Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan

June 15, 2011 (JUBA) – The Vice President of the soon-to-be independent Republic of South Sudan, Riek Machar, has appealed to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to establish a “buffer zone” between North and South Sudan in order to avoid military confrontations as the region will formally become independent in three weeks time.

S. South Sudan's Vice President Riek Machar speaks during a news conference after meeting north Sudan's Vice President Ali Osman Mohamed Taha in Khartoum, May 30, 2011, to discuss the disputed Abyei region. (Reuters)
S. South Sudan’s Vice President Riek Machar speaks during a news conference after meeting north Sudan’s Vice President Ali Osman Mohamed Taha in Khartoum, May 30, 2011, to discuss the disputed Abyei region. (Reuters)
He also called on the world body to take immediate action to prevent the situation in the contested region of Abyei and the northern border state of South Kordofan escalating. He echoed calls from other members of the South Sudan government, demanding the unconditional withdrawal of the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) from Abyei.

South Sudan has been at war with the North for most of the 55 years since Sudan became independent in 1956. The region enjoyed relative peace for 17 years from 1972, when the Addis Ababa Agreement was signed, but war resumed in 1983.

The second phase of the war took 21 years and ended in 2005 when another peace deal was signed between the Sudan government, represented by the National Congress Party (NCP) and the former southern rebels – the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM).

In the self-determination referendum provided for in the peace deal and conducted in January this year, the people of South Sudan voted overwhelmingly for secession from the rest of Sudan and shall become formally independent on July 9.

However, recent clashes in Abyei and South Kordufan state have raised tensions between the partners to the peace deal with the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) carrying out operations close to the border. South Sudan has also accused the North of bombing just inside Unity State.

On Tuesday the South Sudan’s Vice President held separate meetings with the permanent members of the Security Council, which included the ambassadors from US, UK, France, China and Russia.

Sources close to the Vice President in New York told the Sudan Tribune that Machar described his meetings with the UN’s key ambassadors as “positive.” They discussed the UN presence in South Sudan and creation of a buffer zone.

He also discussed with them issues pertaining to the situation in Abyei, South Kordofan and Blue Nile areas, the source added.

In his meeting with the US ambassador to UN, Susan Rice, Machar explained that despite the peaceful approach by the Government of Southern Sudan to resolve the crisis, the situation may worsen unless immediate appropriate action is taken by the world body.

Machar warned that “ethnic cleansing is looming in South Kordofan” while the actions of the Sudan Armed Forces in Abyei indicate “genocide in the making.”

He was scheduled to brief the United Nations Security Council’s session in New York on Friday, June 17, about the updated situation in the country.



  • Khartoum92

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    Why are they runing to the UN every time they hear a gun shot, I always wonder isn’t the GOSS embarrassed they are doing nothing but showing their weakens with this crying. UN is not the one running Sudan so the GOSS needs to stop with this stupid showing they putting out the world

  • Paul

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    GOSS/SPLA can not act irresponsibly by reacting to GOS/SAF mockery as such would lead to abrogation of July 9. SAF knows that very well and that is why they are trying their level best to provoke South to react NOW. After July 9, you will see North speaking friendly language.

  • Dhalaluaak

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    The day you hear the gun shot,smoke casualties in Khartoum,you will either run to Egypt or Eritrea seeking refuge there.It will be more nasty and a screaming day for you.You never heard any gun shot before in your neighborhood that’s why you talked like that,but it’s coming sooner or later and ceased your comments on this site.Arabs listened with their own eyes,goes the saying.

  • Dhalaluaak

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    I agreed your comment.It’s true everything they do is a test whether the SPLA/M will lost their self control and unleash their tamper and response to their provocation act to abrogate our right to freedom.The word was stated clearly by former prime minister sadiq al Mahdi saying that,this is not the previous Junub,it’s different one.He felt it and saw it right.

