Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies

By Toby Collins

July 12, 2011 (LONDON) – Both North and South Sudan have announced they will be introducing new currencies, now that they are separate states.

South Sudan Pound (ST)
South Sudan Pound (ST)
The president of South Sudan’s central bank, Elijah Malok, said that distribution of the South Sudan Pound will begin on July 19th at the latest. The president of Sudan, Omer Hassan al-Bashir announced that a new currency is forthcoming.

In his address, the Sudanese president said that the goal of this move is to disentangle the economy from South Sudan, confirming leaked reports to this effect.

North and South Sudan have used the Sudan Pound, one of which is worth $0.37. The reintroduction of the Sudan Pound used under British colonial rule, at an estimated cost of US$150 million, began in 2007, after 15 years of the Sudanese Dinar.

The Dinar was seen by some as representative of Arab hegemony in Sudan and dropped as a stipulation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), signed by North and South Sudan in 2005, ending more than two decades of civil war between the neighbours. The return to the Sudan Pound was resented by some in North Sudan.

In 1993 Sudan became the world’s biggest debtor to the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. It is US$40 billion in debt and subject to trade sanctions. Talk of removing North Sudan from the State Sponsors of Terrorism List, which entails US sanctions, with the successful secession of South Sudan, has become hushed as the atrocities in South Kordofan remain unabated.

The Sudanese Pound is not accepted in many places outside its borders.

In South Sudan much business is carried out in US$ and Kenyan Shillings, but a viable currency would be a great boost to the country’s attractiveness to investors and would boost the economy.

The South Sudan pound will be printed by the UK company, De La Rue, the world’s largest provider of currencies, which also prints the British Sterling. The UK government prevented the company from sending US$1.4 billion worth of currency to Libya in March this year.

The watermark on the notes depict John Garang, the founder of the resistance movement which has led to the independence of South Sudan.

The head of the South Sudan Central Bank said today that negotiations were to take place with North Sudan to redeem the value of the Sudanese Pounds, currently in circulation. The South Sudan Pound is expected to be of equal value to the Sudanese Pound.

If South Sudan floods the North Sudanese market with Sudanese Pounds, it could have a crippling effect on its economy.

North Sudan told the South of its plans to discontinue the Sudanese Pound after secession, in February of this year.

The Sudanese Pound has been dropping in value on the black markets of Khartoum.

The economies of North and South Sudan are inexorably linked by oil – the most important source of revenue for both states. The peace agreement they signed, ending for than two decades of civil war, in 2005, stipulated that oil revenues be split 50/50.

North Sudan’s economy is shrouded in uncertainty as it stands to lose billions of dollars generated by oil revenues. More than 70 percent of the 500,000 barrels of oil produced by what was the country of Sudan, are produced in South Sudan.

With the conclusion of the peace agreement by the secession of South Sudan, division of the revenue remains unresolved.

This year saw North Sudan’s parliament approving an austerity package which included cuts on subsidies for sugar and petro-products. As a result, prices of vital commodities soared and the public started to feel worsening economic conditions.

North Sudan also effectively devalued its currency to prevent it from sliding further against the dollar as inflation increased steadily in the run-up to South Sudan independence.

Bashir said that the austerity measures his government adopted were only “a precursor” to a three-year “emergency plan his government devised to counterbalance the budget deficit resulting from the loss of oil.”

He told legislators that his government would propose to them a bill on modifying the current budget in order to accommodate the changing circumstances.

However, he said that the new bill would not include any new taxes.

South Sudan has suggested that it may build an alternative pipeline to the coast of Kenya. This project will be very costly and time consuming, but having North Sudan within arms reach of the tap to South Sudan’s main source of income offers it what many Southern Sudanese view as dangerous leverage.



  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    Good note with the face of the founder of the nation Dr John garang de mabior Atem.
    Now the print the note with Dr garang head. where will those jealousy groups of gatwech tot yuol aka truthtell go/
    truthteller aka gatwech is a looser. and i still rememberd the day that he said if garang face is not that currencies than there will be war. where is he now?
    death their nassir gangster leader.

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    i thought south sudan was going to learn from mistakes of others that put heads of leaders in the design of currency and change them every now and then. today the head of john garang, tomorrow salva kiir,next tomorrow riek machar, then wani igga, etc, etc. it is better to put common images that are of common cultural heritage in south sudan than heads of individuals. why not put the heads of our forefather fighters if we want heads on money? it will be expensive to change the money every time to put more heads of people.

