Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM figure lambasts Mbeki over Abyei, South Kordofan

June 19, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The former intelligence director at the Sudan People Liberation Army (SPLA) and the leading SPLM figure Edward Lino has sent a strongly worded letter to the former South African president Thabo Mbeki who heads the African Union High Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) that is mediating between the North and South.

Former South African President Thabo Mbeki (L) speaks during a news conference in Juba April 7, 2011 (Reuters)
Former South African President Thabo Mbeki (L) speaks during a news conference in Juba April 7, 2011 (Reuters)
The letter which was seen by Sudan Tribune is fiercely critical of Mbeki’s stance on Abyei and South Kordofan which are currently the scenes of military clashes between the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and SPLA.

Lino accused Mbeki of siding with Khartoum in the conflict.

“Yesterday 18th June 2011, the war in the Nuba Mountains took a dangerous turn! That Khartoum regime, whom you desperately hope to salvage from drowning, has decided to wage chemical attack on Kadugli, Kauda and other areas throughout the Nuba Mountains! Days ago we alerted the world of the pending catastrophe. The world is keeping quiet, expecting the ‘miracle’ you may bring from those impossible Islamic fundamentalists,” Lino said.

“On 14 of the current month, the UN Security Council was supposed to have meet on Abyei. But we were told that the meeting was deferred “because of your interference”, until you finish with meetings in Addis, while the war is going on unabated, between the Government and its citizens! Now it has taken time as Khartoum wanted and you did not report back to the Security Council,”.

“I am sorry to say that all your plans are pro-Khartoum, otherwise how can you defer UNSC meetings indefinitely? Khartoum has long decided to “use you” properly and you accepted willingly, letting our people in Abyei and in the Nuba Mountain to be exterminated!”.

On May 21st the Northern army overran the contested region of Abyei in retaliation to an ambush it blamed on SPLA.

Furthermore, heavy fighting has raged across South Kordofan since June 5 between the SAF and northern troops aligned to the army of the south that Khartoum has vowed to crush using all available means, including air strikes and heavy artillery.

World leaders including US President Barack Obama and UN chief Ban Ki-moon have called for an immediate ceasefire in South Kordofan.

Sudanese church leaders and activists say the army’s campaign forms part of a government policy of “ethnic cleansing”, targeting South Kordofan’s indigenous Nuba peoples who fought with the SPLA during the 1983-2005 civil war.

Lino claimed that Mbeki sought with the backing of the former U.S. special envoy to Sudan Scott Gration to give concessions to Khartoum on Abyei.

“Of course, you have seen the disaster which they did in Abyei, following your suggestion that “some specified parts of ancestral Abyei Area to be conceded to Khartoum”, through the Misseriya to solve the problem”.

“It was from then precisely, when Khartoum went arrogant after securing your two weighty voices with H.E. Gration, which made them disregard the decision of the Hague Tribunal. Meaning your two voices has became more superior to that of the International Tribunal”.

In 2009, the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) Abyei’s award confirmed that the boundary of the nine Ngok Dinka chiefdoms transferred to Kordofan in 1905 are part of southern Sudan based on tribal understanding of the Abyei Boundary Commission (ABC) panel of experts.

It also said that their eastern boundary in 1905 does not extend to line of Upper Nile border and attributed the oil rich area of eastern Abyei to northern Sudan.

A referendum was supposed to be held in January in which the people of Abyei would decide whether to be part of the North or join the independent state of the south.

However, the plebiscite has stalled over disagreements on who is eligible to vote between the Dinka Ngok and the Arab Misseriya tribe.

Lino pointed fingers at Mbeki’s aides saying that they are serving Khartoum’s agenda.

“Please, look around and you will find yourself surrounded by people who tried their luck long before to take part in our problem in different ways. They struggled hard to find a loop-hole to enter into Sudanese affairs, but they utterly failed! Some of them even tried through indulging themselves in human rights violations in the South, the Nuba Mountains and Dar-Fur. Some attempted to break-away the Nuba people from SPLM/SPLA, which did not take place, because it was timely discovered”

“The fact that they are accepted by Khartoum to accompany you, is not because they respect you, but because they have full knowledge about all of them and what they could do for them. You are surrounded by a bunch senile horses!”

