target.

“There is no truth whatsoever in the claim that warplanes belonging to SAF had been downed in the area,” SAF’s official spokesman, Al-Sawarmi Khalid Sa’ad said in a statement reported on Saturday by Sudan’s official news agency SUNA.

On Friday, the SPLM in South Kordofan called on members of the regular forces to defect to the ranks of the uprising to topple the government of president Al-Bashir.

The army spokesman went on to deny the veracity of reports on the existence of a mutiny within SAF ranks as well as reports that some SAF soldiers had defected to the SPLM’s side.

“The situation is now stable due to the consistency of the armed forces and their performance which refutes any claim of a mutiny…such claim has no basis in reality,” al-Sawarmi was quoted as saying.

Concurrently, SAF issued a press release in which it claimed it had detected “suspicious movement” by SPLA troops in South Kordofan since April.

According to SAF’s statement, these movements were observed around areas such as Buhaiyrat Al-Obaiyd as well as eastern and western Nuba Mountains.

SAF further expressed regret at the “uneven condemnation” by the UN Mission in Sudan which accused SAF of using “excessive force,” saying that it was the UN who failed to condemn those who started the “aggression against unarmed civilians.”



  • Dhalaluaak

    North Sudan army denies mutiny, downing of warplane in South Kordofan
    You SAF,
    You will deny your defeat of bringing down your two antinovs and jet even to the last one.We will bring more down whether you will deny it or not,it will happen like it is now in kadugli.
    good job SPLA.You have sent their air force a good signal.keep it up that way and bring some more down with the same mechanism.

  • Khartoum92

    North Sudan army denies mutiny, downing of warplane in South Kordofan
    SAF cares too much about the international communities outcry why only send 400 soldiers to kadugli, how could this defeat a whole army.. SAF is till capable of taking over

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA
    Dinka Dominated SPLA

    North Sudan army denies mutiny, downing of warplane in South Kordofan
    deniel everthings is a way of living in north sudan and there missionaries nuer militias in south sudan,
    It is now very clear that some militias in south sudan and some leaders are working to implement the a gender of north sudan, we hear that now Nuer missionaries of gatat are being called by bashir to fight SPLA north sector or risk not to be paid and now they are on their way to fight for bashir, what a shame?

    Riek machar is also stabbing kiir at the back by implementing his own a gender within the Gov. what a shame death to him this ppl will never learn to be southrense.

  • Khartoum92

    North Sudan army denies mutiny, downing of warplane in South Kordofan
    My advice to the new country South, Playing a victim isn’t always beneficial some countries are watching and taking notes. Countries around the world maybe except Europe are already starting to understand south policy and thats why they are not so into condoming north

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    North Sudan army denies mutiny, downing of warplane in South Kordofan
    You guys should pay attention with any article publish in Khartoum. They lies and fabricate so that you southerners will jump on the bone and they laugh. We have wolf they really know but advise the wolf to take time and read critically. Thanks

  • liberator3

    North Sudan army denies mutiny, downing of warplane in South Kordofan
    Dinka Dominated (Non_)SPLA

    please you and your terrorist uncle Salva Kiir won’t fool any one into believing your rubbish claims and madness.

    Abyei was invaded and occupied by North Sudan army not Gatdet. The ongoing fighting in South Kurdofan is between the SAF and Nuba/Nuer sons. no dinka involved in the fighting (since they are cowards).

    The Joining of Arab league have been supported by Late Dr. Garang in his published communist manifesto of since 1983 had his fantasy vision of a united Sudan prevailed. Thanks God the separatists vision won the day in January 2011. Now, Salva(slave) Kiir wanted to go his master and be part of club of the Arab what a shame to the Dinka tribe..I believe there are good number of Dinka who will reject this type of cozing to the Arab league(Dinka master)

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    North Sudan army denies mutiny, downing of warplane in South Kordofan
    The National Congress Party(NCP) is loosing it’s highly figures due to thei aggressive approach. We’re receiving news and the are still coming in that a number of Sudan Armed Forces are breaking away as some are already defeated to SPLA. My message to sons and daughters of South Kordofan and Blue Nile is takecare President Bashir is a wounded lion he want to fall on someone before the collapse of his regime in Khartoum. Abyei is killing you Arabs leave us alone.

