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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Machar meets US congress members in Washington

June 19, 2011 (JUBA) – The Vice President of South Sudan government, Riek Machar, stepped up his lobbying in the US congress to address the escalating situation in Sudan as South Sudan is less than three weeks from becoming independent nation.

Secretary-General poses with Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon, Vice-President of Southern Sudan on 8 June 2011 (photo UN)
Secretary-General poses with Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon, Vice-President of Southern Sudan on 8 June 2011 (photo UN)
Machar while in Washington, DC this week met with members of the US congress including a key member of the Republican Party, Senator John Mcain, who also contested in the last US presidential election.

He appealed to the US congress members to push for action that would halt the ongoing crisis in the two regions. He also appealed to the US congress to support South Sudan in the creation of a viable independent state by supporting its economic sectors.

The Vice President also met with the UN Secretary General in New York, Ban Ki Moon and discussed the ongoing crisis in Abyei and South Kordofan.

Machar is rescheduled to brief the UN Security Council’s special secession on South Sudan on Monday.



  • George Bol
    George Bol

    Machar meets US congress members in Washington
    What can our VP tells to the outsiders? Perhaps latter when the article make it clear. Thanks

  • Lamija Milaja
    Lamija Milaja

    Machar meets US congress members in Washington
    Dr Macher is doing good job. Why should Kirr worry since Kirr’s mind is empty except the hut? Today’s world needs people who knows abc of economic theories, something Kirr does not know. What Kirr knows is only complaining what else.

    Let Macher mobile world leaders to be good friends of south Sudan. Look how important Macher has been received in USA and meeting recognized dignitaries.

    Kirr better resign and go to look after cow in the cattle camp. Kirr has failed miserably by appointing people on technical know-who. Tribalistic and corrupt Kirr leave south to people with brain to rule.

  • Khartoum92

    Machar meets US congress members in Washington
    Kiir and all the beer addict SPLA needs to be removed from Government, I call on Riek Machar and the Nuer community to take charge of South Sudan the North is with you, I think the only solution to a better relationship between the North and the South is the South to be ruled by intelligent unselfish people and I think nuer will get the job done

  • Honorable King
    Honorable King

    Machar meets US congress members in Washington
    Bravo Dr. Machar

    The whole world has witnessed your struggle for S. Sudan. Continue without fear and favor.
    Shame on those who deny the facts. The whole world will judge them

  • Mach Achiek
    Mach Achiek

    Machar meets US congress members in Washington
    Dear readers,

    Riek Machar is not and will never be a Sudanese hero, but if anybody try to compare him with some idiot Northern Sudanese, that person must be crazy.Riek is not smart like Garang, but nevertheless, he is a Southerner and cannot be compared with Arabs in anyway.

  • Nhomlawda

    Machar meets US congress members in Washington
    Riek Machar brought shame to himself through his 1991 rebellion against people of South Sudan and their liberation movement and his subsequent support of ruthless Jihadist regime from 1991 to 2002.
    It is the same Dinka people Riek Machar is against who can make him a leader and who can bring him down anytime they want him out of South Sudan government.
    Time for Riek Machar leadership in GOSS/ROSS is completed and must be reshuffled in July 2011 government if not arrested before that time.
    Jieng will watch Riek Machar next move after reshuffling and deal with him decisively. Riek Machar had taken John Garang’s forgiveness and amnesty for granted and Jieng must deal with Riek Machar ruthless and mercilessly. Riek Machar is a dangerous criminal who does not appreciate forgiveness and must be treated the way he wants himself treated. Riek Machar is a potential enemy for Jieng people and Jieng people must treat him likewise.
    There is no way Jieng people will allow their enemy to take over their hard won freedom; down with unchangeable traitor.

  • jur_likang_a_ likan'g
    jur_likang_a_ likan'g

    Machar meets US congress members in Washington
    Junubin must learn to seen good out of person rather than the tribe he comes from. Any representative of government should not be criticized if he represents the interests of the entire people of the land. We do not need sectarian leadership that can divide the people to extent of creating anarchy in the motherland. Riek is just doing that! Why are some people afraid of his presence in international arena of diplomatic politics? Is it because of envy for his knowledge or his good deeds? He deserve to be supported by all south Sudanese irrespective of tribe, race or religion. Whoever stamps out that divides the people and have the capacity to render services to the people is trully the leader of the people. Remember a leader is a servant of the people.

