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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan invites UAE president to independence ceremony

June 27, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The Vice President of the soon to be independent South Sudan Riek Machar on Monday handed an invitation to president of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to attend the official declaration of the new state on July 9th.

South Sudan Vice President Riek Machar (R) and UAE state Minister for Foreign Affairs Anwar Mohammed Gargash (WAM)
South Sudan Vice President Riek Machar (R) and UAE state Minister for Foreign Affairs Anwar Mohammed Gargash (WAM)
The invitation was delivered to UAE state Minister for Foreign Affairs Anwar Mohammed Gargash during his meeting with Machar and the accompanying delegation.

South Sudan is scheduled to become an independent country on July 9 following a near unanimous vote in favor of secession from the North in last January’s referendum. This was promised by a 2005 peace treaty that ended decades of civil war between the North and South Sudan.

UAE official news agency (WAM) said the two sides explored the future of the relations between the UAE and the South Sudan and ways to boost them in all fields. They also tackled the preparations for hosting the Conference on Investment in South Sudan, which will be held in the UAE.

In a related issue the Sudanese ambassador to the United Nations Dafalla al-Haj Osman told reporters that president Omer Hassan al-Bashir will attend the independence ceremony.

Last week the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) accused South Sudan of succumbing to western pressure by refusing to invite Bashir.

Local media in Khartoum reported that Southerners are facing the dilemma of inviting Bashir who is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) on charges that he masterminded war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide in Darfur.

Southern officials are keen on securing the maximum attendance by officials from U.S. and Europe, according to the sources and are therefore wary of the impact Bashir’s presence may have. Western officials have avoided making contact with Bashir since the warrant and in some situations threatened a walkout if he showed up in conferences they are in.



  • sebit

    South Sudan invites UAE president to independence ceremony
    we will invited all arab leaders before omar bashir

  • Aleu

    South Sudan invites UAE president to independence ceremony
    Well, the nation must not invited indictment because it mark bad sign on young nation. Also invitation of Omar al Bashir would simple causes more problems because there are many Southern Sudanese got kills in near borders areas and they have Sons serving in the security polices and the SPLA and no body knows how the feeling for others. If he came to Southern Sudan, he must be arrested or kill.

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    South Sudan invites UAE president to independence ceremony
    This is going to be bad time for Omer Bashier for being the owl. The owl were birds run away when it approached birds. Sorry for Bashier! we will invite you after you hear some advise in the ICC. Thanks

  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    South Sudan invites UAE president to independence ceremony
    Bashir has done his best for South Sudan despite his war with us. At last he accepted peace with us. He allowed us to form our government for six years. He allowed us to conduct our referendum peacefully and accepted the outcome. He should be invited to make a peaceful farewell with us in Juba. He should see by his own eyes how happy southerners will look like during that day.

    For those of you who call him indictee of ICC, how many times did Bashir go to Juba even after he was indicted criminal? Many times! So what is new for him being in Juba for the last time of seeing Sudan disintegrating into two.

    World leaders are not emotional like some of the southerners. They will understand that the day is a special day in which it is necessary for Bashir to attend it since he is the President of the North which is disintegrating with the South.

    I also congratulate the Vice President, Dr. Machar, and his President, Kiir, for inviting the President of that friendly nation of United Arab Emirates to also attend the celebration.

    Invite Bashir to attend. That is a wise strategy!!!

  • Lokorai

    South Sudan invites UAE president to independence ceremony
    Dear brother/sister truthteller, I just want to thank you for your clarity of mind.

    Al Bashir could be a devil to someone but not to everyone; majority in the Southern Sudan don’t agree that he’s totally an evil man.

    President Al Bashir is highly respected by our people and should be freely allowed to complete the good business he has started with our late dear leader-Dr. John Garang.


    You are wrong, no Southerner has ever killed in a cowardly fashion like what you think could be the case. We Southerners kill others openly and through a battle field or during our differences at communal levels.

    You are scaring others for nothing.

    President Al Bashir will come and peacefully go!!! He has told the world he would.

    Mr. President you are highly welcome.

    President of the South (Dr. Machar) come back home; you are amissed!


  • Nhomlawda

    South Sudan invites UAE president to independence ceremony

    Calling Dr. Riek Machar president of South Sudan knowingly or through slip of the tongue tantamount to treason of highest order in ROSS.
    Riek Machar will be the first political detainee to languish in ROSS Max Prisons unless he reforms beyond doubt within the next two weeks and begin to kiss President Salva Kiir’s feet regularly and apologize to Bor people and SPLA publicly for his sins from 1991 to 2002.
    Arabs’ problem is almost solved now. South Sudan nationalists will begin to handle those black traitors among us one by one.

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