Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

W. Equatoria governor applies for new South Sudan passport

July 1, 2011 (YAMBIO) – The governor of Western Equatoria State Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro has arrived Yambio the state capital after meeting the South Sudan Minister of Interior to fill the form to receive a new passport for the Republic of South Sudan.

WES Governor Bakosoro infront of cabinet Ministers during launching of the South Sudan National Anthem (ST)
WES Governor Bakosoro infront of cabinet Ministers during launching of the South Sudan National Anthem (ST)
Speaking to the press at Yambio airstrip upon arrival, Bakosoro said all the “state governors were in Juba to fill the form of the new passport that is expected to be delivered before the declaration of the independence on July 9 2011.

“This is the first thing to be shown to the people because a new nation is now by the its passport and probably by 6 or 8 of July it will be out for those given the priorities,” said the governor.

South Sudan is busily preparing for its independence after an overwhelming vote to separate from the North in a referendum held earlier this year. A rehearsal of the new South Sudan national anthem involving over one hundred choirs in the state ended on Friday.

The national anthem was launched at the state secretariat by the state governor upon arrival from Juba and witnessed by all the cabinet ministers and state members of assembly.

Addressing the choirs, Bakosoro hailed the efforts exerted the Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement (SPLM) Youth league from Juba who came to teach the people of the state with the new national anthem.

He congratulated the state choirs for having rehearsed the anthem within few days of practice.

“A new country is going to be born, this is the national anthem, am urging everybody that on July 9 on Saturday everybody will sing the national anthem with pride and with joy,” disclosed the governor

“This launching of the national anthem in WES I did not expect this very joyful and bright voice this evening but am very grateful that, you are going to pay the pride of the new nation a pride that will make you a true human being in your own country” decried Bakosoro.

He called upon every citizen of the state to be prepared for independence and said from July 9 people should feel and say ‘this is our new country’ without fear of the Khartoum government, which is widely distrusted in South Sudan after decades of conflict.

Preparations are under way all over the state and in Yambio all shops, kiosks and houses, government residents are being painted. Towns are also being cleaned as the state is expected to host members of the international community.

Over one hundred choirs from different counties converged in Yambio to practice the South Sudan National anthem taught by the SPLM youth league from Juba, which will be the capital of the new state.



  • Akibon

    W. Equatoria governor applies for new South Sudan passport
    Great job people of Western Equatoria. Keep up the good work.
    Don’t forget your soil is extremely fertile and thus all Southsudan rely on you to feed them.

    Southsudan Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

  • Meendebai

    W. Equatoria governor applies for new South Sudan passport
    The nation is rightly on the right track! Loving it guys!!!!!!!!!

  • Bush

    W. Equatoria governor applies for new South Sudan passport
    This journalist in WES should work for the people of the state than to work for the governor himself alone. There are many people who are doing good things in that state but this journalist just want to promote the image of this governor as if he is the first governor in the WES.

    My hero is late Samule Abujhon Kabashi, no one else can do what he did.

    This is just another useless report by this journalist from Yambio.

  • jur_likang_a_ likan'g
    jur_likang_a_ likan'g

    W. Equatoria governor applies for new South Sudan passport
    No place in South Sudan is infertile. Look at upper Nile alluvial soil, millions of dollars lie underneath it. Only hard work is demanded from the community there. Jebel Boma is fertile too. Good for fruits. Everywhere you go in the motherland is fertile. The government needs to give resources to the people to develop themselves.

  • Angelo Kumuko
    Angelo Kumuko

    W. Equatoria governor applies for new South Sudan passport
    Mr. Bush, if I read you right and after analyzing your comments for the last five days regarding news from WES. It seems you have personal problem with WES governor. What is wrong with a journalist reporting Bakosoro’s registration for South Sudan new passport – which is something many Southerners would like to hear.

    If you have ill feelings against Bakosoro – mind ur own business. For us we are interested to hear what our governor is doing.

  • Bigcat

    W. Equatoria governor applies for new South Sudan passport
    It seen WES Governor will be first man to apply for south sudan passport!Western equatoria governor….you have work hard, by giving people guideline example of development.. second to that teacher your state people, to be humle, honest, welcoming guest and being a good neighbour. some local western equatoria local resident seem not to welcome people around south sudan to their areas, special many WES resident don’t like dinka/monyjang or other people from their state.

    Let’s All be As Good as Dinka/monyjang

  • Bush

    W. Equatoria governor applies for new South Sudan passport
    @Angelo Kumuko

    I know this governor better than you and I don’t have any personal problem with him being a governor of the state, any one can be a governor of that state, but as can follow in the last five days as you said any news from the state has not drown any attention of the readers here, this means you are reporting very useless things from the state.

    The only report from the WES was that governor has come back, governor has met the commissioners, governor has gone to church, governor has greeted people, governor … which is really very useless.

    Why can’t come up with something better?

  • Bush

    W. Equatoria governor applies for new South Sudan passport
    @Angelo Kumuko

    You can’t stop me from exercising my democratic rights on this forum. We don’t support individuals like you do, I have my rights to challenge whatever I see going wrong in my country. Follow all my comments here and you will find out that I’m not pro individual. Come on!