  • Aleu

    North Sudan army denies mutiny, downing of warplane in South Kordofan
    Good Job Nubian Kingdom.

    Khartoum government are become too arrogant after when they capture Abyei and they will face defeat this time. Khartoum government will not win these wars for sure. There are many problems facing a dictatorship government and none of this will be easy for them.

    Excellent South Kordofan of the SPLA, find anit-warplane and get more anti-Tank also. Omar al Bashir is now tring to buy big home in Ethiopia country, because he understand now his Khartoum government is getting weak as a result of too many wars on the way now and they will not win it.

  • liberator3

    North Sudan army denies mutiny, downing of warplane in South Kordofan
    monykuc(traitor), Southerner

    Salva Kiir(Nimieri spy/traitor. Late Dr. Garang(traitor/communist/unionist/Nimeiri military intelligence)
    Fought for united Sudan under Arab regime

    on the other hand:

    Dr. Riek Machar(a proud separatist/nationalist/self determination champion) Dr. Lam Akol/Self determination champion/realist) have corrected the so called United Socialist fantasy ideology of those two traitors!

    Late colonel Gai Tut(Nationalist/Self determination champion/war hero of Anya I, Late Akot Atem De mayen(Nationalist/Separatist)and Late Abdhalla Chol Deng (Separatist/Nationalist), Late. Bol Kur, Late, Lokurynang Lado, Late Martin Majier Gai, Late Arok Thon Arok have championed and died for the principles of self determination for a Separate South Sudan.

  • liberator3

    North Sudan army denies mutiny, downing of warplane in South Kordofan
    monykuc(traitor), Southerner

    Salva Kiir(Nimieri spy/traitor. Late Dr. Garang(traitor/communist/unionist/Nimeiri military intelligence)
    Fought for united Sudan under Arab regime from 1972-1983 and again fought against Southerners in the bush to keep Sudan United!

    on the other hand:

    Dr. Riek Machar(a proud separatist/nationalist/self determination champion) Dr. Lam Akol/Self determination champion/realist) have corrected the so called United Socialist fantasy ideology in 1991 of those two traitors!

    Late colonel Gai Tut(Nationalist/Self determination champion/war hero of Anya I, Late Akot Atem De mayen(Nationalist/Separatist)and Late Abdhalla Chol Deng (Separatist/Nationalist), Late. Bol Kur, Late, Lokurynang Lado, Late Martin Majier Gai, Late Arok Thon Arok have championed and died for the principles of self determination for a Separate South Sudan.

  • AdierCien

    North Sudan army denies mutiny, downing of warplane in South Kordofan
    In The Name Of The Trinity God Amen


    The Sudan govt NCP regime with its SAF is not going to loose Abyei only but gonna face toughest part till the collapse of its time . Everything is at the door knocking for Bashir to leave the ground for others to leads in the new era that’s why news emerge yesterday that there are some SAF members reported to have defected to SPLA/M. So many wars President Bashir gonna fought can you imagine but some of our freedom fighters still go to dogs. They really have money that can buy our brothers to turns against us. They tried to buy referendum and they failed instantly. Now what do they want in Abyei when they caused too many problems till they nicknamed our govt as organisation composed with upto 70% illiteracy rate among GOSS Officials and this was their intention of neglecting us access to education before which later resulted into liberation for Southern freedom. We not illiterate now if they don’t know, let them be informed . It is enough for arab to rule us again, those who wants to drag us back especially some of Abyei sons having interest in their Jobs not to loose it from Khartoum forget about that you will come to South by majority no matter your struggle for stays with Khartoum. So, Aleu if we forget our differences in South Sudan and walk together as a team then socially, economically and politically soon South Sudan Will be like South Korea who got her Independent recently and is now among the developed countries around the globe.
    So, Serve Us God!

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    North Sudan army denies mutiny, downing of warplane in South Kordofan
    SPLA criminal gang or mafia must stop feeding it’s supInce porters with false victories. It is absurd indeed for this maniac militia to become a lie factory! Let it go to hell with it’s pathetic and hopeless tyUkiuunrollbbbnjghel.old. victories but SAF friends and SSLA of General Peter Gatdeel will prevail at the end of the day.

