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LIVE BLOG: South Sudan independence

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VOA – South Sudan Diaspora Raise New Flag

Sudan Tribune – 8.15pm GMT – UN chief commends Khartoum for letting South secede

Speaking at South Sudan’s independence ceremony earlier today the secretary general of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon, praised the “political courage” of the Sudanese government in accepting southern independence.

“I know secession is painful, emotional and financially costly,” said Ki moon.

“While the people of north and south Sudan will soon live in different countries, their future will be closely linked.”

Sudan Tribune – 5.10pm GMT – South Sudan comes before tribe – Kiir

The South Sudan flag raised in Juba today. July 9, 2011 (ST)
The South Sudan flag raised in Juba today. July 9, 2011 (ST)
During his address in Juba earlier South Sudan’s first president, Salva Kiir appealed to citizens of the new republic to focus on unity based on cultural and ethnic diversity, which he said was a source of pride for the population.

“You may be a Zande, Kakwa, Lutugo, Nuer, Dinka or Shilluk, but first
remember yourself as a South Sudanese. There will be equal access to
existing opportunities for all,” said the leader of the new Republic.

Reciting a proverb in reference to the 21 years of civil war Kiir said: “The night may be too long, but the day will surely come”.

Reuters – 4.54pm GMT – South Sudan’s Juba dancing — Khartoum sad and defiant

For thousands of southern Sudanese it was a night to stay out dancing to welcome the birth of their new nation. For people in the northern capital Khartoum it was a time of sadness mixed with defiance.

Sudan Tribune – 4.31pm GMT – Jonglei governor declares South Sudan “free at last”

South Sudanese celebrate independence in Bor, Jonglei State. July 9, 2011 (ST)
South Sudanese celebrate independence in Bor, Jonglei State. July 9, 2011 (ST)
Addressing the crowd in Bor freedom square, Jonglei State Governor Kuol Manyang said the independent of South Sudan marks the new dawn in South Sudan and the end of discrimination and oppression of South Sudanese by Khartoum regime.

He asked those celebrating both the SPLA – South Sudan’s former rebel army – and civil society to join hands together in building the nation.

“We are free at last, said Kuol.

“Our discrimination by northern powers has ended today.”

Reuters – 1:57pm GMT – S. Sudan leader offers peace to rebels, hotspots

Salva Kiir repeats his offer of an amnesty to armed groups fighting South Sudan’s government. He also promised to work with north Sudan’s President Omar Hassan al-Bashir to bring peace to the troubled border areas of Abyei, South Kordofan and Blue Nile as well as Darfur.

“I would to take this opportunity to declare amnesty for all those who have taken up arms against Sudan,” he said.

“I want to assure the people of Abyei, Darfur, Blue Nile and South Kordofan that we have not forgotten you. When you cry, we cry. When you bleed, we bleed. I pledge to you today that we will find a just peace for all,” he said.

Sudan Tribune – 1.51pm GMT – Unity State governor calls for South to “join hands” to develop new nation

A Unity State official in Bentui raises the South Sudan flag today to mark independence from North Sudan. July 9, 2011 (ST)
A Unity State official in Bentui raises the South Sudan flag today to mark independence from North Sudan. July 9, 2011 (ST)

Addressing crowds in Bentui today Unity state governor Taban Deng Gai said that independence meant no more pain, oppression, death and corruption while after the North Sudan flag was lowered and South Sudan’s flag raised in the town’s stadium.

Deng added that, “we need to join hands towards the development of this new Republic of South Sudan in harmony and prosperity”.

AFP – 1:39pm GMT – South Sudan success will be our success: Bashir

Sudan’s Omar al-Bashir said on Saturday that the newly independent Republic of South Sudan’s success “will be our success,” and renewed his call for an end to US sanctions against his country.

“We fulfill our commitment to help the new state of South Sudan in its first steps, because we want it to succeed, and because its success will be our success,” Bashir said in a conciliatory speech to tens of thousands of southerners at the official independence ceremony in Juba.

