Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Bishop fears Rwanda repeat in South Sudan borderlands

June 19, 2011 (LONDON) – A senior member of the South Sudanese clergy expressed his grave concerns about the situation in the North/South Sudan borderlands and called for international intervention in an interview on UK radio on Sunday.

Anthony Poggo, the Anglican Bishop of Kaju Keji told BBC Radio 4 he feared “another Rwanda” and called for the implementation of a no-fly zone along the border as “there is evidence that they [Khartoum] are bombing civilians”.

The UN received condemnation for their failure to react expeditiously to the genocide in Rwanda in 1994 where 800,000 people lost their lives.
The security situation in the border regions of Abyei and between North and South Sudan has been deteriorating rapidly in the run-up to the declaration of South Sudan’s independence on 9 July.

The UN agencies estimate last week 60,000 had been displaced from South Kordofan people and on 7 June that over 100,000 people had been displaced in the Abyei region.

A Government of South Sudan official has already described the actions of the North Sudan army as genocide and on the 10 June a group of UK Peers said “the ethnic cleansing could soon become genocide.”

Poggo also called for the international community to take a tougher stance against Khartoum in light of their “encouraging the various rebellions” in South Sudan and to renew the UN’s mandate in Sudan, which is scheduled to end with the declaration of the South’s independence.



  • Khartoum92

    Bishop fears Rwanda repeat in South Sudan borderlands
    Dont worry about the North, The north will survive and continue to be one of the Super power of Africa in all aspects its the South who you should be worry about, South Sudan is Rwanda in waiting

  • Madut Tong
    Madut Tong

    Bishop fears Rwanda repeat in South Sudan borderlands
    UN always seems to support those who have their voices within their larger communities. The north Sudan (Sudan after secession) is being supported by Arab League who betrays Libya to the West in pretext of civilian protection, so we have to forget about the so call UN because they are bias. What the north is doing now is a failed attempt to thwart southern Sudan independent and they will retard after the secession because they truly know who southern are. You southerners have to be patient because your time to be fully an independent country is near, and you will see the importance of being a free state. Let them bombard our people they have done it many years ago, and were not able to fully control the south, so let’s endure for a while to realize our independent.

  • Madut Tong
    Madut Tong

    Bishop fears Rwanda repeat in South Sudan borderlands

    I think you were just born in 1992 four years after the army officers with strong Islamic conviction took the government in Sudan. So, you don’t know about the holy war (jihad) they wage against the south in 1991-1994 in which many mujahidiin lost their lives in the war, strong people who could have contributed into the future of Sudan were rallied to joined jihad against the SPLA but they failed to achieve what they attempt to achieve. There is nothing new with the SAF that will make them take southern territories, even the mesiryia militia is not new and they know southerners very well. It also seems that you know nothing about superiority of the country, and that there is nothing call absolute superior country in human history, so superiority is relative, don’t boast that your country will be superior over the south. They are only opportunist who wanted to thwart the independence of south Sudan, which they will not achieve.

  • Lamija Milaja
    Lamija Milaja

    Bishop fears Rwanda repeat in South Sudan borderlands

    You are still living with an illusion, the reality is south Sudan has already separated. Wait and the how north Sudan will fragment more.

    Sudan will never be as you people would like it to be.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Bishop fears Rwanda repeat in South Sudan borderlands
    There is much more killing within the south and the southerner themselves than in anywhere in Sudan.The data released by the UN, which is far less than what is on the ground poit to the precarious situation in the south.The UN said 1500 were killed during the last 6 months but the real figure is much more than that.Genocide is going to happen only in the South after 9 July and between the different waring tribes.That was the prediction of the CIA director, and up to now all the evidence point to that.Southerners are escaping in thousands from the south to the north to find security and safty, despite the intemidation and threats by the SPLA.

  • dinkador1

    Bishop fears Rwanda repeat in South Sudan borderlands

  • Madut Tong
    Madut Tong

    Bishop fears Rwanda repeat in South Sudan borderlands
    Mohamed Ali,

    I don’t think that’s the true picture which you try to paint about the situation in southern Sudan. tribal fighting as you term it are always there in the south, and that is an internal affairs of the government of southern Sudan. What annoying is that some people are trying to support the rebels against the government, when the SPLA attack them, people say that civilians have been killed and when they attack SPLA areas no one talk about them this attitude in my understanding comes from those who want to see the south divided and war torn like Somalia. This will not happen in the south. The GoSS/RoSS is able to control the situation as you have seen some rebels are seeking peace with the government such as Gabriel Tanginye, and David Yau Tau. And I believe that all of them will come back to their home to contribute into the building of the new nation. So please Mohamed don’t exaggerate the situation. You are lucky in the north as you have inherited the system of regular army from British government during the independence from which the north have discarded southerners safe very few of them where accepted into the system. Southerners will severe much in organizing their army from gurilla into the known system of national discipline army, and no one can deny that, but to say that south Sudan is going to be worsen by internal conflicts is not true because SPLA is able to provide security in the region. I don’t know why people talk much about others more than themselves, I don’t support war because wherever a gun is shot the civilians suffers, because bullet doesn’t differentiate between innocent civilian and the rebel. I always say the government should seek peace with their rivals, but if they refused to negotiate with the government it is a responsibility of the government to provide security in the area. This is not the case in Abyei and southern Kordofan, there is a peace provided by the CPA and NCP is using SAF to break it down, is that not the violation of peace agreement? that is an intended attempt to displace the citizens to implement government agenda in the region. The SPLA in the south doesn’t have mal-intentions in the south safe the safety of its citizens.

  • Khartoum92

    Bishop fears Rwanda repeat in South Sudan borderlands
    Wow like SAF, so now you know what the SAF is going through. SPLA tests its own medicine now

  • Lamija Milaja
    Lamija Milaja

    Bishop fears Rwanda repeat in South Sudan borderlands
    mohammed ali and Khartoum92,

    If you are not aware Khartoum is now looking for peaceful solution through Khartoum university with SPLM Nuba sector because they found it tough.

    There is already fears that Khalil forces have also infiltrate Khartoum. Government in Khartoum is in panic. The fact is that south Sudanese have almost left Khartoum all except those ones working in organized forces and NGO’s.

    No single south Sudan is going back to Khartoum. Khartoum will soon be on fire after 9th July.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Bishop fears Rwanda repeat in South Sudan borderlands

    We know what is Khartoum University is doing. We support them , with all our blessing.

    Seeking Peace and looking for Peace is not a stigma and it is not a shame, we are very proud of that.

    We will be more than happy to see you living in peace!

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Bishop fears Rwanda repeat in South Sudan borderlands
    Madut ,

    am not trying to paint any picture about the south, nor do I want the south to be turmoil or chaos. What I said was from the UN and the CIA.

    Am just trying to tell this bishop to concentrate on his own problems which are more sever than ours instead of waging a propoganda war aginst us. We have problems , that is true and have to face them, but he has more than us, trying to divert attention away from them by blaming Arabs, jalabba , mandokorrow is not going to solve any problem, neither for nor for us.

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