    Southerners wants to hear more about the development and fighting of corruptions than what an individual is doing. Do not treat that as your chief, he is the governor of the state and we have full rights to challenge what ever is not good in the eyes of the people.

  • Angelo Kumuko
    Angelo Kumuko

    W. Equatoria governor applies for new South Sudan passport
    Bush – there is no freedom of speech when you hide ur identity to insult public figures. Write ur full name like in Nzara County here.

    What are your recommendations?

  • Bush

    W. Equatoria governor applies for new South Sudan passport
    @Angelo Kumuko

    If you don’t know the use of media because you are down there in Nzara County, we do use an alias like this because of people like you who spy on others in the media.

    There are many people who don’t want criticism like you, look as you are the only who have access to the media in the state, but wait you will see our red eyes after July 9, when people like starts understanding the rule of media better.

    Don’t mind about my identity much, it’s not important to you.

  • Rev John Khamis Kamunde
    Rev John Khamis Kamunde

    W. Equatoria governor applies for new South Sudan passport
    Cool down Angilo Kumuko and Bush:All your points is having logic,but the way you are exchanging your wrting,changes your conotation.
    It is good for us to read what our govonors are doing in the states,and it is also good for us to read what is happening in our various states generaly in terms of development,socialy,politicaly,spiritualy etc,etc.

    For you who wrote that Western Equatorians dosen’t welcome people,I want to tell you that you are totaly wrong.
    Western Equatorians welcomes everyone but:-
    You have to respect their culture,you have to behave the way they behave because they are the most humble people who dosen’t want SHOUTING,QUARLING,SPITING IN THE MIDS OF PEOPLE,STEALING,GOING OUT WITH MEN’WIVES,GRUPING LANDS,RESPECT TO THE ELDERS,ROBBING THINGS,AND KILLING.
    If you are not doing this you become more welcome and a friend,but if you are doing this then automaticaly you become an ENEMY and HATED.

    Back to the article,congratulation for you the governor of the greater WES.
    You are realy loved by your people that is why they suport any programme in the state.Please move forward with the preparation for the day of our independent,and also extend your programme to the churches because you knew very well that the churches in the state are very active with the youth programme.Please suport them.
    Rev Kamunde.

  • Bush

    W. Equatoria governor applies for new South Sudan passport
    @Rev John Khamis Kamunde

    Mr. Rev Khamis, this word “Western Equatorians doesn’t welcome people” are not my words, don’t try to put them into my mouth,OK!.

    Such reports from WES of governor doing this or doing that should simply be broadcasted on your local FM for the local people their to listen but bringing them on the media like that is just ridiculous. And any regime that doesn’t want criticisms is a dictatorial regime of which we trying to uproot it from the South.

    We will continue to challenge and criticize whatever we see not appropriate on the media here, and for Angelo, please wake up from Nzara County and don’t bury yourself in to politics that comes and goes even if you are happy to your uncle in power today, OK!

    Christian United for Israel

  • Angelo Kumuko
    Angelo Kumuko

    W. Equatoria governor applies for new South Sudan passport
    Mr. Bush who told you I am government of Western Eq? I am just an ordinary citizen who is happy to see into it that our state government is achieving as reported by this media outlet. Please read what the pastor educated you earlier on with.

    Your anger against WES govt is your own making. If you check Sudan Tribune on daily basis – most of the content is blessed to be reporting what GOSS and states are doing or they go through. This Sudan Tribune has always reported news from WES as they happen – politics, devt, religion and conflict and others. What else do you want hear about. So far we have not heard about anybody convicted of corruption in W. Eq . you want Sudan tribune lie that Wes is corrupt so that u and ur likes get excited??

    Sorry for you

    Rev Pastor – thank you for your matured comments


  • Bush

    W. Equatoria governor applies for new South Sudan passport
    @Angelo Kumuko

    I don’t know that, I would have not wasted my valuable time responding to your comments, I thought that I’m dealing with someone responsible but your comments have shown.

    Do you really know which news are good and interested that draws the attentions of everyone?

    I want you to read all my comments in this forum and you understand that I’m not pro individuals but pro Southerners as a whole including you who only reacts when critics come on his side. wait you will soon get tired defending your uncles.

    WES needs people like us to challenge the government so that we don’t fall into a totalitarian state, OK! Wake up
    bro, we are here to exist and that’s why there is oppositions in every governments in the world. We are defenders of democracy, freedom, good governance and rule of laws.

    Can you tell me something about Gbuduwe one …?
    Learn to accept criticisms and live with it.

    Christians United for Israel

  • Bush

    W. Equatoria governor applies for new South Sudan passport

    The reason why some people in WES don’t want Dinkas is because if you give a Dinka a chair instead S/he wants to sit on your head. If he comes sick and you treat him, he wants to fight you when he gets well, if you feed him, he wants to take your place the following day. You show him the toilet but he wants to defaecate in your compound.

    The worst is that, Dinkas don’t say THANK YOU! at all,they are antisocial.

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