Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Jonglei Governor calls on South Sudanese to embark on nation building

By John Actually

July 9, 2011 (BOR) – As thousands of people attended South Sudan’s independence celebration in Bor, Jonglei’s governor called on the people of the Republic of South Sudan to “prepare for the next toughest war”, that of nation building.

Jonglei governor Kuol Manyang addressing crowds in Bor on South Sudan's independence day. July 9, 2011 (ST)
Jonglei governor Kuol Manyang addressing crowds in Bor on South Sudan’s independence day. July 9, 2011 (ST)

Addressing the crowd in Bor’s Freedom Square, governor Kuol Manyang said the independence of South Sudan marked a new dawn and the end of discrimination and oppression of South Sudanese by the Khartoum regime. He asked those South Sudanese both SPLA – South Sudan’s army and former rebel movement – and civil society to join hands in building the nation.

“We are free at last, said Kuol. “Our discrimination by northern powers has ended today”.

The North-South civil war that broke out for the second time in 1983 in Bor at a small town of Malualchat few kilometers away from Jonglei’s capital resulted in the deaths of more than two million people.

In 2005 the SPLA and Khartoum signed the Comprehensive Peace Agreement that allowed Southerners to vote in a referendum in January on self determination. The South voted to secede overwhelmingly by 98 percent of the vote.

Governor Manyang, an former SPLA general who retired after the 2005 peace accord expressed his gratitude to the fallen heroes and heroines in the struggle for the freedom of South Sudan saying “the true liberty is seen today”.

He urged the people to work hard to feed and support themselves, saying laziness is was having a negative affect on South Sudan’s development.

The women’s groups and Jonglei farmers associations that attended the celebration sang songs of appreciations to the freedom fighters and pledged their commitment to embark on agriculture production once there is peace between Jonglei’s tribes.

South Sudanese celebrate independence in Bor, Jonglei State. July 9, 2011 (ST)
South Sudanese celebrate independence in Bor, Jonglei State. July 9, 2011 (ST)
The flag of the Republic of Sudan was lowed in Jonglei at 12:25 PM and the flag of the new nation, the Republic of South Sudan was raised at 12:30 PM, some minutes before it was raised in Juba. The hoisting of the flag sparked rampant dancing across freedom square for half an hour.

SPLA soldiers saluted the flag of the new nation, Africa’s youngest and 54th nation, by shooting 21 bullets into the air symbolising the 21 years of war between North and South Sudan. Red Cross reported that at least 8 people were treated for shock as they were so over joyed by the occasion.

Jonglei’s governor condemned the occupation of the contested Abyei region by the northern military. The occupation of the area by the Sudan Armed Forces has displaced around 100,000 people according to UN.

Manyang asked Jonglei citizens to live in peace and harmony to enjoy the fruits of the new nation. He said he was angered by continuous tribal clashes over cattle and child abduction.

The governor promised to initiate dialogue between Jonglei’s tribes to resolve their differences peacefully in days to come.

Fighting between Nuer and Murle had been going on for weeks in both north and east of Jonglei. The chairperson of Youth Pibor County, Nyany Korok Kolithok, says that over 400 people have been killed and tens of thousands of cattle stolen.

The Luo Nuer who have been accused of carrying out the raids have denied they were involved.

Jonglei is also host to George Athor‘s rebel movement which started after he failed to beat Manyang to the governorship of the state in last year’s elections.

In his speech in Juba on Saturday the new president of the Republic of South Sudan, Salva Kiir, re-issued his amnesty to all of South Sudan’s armed rebel groups.



  • George Bol
    George Bol

    Jonglei Governor calls on South Sudanese to embark on nation building
    21 bullets to symbolize our struggles. I am so happy indeed because the war from 1983 to 2005 was not a joke. Let give thanks to the fallen heros and heroines because they did liberate the ROSS though they not witnessing it. God bless South Sudanese struggles.SPLM/A oyeee

  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    Jonglei Governor calls on South Sudanese to embark on nation building

    We won!!! We won!!! We won!!! We have won at last!!! We have brought the people of South Sudan to their final destiny of independence through self-determination as predicted by Prophet Ngundeng Bong!!! We have made it across the river!!! We have split the country successfully!!! We initiated peaceful solution to the war and came up with peace strategy that ended the war in 2005!!! The game is now officially over!!! Our vision has been implemented and created the independence!!!

    May God bless the champions of the vision of self-determination!!! We have used all the strategies to bring every body proudly on board!!! We have been focusing on achieving self-determination and turning unionists into separatists and used them to walk with us to the Promised Land!!! Republic of South Sudan oyeeeeeeee!!! I can now clearly hear you, see you, smell you and taste you!!! Goodbye North Sudan!!!

    Now that through our strategy we have successfully created our own independent and sovereign state, our next focus shall be to bring good governance and development to this nation. There will be no other excuses this time or else….

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    Jonglei Governor calls on South Sudanese to embark on nation building
    you are absolutely right 100% mr. truthteller. this is the happiest day in my life.

    riek machar has successfully carried the baby president salva kiir and swim him across the river.

    our prophets and forefathers shall bless riek machar who championed self-determination, initiated peace with bashir in 1997, brought john garang and salva kiir on board in 2002, made sure the first protocol was on self-determination, implemented peace sucessfully from 2005 to 2011. made sure the independence is accepted by all unionists in SPLM leaders and brought them clearly to the picture. now the next task is good governance and development.

  • Kon Ajith Deng
    Kon Ajith Deng

    Jonglei Governor calls on South Sudanese to embark on nation building
    this independence of Republic of South Sudan from Northern Sudan is the efforts of all Southerners,so we don’t want decrimination and oppression of our people by one tribe,we don’t want second arabs in the Republc of South Sudan,otherwise South Sudan will not take us,President must to respect his people and we don’t want one party domination,we want all parties to be involved in the government without descrimination of any party.

  • Genuine Leader
    Genuine Leader

    Jonglei Governor calls on South Sudanese to embark on nation building
    Go away failer governor. you are the cause of all problems in Jonglei. you sent Bor and Lou Nuer people to killed and raids Murle people, at same time you are calling for peace .go away with all your lies, you would’nt be a good leader if you don’t tell truth to your people. now Murle is going to revenge against both Bor and Lou Nuer what will you do to prevent the next massacre in Jonglei state.

  • Genuine Leader
    Genuine Leader

    Jonglei Governor calls on South Sudanese to embark on nation building
    [point of correct] i means failure governor of Jonglei state.

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