  • Tribe

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    To those afflicted by Riek’s fever, i am warning you to be careful and less you are a blind Nuer who just want to love him merely for being from Nuer.Despite the good stuffs he has been doing lately,he is still the same guy we knew back in 90s.He has no choice but to do those to reclaim his lost identity ,so don’t take it as if he is doing it for his selflessness. Reik is a nuer leader and that who he will remain through the history of this to be born nation.He will never be my or your president and i am optimistic about that. What prove that is how he always limited himself to Naath community wholly anytime he step outside the nation. like his recent coming to U.S.,he first went to Nebraska to have a meeting with his Naath base instead of others state. let alone that, his coming was kept secret.The information was dessiminated only to prefer Naath audience instead of all wider south sudanese communities across the nation.He is no different from his former mentor/Akol. I recalled back in 2004 when Lam Akol and other delegates from SPLM were send to U.S. for a diplomatic purpose. He was accused of sidetracking the mission they were sent for. After meeting with congress, he was caught going around preaching to every senator and representive he met the mistake of SPLM leadership to be the one bringing peace to South since they were undemocratic. This is what Riek is doing.

  • Nguetbuny de Luelpiny
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    Uncle Riek Machar,that Buffer is not welcome.

    by any African Ideology. it is a weak call, Sudan is one Country. They must finished us or must finished them in sudan of all Africa Land. Call for development in the south to build Universities.

    As see, we do not need any Buffer Zone between North and south. We just need allied to help as with Military hardware equipments.

    We have no borders with Arab in the middles of Sudan. Ours borders is Egypt and next will be Suez Canal with Palestinian/Israel. They must go back to Middles. That is a weakest call Uncle Riek.

    Do not call that UN again for the border issues; you trying to influence division in Sudan by settling Arab in Africa. It sounds so useless when I hear that call. We have /women to end Arab in Africa.
    You are encouraging settling Arab in Africa.

    Lord of the Nile


  • Sweetmouth

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    Stop stop betraying Riek machar.

    which buffer zone are you talking about between south and north?president kiir will call not you?there is nothing good you will do,your is to look for food begging from Arabs.fight your tribes war but do n,t go deep.you forgot Dr Garang de mabior and you say former rebel that big belly you have who prepare it for you.

    you will end up with nothing.

  • Lamija Milaja
    Lamija Milaja

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    Dinka and Nuer,

    I am not from any one of these tribes. But I want tell you that Riek, Kirr and other dinkas and Nuers are not boarded by your tribal hate on this web site.

    What is different between Riek and Abel Alier who always sides with arabs, at certain instance during the south Sudan struggle since 1995?

    Riek’s spilt has brought a lot of changes in the SPLM, if that did not happen there wouldn’t be south Sudan independence as of this day. Garanga was fighting for illusive united Sudan – where is the united Sudan now? United Sudan on new basis is now in dust bin.

    Above all Garang killed so many south Sudan politicians especial from Equotoria because they were calling for south Sudan independence, the famous one killed was Joseph Odohu. People who want just talk without knowing SPLM background will continue to bark. But there are certain facts that can not be told here.

    By the way Riek is recognized by 5 permanent security council members. Why some of you here are wasting their time? Riek in better off then Kirr in terms of education, Riek can teach in University if he chooses to leave politics, how about Kirr? Kirr may go to cow camp if he chooses to leave politics.

    Better you dinks and Nuer concentrate on teaching your people about killing yourselves over cows. Yesterday it was reported in Rumbek dinka are killing themselves alone over issue of cow.

    Those of you who hate Reik whether you like or not Riek is the second man in power in south Sudan and will continue to represent you in the international, local and regional affairs.

    Reason well, hence you will find yourself barking while Riek is representing us all.

  • Lamija Milaja
    Lamija Milaja

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    I mean since 1955—–

  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan

    Hey, did you people listen and hear the BBC’s interview today with Dr. Riek Machar from Washington, DC, USA?

    One of the questions he was asked by the BBC interviewer is how does he feel now that his objectives of self-determination, democracy and human rights that caused the SPLM/A split in 1991 have now been fulfilled and achieved at last.

    His response was that he is happy because self-determination has been achieved while democracy and human rights are in progress and added that the only thing he regretted from 1991 split was the unnecessary loss of lives involved in making that change happen.

    Wow, long live the champion of self-determination.

