Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan’s NCP says SPLM pressured by West not to invite Bashir

June 25, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The ruling National Congress Party (NCP) accused the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) of succumbing to western pressure by refusing to invite president Omer Hassan al-Bashir to South Sudan’s independence ceremony next month.

President Omer Hassan al-Bashir (R), flanked by the south Sudan leader, Salva Kiir (AFP)
President Omer Hassan al-Bashir (R), flanked by the south Sudan leader, Salva Kiir (AFP)
South Sudan is scheduled to become an independent country on July 9 following a near unanimous vote in favor of secession from the North in last January’s referendum. This was promised by a 2005 peace treaty that ended decades of civil war between the North and South Sudan.

However, relations between two sides have been seriously strained over the last few months after the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) seized the disputed border region of Abyei. Furthermore, clashes erupted earlier this month between the northern army and SPLA – the military wing of the (SPLM) – in South Kordofan.

Atem Garang, a leading SPLM official and former deputy speaker of federal parliament, told the pro-government Akhir Lahza newspaper that they have yet to invite the Northern government to attend the independence ceremony.

The Southern official said that invitations were sent out to leaders of Northern opposition parties including Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi (National Umma Party), Mohamed Osman Mirghani (Democratic Unionist Party), Hassan Al-Turabi (Popular Congress Party) and Mohamed Ibrahim Nugud (Sudanese Communist Party).

Garang however affirmed that the South wants good relations with the North to enforce principles of cooperation for future generations.

The NCP leading official Rabie Abdel-Aati responded to Garang’s remarks by alleging Western pressure on SPLM so as not to invite his party to the ceremony describing this as a “test” in which the ex-Southern rebel group has failed.

Garang’s position contradicted those of the former federal cabinet affairs minister and leading SPLM figure Luka Byong who told the UAE-based Al-Itihad newspaper this month that Bashir will receive an invitation but it is up to him whether to accept or reject it.

Local media in Khartoum reported this week that the SPLM is facing the dilemma of inviting Bashir who is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) on charges that he masterminded war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide in Darfur.

Southern officials are keen on securing the maximum attendance by officials from U.S. and Europe, according to the sources and are therefore wary of the impact Bashir’s presence may have. Western officials have avoided making contact with Bashir since the warrant and in some situations threatened a walkout if he showed up in conferences they were attending.



  • Khartoum92

    Sudan’s NCP says SPLM pressured by West not to invite Bashir
    Are you really considering this invitation what an idiot, One thing is true about Al bashir is his an idiot at times

  • belle loboi
    belle loboi

    Sudan’s NCP says SPLM pressured by West not to invite Bashir
    Basire deserve to be invited in the South Sudan independence.

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    Sudan’s NCP says SPLM pressured by West not to invite Bashir
    Bashier would have been invited but his present will scare most of people we will invite to our independent. So, there is nothing we can do about that other than to leave Bashier in his Khartoum for another inviting next years of July9th 2012.Please, mr Bashier you need to be patience and wait for Next year.Thanks for your understanding.

  • SPLA

    Sudan’s NCP says SPLM pressured by West not to invite Bashir
    The only place where Bashir is invited is to Hague to answer genocide charges against. He is not welcome to South Sudan.

  • Grader

    Invite Bashir
    President (North Sudan) Bashir should be invited just like other invited leaders of the world.

    We know he was and is working against South Sudan downfall, but we should also recognize he’s succumbing to pressure from the invited northern opposition leaders who accuse him of letting the south go …

    I urge GoSS to send him an invite sooner or later

  • Kon Garang
    Kon Garang

    Sudan’s NCP says SPLM pressured by West not to invite Bashir
    Bashir Invitation crisis,

    The fact is that NCP will be invited and since Bashir is not politically clean, any other member of NCP will be invited as a representative.

  • dakin

    Sudan’s NCP says SPLM pressured by West not to invite Bashir
    And so why invite the other Northern Parties either who criticise Bashir for letting the South go!

  • AdierCien

    Sudan’s NCP says SPLM pressured by West not to invite Bashir
    In The Name Of The Trinity God Amen

    National Congress Party (NCP) is an organisation formed with various number of people responsible for the party, if we invite one then it is the same as President Omer Hassan Al Bashir’s invitation. No worry from Bashir we still love him.
    May Peace Be Upon Sudan.