“There are stories about you and specially, about the group around you. But the most important thing is, whenever you delay and defer other important dates, is the more people are killed, because you insist to equate the side defending itself with the attacking government of the day, which decided to fight the people in their land”.

The SPLM figure said that Mbeki “shall be held responsible for every blood spilled in Abyei and the Nuba Mountains after the 14 June 2011 onwards”.

“You either report to the UNSC or simply resign, when failure becomes success! You should not be seen as a person supportive of genocide committed by a religious-racist junta, which opted to disregard the whole world. The theory of supporting totalitarian governments in Africa opposed to the popular will of the people, shall not be accepted in this disintegrating Sudan”.

Mbeki was mandated by the AU last year to implement the recommendations he drafted when he chaired the AU Panel on Darfur (AUPD).

But the AUHIP chair has slowly shifted his focus away from Darfur and instead chose to concentrate on helping the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) and the SPLM reach an agreement on key outstanding portions of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).

Darfur rebel groups and Northern opposition parties have been critical of Mbeki saying that he is adopting Khartoum’s point of views in his mediation efforts.



  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    SPLM figure lambasts Mbeki over Abyei, South Kordofan
    What does Edward Lino wants from South Kordofan?! The leader of Abeyei militia who started all this mess for the sake of Abeyei sons to maintain their hegemoney and control over the SPLA and the GOSS.

    All the threat to peace is coming from the gang of Edward Lino, Deng “Ahmed Alur”, Luka Piong, and communist commerades Al Hilo and Yasir Arman.

    It is not in their interest and it is not in the interest of the people of the south , not even in the interest of the people of Abeyei.It is clear and obvious now how the alliance between this gang happened behind the leadership of the SPLA and the GOSS.This a real threat to the independece of the South and their power hanger will not be accepted by the majority of the southerners who want to live in Peace.These wars which they initiated was just a diversion of attention so that they could continue their control over the whole south. This not going to pass and they have already burned themselves.

    Probably Pagan was the head of gang which explain his strange silence up to now!

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    SPLM figure lambasts Mbeki over Abyei, South Kordofan
    Chemical attack, and the UN is there. He is lying! The man is alier!What a thug!People are dying because of you greed and power hunger and you seem not to care!

    They will not get the support they want by telling lies.US, EU and AU all of them support Embicis mission and they will be disgusted by these lies, because they know there is no chemical there!

  • Khartoum92

    SPLM figure lambasts Mbeki over Abyei, South Kordofan
    The South needs to forget about Abyei and start thinking about providing and keeping its citizen in order after Independence that is next week if it wants to prove its not a fail state, if they keep provoking the GOS like this they will fail. The GOS can hurt south Sudan in so many ways if they south continue acting without thinking. 95% of the South population is illiterate, No running war anywhere in South Sudan including Juba, they need to tackle all this other wise they wont enjoy independence and the people will continue to be oppressed

  • Khartoum92

    SPLM figure lambasts Mbeki over Abyei, South Kordofan
    No running water*


    SPLM figure lambasts Mbeki over Abyei, South Kordofan
    “I am sorry to say that all your plans are pro-Khartoum, otherwise how can you defer UNSC meetings indefinitely? Khartoum has long decided to “use you” properly and you accepted willingly, letting our people in Abyei and in the Nuba Mountain to be exterminated!”.

    Very sad to know the fact that SPLM learns very slow. One year ago I have written an article on Darfur not on South Sudan and I stipulated that Thabo Ben Mbeki the man grwon up in England is very close freind to Bashir and they share Sudan electric company and I warned SPLM to distance itself from this dirty man. This man bloted against his country man Jacoub Zuma even attempted to kill him for the sake of money, do you think he could do something good for people of South?? He is ANC TRAITOR NUMBER ONE ENEMY OF FREEDOM FIGHTERS BECAUSE HIS BARIN IS WHITE.Noooooo One belived me. I hope its not too late.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    SPLM figure lambasts Mbeki over Abyei, South Kordofan
    well said uncle Lino i consider no man honest who does not observe towards other nations the principles which he desires to be observed towards his own: and therefore Mbeki has no right to interfere in our domestic questions
    Mbeki is serving khartoum interest not entried sudan,
    I alway hread form my brothers in this frum that mbeki is working for bashir which is correct and nop doubt that he is working for bashir criminal Gov who shoose to killed his own people,
    God is great,

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    SPLM figure lambasts Mbeki over Abyei, South Kordofan
    Yes please i am still remembered that artical you wrote and that is exactly what is happening today,
    The SPLM has a culture of learning slowly which can even put the in a situation that they will never solved, now they are trying to know that so called Thabo mbeki is pro bashir person and nobody listen to what you said but now they are crying with what they should have already know it.
    But still good that they have know now that mbeki is working for bashir not AU as they said it, God is great.