    Dr. Riek Machar oyeeeeeeee……

  • Lamija Milaja
    Lamija Milaja

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    Mr. Truthteller,

    I am not a Nuer but I can tell you Reik is valued in south Sudan, regional and international more that the corrupt dinkas led by Kirr.

    Whether those feel sick about rieks name like it or not.

  • liberator3

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    Mr. Truthteller

    I only seen few clips from the interview. I didn’t watched the full BBC interview. but the clip I have watched was very impressive. Dr. Riek was very clear on his responses.

    Thanks for sharing the part i didn’t watched though. I’m glad we have such a person for this moment in time.

  • liberator3

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    Mr. Truthteller

    I have only seen few clips from the interview. I didn’t watched the full BBC interview. but the clip I have watched was very impressive. Dr. Riek was very clear on his responses.

    Thanks for sharing the part i didn’t watched though. I’m glad we have such a person for this moment in time.

  • dut gum
    dut gum

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    Uncle Riak,Your voice and words will not make any change in south Sudan,i thing it s better to keep quite and enjoy your meal twice a day as you fought for during 21 years in struggle by southern Sudanese.When Abyei was captured by SAf and displace 60,000 people ,you did not issue any statement to the people of abyei.I would be please if you resign from the position you hold in the government of southern Sudan.

  • sudinka

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    you are right my brother and if we could not have those greedy guys since 1983 up to date for power and the do not know how to do it,we could not even reach this time with awalikin .some even now in the GOSS are just work to get food not to get freedom imagine when there is no payment in in the Splm/A during the war many people starting blaming our founder father late DR JOHN GARANG DE MABIOR THE FORMER PRESIDENT OF SOUTH SUDAN with out reason to ran to Khartoum every now and than .me I do not Trust any one who are against the movement during 21 years war in Sudan to wasted Government a mount of for trip to NEW YORK. Let me warn you those who defend criminal you remember what your uncle committed IN 1990S define Before LIUS Ocampo define for him.

  • dengtaath

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    We love Dr.Machar because he is concerning for Sudan problem, he is atrue son of Southerners who is deeply concerned, we love him, and may God bless him and give him a true wisdome so he can lead longer. We praised you to push harder with UNSC about this mass killing of people of Abyei and ethnic cleansing of South Kordufan, go machar we heard your voice.

  • jur_likang_a_ likan'g
    jur_likang_a_ likan'g

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    Our issue is not about Dinka versus Nuer or Dinka versus Murle. We should be concerned if our leader institutionalize Dinkaism, Nuerism or Bariism in South Sudan. We need all the component of South Sudan to be involved in the decision that benefits all the people who live in that part of the world. We disagreed with Alier because he condoned sectarianim that sawed seeds of antagonism amongst South Sudanese. He lacked the vision of a united South Sudan. That culminated in what followed after the demise of their rule. Alier or Dinka tribe was not hated and will not be hated but sectarianism in form of tribalism can not accepted. The people of South Sudan have things to do to humanity for a common good other than those evil things that divide us. Our leaders should learn to do things that unite our people. Our trouble is not far if stand disunited.

  • dengtaath

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah, ahahahahahahahahah, hahahahahahahahah
    I can’t stop laughing, call him our hero Dr. John and ask him about the cause of 1991 split, and hear from him the answer. Am sure he will not respond to you than he will say it was a political Ideology, that means political differences.Dr.Garang knows Riek machar very well forget about all these Yaka.
    My friend clean out the Tribalism thatis sticking in that small brain you have and is driving you to talk trash. The world knows what is going on in Sudan specially the South, you pretend with that big mouth you have as if South Sudan is only run bestby your uncle Dr.John and his likes, but you forgot that the world will unfold the secret behind corrupt community who only believe of its majority not the good leadership. Ha,you talk of 21 years back, why don’t you talk of 21 years a head instead of you going backward, shame on you and kill yourself if you don’t like him.

  • Jay

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    Milaja, here is the different between Riek and Abel if you have any sense of comprehension! Abel didn’t take arms against his unarms civilian Southerners and slaughter them mercilessly and at the same time claiming to be fighting for the very same people he is killing.

    Milaja, where does that make any sense in your society? I know not in mine!
    Where in the world do you fight a long side the enemy that you want to free yourself from?

