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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

NCP South Sudan office closes down as officials join SPLM

July 8, 2011 (JUBA) – The offices of the North Sudan’s ruling National Congress
Party (NCP) in South Sudan officially closed on Thursday as senior officials of the party declared their collective defection to the South Sudan’s ruling Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) two days before the independence.

Dozens of senior members of the NCP including Riek Gai Kok, the most senior
advisor to President Omer Al Bashir, and a number of current ministers and
former ministers of the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) on Thursday declared their defection to the SPLM.

In a press conference hosted in Juba on Thursday by the minister of Information
Barnaba Marial Benjamin and attended by several local and international media
houses, Riek Gai Kok, who led the collective defection of the NCP officials in
the ten states told the press that the timing was ripe to rejoin “my party” the

Bashir’s advisor since 2005 who is also former President of the Southern Sudan
Coordinating Council (SSCC) told the press he was very happy that he and his
people of South Sudan finally voted for independence of the region.

He further explained he felt proud and happy that it was the implementation of
the objective of the right of self-determination which he said he helped in
championing from 1990s in the SPLM and signed in the Khartoum Peace Agreement (KPA) in 1997 that has now brought the freedom and independence of the people of South Sudan.

When asked why he decided to defect to the SPLM at this time, Gai responded that he was only rejoining his party, the SPLM, after achieving this right of self-determination, a remark received with ululations and hand claps by the

He said it was not only him and other senior officials sitting with him in the
press conference in Juba that have joined the SPLM but also similar events were
simultaneously taking place in all the ten states on the same day. Gai said
press conferences were being held in the ten states during which NCP offices
were being closed down and declarations to join the SPLM were being made.

Riek Gai called on the people of South Sudan to rally behind the leadership of
Salva Kiir Mayardit, the first president of the Republic of South Sudan (RoSS)
from Saturday, July 9, for the next four years of transition.



  • Grader

    Lost and found
    Welcome back bros and sisters!

    There is nothing like too late, in the end RSS belongs to all of US.

    Wether you’re Jallaba collaborator or someone stuck in traditional lethargy of the oppressed, welcome.

    Thank you Bany kiir Mayardit for your able and wise leadership

  • Kuek

    Lost and found
    Kiir should be watchful, the people who had been licking arabs’ butts like Riek Gai Kok must not have a place in SPLM.
    Another thing which surprise me is that the Nuer have doubled other tribes in SPLM since they started influx to South in masses after John Garang and Salva Kiir signed Peace accord.

    Something must be done to make them fit into the society like culture orientation.
    They must be taught to learn the word ” Wait!!!” something acutely lacking in their Jalaba erased personalities.

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    NCP South Sudan office closes down as officials join SPLM
    Dear all,

    My question to Riek Gai, Do you think independent of South Sudan could be acheived while getting pay check in the North freely?
    Also, is this CPA sign at the time you enjoy your living in Khartoum freely?

    Where were you during negitiations of CPA? please replay your videos from 1990 and you will understand where you belong.
    I need to be honest to Nuer politicians that you have no right to play around with the well fought struggle that lost the base majority of lives.

    How do you Riek Gai Kok bring self-independent while you are sitting and praising Ommar Bashier and his NCP? This is talking make me really think that most of Nuer leaders do not know anything if the always talk of their defection against the SPLM/South and support the NCP for many years. I believed you guys always talk and except nonsense then i am convinced that much has beec conceived already.

    This independent Haaaa has really achieved through handwork. Not like the way you are comng from nowhere and say you brought independent.

  • Bush

    NCP South Sudan office closes down as officials join SPLM
    @Anti-traitors! and Grader

    When will you abandon tribalism and embrace unity in this new nation? Last Month when Kasanga shut the office of NCP in WES and joined the SPLM later you said it too late for them and that they are not welcome. Why are you welcoming Riek Gai and his team today with open hand? Are they not also too late to come back when they had been serving the NCP and the interest of the north in all their lives?

    I warning you, if you don’t leave your chronic habit of corruption and tribalism then The New Republic of South Sudan will turn into chaos soon after independence.

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    NCP South Sudan office closes down as officials join SPLM
    If you support chaos,then where will you go?

  • Bush

    NCP South Sudan office closes down as officials join SPLM
    @George Bol

    Who told you that I’ll go away when I did not go out of South Sudan during the time of war? I did not grow up or live in a refugee camp in my life like many of you and will never choose to do so either.

    Again STOP corruption and tribalism and we will live in peace and harmony in the New State.

  • Nhomlawda

    NCP South Sudan office closes down as officials join SPLM
    This is madness of highest order for hardcore traitors to claim to have defected after they were paid their treacherous dues and demobilized from NCP system recently.
    That is how unwise people act and behave.
    They don’t even feel shame to call a press conference.
    What a brainless creatures!
    They are after money and GOSS must watch out for their action might betray the new state in a few months to come.

  • Aleu

    NCP South Sudan office closes down as officials join SPLM
    If Dr. Riek Gai Kok left Khartoum government then, no one will be remain in North Sudan. Riek Gai was the most special advisor to Omar al Bashir.