  • Land-of-Cush

    SPLM figure lambasts Mbeki over Abyei, South Kordofan
    Edward Lino

    You’re the man that I ever seen in south Sudan; the all you said are what everyone feels like. Mbeki is a second to former US envoy Scott who sided with north government and betrayed south Sudan government. Off course that on-going talk between north and south while people keep dying day and night will never success because the blood of innocent people that pour out and graved them. They would cure the founders including those who pretend to mediate the peace. I have already turn my back to north Sudan Arab; if I am Salva Kiir today than I can accepted the suffering of south Sudanese people within three years to build pipe line through Kenya while Abyei can remain as a fire field.
    I never seen a black man that can fear Arab, so we should do so.

  • jur_likang_a_ likan'g
    jur_likang_a_ likan'g

    SPLM figure lambasts Mbeki over Abyei, South Kordofan
    One wonders what sort of natural beings are Mohammed Ali and Khartoum92 are for condoning the killing of innocent human beings on their ancestral land for the reason of difference of cultural, social and political opinion?
    I would have imagined a sober minded person should have come out right to denounce the deeds of Khartoum butchers of the old and the young but to my dismay the disciples of terrorist Osama Bin Laden are there to support the extermination of Dinka from their home Abyei and the Nuba people on their lands of 99 mountains.

    So when Mzee Abyei protest to Mbeki for buying time on behalf of Mujaheedin to carry out their so called heavenly task of eliminating black man in the country of the black – Sudan, he is timely and exposing true Mbeki to the world. He is a weak leader who divided our revered ANC of South Africa.The same man failed Zimbabweian on political ecdysis to true democracy. What can we really expect from this man if not disaster? He is a shame to Africa and indeed the entire word where peace, freedom, and democracy matters.

    I should think Mujaheed Mohammed and Khartoum92 should wait for peace loving people of the world to come and question your mentors for the deeds they have done to entire Sudan?
    As guests of the land I should think you people to behave like human beings. Jallaba should not forget that one day they will have to answer questions to change natural africans to pseudo arabs.

  • Ghai-nyanthy

    SPLM figure lambasts Mbeki over Abyei, South Kordofan
    M. Ali

    you deny the used of chemical weapons and call southern leader folk. Khartoum is lucky that 90% of the war in south just went unreported.when peace talk was initiated in Machakos, SAF used chemical weapons against SPLA in Torit when SAF were defeated by SPLA.

    Mbeki is Khartoum voice thats why he alter UNSC meeting no update on reports of what is going on between waring parties,say things that are denied by people who are using.

    Abyei belong to north what does the ward Abyei mean in Arabic? history can be alter as your people are trying in Abyei to have evident of their claimed by using Messiria people to have of place in Abyei you can not alter origin of something my friend.soon Messiria will lose that vital chance of having access to southern Sudan for survival of their animals and people.

    The more you use Messiria the more they are loosing green pasture in south. Think again and instruct Mbeki to do something beneficial to people in Abyei,Blue Nile and Kordofan and that will bring stability in those areas, seek for peace don’t hide from it so that you use chemicals.shame on you.

  • Bol Achuek
    Bol Achuek

    SPLM figure lambasts Mbeki over Abyei, South Kordofan
    Mbeki is nothing other than a failure. Look at his background in S. Africa. He wanted to fail ANC as a strong political party in S. Afria, eventually, he was wisely removed from presidency before his term ends. So what do u expect from that reckless and failed president. Uncle Lino u are absolutely, Mbeki must resign!!!!!!!