    Second of all who on this site says bad things about Joseph Lagu? Because he and Abel were playing the same role of not trying to take part in any conflict in either side
    Milaja, No one would blame you because you don’t have any idea!

  • Nhomlawda

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    Fool Lamija,
    The difference between Abel Alier and Riek Machar is that Abel had never joined any of the Southern armed movements (Anya Anya I, II and SPLA/M) in his lifetime. Abel Alier is a Sudanese judge and politician who had never involved in any armed struggle against the Government of Sudan. Abel Alier had been faithful to his work as a judge and a politician in Sudan and everybody knows that – both Arabs and Africans in South Sudan and Sudan elsewhere. Abel Alier had been a voice of the voiceless and this is clearly shown in his book and his work within Sudan during the war.
    If Abel Alier had rebelled against the Government of Sudan together with John Garang, who would have protected Equatorians, Nuer and few Dinkas who did not joined the movement from being slaughtered in large numbers by NIF/SAF? Your little brain needs to look beyond your nose – yah foolish yita
    Riek Machar rebelled against the Government of Sudan and joined SPLA/M and rebelled from the SPLA/M and killed thousands of innocent people of South Sudan after which he joined GoS shamelessly again. Riek Machar helped SAF/NIF to extract oil to buy sophisticated weapons to finish South Sudanese. Did Abel Alier do such things Riek Machar had done to Southerners – yah fool/aweer yita?

  • Nhomlawda

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    Salva Kiir was elected by South Sudanese as their president. South Sudanese know when to take their power from Salva Kiir and give it to someone they think will perform better than Salva Kiir but not Riek Machar to determine how South Sudanese government powers are allocated and distributed. South Sudanese did not mandate Riek Machar to do anything on their behalf but Salva Kiir appointed him vice president to help him in serving people of South Sudan.
    Riek Machar should not be allowed to stab his boss in the back again and repeat his 1991 rebellion against the people of South Sudan.
    He should not be given any more time to plan his next moves against people of South Sudan.
    People of South Sudan must take pre-emptive measures against this wicked man conspiracy. We have learned from his 1991 – 2002 actions and must not be given any more time to do his massacres again in any part of South Sudan.
    As soon as he arrives in South Sudan – please put him under house arrest and arrange him in court on treason charges including owning a rebel group headed by Gatluak Gai in Unity State.
    All South Sudanese are aware of this wicked man by the name of Riek Machar as an enemy agent among us.
    He is an enemy of South Sudan people and must be treated likewise.
    Conspiring against South Sudan people all the time is his best known duty. He poses himself as a reformed person during a day time but turns into a traitor at night.
    South Sudanese must disown Riek Machar and send him loose like his mentor Lam Akol or put him in jail.

  • Nhomlawda

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    Salva Kiir was elected by South Sudanese as their president. South Sudanese know when to take their power from Salva Kiir and give it to someone they think will perform better than Salva Kiir but not Riek Machar to determine how South Sudanese government powers are allocated and distributed. South Sudanese did not mandate Riek Machar to do anything on their behalf but Salva Kiir appointed him vice president to help him in serving people of South Sudan.
    Riek Machar should not be allowed to stab his boss in the back again and repeat his 1991 rebellion against the people of South Sudan.
    He should not be given any more time to plan his next moves against people of South Sudan.
    People of South Sudan must take pre-emptive measures against this wicked man conspiracy. We have learned from his 1991 – 2002 actions and must not be given any more time to do his massacres again in any part of South Sudan.
    As soon as he arrives in South Sudan – please put him under house arrest and arrange him in court on treason charges including owning a rebel group headed by Gatluak Gai in Unity State.
    All South Sudanese are aware of this wicked man by the name of Riek Machar as an enemy agent among us.
    He is an enemy of South Sudan people and must be treated likewise.
    Conspiring against South Sudan people all the time is his best known duty. He poses himself as a reformed person during a day time but turns into a traitor at night.
    South Sudanese must disown Riek Machar and send him loose like his mentor Lam Akol or put him in jail.