  • Young

    Sudan’s NCP says SPLM pressured by West not to invite Bashir
    GOSS leadership should invite Bashir for South’s Independence ceremony,despite what is being said by outsides.Bashir deserve an invitation despite his arrest warrant,He should come for the last time.


    Sudan’s NCP says SPLM pressured by West not to invite Bashir
    Send his VP an invitation to attend the South Sudan Independent and he gonna tell his master everything he saw in the South Sudan independent…other then this none….we are separating from him so why invited him to our Separation? Anyone went to invited Bashir just do it so in your own backyard of your house but not in Southern Sudan’s face..

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudan’s NCP says SPLM pressured by West not to invite Bashir
    This is megalomania. Do you thimk the world will be rushing to attend this day.Majority will be very scared to come. May be jsut Kenya, Uganda and few neighbouring countries.

    Tell me who will come from Europe or the state when the situation is like this:

    ((Mazee told Sudan Tribune that massive numbers of Murles have been killed. He estimated that since the fighting began on 15 June around 900 people have died.))Just in 10 days about 1000 human being perished for no good reason and you celebrating. Celebrating what?!

    You need to look at yourselves before throwing stones at others.

    I donnot know what you are celebrating when your people are dying like this.I would be moaning if I am in your place and condemn whatever government which allow this to happen.Forget Basheer and look at yourselves in the international media!

    Basheer to come or not is not a problem, so what if he didn’t come.What happen to your people, whom you claim to defend is all that what matters.Forget Basheer and look and care about your people!

  • Lamija Milaja
    Lamija Milaja

    Sudan’s NCP says SPLM pressured by West not to invite Bashir
    mohammed ali,

    Over 92 heads of states around the world have confirmed their attendance to the independence day of South Sudan.

    You talked of killing what about killing currently going is southern Kordofan? Are the NCP war planes killing there not humman beings.

    Basheir is crimanal wanted, who would like to see him in south Sudan. If SPLM dare to invite him, south sudanses would not like him to be seen there.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudan’s NCP says SPLM pressured by West not to invite Bashir

    That is not true from the US even Palin cancelled her visit for security reasons, as well as Clinton.Anyway it is only 2 weeks and we will see. Hope all they will come, no harm of that to me.

    South Kordofan there was an open war initiated by the left wing of the SPLA supported by Abeyei sons after Al Hilou lost the elections.It is sad but it is a war between two armies; not people who are killing each other on ethenic basis for more than 10 days and the government and people like are just watchin and not caring; bussy with the attendance of Basheer!

    Even in Kordofan the death toll didn,t reached that horrible level, children and women were not being enslaved. Even though it is still sad and regretable. But, what do you want from that, do you mean you are copying us?!At least if all this about the stupid cometetion of Arabs/non Arabs..South versus north.. let us compete about something good not killing and wars!

  • Nhomlawda

    Sudan’s NCP says SPLM pressured by West not to invite Bashir
    Al Bashir is not being invited not because of western pressures as claimed but because of his recent scorch earth campaigns in Abyei, South Kordufan and Blue Nile States. South Sudan and allied forces in North Sudan are technically at war with SAF and Al Bashir is the commander-in-chief of SAF.
    Dr. John Garang was not invited during official inauguration of Omar Al Bashir’s presidency when he took power in Sudan in 1989 because South Sudan was technically at war with Sudan and John Garang was an enemy commander. In addition, anya anya 1 movement leadership was not invited to Sudan independence celebration in 1956 because Anya Anya 1 movement was technically at war with Sudan and its leaders at the time were enemy commanders.
    The same thing applies now, Al Bashir is an enemy commander and cannot be invited to South Sudan independence celebration – the country is he is currently fighting militarily and economically.

  • Sam.Eto

    Sudan’s NCP says SPLM pressured by West not to invite Bashir
    The lack of security is no secert in South Sudan. The EU has told the SPLM they expect American Marines to be responsible for Security of the event if they are to come – otherwise they wont. They also requested ALL SPLM army and intellegence to vacate Juba while the ceremony is on. On top the rebellions the EU is worried about Ugandan and Kenyan Gangs that have infiltrated South Sudan. The SPLM is worried the americans will stay even after the celebrations are over.

    Bashir is not your main problem – its your selves !!