BBC – 1:28pm GMT – South Sudan’s flag raised at independence ceremony

Reuters – 1:03pm GMT- Obama grants US recognition of South Sudan

But even as Obama hailed the “birth of a new nation” after South Sudan’s official declaration of independence, he stopped short of announcing any immediate changes in longstanding U.S. sanctions on Sudan itself that Khartoum has been hoping will be lifted.

Reuters – 1:02pm GMT – Sudan’s president congratulates independent south

Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir congratulated South Sudan on its independence on Saturday, speaking at a ceremony in the southern capital to mark the split from Sudan in the north.

“We congratulate our brothers in the south for the establishment of their new state,” said Bashir, addressing thousands of southerners attending the ceremony.

“The will of the people of the south has to be respected,” he said.

Reuters – 11:39am – Independent S. Sudan “free at last”, tensions remain

Reuters – 11:02am GMT – South Sudan’s Kiir sworn in as president

Salva Kiir is sworn South Sudan’s president.

“I … do hereby swear by Almighty God that as the president of the Republic of South Sudan I shall be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Republic of South Sudan,” the leader of the world’s newest nation said.

Reuters – 10:34am GMT – South Sudan formally declares independence

The South Sudanese parliament speaker read out the formal declaration of independence for the Republic of South Sudan on Saturday, the final step in a 2005 deal that followed decades of war between the north and south.

“We, the democratically elected representatives of the people, hereby declare Southern Sudan to be an independent and sovereign state,” speaker James Wani Igga said, reading the formal proclamation of independence.

Reuters – 09:32am GMT – Egypt says recognises new state of South Sudan

Egypt’s official news agency MENA reports that Foreign Minister Mohammed el-Orabi says his country recognises South Sudan as an independent state. Egypt and Britain ruled Sudan for over half a century until independence in 1956.

North Sudan’s neighbour is concerned that a new country on the White Nile might restrict Egypt’s access to Nile water, as other East African countries assert their rights to a larger percentage of the Nile’s water.

Friday 8 July 21:00 GMT – Day of South Sudan independence begins

ITN – Celebrations breakout in Juba and across South Sudan as midnight strikes. Shortly before midnight North Sudan recognises South Sudan’s independence.

Channel 4 News – New UN peace-keepers for South Sudan

Lindsey Hilsum reports on South Sudan as the UN votes to set up a new peacekeeping force for the fledgling state.



  • biarawieu

    LIVE BLOG: South Sudan independence
    Happy birth day to south suadn as a new state in Africa.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    LIVE BLOG: South Sudan independence
    Good job President Salva Kiir Mayardit. Thanks to our God and everyone else who has brought in this Freedom.

    Late Dr. John Garanng, your goals for South Sudanese has been fulfilled by your beloving brother Dr. Salva Kiir Mayardit.

    New Book about Man Behind Sudanese’ Freedom.

    Where to get: http://www.amazon.com/dp/boo54N7BS2

    South Sudan Oyee!!!

  • AdierCien

    LIVE BLOG: South Sudan independence
    In The Name Of The Trinity God Amen

    Thank to the Nation South Sudan for great attention paid till the final liberation of the people of South Sudan. The powerful enemy of the South has been defeated politically but not by war and as per now we shall remain great partners and alliance in Africa with the north Sudan.
    I would like congratulates the people of South Sudan in general and finally, congratulation to our HEROES and HEROINE especially Late Dr John Garang de Mabior for the great commitment and sensible pioneering the freedom of South Sudanese community.

    May Your Will Be Done. Amen, said Bishop Paulino Lukudu Laro.

  • Mike Mike
    Mike Mike

    LIVE BLOG: South Sudan independence
    We are very happy and happy today for being the 1st class citizens in our country of south Sudan though we don’t have things that can promotes human lives then we still happy and happy today for the declaration of the independence of our new nation in Africa. Our truly president Salva Kiir will stand firm with South Sudan’s people to bring to them the fundmental developments like education, security and agricultural development. We this time need the stable South sudan we don’t want any of our country member to die for no reasonable matter. Let’s deserves to have concrete peace and mutual trust in us.

    South Sudan Oyee!

    people of south Sudan Oyee!

    SPLM/ A Oyee!

    Salva Kiir Oyee!

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