  • Kon Ajith Deng
    Kon Ajith Deng

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    Good things from the wise man like Dr.Machar,we need buffer zone between the north and the South,for security of the border between the North and South,Dr. Riak is a good president,he wants his people to be in safe side,but trouble maker like Mr. Kiir wants all the powers to be in his hand for grabbing other lands for his Dinkas,but my advice to you is that,don’t give up your power,Mr.Kiir is not a president but he is a Dinka Sultan,we can not wait for him.

  • Dr. Reality
    Dr. Reality

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    The idea of Buffer zone can not guarantee permanent peace, the best solution is for the South Sudan to mobilize rebels and create more in Darfur, Nuba mountain,Blue Nile, and Eastern Sudan to militarily topple Mr.Bashir in particular and Arabs in general.
    After that we Sudaneses-Africans can divide our land in peace.

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    ALamija milaja

    I usually responds on your comments because you always left some gaps which can accomodate my points. Well, no one can criticize you over your tribal status even though you’re Nuer or someone else (stranger) therefore, no need for you to ran away from your Nuer ethnic community. I am telling you, your Riek Machar will return soon to Malakal to work as traditional leader your tribal leader for you Naath coz we are tired of rude society of yours. When will you learns to behave as human. Killing “Muothoneen” is yours, stealing cattle is yours, primitivity also yours. We are really, really out of your behaviors.

    Now he [Riek] is trying to make his reputation sound high to South Sudanese, by calling a thing that materially embarrassing the South ‘buffer zone’ who don’t know him the disguise wolf in lamb’s image. You will not win Southerners’ hearts unless you stop your primitive attitudes against Dinka.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    Tribe, you are right in sense, our vice president needs to extend his hands and mind to all south Sudanese people instead of confining himself with his tribal community. He is a heart beat away from presidency based on the position he is holding as the vice president but having meeting or secrete meeting with Nuer Community in Nebraska is wrong for a wise man like him.

    If Dr. Riak Machar wants to be a good southern leader, he should keep away from the so called Naath supporting. It reduces him to nothing worst than the boy or a girl called Naath supporter.

  • John M. Atem
    John M. Atem

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    Thank you very much for that praiseworthy comment.

    Indeed, our president Salva Kiir has forgotten the 1991 incident. It was Chief Security Kiir then and now president Kiir who himself said in Torit 1991, ” Riek Machar betrayal is great” If Indeed,it is great as he has said it,then the question become: why should he appoints a person who have stabbed the movement in the back?

    Our late hero Dr. John Garang was really a smart man and that was the reason why he kept people like Riek who will frustrate his plan at a very far distance. So, president Kiir should not go around backbiting him while he is the very same person who appointed him, knowing full too well Riek Machar’s betrayals. So, my president do not cry, you are who are the maker of your own problem.
    And you will have to live with it. But I want to warn you, if you are not that careful Riek will get you.
    Riek is a smart, success-thinking and never-forget-type of a guy and if you and your dimwitted misleading fools whom you have surrounded yourself with are not that careful, he will gets all of you. And so, I end by giving you pieces of advice in form of an old saying in English that goes” forewarn is forearm”.

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    Garang’s disciples,

    In war, the skin of Fox is at times as necessary as that of a Lion, for cunning may succeed when force fails. Speaking from his underground rally, in a message to his disciples in 1983, he declared that “the first bullet must be fired against the separatists [Anya Nya II,]” as an attempt to impose his self-claimed “New Sudan,” vision on Southern Sudanese and hijacked the movement from its founders [separatists] altogether, coincidence?

    The separatists’ ringleader and the man who championed the self-determination vision, Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon was not appointed by cowboy Slava Kiir as far as the SPLM/A 2nd National Convention of 2008 concerned.

    If Dr. Riek Machar forced Mr. Marxist-Leninist Garang to relinquish his poor “New Sudan,” vision for self-determination for the people South Sudan, does Mr. coward Slava has a gut to fire him (Dr. Riek) let alone put him to prison as his subordinates wishes?

    Dr. Machar, rom wech-guur!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    Dear Southerners,

    Try to learn and listen or observe the way in which the world of today is rotating. It doesn’t matter nowadays whether you kill your enemies with: stones, spears, Guns or in politic procedures. The matter of the fact is that if you suceed the aims/objectives you are after, then that is it. So, Dr Reik Machar is ionic in term of diplomacy in national level affairs and international level affairs, no doubt about that.

