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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan parliament slams Turkmenistan & Tajikistan over Bashir’s flight

June 28, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese parliament on Tuesday criticized the two Central Asia states of Turkmenistan and Tajikistan accusing them of falling under U.S. pressure to deny passage of presidential plane through its airspace.

Sudan's President Omer Hassan al-Bashir reviews the Chinese military honor guard during a welcoming ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China Wednesday, June 29, 2011. (AP)
Sudan’s President Omer Hassan al-Bashir reviews the Chinese military honor guard during a welcoming ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China Wednesday, June 29, 2011. (AP)
Sudan’s president Omer Hassan al-Bashir arrived in China a day late after his plane was forced to circle back to Tehran where he was attending a conference over the weekend.

Senior diplomatic sources told Sudan Tribune yesterday that authorities in Turkmenistan revoked its permission to Bashir’s plane to fly through its airspace and instead suggested another route.

The reason for the action on the part of Turkmen authorities was not known though the foreign ministry spokesperson said this was done to “technical” reasons.

Local newspapers in Khartoum said that Turkmenistan warned the pilot about turbulence ahead and suggested that they go through Afghanistan but Sudan feared that NATO might intercept Bashir’s plane forcing it to land and end up arresting the Sudanese head of state.

Bashir has an outstanding arrest warrant against him by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for war crimes and genocide he allegedly masterminded in Sudan’s western region of Darfur.

Another country in the flight path, Tajikistan, excused itself from a prior authorization by citing military exercises taking place in the same airspace, said the pro-government Al-Rayaam newspaper.

According to the diplomats, Sudanese director of Intelligence Mohamed Atta and foreign minister Ali Karti rejected the proposed route and voiced suspicion that it is a plot to apprehend Bashir and subsequently had the pilot return to Tehran.

The deputy speaker of Sudan’s parliament Hago Gism al-Seed on Tuesday expressed gratitude to Pakistan for allowing Bashir’s plane to fly through its airspace on its way to China. He revealed that Iran contacted authorities in Pakistan to get the necessary permissions.

The ruling party figure alleged that the U.S. pressured Turkmenistan and Tajikistan to deny entry of Bashir’s plane.

Turkmenistan has not signed up for the Rome Statute which is the founding text of the ICC and therefore have no legal obligation to arrest Bashir. Tajikistan on the other hand is a member of the Hague tribunal.

The Chinese government have brushed aside criticism by human right groups on hosting the Sudanese leader who is wanted by the ICC saying that it is “quite reasonable” for Beijing to invite him.

On Monday, the US State department spokeswoman said that Washington is opposed to Bashir’s China visit.

“We continue to oppose invitations, facilitation, support for travel by ICC indictees,” State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told reporters.

“We have a longstanding policy of strongly urging other nations to do the same,” she said.

“We have urged China to join the international community in its call for Sudan to cooperate fully with the ICC,” in line with UN Security Council resolution 1593, Nuland said.

This is in contrast to her statements last week in which she said that this is a “national decision” by China.



  • puokbai

    Sudan parliament slams Turkmenistan & Tajikistan over Bashir’s flight
    If China is down playing how they will steal our oil with Deadly Bashir than, we are aware of it soon we will cut off the oil production from China

    Puok Bai

    South Sudan

  • Young

    Sudan parliament slams Turkmenistan & Tajikistan over Bashir’s flight
    Turkménistan and Tajikstan didnot allowed criminal Bashir’s plane to pass over their airspace,so what?they have right to block him,because he is the most wanted criminal in the world some one have killed innocent civilian and continuing killing should not be honor.

  • chol awek wek
    chol awek wek

    Sudan parliament slams Turkmenistan & Tajikistan over Bashir’s flight
    Personally i don’t see the reason involving both Turkmenistan and Tajikistan in the issue between Bashir of Sudan and ICC. ICC is found to be business company for whites or the western world, for that case, you will only see ICC indicting only African and others toothless Asia countries.

    My argument is this; imagine, if the west is really there for justice and equally, how can ICC failed to Indict President bush for war crimes committed in Iraq and Afghanistan?
    look at Libya, what brought NATO to that extend of supporting Rebel for the first time in the history of Africa?

    president Bashir was just threaten for no reason.

  • Kiir

    Sudan parliament slams Turkmenistan & Tajikistan over Bashir’s flight
    My friend Government of Republic of South Sudan is not like you. How come our oil would be steal by China? Are you okay?

    May be Bashir has another deal with China or they are going to divided the money that was invested in South Sudan long time ago.


  • AtuotInPacific

    Sudan parliament slams Turkmenistan & Tajikistan over Bashir’s flight
    China is Not stealing Sudanese oil and will not steal South Sudan oil either. The people’s Republic is simply a customer for oil and other minerals in Sudan/South Sudan that no customer can buy them at the price of an owner.
    see and know the world. there is simply no one to trade mutually with either Sudan/South Sudan. Your incompetent government officials must learn this.

    Apash Parau

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    Sudan parliament slams Turkmenistan & Tajikistan over Bashir’s flight
    Chol Awek,
    Sorry to hear you speaking like hire of arabs origin. ICC don’t indict any leader in Africa. There is no leader that can survive through human losts and remain unaccountable. If there is such than even your own life is at risk. Do not bring in the case of Iraq and Afghanistan. Those states are totally bad state that like killings. Don’t support Bashir. If there is a way to arrest him let him be arrested.

    First just ask yourself the mission of Bashir to China. Do you know anything about his mission to China? If you do not know let me give you a hint. His only mission is going to make a seperate deal on Oil. He is going to tell China to negotiate with the South on perecntages and that he will also get a commission out from it. You know now, 75% of the oil revenue is coming to the South and North shall remain with fees for refineries and distance the pipelines covered.

    Why do you support thieves? China is now a parasite to Sudan as a whole. The Minister of Foreign affairs revealed it “that China stands by Oil sites”. Do you like that double deal? If you don’t know anything then better to keep quiete and don’t support Bashir.


    Sudan parliament slams Turkmenistan & Tajikistan over Bashir’s flight
    Ummmm..This is photoshopped not come is this criminal being welcomed like that from China..huh..? Only fools believes that its real but not welcome like that from Ching Chong China please..

  • chol awek wek
    chol awek wek

    Sudan parliament slams Turkmenistan & Tajikistan over Bashir’s flight
    Well, it doesn’t matter how i sound like Arab hire origin as you put.let me tell you this story; what is going around always come around: today America is on Bashir and Gaddafi next through ICC and tomorrow, the turn will be you; do you believe that?
    I guess you are nilotic like me, because always Nilot can reason no matter how old or education background he/she is.I don’t support Bashir on his War crime he committed in Darfur, but opposed ICC action of indicting Bashir at the last minute. why simpler question is this; where was ICC during twenty one years of war between South and North? where was ICC all these time when thing mix up in Somalia? why ICC is turning blind eye against crimes committed by Maseveni of Uganda?
    Dear brothers and sister don’t be confuse by American Dollars given to you by Spies pretending that, they are aids workers/humanitarian.
    let us first sit and finalize our problem and start talking about do you advice to clean my face and yet, you didn’t wash your face? Bashir now became different right from declaration of referendum result. there is no need for us to get addicted to the problem which we all know is over. Let Muslim solve their problem, it is none of our business

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