  • DeltaBravo

    Sudan’s NCP says SPLM pressured by West not to invite Bashir
    To Mohammed

    Bashir was dancing infront of dead Sudanese in Abyei when SAF captured the Town thesame thing he did when SAF started killing Fur,Nubian he was dancing in Eastern Sudan. Bashir is the President and he should not be dancing while Sudanese are dying. So please stop your nonsense about SouthSudanese. If we were Country before when SAF enter Abyei they,it would be different stories. God is willing Bashir will be in ICC COURT soon to answer all his crime.

  • Bigcat

    Sudan’s NCP says SPLM pressured by West not to invite Bashir
    why Omer al bashir is panic to attend the south sudan independent?NCP is blame SPLM for no reason, but NCP don’t want tell the trust!! omer al basher is not in the country now, he is already went to Iran,china to purchased more warfare, weapons and jet figher to weight war on south kordufan,abyei and darfur.he also went to Iran and china lobbing for plance run to hide, if dafur and ICC put more presure on him!!


    Sudan’s NCP says SPLM pressured by West not to invite Bashir
    To Mohammed Ali!!
    Did the North stop killing and moaned for the South separation?

    How many people die from Sudan(South and North) since 1983 to now? Are you moaning for that now? Did the North Stop killing her own people from her own backyard through sharia law ?

    Southern Sudan Independent is more important then those 900 dead as you said but wonder where you get your news from since you are in Nairobi..

    So,please leave us alone 900 is not more then what you guys( Arabs) has killed ..you said maybe Kenya, Uganda and neighbouring countries will attend the celebration.
    who tell you that??? Wait and see by your own eyes Ali.

    You talk about security ..who protected us since we fought with you guys(Arabs)? SPLM/A…The same people will still protect them..gaddamit Mohammed Ali.


    Sudan’s NCP says SPLM pressured by West not to invite Bashir
    To Sam Eto!!!
    Staying of Americans in Sudan soil is much better then staying Arabs..How many years did Arabs stayed in Sudan and no development at all compared to South Africa when British stayed there?

    And be the way we can handle our own security like the way we handle the fight with you guys…

    So,stop yapping about that Eto it will really helped Southern Sudan be famous..

    By and see you in Mohhamed arse if you wish..

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    Sudan’s NCP says SPLM pressured by West not to invite Bashir

    I am in Khartoum not in Nairobi, haven’t seen it in my entire life!

    The news is in Sudan Tribune it is only yesterday’s news and it is in English!


    Sudan’s NCP says SPLM pressured by West not to invite Bashir
    To Mohhamed Ali..Ok you believed that South can handle their own security during South celebration?

    Ali why lie sometimes ..you said it in one of your comment that you are in Nairobi and now in Khartoum>>.which one is which? Nairobi or Khartoum Ali? Why lie Ali?

    No one gonna track you down you poor thing…

    I thought that somebody by the name Mohhamed the prophet cannot lie so why is it you?

    Have a good day..

  • Lamija Milaja
    Lamija Milaja

    Sudan’s NCP says SPLM pressured by West not to invite Bashir
    mohammed ali,

    Then don’t blame killing only in south. There is serious killing going in north. They say charity starts at home.Instead of you capitalization on killing in south, stop killing in north. After all 1 live is worth of 30 lives.

    Don’t be proud of killings in south Kordofan and sad about killing in south. They are all killings we need to regret them and find way of stopping it.

  • jacob mayen ajuoi
    jacob mayen ajuoi

    Sudan’s NCP says SPLM pressured by West not to invite Bashir
    Al Bashir have to be invite yet,but i wont to a sure my president his time has came.already southern are going pullout, ICC will be on his neck and also opposition parties in Khartoum.Bashir will be in critical condition.

  • Baring

    Sudan’s NCP says SPLM pressured by West not to invite Bashir
    Dear Fellow S Sudanese, Do not worry about Bashir invitation on July 9, he will be invite on July 16 after all the leaders left south Sudan that is base on his treatment to the poeple of Sudan. You respect people, they will do the same to you.

  • Bungachier 50
    Bungachier 50

    Sudan’s NCP says SPLM pressured by West not to invite Bashir

    I don’t care much about other things rather than our own Land “ABYEI” the Land of the Southerners.

    The president must not give our Land and people in exchange of friendship with Bashir and his rotten NCP Party.

    If Bashir does not come to attend our July 9 2011 Independence Celebration, then it is not a big deal. He will watch it on the TV.

    Don’t look at the presidential seat as it is for Kiir alone, that seat belongs to any capable South Sudanese, full stop!!!..

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