    Many people who are opposing Dr Reik leadership may argue me, but in really sense Dr Reik machar is lovely man and he is loved by everyone, only that what reduced the reputation of people was the evil acts of 1989-2003, that he made against his people.

    Thus, am not supporting Dr reik Machar’s previously evil acts, but am only supporting his political idomatics that he is playing Nationally and Internationlly. No body knows how long does R.S.S as the nation takes to change into better or worse, but careful plans and careful approches can be the keys leading to identifications of what you are; and this is what Dr Reik Machar is trying to find out on behalf of R.S.S people.

    For your information, Dr Reik’s meeting with Nuer in USA in particular, does not means that he has got different planned “B”, but his aim is to winning the hearts of an individual weak minded Nuer who had gone in the bush again without the proper visions to come back. Reik Machar will not be president in the eyes of those who opposed his leadership, but he has got roles to: plans, delegates, co-ordinates, communicates and neutrally conveys all others leadership technques that are badly needed by the newest Nation on earth, (R.S.S). Please bear with me and read this proverb which says: “When a tailor cuts clothes, then none tailor (person)sees the clothe as if it is not going to be worn any more, but when tailor measures height/width and length and starts sewing the cloth, then this is when a person who is not a tailor would believe and starts liking the cloth that he/she wants to”. So, Dr Reik Machar might not be a president of R.S.S, but he might be a tailor of R.S.S according to his capacity and his political idomatics that he is playing now in R.S.S affairs internally and externally.


    Lok T. simon.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    Kimberly Deng, your types are the ones encouraging Dr. Rial to lose his dignity among south sudanese. You guys should support him as one of the southern leaders but not as Gat gur or gay Naath. You people have some meaningful education and be nationalists. South Sudan cannot afford tribalism, it is a disaster to our new nation. Let us be preachers of unity.

  • jur_likang_a_ likan'g
    jur_likang_a_ likan'g

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    1991 incident is bygone issue. We do not need to dwell on history. We need to move forward by correcting the past mistakes otherwise we will still stay backwards.

    I do not see where Riek Machar has stabbed our Leader at the back. I thought Riek is working hard for the benefit of all South Sudanese. Currently he is representing Goss overseas. He the second man in Goss. If he criticises things which are universally wrong in the government then he should be not be condemned. He should be showered with compliments. This reflects the good face of government. I believe that is part of his role as a leader of Goss. Goss is not owned by an individual. It belongs to South ” Sudanese” and not a group of people. The government that follows the path of liberal democracy must always be run collectively. I am afraid those who oppose what he is doing have a secret agenda that might culminate to something catastrophic. Never will the people of South Sudan accept that. Our future should not be behing the curtain of Alier-Ruben Mac style of government.

  • Ngundeng

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    Pretending like the tension between Nuer and Dinka will lessen because of our future unity state itself is ridiculous. Nuer and Dinka cannot live with each other civilly without the other feeling the other is gaining too much power.

    Nuer- They feel like they are getting ripped off, because the GOSS is going to use their natural resources (Nuerland) to help build the economy, while they don’t even have an important say in the government, which is Dinka dominated.

    Dinka- They are too nationalist and don’t consider other tribes in Southern Sudan seriously because they are the majority.

    I’m telling EVERYONE right now, if Dinka believe they can push Nuer around in their own land and take their resources, the Nuer will repent and will see them no different than the Arabs Jalaba.

  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    dear blind,

    Dog thoughts and its comments are more better than yours. What Dinka and Nuer in supplement analysis? Is it not Nuer and Dinka who had both been surfered in the hand Arabs for last 55 yrs. Pease, talking is a disease; better for u to keep quite and learn more.


