Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan president agreed to keep southerners at oil ministry – says minister

July 5, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – North Sudan president, Omer Al-Bashir, has agreed to retain South Sudanese employees at the country’s federal ministry of petroleum for as long as the south’s oil is being exported through the north, the country’s federal minister of petroleum announced on Tuesday.

Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir is seen in Khartoum, upon returning from China, July 1, 2011 (REUTERS PICTURES)
Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir is seen in Khartoum, upon returning from China, July 1, 2011 (REUTERS PICTURES)
North and South Sudan have been evenly splitting proceeds of the country’s oil wealth since 2005 when the two sides signed the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), ending nearly half a century of intermittent civil wars between them.

The South, whose oilfields produce most of the country’s daily oil output of 500, 000 barrels, is due to declare independence from the north on 9 July in line with the outcome of the CPA-mandated referendum on the region’s independence which was held at the start of this year.

The north, however, owns the refinery and pipeline infrastructure necessary to transport the oil to export terminals, leaving the south with almost no other viable option but to maintain oil-cooperation with the north after independence.

Lual Achuek Deng, Sudan’s federal minister of petroleum, announced that Al-Bashir had acquiesced to his request of exempting southern employees of the petroleum ministry from dismissal ahead of the south’s independence.

Deng, who is a southerner and a member of South Sudan’s ruling Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), broke the news during a farewell party organized for him by the ministry’s staff on Tuesday.

According to the outgoing minister, Al-Bashir had agreed that southern employees in the ministry should keep their positions for as long as the south’s oil is being exported through the north and until a new oil-sharing deal is reached.

North and South Sudan have been engaged in talks with sluggish progress to strike a new oil-sharing deal, but the two parties failed to seal a news deal and talks will continue after the declaration of South Sudan.

The new deal will substitute the current 50-50 split with an arrangement whereby the south pays fees for using the service of the north’s pipeline and refineries.

Deng, who was appointed to his position in 2010, is currently embroiled in a public dispute with the SPLM’s secretary-general Pagan Amum who accused him of selling and giving half of South Sudan’s oil revenues for the month of July to North Sudan in violation of the CPA which ends the current 50-50 split when the south secedes on 9 July.

The minister defended himself against Amum’s accusations, saying the July sale was approved by South Sudan’s president Salva Kiir.



  • George Bol
    George Bol

    Sudan president agreed to keep southerners at oil ministry – says minister
    I am really convince that the Khartoum government always trying to coin things up. The North Sudan must know that there is no oil deal they should be expecting after July.
    This means that the Arabs in the north lack critical reasoning and that is why they are still dreaming about the oil deal. We will used the oil in the South and the contested oil will remain unsold,period!

  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    Sudan president agreed to keep southerners at oil ministry – says minister
    Pagan Amum must have smelt something fishy. There must have been a secret oil deal between Bashir, Kiir and Lual Achuek Deng. While the country splits, Bashir has exempted the oil ministry instutition to keep Sudan united. Folks, our oil is being given to Bashir secretly. Instead of us paying fees for pipelines and refineries, we will still lost 50% share to Bashir.

    My new country is under serious betrayal.

    Gatdet Chotlit in his songs predicted that “rol mi we riang de jol ke met, bi wide pen coa.” I warn them to be careful with our land’s resources after independence.

  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    Sudan president agreed to keep southerners at oil ministry – says minister
    Pagan Amum smelt something fishy. Folks, I now believe that there is a secret oil deal between Bashir, Kiir and Lual Achuek Deng.

  • Michael Angelo
    Michael Angelo

    Sudan president agreed to keep southerners at oil ministry – says minister
    Lual Achuek,

    If president accept to keep your position after July 9 then you’ll work there as a northerner, but southerner at all.

  • Michael Angelo
    Michael Angelo

    Sudan president agreed to keep southerners at oil ministry – says minister

    You need to find more evidences before exposing such basless comment. Yes, it’s wrong if president Kiir has done that but let’s find out more details before condemning the decision taken by our leader. Kiir don’t have the right to sell the oil for the whole month of July without Parliament approval.

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    Sudan president agreed to keep southerners at oil ministry – says minister
    south sudan is seriously betrayed. our oil is given to bashier by salva kiir and lual achuek. this is an extension of corruption so that they (not south) will get their shares directly from bashier.

  • omoni_jr

    Sudan president agreed to keep southerners at oil ministry – says minister
    Help Eastern Equatoria to liberate these areas,
    1-New cush.
    3-New site.

    I call upon all the greater Equatoria’s brave sons to join,
    And set fire on those three areas above mentioned.
    why Equatorians are not allowed to assess into their own properties????
    That is why too many Dinka does not back up the federalism rule.

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    Sudan president agreed to keep southerners at oil ministry – says minister
    michael angelo, are you a slow learner or what? what other evidence you wait for to understand things. truth teller is very right. pagan amum found out the deal, then lual achuek confessed and said kiir agreed to the sale of oil of july. today bashier said oil ministry will still keep southerners there but dismiss the rest. this is more than enough evidence for any quick learner and analyst that there is something going on.

  • Kon Ajith Deng
    Kon Ajith Deng

    Sudan president agreed to keep southerners at oil ministry – says minister
    After independence of the South Sudan from the North,Oil ministry will not belong to the northerners,it belong to RSS not to north Sudan,we are who can keep northerners in the ministry of Oil.

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    Sudan president agreed to keep southerners at oil ministry – says minister
    Dear guys,
    I saw from SSTV the mood of Bashir towards Kiir. He was so friendly to Kiir at the meeting Addis-ababa that means there is now a deal between Kiir, Lual and Bashir. Among Kiir and Bashir Chinese officials were there. Please should the The Government of the Republic of South Sudan retain Lual Achuek in that position then, let us protest. Lual had campaigned for Unity during the referendum and the SPLM did not remove him since that day.