  • Green3

    SPLM figure lambasts Mbeki over Abyei, South Kordofan
    Mohemmed Ali,
    Lino, cant and will not have a millitias in sudan! Millitia is for those who are corrupted mentally by the stupid teaching of Islamic faith, Like Huro and Basher! your most crooked human and stupid being on earht! You dont keep the agreement, and hope sudan will remain the same, with your dirty faith that has no room to others! You only know the language of killing! Soon than later,Islamic faith will disappear on this earth! Most of the problem across the globe, because your islam faith!!

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    SPLM figure lambasts Mbeki over Abyei, South Kordofan

    I think you are intelligent enough to know that the UN is there and they will know better than Lin about chemical weapons.

    Chemical weapons kills people in mass even SAF and UN soldiers would have died if they were used.

    It is very stupid to put such a claim.

  • Young

    SPLM figure lambasts Mbeki over Abyei, South Kordofan
    Khartoum, we cannot forget of Abyei never.just wait for a while i will kick your asses out of it and push you backward to Egypt.which school have you went to just only studying islamic law,infact one educated Southerner with class eight certificate is more than fifty Arabs Khartoum in doing any thing just imagine what about form fours i can’t even talk some one with diploma,,degree masters or phds..

  • Michael Miyom Minyiel
    Michael Miyom Minyiel

    SPLM figure lambasts Mbeki over Abyei, South Kordofan
    If Lino saw Mbeki’s weakness in handling these cases of Abyei and South Kordufan,then he (Mbeki) has to quit so that those of strong zeals can take over the mediation efforts.those of Raila Oinga and others who are Pan-Africanists should take over that roles so that the people of Abyei and Nuba Mountains be saved.Personally, I hate AU leaders to be involved in any conflict resolutions because they are always to failure.My message to Mbeki is that quit the post immediately or else you will lose your respect down here.I think you know how black population suffered in the hands of the ruthless masters over decades included your own country South Africa.Don’t you feel ashame to side with the North?

  • Ghai-nyanthy

    SPLM figure lambasts Mbeki over Abyei, South Kordofan
    Call me Ghai-nyanthy.
    when white phosphorus was used in Gaza it didn’t affect Israel army but people of Gaza and Hamas. Chemical kill at the place where it’s used,it’s only nuclear that kill in mass as you said,same thing here.

  • Wanibuluk Ciciliba
    Wanibuluk Ciciliba

    SPLM figure lambasts Mbeki over Abyei, South Kordofan
    I have for long doubted mr. Mbeki’s skills and ability to negociate and reconcile a conflicting groups but all in all Khartoum is fond of spending money to make sure they lure some one mind sounded into doing a thing of their interest thats why they held our own brothers to serve in SAF to kill the Southerners instead of them fighting to liberate their own land.
    As a good analyst, I have seen that this wars that Bashir is claiming to win by all means will be the deadiliest of all in Africa or in the world once it kicks in a proper manner, don’t forget ‘a conflict is of 2 ways concept of win or lose’so in my own opinion, let the war occure so that who ever wins takes over control and whoever loses, have to go.
    Imagine the Khartoum City being put to ground by heavy artilery ohs,begin from square zero like South.
    Nothing like chemical weapon being used in S.Kordofan let’s rely on truth not just to attract the attention of internation people.

  • dakin

    SPLM figure lambasts Mbeki over Abyei, South Kordofan
    This is stupid, very stupid!!
    Mr. Lino should take a minute to blame his late father Kuol Majok who is much related to him than Thabo Mbeki or Scot Gration.
    When your life is based on corruption how do you blame others who are struggling to cope with your attitutes!!

    You went to Khartoum and created troubles there and now you want to come to south just to mess it up.
    You can not even capture your tiny Abyei from SAF?
    Then what is this country going to gain from you apart from creating chaos through your Arab Education?
    No wonder south sudan has become a safe heaven for the corrupted.

  • Lorolokin

    SPLM figure lambasts Mbeki over Abyei, South Kordofan

    Yeah chief we need people like you who speaks out the truth,I remember one occasion in which you said either Bashir surrender to Ocampo or throw homself into the Nile river so this is it. Bashir will expire soon.


  • Xeno

    SPLM figure lambasts Mbeki over Abyei, South Kordofan

    You make me laugh man,…where in kartuom, let not the whole north do we find running water? Don’t just make no sense of yourself man….,lying is a crime in Islam, hahaha, they will hang you man!

