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Sudan Tribune

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North Sudan strive to maintain good relations with South

June 21, 2011 (JUBA) — The federal government remains committed in all efforts to maintain positive relations with their southern counterparts after the latter’s July independence, Ali Karti, Sudan’s foreign minister said in a statement before the national parliament.

South Sudan is due to become Africa’s newest nation in less than a month after its population overwhelmingly voted for secession during the January self-determination referendum. The vote was a key part of Sudan’s 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), which ended decades of civil war between North and South.

According to Karti, however, both the North the South should focus on good relations based on common interests. He cited the North-South border demarcation, economic issues and citizenship status as some of the contentious issues that require consensus, if positive relations between the two regions are to be achieved in reality.

The federal government, the foreign affairs minister said in a statement, has already embarked on establishing an administrative and diplomatic base for the expansion of its communication office within their embassy in Juba, South Sudan’s capital.

Karti, further says the foreign affairs statement, also stressed the importance of maintaining peace and security between the two neighboring nations, saying it remains a pillar for national stability.

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will execute its duties based on good-neighborhood, mutual cooperation, achievement of the optimum exploitation of resources and the attraction of capitals,” Karti said in the statement.

Sudan, according to its foreign minister, is currently working on activating the mechanisms of political dialogue at the level of European Union ambassadors in Khartoum and the delegations of the commission and the European Union to find out ways of enabling the country benefit from the Cotonou Agreement.

The Cotonou Agreement is the most comprehensive partnership agreement between developing countries and the EU. Since 2000, it has been the framework for the EU’s relations with 79 countries from Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP). The first revision took place in 2005 and prepared the ground for the 2007-2013 financial framework of development assistance.



  • eye-of-an-eye

    North Sudan strive to maintain good relations with south
    I don’t think South will welcome such good relationship from North Sudan because alot we witnessed some time back and in the current time wil turn thing upside down. we know there are big ugly plans underneath by Bashir goverment Mr. Ali Karti you utter word like mad dog frist you accuse Deng Alor and Lam Akol during thier chaired in Ministry of foreign Affairs and again you turn to talk of good relationship between S.Sudan & North after independence, praise to God that I will not be the South Sudan president one day, North Sudan will face the consiquence. South Sudan problem is like my own problem I don’t want to be underated by you fake humans, you dirtify the name of Arabs and Islam. don’t ever talk of relationship between us, what will bring us to this level? the dead civilian bodies in Abyei, South Kordufan,Blue nile and Darfur, Is ashame to utter the word relationship between North and South at this time, it’s so painful to me.

    We know all you plans before you take suck ugly steps. you criminals, murderers you days counting otherwise you will see what will happen.

    (A Sudanese in his homland but not a trader).

    Herepedihono Lokorodo Lomodohogec

  • Thyinka

    North Sudan strive to maintain good relations with South
    NCP is at it again. Preaching water and drinking wine. How long will the deception last? It is hard for Southerners to trust NCP intentions given the reality of proxy war in the South and an all-out war in Abyei and Southern Kordofan.

  • Abdi Suileman
    Abdi Suileman

    North Sudan strive to maintain good relations with South
    Dear Karti,

    We shall not and will never be in good relations with this break away Southerners, we promised to be enemies forever. We the Jaalyin tribe, the powerful tribe in the North will make sure that wrong elements like shagyien of Osman Taha shall face music before it is too late.

    Abdi Suileman,

    Khartoum North.

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