  • Raan

    Machar meets US congress members in Washington
    George bol, pretending to be nuer show acknowledgment of what khartoum have been saying. from 1821, we nuer, equotoria, shilluk and others are of self-determination of which we champion recently through voting right, though some (leadership)dinka attempted during referendum campaign to stop Dr machar not campaigning for self deter but New Sudan (garage vision)he told those called themselves garage prophet daylight that the vision die with garage, he continue saying if I were to do so’ will be over my dead-body, the guys start amazing among themselves, this is what we wanted the ROSS soon to be independent since the creation even the world know, we champion it through food lover, leadership greedy donkes (dinka or carnivores )as it happen in 1953 when handpick official from dinka represent Nuer in cairo (egypt)in favors of one Sudan due to the fact that Nuer and equororia in 1947 juba conference claim southern sudan as region by its own. to you Dogka never ever repeated, if any attempt to murder kiir nor Dr riek shall be dealt with, late have the ROSS in our hand, then, sort out the pass among our self, if machar will not make it to the presidency! then we will see.the hidden agenda is that, Nuer are too Democratic like equotoria that is why riek become an obstacle in agar and twic mayardit leadership,

  • jur_likang_a_ likan'g
    jur_likang_a_ likan'g

    Machar meets US congress members in Washington
    Mr Nhomlawda please try to swallow your pride. If you do not know that the end of your honeymoon is fast approaching for all your bad deeds then see the picture once more. The whole world know what is going on down there. Leave leaders do their job in the right manner.

  • dengtaath

    Machar meets US congress members in Washington
    Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha, hahah, ha, ha,…haaaa..hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahah, ha, ha,…..hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah, oh jesus, nhomlawda(Nhomriakda), will bring down Riek machar or arest him, haaaaaa….hahahahahahahahahahahah,hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah……….muony hiin a nhom a raik a pey. My friend except God can take Riek machar away in the eyes of the real Nuer sons, getting rid of Riek Machar will los million lives including you, hiin a ce ping?

  • Mapuor

    Machar meets US congress members in Washington

    Dinkas are the ones who fought for twenty seven years not Nuers,we know Nuers are your slaves,what you are dreaming of will never happen in front of our eyes, come what may.Patience has limits,we lost two millions, purely Dinkas in the struggle & ready to lose more.Its true that Dr Riek gave you Southern oil in 1990s,he will never give you Abyei & Heglig(Pan thou)this time.We are invincible & shall always remain that way.As for our fellow Southerners who beleive that Kiir is weak,Kiir is not weak,but isntead he manage to control the whole South & convince Southerners to vote for their independence,something Gararng failed to achieve for twenty one years.As for Dr Riek,we know him very well when he burnt thousands of Dinka officers who were deployed by SPLA to Nuer areas alive.When we sing of martyrs in our national anthem,they include those killed by traitor Dr Riek.Coming to education,Dr Riek has little crediblity out side engineering arena & the same goes to Kiir,he has little crediblity out side military arena,however soldiers make good rulers,in Nigeria all leaders are soldiers.If you really know English,Dr Riek does’nt speak good english,his english make me cry.Kiir English is good.

  • Nhomlawda

    Machar meets US congress members in Washington
    Nuer did unleash all their strengths against Dinka/Jineg in 1991 but you guys still failed miserably with your masters in Khartoum. If you think Riek Machar is inseparable from Nuer and Riek Machar mistakes are Nuer mistakes then react on his doom day and you will receive your due price.

  • Nhomlawda

    Machar meets US congress members in Washington
    Jur_Likang_a_ Likan’g
    I am not a supporter of Salva Kiir bad deeds and lack of clear leadership on certain issues such as corruption and lack of development in South Sudan nor do I support bad deeds by other Dinka elements in GOSS.
    I know Riek Machar is not free from all current corruption practices in GOSS and he cannot be a better alternative to Salva Kiir Administration either. People who think Riek Machar’s presidency is a solution to current mess in GOSS are greatly mistaken and do not reason beyond their noses. When Riek Machar formed his 1991 splinter rebel movement, it was led from the top to the bottom by Nuer. Do you want to tell me there were no other tribes’ representatives with Riek Machar at that time he formed his rebel group command structure? Or do you think Riek Machar had learned anything new from the time he formed his rebel movement to his current role in South Sudan?
    Riek Machar is part and parcel of the current corrupt elites in South Sudan and must not be seen as an alternative solution to current mess in GOSS.
    South Sudanese must fight corruption in South Sudan public sector but should not see Riek Machar as a solution to current mess but see him as part and parcel of the current mess in South Sudan.
    South Sudan people must look for solutions to current mess in GOSS/ROSS beyond Salva Kiir and Riek Machar administration. Failure of an administration in any country does not spare the vice president from that administration failure and blames.

