Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Lakes state cattle-raiding incidents

By Manyang Mayom

June 13, 2011 (RUMBEK) – Conflict in Lakes state has killed 71 people and wounded 36 on 9 June, in what are reported to be cattle-raids.

Casualty in Rumbek hospital (ST)
Casualty in Rumbek hospital (ST)
Conflict in Rumbek East between members of the Gony and Thuyci ethnic groups killed 23 and injured 18, who are receiving treatment under arrest in Rumbek hospital. There was also conflict in which 10 inhabitants of Rumbek North were killed and 14 injured; and 38 inhabitants of Cueibet were killed and four wounded.

The commissioner of Rumbek East county, David Marial Gumke, told Sudan Tribune that ”people of two sections of my county have been killing each other in revenge attacks – now the Gony have lost seven people and six are wounded. The Thuyic have 16 people dead and 18 people have sustained wounds.”

There have been numerous Gony / Thuyic clashes, but this is the most violent of the 14 major incidents since the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005.

The CPA was signed by North and South Sudan in 2005, ending 22 years of civil war. South Sudan will be officially declared an independent country on 9 July. Bringing cattle-raiding and militia attacks under control will be a significant challenge for the country.

The heads of the Gony and Thuyic gangs involved remain at large.

Gumke said that “this conflict of Gony and Thuyic sections cannot be ignored – they are well equipped militarily and now they have overrun the police. We have a small police force with little police equipment”.

The clashes between Gok ethnic group of Cueibet County and Pakam ethnic group of Rumbek North have seriously affected the residents of Cueibet. Makuac Deng Malek, Gar and Ayen villages were burnt down in Cueibet by youths allegedly loyal to Rumbek North.

During the skirmish in Rumbek North 10 people died, including three children, 14 people were wounded, over 300 cows were stolen and 60 cows were killed, including five prize bulls.

The commissioner of Cueibet County, Isaac Mayom Malek, told Sudan Tribune that youths from Pagor and Tiaptiap districts of his county carried out revenge attacks in Pakam. Mayom appealed for humanitarian assistance.

Between the 9-12 June, clashes erupted in western and eastern parts of the state capital, Rumbek. There was also a threat from militias: the commissioner of Rumbek North, Isaac Mayek Noah, alleged that a militia helicopter landed in Madol district of Rumbek North

The state government responded by requesting military assistance from Juba, the capital of South Sudan. Sudan People’s Liberation Army troops were sent to Rumbek North on 14 June.

The governor of Lakes state, Chol Tong Mayay, has made repeated requests to the Government of South Sudan for equipment and training for his police force so they are better prepared to deal with insecurity.



  • Madut Tong
    Madut Tong

    Lakes state cattle-raiding incidents
    I don’t understand the responsibility of the county governors, and their thoughts when they hear that their people are killing each other. It is a responsibility of the state government in cooperation with counties, payams and Bumas to put an end to these atrocities. People should not be allow to act as beasts of the forest which do not have rules and regulations to govern themselves. The government should reinforce the rule of law among the people. I don’t agree with commissioner’s nonsense that the police in the county are few! what a mess! is it a county or a Buma? before the war, each Buma (station, by that time) used to have at least five policeman, but a district (Payam) used to have big numbers of policemen and the larger were found in the counties and the state capitals. Please stop nonsense and provide security in the region, else you will find yourselves engulf between these gangsters in the future, let the government be the government.

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    Lakes state cattle-raiding incidents
    The youth misintrepretated and abused their freedoms. Only expect journey to death. Depot Chiefs and any suspect from the intellectuals from Thiyic and Gony. No further exploration needed to investigate the root cause of prevailing conflicts. The Government should keep silent and reluctant to act seriously unless both Governments (GOSS and State) like this kind of entertainment. They must be treated with Militias.

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    Lakes state cattle-raiding incidents
    Dear Lake citizens,

    Please dear brothers and sisters you need to look at your shoulders and see whom are you killing really always. You are the same people starting from Jurbel beyond and reasonable doubt,but are you killing yourselves in a sily way. you guys seem really forget how effective the community of lake state contribute during our struggles if you just kill those who remain during the war for the matter of cattle raiding or simple revenge.71 lost of lives is abig lost to South Sudan and particularly the Dinka if you guys does not knowing that. Why are Gony and Thuice always killing themselves for useles arguments. You are the same people. The same thing to Gok and Pakam,why are you so stupid to raid your own cattle that can feed each and every one of Lake state. Why do you kill yourslves for nothing?You guys are so stupid and you spoiling Dinka Culture becauese Dinka do not raid and take the cattle for someone unless the revenge that come from distance and not like you idiot are always fighting for. I am not in a good mood indeed because these people should have see the fruitfulness of how they struggle for long.
    My last advise is that don,t you guys be like Nuer, Murle, and maralin who do cattle raiding for the survivals. You guys need to know that you are one people and speak the same language that you really could make and solve disagreement. Sorry for you guys!

  • Bol Pur
    Bol Pur

    Lakes state cattle-raiding incidents
    Manyang Mayom, mixing articles. What brought signing of CPA into enthnic or tribal clashes? I know lack of capacity can make you misunderstand the quotations. These ethnics clashes in Lakes state are not part of North-South 2005 agreement, because this no involvement of Northern army. If you want to quote CPA please report about situation happining between two government.

    I know those of you who are selling stories to Tribune, sometimes done care about readers, but please be mindful of intellectual class that are reading your articles. try to get somebody helping you in editing stories before publishing. I know you have add that part of CPA in your article simply to add “words” but have no meaning in this quote at all.

    Finally, Lakes state case is cattle raiding and evil revenge killing as said. But that needs military campign seriously and Judiciary reformation so that those who have killed people are brought to justices.


    Lakes state cattle-raiding incidents
    Dear my people in Lake State,

    You people in Lake State need to stop killing among yourselves. Killing human being like you, because of cattle doesn’t make you a rich person or anything. People are dying like animals and nothing State government is not doing anything to stop the violence is happening right now.

    I am very consent about insecurity in our State, because many people lost their lives for no cause at all. Our people need to stop the violent and live in peace with their fellow Lake State people. Tribe’s conflict cannot take us anywhere it will take us back into the hold that we’re about to get out of it on July 9. We have to put our tribal issues behind us and let us come together as one people and one nation.

    I am calling to Lake State governor Chol Tong Mayay, and commissioners of Rumbek, and Yirol to step up and applying the laws to those who are causing the violence. Also State government need to bring those people who are responsible for the crimes against people in Lake and bring them into justice. The reason why the crimes increasing day by days in Lake State is because criminal people are walking freely, because the government have not done nothing to protest the civilians.

    In July 9 South Sudan will be independence country and our people need to act now to stop killing one another and think about on how they will develop their State and new nation about to be born in Africa. This is very sad to our brothers in Lake State for killing themselves.

    May almighty God bring peace in Lake State?

    Abraham Majak
    Email: [email protected]
    Website: Rescuesudan.org
    Twitter: @RSSVP
    Follow me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Rescue-Southern-Sudan-Village-People/114132061941295?ref=ts

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