  • Xeno

    SPLM figure lambasts Mbeki over Abyei, South Kordofan
    Death to this sold out South African Idiot called Mbeki…He has wasted countless resources on his friutless mediations and now he is caught stained with the blood of innocent sudanese. Why is South Africa not calling back this foolish midget?

  • American Missile.
    American Missile.

    SPLM figure lambasts Mbeki over Abyei, South Kordofan
    Dear Edward Lino.

    i hope you re right from the point of truth that Mr Mbeki is siding with Bashir,where is smoke there is fire,its truth that you have observed.

    Mbeki should take its job seriously that being pleased by Bashir’s Dollars.please be sincere.
    Lino,keep up,people are with you over the Abyei and South Kordofan.

    Majok Akotdit.

  • Lokeji

    SPLM figure lambasts Mbeki over Abyei, South Kordofan
    M. Ali

    If you called Edward Lino a militia leader then what do you called Al bashir? a terrorist or a blood sunker. And if you called Deng Alor, Luke Biong,Yasir Arman and Ahmed Alur gangs, what do you called Nafi Ali nafi,Ali osman,Qutbi and the list goes? mafia or ncp’s Vampires.
    It’s because of this irresponsible wording made this country to be bleeding since her independence.you people made all parts of this country to drink from the cup of sorrow and agony.it’s now time for you people to drink from the same cup.
    What do you mean by your dull question to Edward lino in regards to south kordofan? Have you forgetten that Edward lino is from Abyei and Abyei is part of south Kordofan base on 1905 relocation? Do you want Edward lino to raise to you roses while you are killing his people or bless your genocidal activities in Abyei and southern kordofan plus Darfur.
    Believe me Mohammed Ali,it’s now time for you people to ripe from all that you have sown for the last firty years.

  • Ahmed Chol
    Ahmed Chol

    SPLM figure lambasts Mbeki over Abyei, South Kordofan
    @Mohamed Ali,

    You said in your other posting that you are Nubian. Why are you then supporting genocide against your people in Nuba? Are you still denying that you are not an Arab now? No one you can deceive. Garang has said long time ago that if truth is not told in Sudan and used in the process of governing, then Sudan will fall apart and become many countries.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    SPLM figure lambasts Mbeki over Abyei, South Kordofan
    Sorry Ghai-nyanthy,

    All bombs are from chemicals, TNT “dynamite” is a chemical. When we talk about ” chemical weapons” we mean gaseos chemicals like chlorine which was used by Nzi in the second world war, it is inhaled and therfore it kills in mass. It is a weapon of massive destruction.Perhaps you have Israeli were using special types of masks when they were attacked by Sadam during the Gulf war.

  • Malou Manyiel
    Malou Manyiel

    SPLM figure lambasts Mbeki over Abyei, South Kordofan
    I remember when Mbeki was forced to resign by the secretary general of the ANC. It was how he handled mediation between the president and prime minister of Zimbabwe. Mbeki is responsible of all that happened in Abyei and South Kordufan.
    AU panel should be headed by another man, not him again.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    SPLM figure lambasts Mbeki over Abyei, South Kordofan

    Where is what you call genocide? Hven’t seen such a thing! Or, simply you want me to believe your propoganda machine and take it as a fact?

  • Nguetbuny de Luelpiny
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny

    SPLM figure lambasts Mbeki over Abyei, South Kordofan
    Chemical weaponn I knew it.

    they going to do that.

    Germany used them against france Army in many war time.
    America used them against Vietnam,Japanese to win the war.

    SPLA have knew that before and everything for protection.
    SPLA should provide ours personal on the ground with Chemical and biological weapons protection Equipment clothes, gas masks and gloves.

    Those equipments are not expensive as buying guns.
    SPLA should be aware before and of having these provide theses equipments to theirs Servicing men/women on the front line. Now a day, the world has modern technology warfare beyond than these.

    Iraq used them against Rebel in 1980; Egypt used them against Israel 1973 and Sudan used them in Blue Nile, Yei and Nuba Mountain by Air.

    It is eminenant to be used against Indigenous Africa. They attempt in Ruweeng of contaminates water some years ago. This is not local fight anymore. We are fighting invaders from Middle East. It needs serious Action.

    Son of the Nile


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