Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLA’s al-Hilu claims control over large areas of S. Kordofan

June 18, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudan People Liberation Army (SPLA) in South Kordofan denied assertions by Khartoum that it has full control of the state saying that battles are still ongoing including in the capital city of Kadugli.

A picture released by Thabo Mbeki's spokesman shows former President of Burundi Pierre Buyoya and AU mediator for the Sudan crisis Thabo Mbeki with Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) commander, Abdel Aziz al-Hilu (C), at his military headquarters in South Kordofan State, Sudan, June 16, 2011 (VOA)
A picture released by Thabo Mbeki’s spokesman shows former President of Burundi Pierre Buyoya and AU mediator for the Sudan crisis Thabo Mbeki with Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) commander, Abdel Aziz al-Hilu (C), at his military headquarters in South Kordofan State, Sudan, June 16, 2011 (VOA)
“We want to confirm to you that fighting is still ongoing within the city of Kadugli and that the SPLA is still in control of important locations within the city,” read a statement signed by the former deputy governor of South Kordofan and the leading SPLA figure in the state Abdel-Aziz al-Hilu.

“We confirm to you that a number of localities are entirely under the control of the SPLA by 100% which are the localities (Dallami, Haiban, Alburam, Um Dorain) in addition to more than 60 other garrisons scattered along the state had been liberated completely from the grip of the army of the National Congress Party”.

Al-Hilu accused the state governor Ahmed Haroun and other NCP officials of “misleading the public opinion” and in the process are continuing to kill civilians particularly through aerial bombardments.

“We want to assure you that our troops will make the necessary arrangements for the protection of civilians in the state”, al-Hilu said.

Fighting between Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and SPLA erupted on June 5 under mysterious circumstances. The Northern army said that the SPLA launched an attack on a police station and stole weapons prompting a response.

However, the SPLA claimed that SAF attempted to disarm their units by force. The North gave SPLA in the Blue Nile and South Kordofan until June 1 to evacuate the two states and head South of the 1956 borders.

But officials in the south’s dominant party said that fighters in these border regions are Northerners and therefore cannot be asked to migrate southwards.

Sudanese authorities said that al-Hilu is a fugitive who faces charges of terrorism that carry the death penalty.

On Saturday the SAF military intelligence director in Division 14 infantry Colonel Osama Mohamed said the army uncovered documents and maps showing a plot by the SPLA to assassinate a number of military, political and executive figures in South Kordofan including Haroun who is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for his role in Darfur war crimes.

The military official said the plot was to be carried out with the participation of UN organizations as well as local and foreign NGO’s. He added that a number of trucks have been seized with a logo of a company named ESCO that is licensed in South Sudan and UNMIS that was transporting food and supplies to the SPLA.

Colonel Osama further said that a large number of weapons and landmines at a Hay Hagr al-Nar district located in the western side of Kadugli that the SPLA was planning to plant in different parts of the city.

The African Union High Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) headed by former South African president Thabo Mbeki said this week that the warring parties in South Kordofan have agreed to hold talks on cessation of hostilities.

However Mbeki gave little details on how that would be achieved.

SAF has intensified its bombing campaign and its military aircrafts even dropped several bombs close to a UN compound near Kadugli on Friday.

Prior to that the Northern army closed Kadugli airport drawing strong rebuke from the UN which said that this step hampers humanitarian activity.



  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    SPLA’s al-Hilu claims control over large areas of S. Kordofan
    God is great
    God help those who help themselvies
    God with Al Hilu SPLA/M

  • James Garang
    James Garang

    SPLA’s al-Hilu claims control over large areas of S. Kordofan
    Thanks you very much SPLA of Nuba continue protect your areas from Arabs until you reach your full right
    I am encourage you to maintain these places of Dallami, Haiban, Alburam, Um Dorain and others addition places and think carefully in all days day and night about Arabs please I cannot provide more ideas to you on this website because this website our enemy Arabs are also read this comments so I know you very well and also you are knowing your brothers in South Sudan
    Thanks you again, SPLA Oyeeeeeeee

  • Lorolokin

    SPLA’s al-Hilu claims control over large areas of S. Kordofan
    Dinka Dominated SPLA,

    I think it will be wise if you equip yourself with some training including Adult education.there is nothing called themselvies, the word selvies alone is the name of the best Hotel in India.


  • sebit

    SPLA’s al-Hilu claims control over large areas of S. Kordofan
    this is great news to all of us and to nubain people firstly and indeed the splm is doing very great job to win this war until Khartoum to be wipe out by the splm and of course our hero Hilu yes he is very Hilu to all of us and remeber all you need we got it for you not just us but from the whole world as well and i just want say i’m very happy with the splm is doing in the south kordafan cause the evil of the NCP will learn this leason and of course the splm will win this war weither they know it or not that’s why they ain’t gonna touch blue nile yet way to go SPLM oyeee


    SPLA’s al-Hilu claims control over large areas of S. Kordofan
    Whooooooo, the Arab diasporas in African are in a trap. Soon will be the turn in Egypt, the republic of Arab in African land.

  • Wad Napoleon
    Wad Napoleon

    SPLA’s al-Hilu claims control over large areas of S. Kordofan
    Hi Gen. Al Hilu. Let NCP go to heel or else they respect human dignity and peace.

  • jur_likang_a_ likan'g
    jur_likang_a_ likan'g

    SPLA’s al-Hilu claims control over large areas of S. Kordofan
    This is actually a fight between the forces of evil(Islamists) and peace loving Nuba. They really need help of peace loving people of the world. The land, skys all belong to them. Why should they be persecuted on their land? At least a moral support should be showered to them other wise a military support would be appropriate. Never should terrorists be allowed to rule Sudan so that Osama II can come a set foothold them when the dust of international war against terrorism come to settle down.