    First of all, you are very welcome as a Son of Southern Sudan and we hope that, you will bring the Khartoum attitudes because these Southern Sudanese generation for Today are much smarter than the last generations.

    Also my advice to you is that, there is a lots of heresay according to those who knows you very well that, you seem not to like a certain tribe in Southern Sudan and now Southern Sudan has officially become a nation therefore, such bad dream about supporting one tribe are not needed this time. Southern Sudan have been suffering for so much and so long and this is the time from all Southern Sudanese politicians and none education to take peace and works hand by hands to make rebuilding New nation Southern Sudan. The issue of leadership,corruption,tribal conflicts, rebellion for no reason, poverty on the yards, setting up government for good constitutional, good management for al resources you can names it. All people in Southern Sudan united and do the right things for the people and for the New young nation.

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    NCP South Sudan office closes down as officials join SPLM
    Dear Bush,
    You made a point. Yes it was true. I personnally commented about Kansanga of WES that it was too late for him. But now the defection of Riek Gai and his team that include people of my area is more too late then the one of Kassanga and Mading Anyijong of Lakes State just one day to Declaration. I am a freedom fighter and i do not segergate anybody. I do not like tribalism but must speak the truth. When was UNITY of South Sudanese needed, is it now or before??

    People having been talking and pointing hands on Dinka as corrupt.

    Is cooruption killing South Sudanese to point of death?? I hope no killing to the point of death but South Sudanese are matching to same footstep of arabs exploitation and marginalisation.

    Even some sub Dinka enthic gruops are oppressed, explioted and marginalised. Some few a parastic politicians just like Riek Gai are also within the SPLM and are selves comfortable with what they get from the Government. This time after Independent am going to fight against corruption, nepotism and many other bad practices. I will not support Kiir after Independent if he continues to ignore reports of corruptions. He is now given more powers by the Constitution and he should reshuffle his Government in a transparent manner.

    I will be pleased if the Government have equal representation with the right people in positions. Current Politicians should now sit down and leave others to lead. After all, this effort from referendum to Declaration is the work of all South Sudanese Citizens and not the work of Politicians. Why did i say so? It is because there are many temptations which the Southerners endured and one best example was fuel crises in South Sudan plus others.

    Let us fight for the right thing. I heard from the BBC this morning when one South Sudanese was talking that “Freedom has come when everyone will do everything he/she like.” That is wrong statement. No one will do what he/she like because of this Independent. We shall do goods things and have a freedom of speech to criticise wrong practices as per the Constitution. This is what freedom means not just to say do everything you want to do. If that is what it means then other people will temper with somebody life.

    Riek should into a process of purification and confession before he is accepted as a member of the SPLM. Too late for him but who will listen there to consider our views here at this web site. All nonsenses.

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    NCP South Sudan office closes down as officials join SPLM

    Riek Gai Kok is here.

    According to Al-Sawarmi Khalid Sa’ad, SAF’s official spokesman, the number of dismissed southerners in the army stands at 15,300, adding that all of them received their full financial and pension entitlements.

  • Bush

    NCP South Sudan office closes down as officials join SPLM
    @Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    I think we the youth who believe in peace, freedom, democracy and unity of the South should one day confront our current leaders who are obstacles to democracy and transparency, and tell them that they wrong and this is how want to be governed than keep on supporting and praising them even when they caught red handed in the act of corruption and embezzlement.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    NCP South Sudan office closes down as officials join SPLM
    Waw Look now all nuer boys and girls are just being shut up here with shame in their guilty mind ahahahah defection is became now as a langauge which can be admire by those who got upsat about it ahahahahah defect defect from what?
    shame shame to nyagateen. death to whoever turn up at this time just because the food and death is over.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Lost and found
    You are so stupid indeed and i hope you are child of those called turning up at the end and if you where not so stupid as such than there is no called south sudan belong to all of us when those groups where killing us and size with enemies.
    can you build your own house than came someone and said this our house? shite you are stupid and doom like Riek machar teny dogz.
    I mean Riek gai kok
    and by they way there is no differences betwwen former bashir employees. death to them
    If i came to your village and said this village belong to Awan chan. what would you say/ tell your mum to teach you what is your and what is not yours.
    death to turning up at this time.

  • choldit

    NCP South Sudan office closes down as officials join SPLM

    We have to stop provocation of tribalism, especialy against the Nuer. Why don’t we ask ourselves why the Nuer allows us to do all these stupid things? Man, look at the SSTV!

    Dr. Riek Gach is one of the people who fought veriously to root out the Jallaba until the separation in 1991 that brought us this nation.

    We should be concerned about how did the constitution was passed while the report was most MPs were against its current state because of excessive giving of power to the president and other articles. What is the state of mind of those who were against the constitution?

    I am currently listening the childlish behaviour being reflected on Joseph Lagu mind on SSTV by Comparing Dr. Riek and Dr. Lam correction of SPLM mistakes on directions of Liberation and Struggle regarding objectives of the movement to George Athor’s missguided rebellious against GoSS. By now the South Sudan civil society (esp. Equatorian)should known what Lagu is upto by lending to supporting wrong doers.

