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Sudan Tribune

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Northern separatists celebrate South Sudan split

July 9, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – Supporters of North Sudan’s separatist party, the Just Peace Forum (JPF), took to the streets of the capital Khartoum on Saturday in celebration of South Sudan secession.

JPF supporters celebrate the secession of Southern Sudan in Khartoum July 9, 2011 (REUTERS PICTURES)
JPF supporters celebrate the secession of Southern Sudan in Khartoum July 9, 2011 (REUTERS PICTURES)
On Saturday, 9 July, the predominately Christian-African South Sudan declared full independence from the Muslim-controlled North in line with the outcome of the region’s vote on secession at the start of this year.

The plebiscite was the main stipulation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) which ended more than two decades of north-south civil wars.

South Sudan secession is seen by the majority of people and political forces in the North as symbolising a loss of national pride, in sharp contrast with the JPF which sees it as a positive outcome worthy of celebration.

The party has mobilised its mouthpiece Al-Intibaha newspaper to fulminate against the CPA on the pretext that it gave too many concessions to the South at the expense of the North.

The party and its paper, which claims to be the voice of the “silent majority” in the North, have been waging a rigorous campaign against the presence of “the African element” in North Sudan, and calling for letting the South go in order to preserve the purity of the country’s “Arab and Islamic identity.”

A crowd of JPF supporters gathered in Khartoum on Saturday dressed in white T-shirts written upon it “goodbye to the unity of blood and tears” as they chanted slogans hailing South Sudan secession.

The party’s leader Al-Tayyib Mustafa, who is a close relative of president Al-Bashir, announced to his supporters that the party intends to run in the next elections, expressing confidence that it would achieve a landslide victory in the polls.

Mustafa told his supporters they were perfectly capable to win the vote if they “commit to what they were saying in the last years.”

“The street is now ready to reward you for what you have done because there is a big vacuum no else but you can fill,” he said.

Sudan is due to hold general elections in 2015. President Al-Bashir, whose National Congress Party won the last elections in April 2010 amid credible reports of mass rigging, promised to step down when his current term expires in 2015.

The separatist leader went on to level veiled criticism against the NCP, saying that those who raised the slogan of Islamic Shari’ah did not implement it “the way it is supposed to be done.”

Mustafa urged his supporters to lead the “liberation” of the Blue Nile and South Kordofan states, terming them “two pieces left of Naivasha mess,” in reference to CPA negotiations.

The Blue Nile and South Kordofan states lie on the ill-defined borders between North and South Sudan, their population largely fought on the side of the South during the second north-south civil war.

Under the CPA, the two states are supposed to hold popular consultation on the way they wish to be governed within North Sudan, but the process has stalled in the Blue Nile while South Kordofan descended into violence between North Sudan army and forces aligned with the South.

According to Mustafa, 9 July is the date of Sudan’s “true independence.” He added that they were happier than those celebrating in Juba, South Sudan’s capital.



  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    Northern separatists celebrate South Sudan split
    Thank you Northern Separatists for pressing us Southern Sudanese to split from you.

    We all know, your work of breaking Sudan into smaller countries is not yet finished and the prove is obvious in the ways you are treating the situation in Darfur, Nuba Mountains and had it not been of your fear of opening too many fronts at the same time, you people would have done what you did in Abyei and Nuba Mountains in Blue Nile as well. The fact is, this is not going to be your last celeberation but more will follow if that is what you people have in mind. South Sudan will have an open hands to our Nuba brothers and sisters as well as Blue Nilers and of course our sisters and brothers in Darfur but death and distraction to the black illitrate Arabs called Bagaras which Khartoum used in their dirty wars of racial cleansing.

  • Runrach

    Northern separatists celebrate South Sudan split
    Millions of thank to our Northern brothers and sisters of the Just and Peace forum party(JPF)under the leadership of Mr.Al-Intibaha for sharing with us as we were celebrating the birth of our newly nation which we best descirbed as new dawn the independence day.

    It is unfortunate that people of South Sudan heard your voice of support while at their journey toward independence a freedom which was foretold by our late leader H.E Dr. John Garang de Mabior when signing CPA in Kenyan Capital Nairobi Dr. Garang said, there will no more Bombardments and sounding guns and yet Bashir and his NCP violate it.

    However, your supportive press has been widely witnessing not only by Southerners but regionally,internally and internationally and above all, we have to say bye bye to Northerners and congratulation to Southerners. Freedom OYEE!

    Most importantly, South Sudan is no longer Islamic State as it was being described as Arabs and Islamic nation which was a historical misinterpretation.

  • talentboy2

    Northern separatists celebrate South Sudan split
    This Sudan will reunited in centuries to come but Sudan will be claim by their orgin, and these orgin are southerners,Nubian, Funj,Fur, and Red sea states.
    in acient Kush, DNA sample show that Dinka,Nuer,Nubian,Funj,Afar,AMARA,Oromo and somalian and all kuchites and nilotes people in Particular are direct ancestors ok Nubian Kingdom BC. So if you claiming yourselves as Arab, you will face an other assyrian war and Abysinia Or east Africa in 21 century. Remember that in Bible or Quran. Sudan AND Ethiopia were one country back acient time before arab arrived. so do not mess with sudan and call it arab nation.

    We all know, your work of breaking Sudan into smaller countries is not yet finished and the prove is obvious in the ways you are treating the situation in Darfur, Nuba Mountains and had it not been of your fear of opening too many fronts at the same time, you people would have done what you did in Abyei and Nuba Mountains in Blue Nile as well. The fact is, this is not going to be your last celeberation but more will follow if that is what you people have in mind. South Sudan will have an open hands to our Nuba brothers and sisters as well as Blue Nilers and of course our sisters and brothers in Darfur but death and distraction to the black illitrate Arabs called Bagaras which Khartoum used in their dirty wars of racial cleansing.


  • omoni_jr

    Northern separatists celebrate South Sudan split
    That celebration is Not really party that wish southerners good luck,it is another way around whether of crying for our beautiful green land of south sudan.
    Go to hell with your stupid party mixed with mahammed confusions.
    >The kill people is part of islam.
    >they have sex with animals is part of islma.

  • fajarsd

    Northern separatists celebrate South Sudan split
    this is the best thing i found
    thansk for your sharing

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