Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

FACTBOX: South Sudan receives international recognition

July 9, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The new state of South Sudan has today received quick recognition from many regional and international state including the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

United States: The White House issued a statement on behalf of President Barack Obama welcoming “the birth of a new nation”.

Britain: Prime Minister David Cameron said that the United Kingdom is among the first to recognise South Sudanese independence.

France: The French presidency said in a statement that Paris “recognizes and welcomes South Sudan to the community of nations,” adding that Nicolas Sarkozy has proposed to South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir “that the two countries establish diplomatic relations and exchange ambassadors”.

Russia: President Dmitry Medvedev said in a letter to South Sudanese President Salva Kiir that Russia would recognise the new African country. “I am confident that the policy of South Sudan’s leadership of establishing and developing friendly relations with the Republic of Sudan and other African states will contribute to maintaining and consolidating peace in Central and East Africa”.

China: Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi also announced that China has recognised South Sudan. “The Government of the People’s Republic of China announces its recognition of South Sudan, and from now on with the establishment of diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level. China is ready on the basis of peaceful coexistence, with the development of friendly relations and cooperation in all areas of South Sudan”.

India: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh sent a letter to President Kiir. “On behalf of the people and Government of India, I convey my warmest felicitations and greetings to the people and Government of Southern Sudan on this momentous and happy occasion”.

Canada: Foreign Minister John Baird said it welcomes South Sudan into the community of nations as an independent state. “After decades of conflict and underdevelopment, this historic occasion represents an important opportunity for the people of South Sudan to build a brighter, better future for themselves”.

Brazil: In a joint communiqué with the Government of South Sudan (GoSS) the Brazilian government said it decided to establish diplomatic ties between the two nations.

Germany: A letter sent to president Kiir. Germany said it will establish diplomatic relation effective today.

Australia: The Australian government said in a statement that it has formally recognized the Republic of South Sudan as an independent state.

Italy: The government said it recognises the birth of the new independent state of Southern Sudan and congratulated his people.

Turkey: The Turkish Development Minister Cevdet Yilmaz said: “I have handed a letter on Turkey’s recognition of South Sudan from our President [Abdullah Gul] to South Sudanese authorities.”

Egypt: Foreign Minister Mohammed el-Orabi said that Egypt recognises the new state.

Jordan: “The kingdom has decided to recognize the Republic of South Sudan and establish diplomatic ties with it,” the Jordanian council of ministers said in a statement after a meeting.


  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    FACTBOX: South Sudan receives international recognition
    Well, thank you all for your recognition but we DO NOT need any recognition from the Satanic evil state of Iran until their satanic leader Hamadi Najad or whatever is gone.

  • Young

    FACTBOX: South Sudan receives international recognition
    Thank the entire world for recognizing our nation and welcomed it to the world’s community..thank may God be with you.mama Suoth Sudan grow proper….

  • Bush

    FACTBOX: South Sudan receives international recognition
    I thank all the countries that have already recognized our new nation and argue all the rest who are still sleeping or deciding to do so.

    They must put pressure our leaders to live up with their promises of exercising democracy, rule of law, justice and fighting corruptions, as those are the some of excess of evil in every country.

  • AdierCien

    FACTBOX: South Sudan receives international recognition
    In The Name Of The Trinity God Amen

    We also as the people of South Sudan recognised the world and hopefully we shall be working together to restore our freedom. South Sudan, a land of peace.
    God Bless South Sudan.

  • John Sebit
    John Sebit

    FACTBOX: South Sudan receives international recognition
    It is our pleasure to recieved the recognition, as a Indepence State, your help had made it through, Most of you have contribute relief aids to our people when in need, we died from both the man made and natural disaster, you never gave up.
    anyway we now need to build a nation that had never been built, it is hard work, but with stabilty, freedom, transparency and accundabilty, we can catch up with the rest of African country.

  • Waucity

    FACTBOX: South Sudan receives international recognition
    Shut up Marco Awek..Just shut up, you have no right to abuse other countries from now on…You now have a country, speak with some dignity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • jur_likang_a_ likan'g
    jur_likang_a_ likan'g

    FACTBOX: South Sudan receives international recognition
    It is a pleasure for our newly born nation to be recognized fully as a member of community of nations. This would not have happened without the moral, practical support of the western world. You never avoided the jungles of South Sudan to feed the malnourished children, cure the old and young. You kept spreading the suffering of people to the world to take action. Together the people of South Sudan have removed the shackles of Arabism and Islamism. Now is the time for the South to build and join with other to rid the world the forces of evil who have brought enormous suffering to mankind.

  • Ayuen deng
    Ayuen deng

    FACTBOX: South Sudan receives international recognition
    we welcome your warm recognition, but on behave of my counrty i ask all of you to jiont republic of south sudan in the fight for the right of the three areas and Darfur.And let me surely you that you will have complete free sudan of free equality for all in respective of thier sex ,race, religion and ethinicity

  • syklops1

    FACTBOX: South Sudan receives international recognition
    Bursa Cam Balkon
    izmir psikolog
    izmir psikolog
    bursa evden eve
    bursa evden

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