  • Land-of-Cush

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    That is the good thing to have our own money.

    But having SSP 25 and SSP 200 in the same paper it will make our currency to become more valueless likely.

    SSP 1, 10, 20 ,50 and 100 in the same paper keep money to remain strong for so long.

  • harry

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    Mi Diit,

    Have you heard of country called USA? Your argument is too weak to be digested!


  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies

    my argument is not weak unless you don’t think it deep. yes, usa put the picture of the founding father at the time of independence. you cannot compare it with john garang who was not there at the time of independence but dies just like other former liberators. he died six years before independence. he didn’t even know and does not know whether the south has maintained unity with north sudan or become independent. why don’t you put salva kiir’s head as the founder of the nation. and if you equate it with visions, it is riek machar head that deserves the new nation because it is his self determination’s vision which has brought the new nation. so don’t compare this mess with that of other countries like usa.

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    sorry to put this comment under different topic but because people have been talking alot about it since 9th july i have to share it with those who might not have heard it. have you people in juba been hearing the rumors going around like wildfire that it was not salva kiir who raised the flag on 9th july independence day but somebody else did it with a remote control? if it was not salva kiir who else did it? could it be riek machar? did they agree secretly to do it that way?

  • Sam.Eto

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    The Republic of South Sudan will need about 20 years to build a properly functioning government, the World Bank’s acting country director for Sudan, Ian Bannon, told reporters today in the southern capital, Juba.

  • Land-of-Cush

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    Mi Diit

    I am not intend to argue with you.

    can you look at celebration pictures and yutub then you can see who raise up Flag? the prisent can’t do it rather vp instead of army man.

  • harry

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies

    Salva, Reik, and whoever will come next, shall be on currencies when they died. Who is the living president of USA currently on the currencies? Again, your argument about John Garang is too shallow to sink in the ears. Another thing! I feel Karbino, William, Gai Tut, Arok, Deng Niyal, and Saterino Lahore should be considered for coins and some different denominations of currencies as well. Honoring our martyrs is not about the tribalism, but its about history and bravery that brought freedom to us. Thanks


  • doublebookdialled

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    Putting Heads in our currencies is very bad if we have monitored our trend of struggle since the struggle that has lead to this day was started by people who are not here and has been finished by others, this can give us mix judgement of where do we begin? i Hope this money will not stay long since it will depend of the regime on power.

    I wish the natural resources and cultural symbol would sound better to be put on this money.

    the other issue will be high inflation rate, since currencies that always have big notes in one will not be strong leading to all prices to go up.all goods will start from up, i.e. a needle will cost 1SSP and a razor blade will cost 1SSP.

    these will be the weakness of this currencies.


  • Liberal

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    Dinka dominated non,

    I do not clearly understand your objective on Sudan tribune especially when making comment. You are too negative and lacking intellectual ability on how to address the issues. We all know that under the leadership of late Dr. John Garang, South achieved CPA which led to the independent of South Sudan. Nobody will ever deny the struggle of late Dr. Garang and it is difficult for me to criticize him whatsoever. Try to shape your language towards people and forget about betraying one tribe, South Sudanese are people which want to work together for peace, Justice, unity and freedom forever.

  • Rising of the Sun
    Rising of the Sun

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    I agree with you Mi Diit. If we choose to put faces on the currency then it will be controversial one day.
    But to avoid such controversies, we could stick with the most historical names we all know initiated our struggle or played undisputed roles. Correct me where necessary. People like Saturino Lohure who was a priest but decided to initiate anya nya one and Kerbino Kanyin Bol and William Nyoun Bany who jointly sparked the rise of SPLA and of course Dr John Garang for his role. I also belief there must be some important personality among the anya nya two movement but I am not very knowledgeable about issues of anya nya two.

    Let’s give respect to people equally and not just give all the credit of over 50 years of struggle just to one person even if his role was the final one.

  • jacob mayen ajuoi
    jacob mayen ajuoi

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    doublebookialled i think you are not the southern they way you talking secondly. i hope you were not hers during our struggle,putting heads of our founds it ‘s not bad u r growing your buttock because of his heads and that is why government decide to put his heads in to our new currencies for remember.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    Sam Mohammed the suicider, it took South Sudanese over fifty years of patient struggle and if 20 years is prophesied by who you believe in so what, 20 years is nothing.

