Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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New police recruits graduate in Yambio, Western Equatoria

July 7, 2011 (JUBA) – The new police recruits of Western Equatoria State Police held their graduation ceremony on Thursday in the state police training center.

Riot police demonstration, Yambio July 07, 2011 (ST)
Riot police demonstration, Yambio July 07, 2011 (ST)
The fourth batch of police recruits representing diverse regions in the state: Mvolo, Mundri East, Mundri West, Maridi, Ibba, Yambio, Nzara, Ezo, Tombura and Nagero counties of Western Equatoria state graduated.

The sombre ceremony happened two days before South Sudan becomes an independent nation on 9 July.

The independence day will mark the realisation of the plebiscite vote held in January 2011, in accordance with the peace agreement that ended more than two decades of civil war between North and South Sudan in 2005. The South Sudanese voted for secession, which will form an underdeveloped by resource-rich country.

The day began with a ceremonial parade and the inspection of the 287 newly qualified policemen and policewomen by state governor.

The newly trained police forces will now be deployed in the state headquarters with the task of providing added security in the state.

The graduation ceremony was graced by the state governor, Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro and state ministers.

The director of training in Western Equatoria state, Edward Gbaki, said the graduation marks the beginning of the celebration of South Sudan’s independence and is a step forward in achieving stability in the state.

Gbaki hailed the commitment and efforts of the police service in the state under the leadership of the current commissioner of police, Mayom Deng Biar.

He noted that they are still facing some challenges, such as the high rate of illiteracy, lack of training facilities and refresher trainings for the senior police forces.

He appreciated the cooperation and support rendered to the Southern Sudan Police Service (SSPS) by UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) Police Advisers in the state.

“We had graduated referendum police forces and now graduating the fourth batch who are the cadres of the new Republic of South Sudan police forces,” said Biar.

Police graduates parade, Yambio, July 07, 2011 (ST)
Police graduates parade, Yambio, July 07, 2011 (ST)
Biar added that the new graduates will not be decentralised, but will remain a special force for response for security problems in the state..

Western Equatoria continues to suffer from Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) attacks, due to inadequate security forces.

The LRA are rebels originally from northern Ugandan, they have been the scourge of the region since the 1980’s. Their campaign of torture, mutilation, rape, abduction and murder continues with little discernible agenda.

Local militias called Arrow Boys work to defend citizens against the LRA attacks but they are poorly equipped and in desperate need of state support.

“The LRA are in the bush abducting your brothers and families, it is your role to combat them, these days we have robbers in Yambio county, it is your role to curb the criminals,” said Biar.

The police commissioner thanked UN Police for having being energetic in their training of the police forces across South Sudan and urged the cooperation to continue.

The state minister of local government and law enforcement, Wilson Sidigi, said after the independence the South Sudan police have to “meet international standards.”

Sidigi said he is confident that there will be “no more criminals and robbers in the state headquarters with the numbers of auxiliary forces on the ground.” He impressed upon the graduates that are the “servants of the civil population,” and should act accordingly.

He cautioned the police against drinking while in uniforms in bars and restaurants and urged them to use law and order to end the mistreatment of foreigners in the state.

Western Equatoria is home to many economic migrants from neighbouring Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Central Africa Republic and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The state governor, Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro, reminded the audience that “In the South Sudan police service act, chapter 2 article 7 number 8 and 9 say that the functions of the police is to protect the civilians and combat terrorism.”

He called upon UNMIS and the commissioner of police to focus on the establishment of legal administration offices in the counties to educate the police in law and order.

Bakosoro also cautioned the graduates against drinking alcohol while in uniform, describing it as a “humiliation to South Sudan government.”

In an interview with Sudan Tribune, a local resident, Kalesto Zukpo described the event as “incredibly positive,” and said it would improve then “confidence in the state among the local population”.



  • Rev John Khamis Kamunde
    Rev John Khamis Kamunde

    New police recruits graduate in Yambio, Western Equatoria
    Here we go,congratulation for the fourth batch of police force.But please assist our HOME-GUARDS,ARROW BOYS.
    But I am so confused with such words from Biar as he is in-charge of police in the state that: The LRA is killing YOUR people,you should deffend YOUR people.

    This is not a word from the a leader to his people,infact he could have used the word OUR PEOPLE.
    For me then: what is he doing there,if he dosen’t have the spirit of leadership there.
    By all means we wan’t to fight tribalism,but even the top people in the governmnet is confusing us,what a shame and un proffesional words like this from a top police man in the state.

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    New police recruits graduate in Yambio, Western Equatoria
    John Khamis,

    There is no difference with what General Biar said to polices and what you just corrected. He is encouraging polices and that is why he says your-because police was trained to protect his people-did you understand that?

  • Rev John Khamis Kamunde
    Rev John Khamis Kamunde

    New police recruits graduate in Yambio, Western Equatoria
    Brother Bol,or my son:
    Please I repeat again he should have used the word OUR PEOPLE,NOT YOUR PEOPLE.
    This for me would have put him fully as a responsible leader.
    He had already distance himself from that community,and @ the same time he is resposible to protect them.
    That is my point if you could understood.

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    New police recruits graduate in Yambio, Western Equatoria
    What is the relationship between police and the citizens?
    How can you tell the polices their relationship wit the citizens? How hope you understand what i am talking about!

  • jacob mayen ajuoi
    jacob mayen ajuoi

    New police recruits graduate in Yambio, Western Equatoria
    my dear Rev john Khamis i don,t no weather Biar ‘s very wrong,his words is very clear it is also the way of encouraging they police to take controls of their citizens because police are from there. Biar is a commander can be remove anytime.

  • Bush

    New police recruits graduate in Yambio, Western Equatoria
    That is what I always say, Dinka doesn’t recognize other tribes as their fellow countrymen at all, why didn’t they learn from Late Dr. Garang although he was the one who preached this wrong gospel to all Dinka but he wasn’t saying it publicly.

    How are we going to live with those people in this new state?

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