    I and any peace loving person in Sudan have no problem if SAF and SSLA should combine their efforts to destroy this maniac mafia and liberate our innocent civilians from this malignant cancer named SPLA, we will only encourage SAF and SSLA to avoid collateral damage among civilians and their properties not like SPLA milita that killed sholo and Nuer civilians in GUNR.

  • Liberal

    North Sudan army denies mutiny, downing of warplane in South Kordofan
    Now, i have seen that you know something about the movement but that does not qualify you to be tribalist.

  • Deng Dut
    Deng Dut

    North Sudan army denies mutiny, downing of warplane in South Kordofan
    Mr.Dinka, Naath and The likes,
    Guys I do have not even a single word to describe what you are?! I am just tied of reading your divisive idiotic writings on this forum. If you can not forgive others know that you are captive or a slave to ‘bitterness’. I assure you that being bitter will destroy you, a reverse of what you think will happen to the group/person whom you are bitter with. Beside, I picture you as traitors to people of South Sudan who want to leave the past behind them. I wish never to meet anyone of you because you plus the rest of your kind are a disgrace to the great people of ROSS.
    Deng Dut: Catholic University of Eastern Africa

  • Madut Tong
    Madut Tong

    North Sudan army denies mutiny, downing of warplane in South Kordofan
    Supporter of Naath Cause,

    I think you are day dreaming which those dreams of an attempt to put away the SPLA will not prevail. I don’t encourage war in the region but the south will always defend herself against any future attrocities by either your SAF or SSLA. You are hypocrite who say something and say another, how will you called yourself peace lover and encourage conflict in the south. anyway what is “tyUkiuunrollbbbnjghel.old.” it is not your language Arabic nor is it any intelligible world language. Please stop inflaming the fire which you will not quench or even smell because you are in the United States of America relying on their fare for living. Come back to Sudan if you want to contribute to the matters facing the country.

  • Supporter of Naath Cause
    Supporter of Naath Cause

    North Sudan army denies mutiny, downing of warplane in South Kordofan
    Hi Madot

    Sorry for that error. It happened because I was typing from a touch screen mobile phone and posted that message by accident. By the way my language is Nuer hence my name above. Yes I love peace that is want to end SPLA which destabilizes it okey.

  • Madut Tong
    Madut Tong

    North Sudan army denies mutiny, downing of warplane in South Kordofan
    Supporter of Naath Cause,

    Let me ask you about your loyalty, are you loyal to individuals, tribe, or political party. or your allegence is to the young upcoming new country, the Republic of South Sudan? you have to decide because what you are doing in the website will lead you nowhere brother. I respect every rebel in the south but I support none of them for the conviction that this is not the time to go against the new country. We fought for almost 50 years, and this time is for development with its all meanings. South Sudan is backward in different areas which need to be amended, so you who are outside there have to do your part in rebuilding the nation not destroying it, and whoever will attempt either the NCP or the rebels you support will have to fight all southerners, young and old, man and woman because we want stability in this country, so don’t play with fire you will not be able to quench.

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    North Sudan army denies mutiny, downing of warplane in South Kordofan
    Mr. Supporter of Naath cause (Fake Nuer),

    No matter how hard you may try your best to be from Mighty Nuer Warriors, your language and misspelling of Nuer names it indicates that you’re not from them (Naath/Nuer), but pretended to be instead.

    Don’t worry, the Mighty Nuer Warriors know how and when to bring Mr. Slava’s Kingdom to its knees.

  • doublebookdialled

    North Sudan army denies mutiny, downing of warplane in South Kordofan
    Yes, Dinka Boy,

    are you really Dinka or a forged Dinka.
    If hope you need to go back to school and smoothen your language, moreover, you need to be concentrating your comments on the topics and not responding in astray manner.
    or may be you get addicted to the word malitia. how come people helping Nuban to fight turnback to fight them again? are you really sounding your logic?

    to remind you please, be a man of all and not segregative the way you protray yourself on this site, for us to wait for July 9th is for us to stand together otherwise your hope will be doomed.

    if you don’t fear any one please try doing so to God and filter your words.

    Double always in thoughts

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