    Lok T. Simon

  • Nhomlawda

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    Nuer are just confused Dinka descendants and they should not always be enemies to their wise cousins (Dinkas).
    Nuer should know that they are not at war with Dinka and should they be at war as Nuer wanted it to be; Nuer will be completely destroyed militarily and politically. Better Nuer should exploit their cousins’ relationship with Dinka other than creating a distant for their disadvantage and their descendents.
    The oil being used in South Sudan is from Dinka land not Nuer land. The oil is Dinka Ngok land in Unity State but not in Nuer land; Nuer do not have any land anyway in South Sudan. Nuers are just accommodated in Dinka land and the little land they captured from Anyuak tribe.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    Brother Lok I agree with you that Dr. Risk is a good leader but his problem is he always listens to people that help put his reputation in a garbage bin instead of being seen as a national leader, otherwise he is a good leader.

  • Ngundeng

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    What causes enemies? Fear. Both tribes fear the other’s succession, which is why they are the most competitive group in Southern Sudan. Their tribalism is what’s stopping not only their nation’s progression, but Africa as a continent’s progression. Military-wise, no. The Dinka have been Nuer’s slaves since forever. Why do you think we call you Joang; Slave? All of the oil found are in two states, which are ironically in Nuer territory. Dinka believe it’s Southern Sudan’s oil, the Nuer believe it’s Naath oil.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    Nhomlada, as you put it, Dinka and Nuer are brothers and like any family, there is always minor family differences. I however would like advice you Nuer like Dinka is not a one person tribe but million plus and is not good to generalized the whole tribe because of the few that you disagree with and because those you disagree with generalized your whole tribe does not mean you act the same way. Commend targeting the individual you have differences with only.

  • Ngundeng

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    The Dinka Tribe has been spat in the faces by everyone in Sudan, simply because they want to dictate other tribe’s opinions and regardless if another tribe has ideas, they will shut down that idea because Dinka is the majority.

    Where has Sudan gone with Dinka people as the majority? War with Arabs? Being enslaved by British, whereas their “brothers” Nuer fought harder than them.

    The Dinka people will always be weak in Nuer’s eyes.

  • Nguetbuny de Luelpiny
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    A few Nuer have Vision for Sudan.

    but Majorities of them are Tribalist Robberies. I do not see different between Naath Deng and Jaang Deng. The only diferent is Nuer are tribals Robberies,separatist,short sign and greed. Lack of Naath of varieties of education make the Naath different from their Brother Jang.

    The majority of Naath are Village minded and a few Naath understood the problem. Half of Jaang are Cities people and can understand the Arab problem. Jaang see only Arab as enemy but the culture clash of cities people and village people cause the differnt between Nuer and Jieng.

    Naath speak only Naath,that why they are so foolish to understand and see who is their enemy. They take their local tribal village as Nation problem. Naath have no border with Arab. That why they do not knew Arab as their enemy. Few educated nuers in old sudanknew the Arab problem. But majority are the bunch of tribal Robberies.

    Naath leadership will be under suppervision of Dinka and others tribe in sudan. they nuer leadership is the dinka leadership. Jaang leadership is the Nuer leadership. What the Nuer is fighting is the war of foolishness. If they say Jaang leadership.

    Are Nuer not a part of Jaang. Nuer are short sign people,that why they mis the piont of struggling. Who going to support tribal minded that can not be with others tribe.

    Where Naath live,there is no others tribe going to be wit them and Dinka can live with any tribe in Sudan. Naath are naturally criminal minded like Taposa in eastern Equartoria.
    Nuer will be under supervision of Dinka until they are mature enough to be come Nationalist.

    It will take 50s years for Naath to come to full of understand their problem;otherswise they will suffers alot as NgunDeng said. They are alway offended others by Waging war aginst Dinka,Murlei,Anywak,Burun. But it will not works thing out.

    Son of the Nile.

  • Ngundeng

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    Dinka are nationalists because the majority of Southern Sudan is populated by which tribal group? Dinka. It’s quite simple, when your rival tribe has most of the political power, the human thing to do is react violently.

    Fact is, the Arab “problem” only affected Dinka’s vision of dominated Sudan, the Naath people are the enemies of the Dinka, and you know the old saying “The enemy (Jallaba) of my enemy (Dinka) is my friend.

    Remember this!

  • Ghai-nyanthy

    Machar calls for creation of buffer zone between North and South Sudan
    Mr. Truth teller.

    Its make no sense when you do something you will regret afterwards.

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