  • Nhomlawda

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    John Garang portray is the only approved human portray to be in South Sudanese Pound as long as South Sudan Republic lives.
    For those nyagats who still do not understand SPLM/A Vision during the war; SPLA/M vision for united secular democratic Sudan was designed to achieve the following:
    First, John Garang had learned from the failures of Anyanya I rebellion separatist vision and decided to launch his war under united secular democratic Sudan vision to bring together all marginalized and freedom loving people of Sudan against Islamic fundamentalists that had hijacked Sudan from its rightful people and system. John Garang knew his vision would bring war to the north and the Islamic Fundamentalists will respond to threats of defeat by reforming Sudan based on the principles that formed SPLM/A vision. Secondly, John Garang knew that Islamic Fundamentalists in Khartoum will be at the brink of defeat through that vision and will immediately get rid of South Sudan by giving its independence to save North Sudan from secular and democratic system and the rule of majority.
    Republic of South Sudan was achieved through SPLA/M vision of united secular democratic Sudan which the north saw as a threat to Islamic foundation in North Sudan and therefore decided to get rid of South Sudan to reduce troubles threatening to destroy Islamic foundation of Sudan.
    John Garang portray in South Sudanese Pound will remind generations to come that their freedom was achieved through SPLA/M under John Garang vision of united secular democratic Sudan; therefore denying those crooks and unscrupulous individuals who always want to rewrite history in their favor like the Nasir 1991 attempted coup d’état ring leaders and their supporters.
    Nasir faction gangs did not understand that trick of getting South Sudan independence through united secular democratic Sudan vision of SPLA/M. The lack of understanding of SPLA/M vision by Nasir faction gangsters and foreign interferences in a successful movement made them caused havocs in 1991 just to discover the truths after six months of mess and surrendered to the enemy humiliated.
    John Garang and his unshakeable deputy (Salva Kiir) followed that vision through and now we had gotten the second option of the vision which is the Republic of South Sudan.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    Oh my goodness!! What looks like Dead Garang de Mabuer’s baldly head on that currency of ROSS!! it is disgraceful for that baldly head of that butcher to be on the currency of RoSS isn’t!!

    Don’t worry because we will remove it from our currency once we uproot the SPLM terror network from southern Sudan!!

    Let chicken-headed people like Marco A. Weck, run around in jubilation fooling themselves into thinking that their Dinka empire dreams will come to pass!! The baldly head of that Lemur called John Garang doesn’t deserve to be put on our national currency unless those who decided to do so want to provoke war in the RoSS given to the sensitivity and controversy that comes with it!! But will Dinka with their chicken brains understand the
    sensitivity of this issue think twice about this provocative decision, only God knows!!

    Warning to those Lemurs of Marco A. Weck!!

    Take that pathetic and scary baldly head of your Lemur called Garangt out of that currency or else A2 of Samuel Gai Tut Yang will assassinate Kiirr!!

  • Deng MANYOK Awuol
    Deng MANYOK Awuol

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    I thank God that I went to school to learn and so do I expect everybody to have learnt as well. A goal is set everyone knows that and it is accomplished by anyone who follows it. I hope all of us know who accomplished the success of the set goals? Simple logic, understanding should not be the next war because I went to school like any intellectual in the Republic of South Sudan.

  • Nhomlawda

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    SSLA Supporter

    South Sudan Pound with John Garang head will occupy all traitors’ pockets from July onwards.
    A clear lesson to traitors from Nasir faction to current Gatdet nyagats that there is no room to honor traitors but visionary leaders will always have their work honored even if they are not there physically.
    John Garang head will always be in your house, bank account, and cloth pockets throughout your lifetime, your descents times in South Sudan unless you will not be in South Sudan.
    If you want more heads then we will add Salva Kiir head in that money circulation so that you have two visionary leaders in your pockets, and fortunately they happened to be all from Dinka.
    You will now fight first with the Dinka in your pockets if you don’t want Dinkas.

  • Deng MANYOK Awuol
    Deng MANYOK Awuol

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    Well very well, a debate? Struggle began as long as we always say at about 150 years ago. All the our heroes and heroines fought God even knows that but what matters is who among those fighters a signifying factor? Definitely the answer would be Dr. John Garang. So he deserves his picture being used in the South Sudan Pound with out doubt.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies

    Calm down mate, nobody is against Dinka as people but what disappointing all tribes of the ROSS is your lack of consideration and self-centered behavior sometimes shown by Dinka in the SPLM syndicate!! Majority of Dinka are going without food,drink and shelter as I am writing this response to your senseless accusations!!

