Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Warrap calls for Deng Alor to be removed from parliament after neglecting constituency

By Ngor Arol Garang

July 3, 2011 (JUBA) – Community leaders and officials from Warrap State on Sunday called for the replacement of South Sudan’s minister of regional cooperation, Deng Alor Kuol, from his he parliamentary seat, accusing him of neglecting his constituency in Tonj North County.

Deng Alor
Deng Alor
The latest call comes following petitions, one of which was addressed to South Sudan President, Salva Kiir Mayardit, demanding the replacement of the minister from the seat he occupies, arguing that he is always engaged in national affairs leaving little attention for constituency where he was elected.

In an interview with Sudan Tribune James Macok Deng, a member of Warrap State Legislative Assembly, argued that the area demands replacement of the minister from the parliament because he hardly pays any attention to issues related to his constituency.

“The community is demanding replacement of the minister because he is ever occupied with issues related to his ministry and other assignments at the level of government of South Sudan that he hardly finds time to attention to issues affecting people from the constituency he was elected into the national assembly”, said Macok.

The member of the state Assembly denied that the demand was made because of allegations that the minister comes from different community, but because of his engagements at the higher level and subsequent failure to visit the area since he was elected to the National assembly on the party list from the constituency.

“People have no problem with him being their representative in the assembly. They like him. That was why he was elected into the seat though there were other competitive candidates from the area. He was one of the best and popular candidates who contested the elections. He was elected because community knew he would represent them in the assembly but it is unfortunate that other commitments and assignments at the higher level could allow visit the area since he was elected to give thanks to the electorates”, explained Macok.

He said the community wrote two letters one of which was dated on 28 March and another on 18 April 2011. The first letter was written by the community and second by county commissioner while third letter was written by the chairperson of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement office in the county, to the SPLM leader, General Salva Kiir Mayardit, quoting the county commissioner and attaching recommendations made by the community in which they asked for replacement of the minister Alor with another nominee from the area.

Macok said that both community and the SPLM offices in the state and county resorted to writing and sending letters demanding replacement of the minister from the parliament after failing initial attempts to persuade minister Alor to voluntarily resign the seat since he was committed with other engagements but the minister made no decision.

“This is a final resort. The minister was actually supposed to have resigned voluntarily from the seat long time ago, since he has always been busy with other issues at the national level. If I were him I would have resigned without having to wait for such pressure”, he explained.

While attempts made by Sudan Tribune to reach the minister were unsuccessful, Miyen Alor Kuol, a member of the SPLM from Abyei, dismissed voices calling on the minister to resign from the parliament, describing them as “unreasonable” and based on ethnic differences.

He accused voices calling for resignation of the minister of causing confusion in the state and the regional government.

Kuol wondered why those calling for resignation of the minister have failed to understand that the seat was swapped with another seat currently being occupied by a member of Tonj North county in the legislative Assembly.

“There are two things which these people confusing the public do not understand. They should understand that there were arrangements by SPLM state secretariat during election to give a seat that was supposed to be occupied by comrade Deng Alor in the state Assembly to a representative who wanted to remain in the state. The other thing they are failing to understand is that this was not a geographical seat but a party list. So it is the party leadership in the state to discuss way forward on these arrangements and not the individuals who are claiming to be speaking for the community”, he explained.

After South Sudan secedes from the North on July 9 Alor is expected to become the new nation’s first foreign minister.



  • LongTweng

    Warrap calls for Deng Alor to be removed from parliament after neglecting constituency
    The next minster will change nothing.

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    Warrap calls for Deng Alor to be removed from parliament after neglecting constituency
    Dear all,

    You can see from the accusations of Minister Lual Achuek and now in this article is minister Deng Alor.

    I am now satisfied that there third parties working hard to impose dirty politics against our leaders ,so that they can sneak into it and gain from it.

    I can’t believed how greedy for power are in the South. Please, we will find out someone with this intention to create conflicts of positions.

    Haaaaaaa, there are people looking for their position or some others who scare that they might take their positions when the GOSS form the leadership.

    I disregarded these accusations as nonsense and no one need to listen to these rumors. Thanks

  • Young

    Warrap calls for Deng Alor to be removed from parliament after neglecting constituency
    Toji North should wait until independent but Mp Deng also needs to pay attention on your constituency as well as Nation,because your accomondation wasn’t easy there were so many polician from Tonji North but they accomondate inorder to have Byei representative otherwise if elections were held in Abyei you could have represent it.

