Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government

July 12, 2011 (JUBA) – The leadership of the newly independent Republic of South Sudan has revealed its intention to form a broad-based, but lean government in the next few weeks and asked the current caretaker ministers to be attentive to their limited temporary duties in their respective ministries until the changes are made.

Republic of South Sudan President Salva Kiir and VP Riek Machar exchange congratulations, Juba, July 11, 2011 (ST)
Republic of South Sudan President Salva Kiir and VP Riek Machar exchange congratulations, Juba, July 11, 2011 (ST)
The new nation was born on Saturday, July 9, during which Salva Kiir Mayardit was sworn in as the first president of the republic and a day later he appointed Riek Machar as the first vice president of the new country. The two will now consult to form the next government.

Previous ministers under Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) semi-autonomous government were all relieved on Sunday but reappointed as caretakers.

Following the swearing in of the caretaker ministers on Monday afternoon, Kiiir
informed them of the lean size of the upcoming new government, saying it will be trimmed from the size of the current cabinet which is composed of about 32

Kiir added that he will first consult with other political parties in South Sudan on the formation of the inclusive broad-based government. He further said that the constitutional posts holders who served in the previous national government in Khartoum before July 9 will also compete with Juba caretaker ministers in the new cabinet.

The South Sudan leader said that since the government will be broad-based and lean at the same time some of the current caretaker ministers may not come back to the cabinet. He gave a farewell in advance to whoever may be affected by the change.

VP Machar during the same occasion congratulated the caretaker ministers, saying it was an honor to them in maintaining their positions as caretakers. He however advised them not to relax but remain attentive to their respective duties in the ministries until the president forms his government.

The caretaker ministers were directed by the president not to make any major
decisions or ink any contractual agreements in their respective ministries during their caretaking role, unless with a prior approval by the president if a situation necessitates urgency.



  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    Please president form the ROSS with educated and none corrupted people. and if any new or old minster committed crimes such as police and money minsters than fire them and punshed them so that everone is under the laws no one should be above the lwas including you too.

  • Akibon

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    Machar was extremely respectful to greet Kiir with both of his hands. It is interesting seeing such great respect.

    Congratulation machar!!!!!!!!!!

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    Yes, a boss need an excellence greeting always. good for Riek to greet his boss with two hands. I like it dear Vp Riek when you respect you boss that way.

  • Mr. Truthteller
    Mr. Truthteller

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    Yes, and Salva Kiir also bowed down to his VP Dr. Riek with his hat pointing to the ground. Both of them have shown great respect to each other as transitional leaders for the next four years. We encourage them to continue working together. I hope the spoilers have failed to divide them.

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    salva kiir and riek machar should closely monitor those so called caretaker ministers because they are panicking to lose their jobs and can steal the little money left in their ministries.

  • Madingthith

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    Thank so much H.E Salva Kiir Mayardit for relieving all the previous GoSS corrupted minsiters and made them to be caretakers until the broad-based government at the same time lean government should be formed and remember one more step look at the performances of each and every minister before you totally eliminated him/her because here I would like to figure out some good ministers according to my own judgement and their names are as below:-

    1. Dr. Benjamin Marial Barnaba- to be confirmed in Ministry of Information and broadcasting
    2. Chang Chuangson- Cultures and inheritaged
    3. Elijah Malok Aleng- Governor of South Sudan Central Bank
    4. Gier Chuang Aluong- Interior Minister
    5. Madut Biar Yel- to be confirmed in his ministry.
    6. Garang Diing Akuong- to be confirmed in his ministry.

    rest of the ministries should be added by my colleagues who always commented on this articles.

    Thanks once more for broad based government.

    Independence Commissions
    1. Dr Pauline Riek to be removed from anti-corruption commission
    The rest of other independence commissions should retain their positions.

    Some wise men and women may continue my own judgement…….

  • Adam

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    Finally, we will have a broad-base government not dominated by SPLM. The bigger the number of parties and civil society taking part, the better government would be. I hope the government will not be like the one in the North where Bashir appoints ministers from parties that are clearly in full harmony with NCP. The whole political spectrum in the South should be involved. Mr. President may also avoid the blunders of the North by strengthening the opposition parties rather than weakening them. Strong opposition means good scrutiny and better government performance. Are all opposition parties bad for the government? Governance will be rich and good. Human rights, democracy, equality and justice will be better in light of broad-based government and good opposition in the parliament.

    Watch dogs should always be allowed to freely function and provide evidence for any corruption or attempt to commit corruption.

    It will also be very wise not to appoint controversial people to ministries. The appointment should not be based on ethnic, geographical or cultural lines. Competence Mr. President is your key word in checking CVs. No one should claim that he/she must be in this or that positions. The ministerial post should not be more than one term renewable upon achievement and high performance and good governance.

    Yes, we need ministers that are hard-working to deliver services and build the nation. Those of special or selfish agenda should not be sworn in.

    What we need is a minister who cares for the new nation as the mother does with a baby.

    Good luck.

    Adam Milawaki, Juba

  • Abugua

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    Thanks I agree with you two more names should be added The best ministers that should retain their positions are Awut Deng and Anthony Lino Makana.

  • harry

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    Broad-based but lean! How?


