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Sudan Tribune

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UN Security Council call for peace in Darfur as Sudan and one rebel group mark progress

June 24, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The UN Security Council called on the Sudanese parties to reach a peace deal based on Doha framework document while Khartoum and the rebel Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM) made fresh progress over the deadlocked issues.

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon meets Djibril Bassole, Joint AU-UN Chief Mediator of Darfur (Left) and the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Qatar H.E. Ahmad bin Abdullah Al-Mahmoud (photo UN)
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon meets Djibril Bassole, Joint AU-UN Chief Mediator of Darfur (Left) and the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Qatar H.E. Ahmad bin Abdullah Al-Mahmoud (photo UN)
Burkina Faso’s foreign minister and Qatari state minister for foreign affairs last Monday handed over a copy of the Doha Peace Document with the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon who showed his support to the framework agreement saying it’s a valid basis for talks between the government and Darfur rebels.

Djibril Bassolé and Ahmed bin Abdullah Al-Mahmoud were also invited Thursday to meet with the members of the Security Council to brief them on the document and the perspectives for peace and stability in the restive region of western Sudan.

“The members of the Security Council called on all parties urgently to resolve their differences, and called on them to make every effort to reach a permanent ceasefire and a comprehensive peace agreement as soon as possible, on the basis of the Doha Document for Peace” the Council said in a press statement released after the meeting.

The Council also praised the State of Qatar for its support to the two year process to end Darfur conflict and took note of its readiness to sponsor further talks in the future. The 15 members also thanked Bassolé and Al-Mahmoud for the efforts exerted to bring peace in Darfur.

Over 500 delegates endorsed the framework document for peace in Darfur during a five-day conference held in Doha last May. The seven chapter document offers a base for the rebel groups who refused to sign the Abuja peace agreement to negotiate a peaceful settlement with the government.

Minni Minnawi who signed a peace agreement with Khartoum in 2006 was not part of the process despite the fact that his men hold arms again against the government since the end of last year. Khartoum said he can only negotiate the implementation of the pact he signed but refused his participation in the Doha process.


LJM rebels said they made important progress in the discussions with the Sudanese government over the pending issues related to the referendum, the vice-president post and their representation in the national parliament.

The talks between the group and the government since last November were stalled by disagreements over demands of the vice-president being Darfuri, security arrangements and the referendum on the administrative status of the region.

During the five-day conference LJM president Tijani El-Sissi said his group was willing to sign a peace deal while the head of government negotiating delegation Amin Hassan Omer announced that a vice-president will be appointed from Darfur.

However, the government said the appointment of a vice-president remains a presidential prerogative and no one should intervene in its designation.

Speaking from Doha, LJM top negotiator Tadjadine Beshir Niam told Sudan Tribune that they reached a compromise on the files of the referendum and their representation in the national parliament during the interim period.

He further said important progress is being made on the other files including the way to appoint the vice-president. But he declined to elaborate on the details saying they have to finalise these issues first with the mediation.

Other sources who requested anonymity said a peace deal between the government and LJM can be expected during the first two weeks of July.

However, talks with the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) are deadlocked as the government suggested to negotiate with the rebel group only on the security arrangements and the participation of the rebel group in the central and regional governments.

For the other chapters, the government said the peace document should remain intact without modifications. JEM says the framework peace document should serve as basis for the negotiations but can not be a peace agreement.



  • DeltaBravo

    UN Security Council call for peace in Darfur as Sudan and one rebel group mark progress
    I hate this greedy World Leaders how come you hand empty agreement document meanwhile the rest of Sudanese are still suffering under Bashir Rules. I thought Bashir should be remove and send him to ICC COURT. With Bashir in power i doubt it.

  • telfajbago

    UN Security Council call for peace in Darfur as Sudan and one rebel group mark progress
    Bassole and Bin Ahmed deserve to be jailed and the key of their jail to be thrown a way, until they come to their sense.They are trying to fool the International Community with sheets that does not worth the ink it’s written with.The two diplomat criminals are using the paid gathering of Doha to market;Khartoum regime’s plan of continuation of genocide by other mean.Shame on you.

  • DeltaBravo

    UN Security Council call for peace in Darfur as Sudan and one rebel group mark progress
    I hate to see our people in the desert like they are not Sudanese Citizen. Meanwhile the Government in Khartoum accommodited people from Plostine to live free like they own Sudan.I hope some day Bashir will go to ICC COURT. GOD IS WILLING

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