  • Lamija Milaja
    Lamija Milaja

    Warrap calls for Deng Alor to be removed from parliament after neglecting constituency
    George Bol,

    Don’t be like arabs to blame their failures all on Isreal and America. Are you doubting competence of your people (dinka) when they say something?

    Please be self confident, this issue of always blaming third party is things of the past. If you don’t know the political awareness of south Sudanese has developed very much to the extent that in villages even those who have not gone to school can challenge a political decision.

    Instead of praising south Sudanese on the level of political maturity, you are busy acting like an arab only putting blame on unknown.

    Wake up man and be mature. Don’t think average south Sudanese are dull like you without politically developed.

    Let people practice politics. Don’t lure your people (dinkas) to the level of always being stooges or instruments in the hands of an unknown although many (dinkas) are greedy people and corrupt.

  • Aleu

    Warrap calls for Deng Alor to be removed from parliament after neglecting constituency
    Ngor Arol Garang.

    I think the constituency need help because that, area was been affected by the Gadat’s militiamen. Our people the like to make excuse to get in the office but later when they bcame comfortable enjoying good pay then, they just forgotten those struggle for them.

    Garang, maybe you will need to tell Deng Alor Kuol that, wherever, he was been elected from different State and different county, the position which he is now hold is about Southern Sudan and I strong belief that, all Southern Sudanese citizens have the rights to send a letter for removal any Minister in GOSS if that person is not paying more attention to people who maybe need help for whatever reason. Those people who thinks Deng Alor Kuol will not be removed from his office, because he was been elected in Abyei District or Gogrial county, I think they are absolutely very wrong because he is holding a region cooperation and if there is any disaste happen within Southern Sudan, he has to visited that area to make sure what kind of help the people need but I guess he did not understand his own job outline and he need to make apology right away to citizens.

    Ngor, Tonj also have many communities and when the two big counties combines together along with too little budget for State is really become another problem facing those counties. I wish I should make a good recommendiation to the GOSS and the people of two greats Tonj and Gogrial county that, after July9,2011. The GOSS must promoting Tonj county as a State because you can tell that, many communities are scatter helplessness and with no even budget nor any plan that will help them. Some people also don’t understand politics when we said, for example, Warrap State, Lake State, Northern Bahr al Ghazal, Equatoria State,Upper Nile State etc, this is a political way and it is not real the nation State such as Kenya,Uganda,Ethiopia,Egypt and on like that. We would like to tells GOSS lawmakers and ROSS leaders please you must promoting Tonj county as a State according to political way and most importantantly, there are like 34 communities within Tonj county alone and it has to be separate as a State.
    Thanks for taking this message and tell GOSS.

  • de yen
    de yen

    Warrap calls for Deng Alor to be removed from parliament after neglecting constituency
    Dear All,
    First and foremost i would like to thank the tonj community for being politically empowered. Tonj community have the right and in fact i disagree with whoever think that Deng Alor will be in the next cabinet because him and all Abyei people have got an Administrative Area and therefore we can only appreciate their participation in SPLM/A and GOSS. but the truth of the matter is that they are foreigners in North or South until they decide through REFERENDUM.
    So Mr. Deng Alor Kuol must leave South with his clan to go and mobilize the Abyei citizens in order to vote to join South since majority of them seem to be pro ARABS NORTH than south.

  • Madingthith

    Warrap calls for Deng Alor to be removed from parliament after neglecting constituency
    Dear Commentors,

    As far as my perception is concern, I totally agreed with the one of the guy who wrote that Government of South Sudan need to give Tonj a special consideration to be a new state apart from Warrap such that they shut their mouths.

    I will go direct to challenge Tonj community of not understanding the political situation in Tonj North County as they had seen some ad hov caused by Aleu Ayieny and Anei Madut Kueidit with Awut Deng Achuil last March until some innocent lost lives.

    You Tonj North intellectuals, you are 100% contributing to the deteriorating of the community because you are the icon of these poor and illeterate community and thus you mislead them to wrong directions, Shame on you.

    Hon. Deng Alor is from SPLM party List and not from constituency in Tonj if you don,t know that and you better communicated it to the community leaders to be aware of that.Greater Tonj will be a fail counties if you people do not leaves these sabotages of yours. Deng Alor is fit in his position and he is not to worry himself because of this rubbish of Tonj people, If i WERE in one of the county of Tonj I would better correct the community instead of confusing them amicably.