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    Machar meets US congress members in Washington
    Coward Jaang/Slaves,

    The blessing day for Southern Sudanese, the August 28, 1991 of Nasir Declaration was not a mean to hijack the leadership from Dinka as many people may assume, but a strategic move to force your King, Garang to make a U-turn from his “United Socialist Secular/New Sudan,” vision to self-determination for the people of Southern Sudan.

    This time, the dirty ugly game is going to be different from that of 1991. Your coward cowboy Mr. Slava Kiir has no gut to fire Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon let alone put him to prison as many of you wishes. Your cowboy gave it a try back in 2008, but failed miserably.

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    Machar meets US congress members in Washington
    Coward Jaang/Slaves,

    The vast area appropriated by the Nuer during the nineteenth century was formerly ocuppied by a coward Jaang, Anyuak, Burun, Komo… population. The fate of this population is one of the most interesting questions pertaining to Nuer expansion. How many Dinka, Anyuak, Burun… were killed by the Nuer? How many died of starvation? How many migrated to other areas? And how many were assimilated into Nuer community?

    It is also quite clear that Nuer military domination of the Dinka and other Jurs has been grounded in their capacity to field a numberically superior fighting force, and in the organizational features through which mobilization on a large scale is effective.

    How many young girls and children were taken as captives when only two Nuer sub-tribes of Lou Nuer and Gawaar Nuer waged the very dirty-ugly “Mut” against coward Dinka of Duk Padiet up to Mading? And how many cattle were looted?

    Are the coward Jaang/Slaves willing and ready to confront the Mighty Nuer Warriors in warfields at the time?

  • Naath

    Machar meets US congress members in Washington
    Mr. Jaang, you better think critically when you are stating your oppinion. I am totally disagreeing with you in this invalide claim. In Southern Sudan, there is no one tibe that liberate or manage the long fought that we experienced in southern sudan. It was a contribution of every tribe to over throught arab in our land. To add some things to your cliam, Dinka tribe, has little contribution in this fought for our Country. during heavy fought when the SPLA/SPLM first start to push arab away, he was William Nyuon Bany and his forces who committed his time and effort to fought untile death to push arab away from southern sudan. By saying all these in your opinion, you are touching the wounds that are there in every others tribe in Southern, to me, you are barking for your suffer.

  • Emmanuel Ajang Solomon
    Emmanuel Ajang Solomon

    Machar meets US congress members in Washington
    Dear, readers all of U from are South Sudanese and it will not be good to talk the way U R talking.

    I think some of U need to check Ruwandan Genocide story and if at all U get the real picture of what was going on and how people were killed most of U will try not encourage such talking to make the 2 biggest communities fight themselves.

    All the details of the war are there since day one of the revolution of Torit in 1955.What is good is that all of U R just talking praising your tribe base on the earsay but not in your present, and U don’t even want such to happen in your present.

    Our leaders are our leaders from all tribes in South Sudan.

  • twins

    Machar meets US congress members in Washington
    When will some people stop thinking biasely? Machar had and has been doing an extraordinary job yet some people can’t appreciate his industriousness. Unshamefully, the same people who criticize him for running after self-determination, like his idea of sel-determination. What else did Dr. Machar did wrong? Yes Machar’s idea of self-determination was rejected by his boss Dr. Garang who later on came to realize the goodness of it. When Riek defacted, Dinka kill Nuer officers and yes some Nuer did the same thing to some Dinka officers without the knowledge of Riek. If Riek should be held responsible for that era, then John Garang and other Dinka leaders should be held responsible as well.

  • Lok T Simon
    Lok T Simon

    Machar meets US congress members in Washington
    Dear Southerners,

    Although Dr Reik Machar with other senior officers who defacted away from SPLA/M and killed innocent people from 1989-2002 will be broght in justice after independence of R.S.S, then I still belief that Reik is doing massive job around the world on behalf of Southerners. However, justice is justice and Dr Reik Machar plus others senior officers who commited crimes by then in the bush, must face justice if the rules of justice exists there in (R.S.S). Even if Reik is the one who came up with idea of self determination which is existing now, then justice of innocent Southern people who died because of his action of 1989-2002 instead of Arab, may ask Dr reik machar to explaning. Children became orphan because of his action instead of Arab, Mothers became widows because of his action instead of Arab, properties and livestocks have been destroyed because of his action instead of Arab and today Dr Reik Machar is seeking leadership to rule the people he made atrophies against their lives,to be fair, Dr Reik Machar has rights to rule and do other things as any citizen does, but he and other senior officers who cause lives during 1989-2002 must not hesitate to answer the atrophies that they have made against their innocent southern people.


    Lok T. Simon.

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