    About the threat that you will put more heads of your tribal leaders on our national currency, well, you can put as many heads as you want because you are the Bosses of the SPLM government but I don’t think you will be there forever!! Once your government is dealt with and different group take over the leadership of the RoSS, your heads scary heads and statues or anything related to you will be shredded or destroy altogether wiitg your evil flag!!

    Who is a traitor other than your SPLA criminal network that butcher our southern Sudanese masses with their nonsense and prolonged war that were fighting with poor people while sending their kids to study and luxurious liife in western Europe and North America!! It is good that ge diied,.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    I meant it is good that they died!!

  • Abikach Ayuel
    Abikach Ayuel

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    Please can you focus your arguments on the impact of that new currency on your New nation than just dwelling on tribalistic ideologies that are of no use in the ROSS! Think big dear learned friends !

  • ebony

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    by the way US has put the pictures of the founding fahter(s)..which means more than one father ..you are right there is no country that puts the picture of one person in all its notes

  • Nhomlawda

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    The president of South Sudan and his vice president should consider the following in the next government appointments
    1. Before new appointments are made, an urgent audit to be chaired by impartial expert needs to take place for all ministries and commissions before president reappoint or remove ministers of former GOSS. This will provide a clear justification for exclusion and inclusion.
    2. HIV/AIDS Commission should be merged with ministry of health (to reduce operational cost and enhance sharing of expertise very closely to ensure effective management of the deadly disease).
    3. Financial and fiscal allocation commission must be merged with ministry of finance and economic development
    4. public grievances commission and employees justice chamber must be incorporated into either Public Service Commission or Human Rights Commission
    5. Ministry of Human Resources Development and Ministry of public service must be abolished and their functions realigned to Ministries of education (see 6 below) and public service commission respectively
    6. Ministries of education should be re-aligned into Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (primary. Secondary and university education under it) and Ministry of Technical and Adult Education (mainly for educating adult people with job skills – this ministry will make South Sudan to develop work force fast if established, therefore, making South Sudanese competitive in the job market full of East African economic influx)
    7. Ministries of Sports, women and child welfare, culture and heritage should be under one ministry.
    8. Ministries of Parliamentary and Cabinet affairs should be abolished and made departments under Ministry of Presidential Affairs which should be renamed as Ministry of Government Affairs
    9. No more ministry without portfolio – please.
    10. Anticorruption commission needs a strong nationalist – Pauline Riak must go to the university as a professor – no more job for her in public service – she had betrayed South Sudanese for not fighting corruption.
    11. Other ministries should b re-aligned and consolidated too into serious ministries that can help the nascent nation established strong national structures and rapid service delivery to South Sudanese.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    Nhomlada don’t bother to reason with this confused once calling himself Supporter of Naath and after having been attacked by faithful sons of South Sudan, went change his name to the supporter of SSLA. He like his food loving uncles do not know how to stay course. They are used to changing positions just like prostitutes change man to man everyday.

    Yes he will be carrying Dr. John Garang’s head in his pockets soon whether he likes it or not.

    This fool lost his mind since July the 9th.

  • padiit gaga
    padiit gaga

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    Mi Diit

    you are right John Garang die six years ago before independent he does not know that south is separated or united with north. If he was alive,there should be no south independent because his aim was to united sudan as whole and called New sudan.

    This man is not like Georg Washington which is the father of United States. Salva Kirr head is one that should be put on the money instead of him. but no problem let it be like that.

  • ebony

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    you are right ..people has to remember that Grarang fought for unity..if he were alive south Sudan wouldn’t have been an independent country as it is now

  • MJriaksdca

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    The found look just beautiful, but let’s keep our eyes to make sure it doesn’t become like Ugandan money matching a US$.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    Marco A.wecK, the Lemur!!

    Don’t run around with your retarded Lemur head thinking that your elusive Dinka empire will come to pass!! Put that badly scary head of that baboon called Garang but remember that RoSS will never see something called peace unless you think with retarded small heads and refrain from controversies like displayed that ugly of that butcher Lemur called Garang on RoSS’s currency!!

    Put more ugly heads of tribal leaders on our national currency, loot as much money as you can possibly afford etc, but once we take over we will change everything related to your corrupt and tribals government!! And I am afraid many of your SPLM thieves will be imprisoned for life so as to keep them away from the Public funds!! Run around with your chicken head but Peter Gaddiet will take over from you very soon, ignorant baboons!!