    I know the people who are likely and always confuse Tonj Community and youth is those of Akucwel Mathiang Magordit and some other elements which I donot want to mentioned their names again.

    Instead of leading the community in right way you turn against them in wrong ways

    Thanks once more
    Madingthith a man of transparency, justics and accountable.

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    Warrap calls for Deng Alor to be removed from parliament after neglecting constituency
    What is wrong with the people of Junub Sudan really?
    Recently, we have been arguing about south Sudan transitional constitution over the rights of a President to remove an elected minister or MP but many opposed that idea and now, they are the same elements who were strongly rejecting that constitution are strongly now requesting govt to remove Deng Alor Kuol from his position. Abyei is part of south Sudan and you want to reject it now coz of MP.s seat. You’re short sighted enough.

  • Nhomlawda

    Warrap calls for Deng Alor to be removed from parliament after neglecting constituency
    Tonj Community should hold their breaths on Deng Alor’s resignation request till next election. It is not a responsibility of the community to demand an MP to relinquish his parliamentary seat or post appointed to thereafter before the next election. An MP can only lose his seat in parliament before election if he changes a party for whose ticket he was elected to serve or as a result of death.
    We need to learn democracy now, no more jungle law here.

  • kuac Agol
    kuac Agol

    Warrap calls for Deng Alor to be removed from parliament after neglecting constituency
    Dear Warrap Citizens.

    It is by coincident that Southerners are celeberating the upcoming independent of south Sudan and you are doing replacement which is absolutely contrast to the point.

    My comment to you is that you should take the satifaction of blame for what you people are doing.

    You should also be reponsible and see from other tribes which are confusing South sudan however don,t be confuse by this greedy so called politicians of Warrap who want to replace comrade Deng Alor, if you look at his profile you will see that he is a good man partriotic rather compare to those people who are making compaign.

    To Alor do you believed that you have done something bad to your constituency only that you came through party list,who is party list and what is SPLM define each and know that these are your people whether you belong to Tony North or not.

  • Abikach Ayuel
    Abikach Ayuel

    Warrap calls for Deng Alor to be removed from parliament after neglecting constituency

    u r as good for nothing as u call yourself. i know u r from Gogrial the people I respect so much but becåuse of your stupid attitudes towards Tonj community that is why u claim of Tonj NOrth seat being given to Deng Alor so that u eat in the name of Tonj. U shameless idiots u have made beautiful state called Warrap being top of insults all the time as if it has no intellectuals ! ToNJ north alone has learned people why him to represent Tonj North constituency ? As u claim of Tonj being divided county, who play that game as U use that useless Awut to portray Tonj as useless community ! Who r u son of bitch to give such Çomment against Tonj ? Why don’t u give party ticket in the constituency in Greater Gogrial, why Tonj ya jana umak ?

  • Good Citizen
    Good Citizen

    Warrap calls for Deng Alor to be removed from parliament after neglecting constituency
    we need strong sound minded and vibrant leaders in south sudan, not LAZY LOT like Deng Alor! it will be a waste for south sudan to reappoint him as the Foreign Minister, he is too lazy to strengthen our ties with the rest of the world.

  • Young

    Warrap calls for Deng Alor to be removed from parliament after neglecting constituency
    The work is for the people of Toji North who electe him in as an mp representing them otherwise is none of the government business.

  • Dau Mawut
    Dau Mawut

    Warrap calls for Deng Alor to be removed from parliament after neglecting constituency
    I appreciated the decision made by the people of Tonj North county demanding for thier own right.

    But we need not to blame Hon.Deng Alor alone, Since it is the disease of all elected MP all over the South Sudan.Therefore you mind less at this time otherwise!

  • Madingthith

    Warrap calls for Deng Alor to be removed from parliament after neglecting constituency
    Dear Abikac Ayuel,

    Thanks so much for your insultation and remember one more thing in my comments, am atually blaming you the educated people not to blindfolded the community leaders to rush and aired out their grievances to public media without proper analysing the cause and remedy and later posted it to the public notice for their comments and concern on the issue being posted, not the matter of access to Sudantribune or other sources of media. Now what is your last resort if the man (Deng Alor )is not to be removed from parliament?

    Abikach, I,m not from Gogrial brother according to your imagination. I am a south Sudanese living in diaspora but have mammoth of informations regarding Greater Tonj Youth behaviours and practices, am not attempted to challenge the community as far as some friends of mine are there and some are even staying with me here but only you educated youth down there being influenced by wrong politician of your Counties/ Constituencies according to your term.

