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Sudan Tribune

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Eight killed in another revenge attack in Lakes State

June 21, 2011 (JUBA) – Eight people died and a further eight were injured when Rumbek Central County in Lakes State was attacked in the early hours of Monday the local commissioner has said.

Commisioner Matur Majok Magol, said that his county came under surprise attack by pastoralists youth loyal to neighbouring Cueibet County. The attack is the latest revenge attack to hit Lakes State, which is blighted by retributive attacks related to cattle raiding and robbery between rival groups.

On 9 June 71 people were killed in fighting between in Rumbek East, Rumbek North and Cueibet Counties.

Monday’s attack happened between midnight and 1:00am at Yang-Ajak cattle camp located in the norther part of state capital Rumbek. Commissioner Magol said that the eight injured had been admitted to Rumbek hospital. He appealed for a disarmament campaign to be carried out across the eight counties of Lakes State to curb the fighting.

Magol, said that seven people died at the scene and another later in hospital describing how he witnessed the seven when he visited the area.

Also on Monday the commissioners of Rumbek Central and Yirol West Counties reported that their security services had arrested a number of people suspected of invlovement in banditry, cattle raiding and killing people in inter-clan fight.

Rumbek Central’s Magol said three suspected people to be notorious road robber on Sunday night.

One of the suspects is thought to be responsible for the killing of five people in Panrak village during an inter-clan revenge attack. The other two are alleged to be bandits who operate between Rumbek Central and Cueibet at Aber payam which is 15 km away from the centre of Rumbek.

All three suspects are now under custody in Rumbek central main prison service going for further investigations.

The commissioner warned all cattle raiders and robbers in the state to stop the practice especially as South Sudan is due to become independen on 9 July

He said that the government was not able to focus on development and nation building as it was too preoccupied with insecurity issues in the state.

Yirol West County hold South Sudan independence awareness rally

The Commissioner of Yirol West County in Lakes state Makur Kulang Liei held a public rally on Saturday in his headquarters to enlighten public on the importance of July 9 when South Sudan will celebrate becoming an independent nation.

The rally was attended by thousand of people across Yirol West County as well members of the Lakes State parliament as well members of Southern Sudan parliament.

Speaking to the press, commissioner Kulang said that the aim of rally is to make the public aware about the importance of independence. He said that robbery and cattle raiding must to get stop so that preparations for independence celebrations are given a chance. He added that the government will take tough measures to quell any criminal activity in South Sudan.

Kulang said that around six people have been arrested accused of conducting ambushes on cars in his county.

The government of Lakes State has asked for more support including training for the polics from the government of South Sudan to help address insecurity.



  • Khartoum92

    Eight killed in another revenge attack in Lakes State
    You leave these savages alone without police for an hour and you see pure destruction, Southern Sudanese dont even behave in foreigners land how are they gonna behave in their own..

  • Naked Dinka
    Naked Dinka

    Eight killed in another revenge attack in Lakes State
    Dinka against dinka, no proplem, it’s brotherly thing.

  • Khartoum92

    Eight killed in another revenge attack in Lakes State
    True… Its in their nature..

  • Lamija Milaja
    Lamija Milaja

    Eight killed in another revenge attack in Lakes State
    Dinka is killing Dinka, no problem since they lack civilization let them kill them selves over animals eventual there is no difference between dinaks and animals.

    Dinkas mess up until those dinkas who took refugee in Equatoria get civilization from the way how Equatoria cattle keepers live and the rest of Equatorians respect life.

    Let dinkas acquire enough decent way of life like Equatorians and go back to teach their primitive dinkas how to live in an orderly and civilized way.

  • belle loboi
    belle loboi

    Eight killed in another revenge attack in Lakes State
    I think it is time for the governor to reign within 24hrs because we so tired of Lake State accident very day.

  • Lamija Milaja
    Lamija Milaja

    Eight killed in another revenge attack in Lakes State
    belle loboi,

    Let the governor continue so that these primitive dinkas who have spoiled the image of south Sudan continue to diminish.

    Once a sociology professor said those who do cause problem in the society must be eliminated. This helps teach dinks how they can live like any other community in south Sudan who are not blood thirsty like dinkas.

  • Bush

    Eight killed in another revenge attack in Lakes State
    Look those Dinkas don’t want to comment here today because they know their shortcomings. I suggested last time that we should transfer those criminals to South Kordofan State and bring our dearest Nuba brothers to the Lakes State.

    Dinkas + GOSS – Others = A failed South Sudan State

    Christians United for Israel

  • DeltaBravo

    Eight killed in another revenge attack in Lakes State
    Not alla Dinka it is stupid Rumbek people who dnt value human lives. Iam from Northern Bhar al Ghazal we always respect our Neighbors even greedy Baggara tribes.

  • Madut Tong
    Madut Tong

    Eight killed in another revenge attack in Lakes State
    What is the governor Chol Tong doing as he sees his people killing each other every time. Please Mr. governor, take a trip to the two counties and solve this problem. Even our former traditional leaders such as Makuer Gol were much stronger than this educated leaders. What is going on in Lakes State, is the pastoralists young people more stronger than the law in the State? they will overthrow your government if you don’t deal with them through their tradition chiefs.

  • Bungachier 50
    Bungachier 50

    Eight killed in another revenge attack in Lakes State
    You Folks!

    Those who refused to comment here are responsible and respect themselves not like you the ,HYNAS, who enjoy on Deaths.

    You have seen of recent in Libya, people are dying everyday and in the other Countries of the World, and these are not Dinkas.

    Continue talking on the Website, time shall come when we will face ourseves and we shall see who is who.

    Most of you are talking these words in the diaspora and are not present in the Country.

    Your cowardice talks will never do any thing to us. otherwise, the whole of Southern Sudan belongs to the Dinkas/Nuers whether you like it or not, for we fought for it and still fighting for it.

  • Madut Tong
    Madut Tong

    Eight killed in another revenge attack in Lakes State

    you are frustrated with GoSS because you equate it with the tribe called Dinka. But let me ask you a question and answer me frankly, is GoSS made up of the Dinka? here I mean the cabinet, how many Dinkas are ministers in the GoSS?

    Another, question supposed the government is made up totally of the Dinka tribe and they are corrupt as you say, how will that corruption be solve?

  • dinkador1

    Eight killed in another revenge attack in Lakes State
    Every day dinka attack dinka,Rumbek and Bor, or any dinka is useless animals, Their cattle are better than a dinka.


  • dinkador1

    Eight killed in another revenge attack in Lakes State

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