    I am really very concern about how things are in the South Sudan nowadays. Our history is just being started from 1983 but we all know the struggle started even before 1928 when the Nuer and Azande were fighting British and the Arab in which Ngun-Deng lost his dear son (Guak Ngun-Deng) in 1928.

    What do we thing the Nuer and the Azande feel if the history of the South is being shortcut just because those who are currently in power were on the wrong side of that war that time.

    The South Sudan is now an independent state that is the single point of failure that the Nuer has been protecting from blocking this day but that the corrupt people in the GoSS knewn is protecting them.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    NCP South Sudan office closes down as officials join SPLM
    Democracy became something that everone is talking about it even the evil can say i need democracy said Dr John Garang.
    Now self- determination became something that even those who never fought for it can say they are the one brough this independent of south sudan. what a shame who in the hell can say riek gai kok and riek machar brought this freedom since they where stabbing southrense at the back.
    shame to nyagateen of south sudan.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    NCP South Sudan office closes down as officials join SPLM
    who will listern to your curb here go to hell you loose go a ways always supporting wrong people ever time. without knowing that you are not good at doing anything rether than fail. shame on you.
    what happen to those who has good direction as you clame? why are they not leading south now?

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    NCP South Sudan office closes down as officials join SPLM
    “Seperation in 1991 and self-determination in 1928” Completely there is very much similarities here between dummies and illiterate/primitives. This is actually teaching me about naath indeed.

  • dakin

    Lost and found
    Well good move though! But I don’t like them to stab us at the back like Salva Mathok and Salva Kiir

  • choldit

    NCP South Sudan office closes down as officials join SPLM
    They are not leading us bcoz they want us to reach this day my dear. Particularly, Dr. Riek has fought for this day to the extend that he let himself humilated by those who have no sense of what would happen if our people go for each other his throat.

    Mark my word, we will be out of business if Salva will go ahead with is current plan of polarizing our people further and removing Dr. Riek as his vice and by then the Nuer will have their case against us. But the Equatorian will go with the Nuer and leave the bullable old man (Lagu) with us to be bulled one more time in way Alier did to him after 1972.

  • choldit

    NCP South Sudan office closes down as officials join SPLM
    At the time the Nuer and Azande were fighting the colonalist at their borders.

    Bar-el-gazel and Bor were the military bases for the colonalist. That is why the past history is not attractive to most none Nuer and Azande opportuntist in the RSS.

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    NCP South Sudan office closes down as officials join SPLM

    There have been many separatists within the SPLA/M since 1983 who believed that Garang’s “New Sudan,” vision must be challenged within until their strategy yielded signal towards Garang’s poor vision. The very blessing day for Southern Sudanese, the Nasir Declaration of August 28, 1991 which got birth to “self-determination for South Sudan.”

    Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon compelled to declare Nasir move, not only because Mr. Marxist-Lelinist Garang was running the movement like his own property which was acknowledged by Mr. Slava Kiir after it was aready too late in 2004 when he find himself openly at odds with his superior, but due to lack of clear directions, objectives, principles and human rights for/in the movement.

    In the Garangist mental scheme, all the “anti-New Sudan,” who still believe in Any-Nya II vision of secession must be eliminated. In war, the skin of Fox is at times as necessary as that of a Lion, for cunning may succeed when force fails. Speaking from his underground rally, in a message to his disciples, he declared that “the first bullet must be fired gainst the separatists [Anya-Nya II,] as an attempt to impose his self-claimed “New Sudan,” vision on Southern Sudanese and hijacked the movement from its founders [Separatists] altogether, coincidence?

  • Billiu Puoch
    Billiu Puoch

    NCP South Sudan office closes down as officials join SPLM
    Dear some members

    Its cute and fantastic news to hear about the coming of great son of South not even in Nuer alone.Dr.Riek we welcome you once again because you have did a lots to people of South including North part of Darfur areas.

    I give thankfully to you as the son of entire great Akobo which mark the people of Akobo to be on right track and the whole of Jonglei State if the State will remain one.

    For your information guys,Gai is the man of high thinking capacity and there is no need for you to use that term (Nyagateen).What a shame? If Riek Kok is one of Nyagateen,what of Cowboy ( Mayar Diit)? what of late Dr.Garang?
    Don’t be fools in nature.

    Riek will capture whatever you dislike and whatever you like.
    South Sudan is looking for those who can bring change like him.Riek was there in Khartoum to safe the life of those who were there by then.

    How many Dinka who are now under NCP structure if you are good in politic? Riek will be lasting longer with no doubt and you will surprise one day.

    Riek has possibility to be the president of Republic of South Sudan (ROSS)if you are not aware of that Dinka.

    Let come to political statistic ,just sum up the best politicians in Africa not even in South Sudan,you will find the best politicians from South are all Nuer.

    Best wishes to all my citizens mates in South I will be there Spiritually due to long distance.

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