    Abikach, you better go back to school to study more because your mind is too narrow to fit in as politician of Tonj North as you now expected to be. A politician can not and will not open his /her mouth with more words of abuse directly as you did to my comments.

    Bear in your mind that, we have very best elements in Greater Tonj and at the same time qualified in every aspects of work to do whether in politics or outside the politics and you people do not wanted to learn from them. What a curse?
    In aspect of removing Deng Alor as a non Tonj personnel cannot make sense to me as a person because all of us are one people from South Sudan whether from which constituency each one is coming from, leave alone Deng Alor which was elected at daytime by you people and again turn the same hands whom you elected him to fingerpointed him as to be removed. Did you dreamt that the term has expired or what has realy happen in you, which make you to cause chaos?

    My friend Abikach, try to learn more and leaves all those words of drunkard and illeterate politicians of yours. I know you are employed as private secretary / Office Manager of your loyal politician which will make you ”Flogging the dead horse” and later you will regret seriously.

    My piece of advices to you is to pacificed the community instead of creating some insecurity here and there that cause spirit of hatred amongst the people/ community.Create the culture of peace, love, and togetherness which will enhance to peace building mechanisms among youth, women groups and some other social groups existing.

    Deng Alor will never give in his resignation letter untill his term expired and go for the next election in 2015.
    What would you do to bring in such services being neglected by him?

    Next Election 2015 I will go to Tonj North and make my campaign there and I am 100% sure you people will elect me as your geographical constituency candidate and later began to scream, you scream for what?

    Dinka wise words,, Ke ca kuoc ting akol ayen yi ben diet wakou” which literaly means” what you overlooked at daytime will be the main problem at night”

    Any wise men amd women should continue this comments……..

    Abikach be cool!
    Yours sincere friend
    Madingthith a man of transparency, justices and accountable

  • Abikach Ayuel
    Abikach Ayuel

    Warrap calls for Deng Alor to be removed from parliament after neglecting constituency
    Madingthith ease man, no need to respond back i am sorry in anyway as media is not the place to exchange bad argument meet again in future ! Sorry i am just taken by emotion but no need … !

  • San Manyuon
    San Manyuon

    Warrap calls for Deng Alor to be removed from parliament after neglecting constituency
    Hello country mates,

    This issue is a very good topic to discuss about and actually, it doesn’t only applied to Tonj, but every corner of Southern Sudan. My fellow Southerners, please take a stand like this to discus good outcome and not to bark on one another. Stop blaming or shouting bad slur on others, if you want to advice them, do so and stop criticizing, that would never be constructive.

    I want to thank the Tonj community for bring the issue up, this fight should show every citizen elected by their people that if you’re a representative, you’re required to visit back and know what goes on in the state that could be brought to the attention of the federal government. Now days, a lot of insecurity issues are affecting the constituencies and the voice of their representative need to be loud and ears current with the update on daily if not weekly basis.
    The issue and the article also have to show the representative that they’re representing the people, not themselves, their families nor their fame.
    It must be written in the constitution of every state as a requirement of the representative to keep in touch with the state on a daily basis and to visit the state at least one a month.

    Also, if a representative is elected by the people to represent them, but then the Federal Government chose that person to hold the ministerial position or even Vice presidential, that person is no longer Representing his/her constituents, but the country enlarge(Congratulation), and that position of representative has to be replace by the state.
    Every elected representative should understand that before they let themselves to serve in the federal government.

    Finally, you could not get double paid for the position in which you were elected and the one you were nominated, nor would you let your own nominated assistant take over your representative job. The state has to elect their own, your assistant too should be someone who is from that state in order to have the voice and concern as you.

    If this issue is really true and that Deng Alor not only had he failed to visit the state for extended time, but also serving as Minister of Foreign affairs, then he should have known to call for the state to elect his replacement. The people need someone to take care of the job the state need of him/her. I am sure the people should know that too, not to write to him or even the president asking for him to resign, they should know or confirm with him so he would be replace according to law.
    The issue too need to be look at carefully, is the state really concern or is it just someone who doesn’t like Alor and trying to have a job instead. It could be investigate too if the Tonj want representative that we call “meth e baai”. People have to take things really carefully to reach unanimous none controversial answer.

    I am not trying to be an expert, these are only my opinions

    Thank all.
    Happy 9th, I hope it will be peaceful time then, and for ever.

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