  • Odingo

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    No Suprising about of Dr. John Garang.

    If President Kiir chosed to put John Garang ‘s head on currency instead of him, That is okay. Folks, this time we will not be focusing about head of dead man, we will be focusing about how to build our nation that brought to us by Salva Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar who make South Sudan to gain its Independent.

    Dr. John Garang is the hero like William Nyuon Bany Who captured all South Sudan Cities from enemies, Keribino Kuanyin Bol who first told John Garang that we have to fight to make South Sudan as Independent State, LT. General Kuany Latjor and many others.

  • Dhalaluaak

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    I appreciated your comments and that i have agreed with you.
    people who are still doubting must watch the ben diagram used by Garang to solve the Sudanese problem.keep it on,it’s a good comment.

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    I think Kim Deng and ssla are going to have heart attack when the see the portray of our founder father in out money.
    I love it. Splm/Spla oyeee

  • doublebookdialled

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    Thanks Jacob,

    But I am sorry of the the name you are having which you do not fit to have it, go back and learn about original JACOB and fit yourself in his shoe and see your self on this miror, it is good for you to write like this because you do not know who you are writing to and if you knew remember the Samaritan women and how she was responded.

    I hope you are writing from a confuse status as your language of writing depict and you did not even analyse what i mean since you only always eat opportunistically and do not have time to see things economically and its longevity. do you know when Southern Sudanese’s struggle begin??? i hope you do not even have time to read what one mean because you are running after what you will eat and device on how you will do the looting, moreover, the world of today is not the world of BUTTOCK but world of MINDS, I don’t mind being thin but mentally capable, let me leave BUTTOCK for dull minded like you.

    please make sure you talk as open eyed person and not a street loiter and view things logically and not glutonically.


  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    Yes go on your mourning for our independence and you will continue to mourn when we capture or kill your militia gadshet AKA Gadet.

  • Towongo Lakuya
    Towongo Lakuya

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    attention!!!! people! you, sons and daughters of our belove ROSS, you are going far. leave all that nonsense, it will not help us, you would have asked how valuable is this money interms of quality both domestically and internationally than hitting and bitting your tonques.

    for me, i don’t mind if you can put garang, kiir, lado gore, lagu, and even me since it reflects our national characters, symbols and identities as south sudanses, and does not affect us internationally. the printing of this money has to be approved by the parliament and assessed either garang’s head or whoever deserve this symbol before it comes to circulation and remember, we have country that has perliament and its policy of democracy, not kiir, dinka, bari, nuer, kakwa or whoever can have big mouth, all of us had participed in liberation.

    as long these money can meet our desire goals. ROSS today we are celebrating, her objectives and goals were drafted long time during the condominium period as the historians know. whether you say garang, kiir, karbino, lagu, wani or even me. remember history is history that can not be hidden like what arabs were trying to hid and its impacts are very divastative.

    this nonsense of yours will never yield us any fruits. becouse this is not our dreams. think positively guys

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    Thank you Tomowenga, you are right but some of us are really carried away by some of our brothers whose thinking does not reflect national well being and most of the time attacked others on tribal basis.

    Yes these crazy comments won’t do us any good and you and I hope our brothers and sisters who are quick will do it the right way and stay on the topic concerned.


    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    You are the people who are turning the nation back from the progress. Talking about dirty new parties and whatever. John Garang is a hero and he deserve being in those notes and if you don’t like it, then to hell with you. You are not south sudan!!

  • Boyone

    North and South Sudan: two new countries, two new currencies
    Shame on you all,
    You need to understand that, this man you guys hates was the successful rebel leader of it kind, without him there will be no what so call southern Sudan. Rick Machar himself founded his own movement but he failed and joined the great man Dr John who had strong vision of what he was fighting for, not to mentioned many others rebel who revolt again him, he finished the job the with the high cost of his own people and he was very genuine one to forgive those who hurt him during the movement and he is not here with us to enjoy the fruits he once planted why still hating him so bad ,those who hated him were the one who once to tried to destroy the SPLA, please be careful don’t steal the history, it belong to those who made it happen and those of you who joined SPLA after 2005 , it too soon for you to complaints because we never heart you complaining when Dinka children were left alone to liberate the whole south , so shut up the history still fresh and everyone knew how we earned this freedom. Dr John deserved recognition for his achievement his face should deserved to be on Sothern Sudan his currency note. .

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