    I wonder what is wrong with Kiir? Pagan Amum was removed from the GONU in 2006 because of the word he released to described Sudan as ” a fail State”. Why don’t we remove Lual Achuek. Lual is guilty that was why he broke like a child to air out unneccessary accussations on Pagan. He should keep reserve. By Accussing Pagan too, then he has not answered accussation of Pagan. He is more guilty than any official in the South. Lual should no longer be a federal Minster for petrolum between North and South. Bring him back to the South and finally rest in his home.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Sudan president agreed to keep southerners at oil ministry – says minister
    Omoni de otario aka jr
    Don’t waste time on jealousy. Sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind
    If your like run to Uganda congo some joint LRA. what in the hell would make you think that you can liberate yourself from your enemy as you said and who are your enemy by the way?
    Stop being jealousy and start a new cheapter whick will give you the way to be a batter person in the feature caming.

  • Garang Lual
    Garang Lual

    Sudan president agreed to keep southerners at oil ministry – says minister
    My brother Mr Mapek I think up to this station every thing is clear about uncle Dr Lual the holligan of South Sudan oil deals, again can you depend him from being the most corrupt southern sudanese the level of two former ministers of finance GOSS, and Salva Kiir Naphew Bol Mel.

  • Garang Lual
    Garang Lual

    Sudan president agreed to keep southerners at oil ministry – says minister

    My brother Mr Mapek I think up to this station every thing is clear about your uncle Dr Lual the holligan of South Sudan oil deals, again can you depend him from being the most corrupt southern sudanese at the level of two former ministers of finance GOSS, and Salva Kiir’s Naphew Bol Mel or even may be above them.

  • Liberal

    Sudan president agreed to keep southerners at oil ministry – says minister
    Dear readers,

    thanks for comments. Bashir is panicking on what to say otherwise Southerners are heading on their way to everlasting freedom.

  • Bush

    Sudan president agreed to keep southerners at oil ministry – says minister
    Aren’t those oil pipelines built with money collected from the oil revenues by the North? Where did they get the money from to construct those pipelines from the South all the way to Red Sea port?

    Why can’t we also have 50 percent on those pipelines too? Beshir keeps on threatening us about those pipeline as if he built it with the money that he had collected it from his mother’s or sisters’ dowries.

  • rock

    Sudan president agreed to keep southerners at oil ministry – says minister
    you say all.

  • DeltaBravo

    Sudan president agreed to keep southerners at oil ministry – says minister
    I think this is what INTI-FATHER BATTLION and MURMUR BATTLION used to Sing back in BONGO.

  • Nhomlawda

    Sudan president agreed to keep southerners at oil ministry – says minister
    Dr. Lual Achuek and President Salva Kiir know what they are doing. Unfortunately the duo did not inform outspoken Pagan Amum and foolishly Pagan Amum did not share his concerns with the duo before going to the media and opened the pandora box.
    If one month oil money can keep NCP quiet in July so that people of South Sudan and their guests can celebrate Republic of South Sudan independence day without threats, then it is worth giving that one month oil money to NCP.
    Money is there to be used and if it is used to silent our enemies then I think it is not a bad course.
    NCP had been using that oil without consulting South Sudan people for more than 7 years, one month oil revenue given to NCP is fine if it makes Abyei people to return to their homeland, makes our borders secure from attacks from SAF, makes SAF prevent militias from launching attacks in any part of South Sudan during the independence festive seasons.
    We must think beyond our noises when analyzing some of these complex decisions taken by our leaders.

  • Nhomlawda

    Sudan president agreed to keep southerners at oil ministry – says minister
    Dr. Lual Achuek and President Salva Kiir know what they are doing. Unfortunately the duo did not inform outspoken Pagan Amum and foolishly Pagan Amum did not share his concerns with the duo before going to the media and opened the pandora box.
    If one month oil money can keep NCP quiet in July so that people of South Sudan and their guests can celebrate Republic of South Sudan independence without threats, then it is worth giving that one month oil money to NCP.
    Money is there to be used and if it is used to silent our enemies then I think it is not a bad course.
    NCP had been using that oil without consulting South Sudan people for more than 7 years, one month oil revenue given to NCP is fine if it makes Abyei people to return to their homeland, makes our borders secure from attacks from SAF, makes SAF prevent militias from launching attacks in any part of South Sudan during the independence day festive seasons.
    We must think beyond our noises when analyzing some of these complex decisions taken by our leaders.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    Sudan president agreed to keep southerners at oil ministry – says minister
    I am kind of surprise here as most people just takes side before they know the truth. Bible says “don’t judge others”, and in other words in Judiciary rules, “you always still remain innocent until prove guilty in court of law”. For what I know, these guys are all politicians you cann’t trust them all. Again, don’t takes side before you prove it. Don’t post before you know what you are talking about.

  • Bush

    Sudan president agreed to keep southerners at oil ministry – says minister

    You are right that the NCP had been using the oil money for many years without consulting the people of South Sudan, so how long do you want Kiir and Lual to use it also without consulting the SSLA?

    It’s Kiir or Lual who can determine how the oil money should be used, we have the parliament with different committees dealing with different issues regarding the security and the development of the South Sudan.

    Yes, money is there to be used for the defense of our country, but it should be used in a transparent ways with full approval from the parliament and not just few individuals so that the public do not suspect you of miss handling their wealth. This is serious and you don’t know but it’ll backfire on them later.

    I hope you understand what I’m trying to put it here for you. Don’t use public funds without the knowledge of the public,OK!.

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