  • Nhomlawda

    SPLA’s al-Hilu claims control over large areas of S. Kordofan
    Al Hilu is fighting for a just cause – the rights to live in peace, dignity and freedom to pursue happiness are inalienable rights for everybody in the world including the Nuba people. Nuba people must be supported to achieve their dreams of peaceful and dignified living in their own land which had been denied to them by ruthless jihadist regimes in the Sudan since the arrival of Arabs in Sudan. Nuba people must be supported to carry out their ‘popular consultation’ as stated in CPA to determine their fate the Sudan.

  • Waucity

    SPLA’s al-Hilu claims control over large areas of S. Kordofan
    wow, out of selfishness they introduce a new war instead of saying what postive can we do next…Selfish, feeling so entitled to every things in Sudan, things their forefathers never had in arabia…Selfish…Don’t forget, you trade in our cities, get fifty percent of our oil, get our fishes and so many more..As people who feed off other people things, you need to give other people rooms to breath too. Selfish little people..


    SPLA’s al-Hilu claims control over large areas of S. Kordofan
    KINKAK :One mistake word cannot make a person a fool or make one go back to adult education..mis-spell happened sometimes to everybody including you dumbhand…cheers bro…DANDHEL

  • Paul Ongee
    Paul Ongee

    SPLA’s al-Hilu claims control over large areas of S. Kordofan
    Khartoum is good at lying. The allegations of “uncovered document” and “landmines” are baseless. Al-Hilu is the one who discovered Khartoum’s plan of using Nuba sons against those who fought along SPLA to kill them one by one and then impose its Islamic projects that kept Sudan at war with itself for over five decades.

    The landmines discovered by AL-Hilu are always given to Peter Gatdet to limit movement of peace-loving people of South Sudan around North-South borders. Haroum, Bashir and the Janzaweed militia leader, Kushayib are terrorists and war criminals wanted by the ICC. How can a freedom fighter like Al-Hilu be called a terrorist?

    Osama Bin Laden was offered a sanctuary by Bashir and his thugs while Al-Hilu was fighting for his freedom and dignity with Dr. Garang De-Mabior. Khartoum should stop lying. Freedom and human dignity are for all Sudanese but not for Khartoumers only.

    Paul Ongee
    Khartoum Watch

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    SPLA’s al-Hilu claims control over large areas of S. Kordofan
    Call it vanity, call it arrogant presumption, call it what you wish, but I would grope for the nearest open grave if I had no education to work for, no need to search one for and sometimes find the winged word that just fits, no keen wonder over what each unfolding day may bring. my education is not even fit to be comment on this sit but to talk with lawmaker, because i am in United Kingdom where everone is educated
    second to it is that i am from a well educated family background where father and mother are well educated and work for the Goss, so i hope more of you commentator are just bounch of refugees who are struggle to get education and i don’t have problem with that since you people are doing that, but mistake can happen in any kind of everthings leave alone spelling,
    I am high profile educated man amoungest sudanse people and i am proud of that,
    So Mr lorolakin go to hell with your little education it dose’t bother me either.

    God be with you,

  • Kon Ajith Deng
    Kon Ajith Deng

    SPLA’s al-Hilu claims control over large areas of S. Kordofan
    This is nonsence from Mr.Abdelaziz the capital city of Kadugli still under control of SAF,let him talk about small area in South Kordofan,SPLA have no power to control the capital,,they still in the bush far away from Kadugli,fighting this time will not help,let him talk how to rein his people from the bush,don’t allow yourself to be deceive by Southern SPLM,they failed to mantain their positions,you are supposed to listen to NCP for your future in the northern Sudan,or you will be a failure people like Southern Sudanese under control of SPLM/A,there are many rebels in the bush because of mismanagement of the South Sudan from SPLM/A,South Sudan liberation Army are strugg ling for change in the South Sudan, I think there are nothing good under SPLM/A,being in the South or in the S.kordofan,you foreget about SPLM/A,they are looters and corruptists,they know how to corrupt or loot.they don’t know how the institutional work.

  • Tiger black
    Tiger black

    SPLA’s al-Hilu claims control over large areas of S. Kordofan
    BRAVE brave ,SPLA in southern Kordafan, we are with you whatsoever the circumstances around there we will never abandoned you brothers and sisters of Nubian you have been with us in the real darkness time during struggle. Bashir and his groups in Khartoum are already terrorism organization that support Bin Laden what ever the case we will defend ourselves from these terror.i see the best way to handle this crises was through dialogue but they were thinking that war is the best to eliminate SPLA in southern kordafan shame on Bashir.

  • luak T
    luak T

    SPLA’s al-Hilu claims control over large areas of S. Kordofan
    This press is not in the Bible my friend. You said God help those who help themselves is not in the Bible but it is good one to express God with this word bro.Anyway, let pray for our brothers and sister in Nuba mountain bro. God bless peace out.God will help poor and unstable people in this world.

  • DeltaBravo

    SPLA’s al-Hilu claims control over large areas of S. Kordofan
    TO Kon
    You still dnt know NCP greed and it policy. they want to dominate others. I don’t know who you supporting.


    SPLA’s al-Hilu claims control over large areas of S. Kordofan
    SPLA in South Kordofan are together in the proction of our LIVING GOD ALMIGHTY, Protecting civilan is importan and would be appecieted for the points of standing on your hope that our objectives aren’t losse.

  • Young

    SPLA’s al-Hilu claims control over large areas of S. Kordofan
    SPLA al Hilu oyee… we ‘ll be right behind you Governer Hilu..

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