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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

GOSS approves University of Western Equatoria

June 15, 2011 (YAMBIO) – The University of Western Equatoria, which was promised by the president of Sudan, Omer Hassan Al-Bashir during the fifth anniversary of the CPA celebration in Yambio, on Jan 19th 2011 is officially approved by GOSS Ministry of Higher Education.

The state minister of Education Adel Senderi held a meeting with the minister of Agriculture to discuss a request by the vice-chancellor of the University of Western Equatoria to see how to assist with the establishment of the university in the state.

Speaking to the press after the meeting, he said the request was to “secure administrative blocks for the university campus”. He revealed that the university will start with three faculties of Medicine, Agriculture and Education.

The minister pointed out that, probably the university will be opened in 2012 academic year after the establishment of the administrative block.

The five national southern universities are not opened due to lack of accommodation funds for both students and lecturers from the north. However Adel said the latest information is that, the University of Malakal and Rumbek will be opened in August 2011 while Juba University will be opened in September 2011.

Adel acknowledged that with the faculty of education in the university it will boost the acquisition of enough teachers which is the major challenge leading to low quality of education in the state.

The Minister said after the establishment of the university 80% of the admission will be for the students in the state thereafter they will admit from other states. He under lined that such measure will reduce the cost of transport and accommodation for our students to outside universities for the students in the state.

The state minister of Agriculture Charles Yore said, his ministry will give the administrative block in the former Yambio institute of agriculture for temporary use.

He further said the establishment of the university is going to be a salvation to the state because the state will be able to train local agriculturalist nearby.

“Those who have no university education in agriculture will get them here it will improve their skills, in addition to that there will be community outreach program to train communities around to give them knowledge on how to improve their lively hood,” he disclosed.

He said, it will provide employment opportunities in the state, as the university will have the farm which will require tractors drivers, and technicians.

Yore said, the science based university will encourage the students to focus high on science subjects.

“The opening of the university will attract investors because most investors lack technical people on ground in their fields,” he said.

The minister called upon the communities of the state to avail land for the permanent construction of the university if time comes.



  • Riak

    GOSS approves University of Western Equatoria
    It’s worthwhile to have one in Yambio. But, we must not forget to open ” Bor University” in Jonglei State.Otherwise the whole thing will be senseless.

  • Quol Quot
    Quol Quot

    GOSS approves University of Western Equatoria

    There is already one university in Bortown, but Salva and his Dogrial group refused to recognize it. Last year, the list of all official universities in South Sudan was published but Garang institute didn’t appear. There is a high fear in the government but why should they be afraid? Time will tell….
    All the other universities are funded but university doesn’t get any.
    A friend long time ago a friend said that if people in Bortown want to get funding and recognition, they need to drop Garang’s names and substitute it with Dr. Salva Institute of science and Technology . And after that you will get all you want. Calling a university Bor will make matters worst.

    Minister of Education and Dogrial group are sowing seeds of hatred for the coming generations among all subclans in S. Sudan. They will reap what they are sowing.

  • Kon Garang
    Kon Garang

    GOSS approves University of Western Equatoria
    Establishing A University in WES is a step in a right direction by Goss, however there is an urgent needs to improve the standard of the Universities which has already been established.
    The Subject matter is not the quantity of Universities in South Sudan but the quality.

  • Riak

    GOSS approves University of Western Equatoria
    @ Quol Quote,

    Than, this mean that the gogrial’s kitchen cabinets are precisely out of their minds. Whether they like it or not,Garang’s institute of science and technology and Bortown university plus much more must be established in Bortown for people there to benefits. Otherwise, it will be worthy to say that, our people are being unfairly deny their fair share at this critical time.


    GOSS approves University of Western Equatoria
    Dinka ,
    University in western Equatoria state does not mean is belong to that state.
    Primitive people like you does not know what a university is.
    It is belong to all students regardless their regions,countries and continent.

  • DeltaBravo

    GOSS approves University of Western Equatoria
    Please people stop crying. Univerity is not the problem first we need Unity more then Univerity. after that we will build ten Univerities in all ten States.

  • Adam

    GOSS approves University of Western Equatoria
    You’ve said it!

    Adam Milawaki, Nairobi

  • Nhomlawda

    GOSS approves University of Western Equatoria
    I think there a total lost of direction in South Sudan whether it is political or economic/development direction.
    Students are still loitering in Khartoum because the University of Juba campus is not built in South Sudan and we are opening more universities.
    Zambia spent decades with just one public university but I think they are doing better than South Sudan in term of improving quality of labor market in their country.
    I think Mayardit administration is a burden on South Sudanese other than being a solution to their problems.
    There is no sense of natural intelligence in GOSS. South Sudanese are 90 percent illiterate; do they really need 10 public universities in South Sudan? We need to think on how to give people basic technical skills to build their country other think of opening many public universities which will not help South Sudan soon.

  • Deng MANYOK Awuol
    Deng MANYOK Awuol

    GOSS approves University of Western Equatoria
    Number “ONE” respect for personal dignity signifies individual’s intellectuality. The world’s website should NOT be USED for discussing tribal issues I repeat. what has become a “pride for majority” as I may call it was an effort exhausted by individual; therefore, respect your dignity if you wish for the future.
    Yes, We can have University in Yambio, Rumbek, Juba, Warrap, Wau and mention them even any minister’s name can be used to obtain a new university, but then the question is does our government bother about higher education? Curriculum have already been violated, because I have never heard of country that can spend the whole year when universities are not operating, never. It was only Iran where students from primary to secondary were drown into the bride so that tanks could passed over them since they were useless by then and eventually they obtained their independence from Iraq go back to history. I myself would love to hearing Yambio University or WES University whatever they call it because I have been studying there the whole of my Primary and Secondary school respectively, but I strongly dispute what Hon. Minister said that “…80% of the intake will be initially from our state”. why cannot we be ashamed of ourselves, where in the world do such things happen for a national University to be dominated by one state? would those accept? I think they will not because University students are our tomorrow leaders and they can be evaluated all over South Sudan. I disagree with that, it is an absolute lie unless we want to encourage tribalism. It used to be called IDEAS before am very certain about it, but the reasons for it formation now are not authentic. Deng MANYOK Awuol, UGANDA CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY

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