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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Expectations in the Republic of South Sudan

By Zechariah Manyok Biar

June 27, 2011 — Independents come with change of behaviors of even troublemaker. South Sudanese are eagerly waiting for formal announcement of the Republic of South Sudan (ROSS) less than two weeks from now, and they are expecting positive changes to take place. Cattle raiders seem to be rushing to make sure that they finish raiding some cows before the independence because they believe that ROSS will never tolerate cattle raiding after independence. Some are now avenging the death of their relatives because they expect the rule of law to improve in ROSS.

Many people expect the ROSS where the freedom that we fought for over the last two decades will be now translated into reality. They expect the ROSS in which leaders focus much on the achievement of objectives rather than focusing on trivial achievements. People expect the ROSS in which program implementations are given priorities over allowances. They expect the ROSS in which programs are planned on time rather than operating in form of emergencies.

The people of ROSS expect a country in which human rights are respected. They expect a country in which its leaders love check and balances from both the opposition and the media for the improvement of services to their people. They expect a country in which leaders treasure wisdom and expertise for the betterment of the welfare of its citizens.

The people of South Sudan expect the ROSS in which the fight against corruption is real. They expect the leaders to know all the colors of corruption so that it does not elude them when they want to kill it. They expect a country where corruption is defined as both the enemy of human rights and good life of citizens.

The people of South Sudan expect a country in which competence and qualification of any citizen is considered more important in employment than just who the employer relates to. They expect a country in which its qualified citizens are attracted to build their nation rather than being pushed away to build other nations. South Sudanese expect diversity of civil servants in any office. They expect a country in which people are not intimidated for being independent minded.

South Sudanese expect a country in which minorities’ hatred of majority is condemned. They also expect a country in which the majority tribes are discouraged from threatening the minority tribes in any form. They expect a country in which dignity of individual is respected and protected.

The people of South Sudan expect a country in which property rights are protected according to what is written in the Constitution. They expect a country in which laws of the nation not individual opinions guide activities.

These expectations are real. Any failure in the realization of each of them would mean bad governance and their existence will become a culture in the Republic of South Sudan.

Zechariah Manyok Biar, BA. Edu., MACM, MSSW. He can be reached at [email protected]


  • Adam

    Expectations in the Republic of South Sudan
    I salute you brother! This is what we expect and much more. You forgot to mention that we don’t expect wars and the continuation of SPLM/A tradition of just doing the opposite of all you’ve mentioned as expectations.

    All you listed are very basic and should happen by July 9, but unfortunately we do not have a constitution that regulates these hopes and expectations. We did not start anything of any nature to help us realize these expectations. We even don’t have a true government or projects or logical structures that can pursue these hopes and expectations.

    Brother! We’re full of troubles that need decades to get rid off, if SPLM and its disreputable militia are out of the equation. We may need centuries, if they continue in power for a single day after our independence. SPLM/A are the inhibiting factors of our hopes of the state you called ROSS.

    Let Southerners have no illusions that any of the expectations would come true soon. The saga of suffering, ignorance, poverty, disease, looting, nepotism and bloodshed will continue under the counterfeit leadership of the current GoSS. Tribalism will even flourish more than ever before.

    Let all Southerners united and remove the biggest hurdle standing on the way of our expectations – SPLM/A and all its dishonorable tentacles should be uprooted from the South, once and for all.

    This is the real step we should seriously take relentlessly.

    Adam Milawaki, Nairobi

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    Expectations in the Republic of South Sudan
    Mr. Zachariah Manyok;
    If you knew these expected realities to exist in the soon Republic of South Sudan after 9th July 2011, why didn’t you begin teaching your Uncle Gier Chuang Aluong- the Minister of Interior GOSS to realize these in the first Place? I have gone through your article and it reads to me like a poem. Those are expectation which everybody want to drive to but your uncle will not like to accept those realities to happen. I believe you are in that Ministry with him. And as you put it corruption has many colors and those colours are the phenotype of Mr. Gier Chuang. He is a very unique recessive gene in human though he comes from Atar where Athor push him out. Please, if People of South Sudan expect Change we need Gier Chuang to go home and remain there forever. We can not have a politician who at the same time an International business man or trader. Gier has to choose one.

    You have misled Adam to Salute you but he did not know you and your uncle. Leave people of South Sudan to dream about their expection. Tell Gier to change otherwise he shall end up like Jimmy Lemy.

  • Nhomlawda

    Expectations in the Republic of South Sudan
    Thanks Manyok for reminding GOSS and all stakeholders in South Sudan development efforts on obvious expectations of the South Sudanese after celebrating their hard won independence of South Sudan. I hope wisdom will prevail in GOSS leadership to understand public mood and act accordingly before people’s anger swift out the bourgeois and bureaucrats from their comfortable seats of disservice to the poor people of South Sudan.

    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Manyok is not related to Gier Chuang apart from being members of the same tribe.
    I see nothing wrong with Gier Chuang owning businesses as long as he is running his businesses outside GOSS affairs and he is not using his position and influence to benefit his companies in government contracts and other benefits.

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