  • puokbai

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government

    Weldone Dr.Machar i hope the great change will happen this time arround the offical coruption will have no room

    Puok Bai

    South Sudan


    mr. Puok bai
    Citizens of the newly borned nation, is it ok to give it a break this time? because it’s really not a sweetable time for bulshitting around on people of South Sudan. Please stop talking dirty and think productively, for such talks are what always lead to some sort of unintended declaration brothers/sisters be careful indeed! God bless South Sudan. Badawi

  • Nhomlawda

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    Broad based government in already corruption endemic country is a clear license to loot along party and regional lines.
    Anyway, I have a lot to do today in my office and so not much to share today but let me be clear on below issues.
    1. Before new appointments are made, an urgent audit to be chaired by impartial expert needs to take place for all ministries and commissions before president reappoint or remove ministers of former GOSS. This will provide a clear justification for exclusion and inclusion.
    2. HIV/AIDS Commission should be merged with ministry of health (to reduce operational cost and enhance sharing of expertise very closely to ensure effective management of the deadly disease).
    3. Financial and fiscal allocation commission must be merged with ministry of finance and economic development
    4. public grievances commission and employees justice chamber must be incorporated into either Public Service Commission or Human Rights Commission
    5. Ministry of Human Resources Development and Ministry of public service must be abolished and their functions realigned to Ministries of education (see 6 below) and public service commission respectively
    6. Ministries of education should be re-aligned into Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (primary. Secondary and university education under it) and Ministry of technical and Adult Education (mainly for educating adult people with little or no formal eduaction with job skills – this ministry will make South Sudan to develop work force fast if established, therefore, making South Sudanese competitive in the job market full of East African economic influx)
    7. No more ministry without portfolio – please.
    8. Anticorruption commission needs a strong nationalist – Pauline Riak must go to the university as a professor – no more job for her in public service – she had betrayed South Sudanese for not fighting corruption.
    9. Other ministries should b re-aligned and consolidated too into serious ministries that can help the nascent nation established strong national structures and rapid service delivery to South Sudanese.

  • PPT The Great
    PPT The Great

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    Yes, Kiir and Machar.

    This is the time that every body will measures his value to the rest of the world. bear in mind that the whole global is pregnant of what will happen to New Born nation in regard to maintain the stability of the Country; as you know they are all expecting failure from us. as a result you must disproof them by generating a construction and valuable ideas by coming up with very satisfaction arrangement which will feel the pulse of all nation and don’t forget to appoint people according to their specialization. thus will boost to have smooth management and strategic planning toward the development of this New Nation. Kindly leave tribalism behind.
    Keep this nation alive.
    God Bless You all

  • Nhomlawda

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    South Sudan needs a skills based and corruption free government for there will be no broad based government thst can adequately represent more than 200 tribes/ethnicities in South Sudan.

  • Josh

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    If Kiiri failed to employ enough men and women from Eastern and Western Equatoria into his interim government, I’m sure there will be another blood war which ‘ll led to no man home.
    Shaking hand with two hands doesnt mean respect alone, it is a smart way of cold war.
    The rest of the new south sudan communities are keen to know what Dinkas are planning to do next. If nothing improved, it would be better to make another third Division.

  • Josh

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    Very interrested, how would Riek forget what Dinka did to his People? Let’s wait for another few years to come.

  • Josh

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    Now everything are over, Kiiri needs to change his idiot Cowboys look. another Dr Idi Amin Dada in the capital city of Guru.

  • Honorable King
    Honorable King

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    Thanks Mr. President for being wise this time. Enough is enough. You have been accommodating people who have been looting resources which could have been used for roads, agriculture and education and health. I appreciate your announcement that the government will be lean. We don’t need more executives some of whom will be Redundant or overlapping in the activities. This will also help in pushing resources to rural areas for development. And for sure you don’t need to reappoint corrupt ministers and those who don’t perform. Some minstries are paralyzed because their ministers are incompetent. Ministers like Barnaba Marial should be retained or he should be appointed Ambassador to UN general Assembly. Mr. Changson should go to Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning or Bank of South Sudan because of his long serving experience in these areas.

  • Rising of the Sun
    Rising of the Sun

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    Dinka dominated spla, these are the kind of comments that will built South Sudan into a great nation.

    We have to keep facing up to these corrupt guys including the president until we get the right people in the right places.

    The president needs to visit people in the rural parts of South Sudan more regularly so that he can see for himself the plight of our patient citizens.

  • Mike Mike
    Mike Mike

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    H.E Your promise to the public about to be having a national broad base government in the South Sudan is clear and meaningful, but in the hand contradicting. The word that you added after your speech is abit funy and we will not trust it with our fully heart because the word lean has two meaning and we didn’t know which one between this two definition that will be working. First definition of lean is to Rely on someone for support. Sec, to be having little fat. So in this regard your promise is abit fishing and we shall see what will be happening about how the next government is going to be formed.

  • Honorable King
    Honorable King

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    Mr. Nhomlaw or whatever you call it,

    You really sounded well in putting down some points. But still you fellshort of recognizing the benefits of broad-based government. When Kiir talks of braodbased government, he means an inclusive government where all regions are equally represented and some major opposition parties are also represented in someway, though may not be conditional to SPLM-led Government. Regional representation doesn’t have anything to do with corruption. Corruption is individual or group irresponsible action. And remember, the corruption will be rampant when most of the people are from the same region or tribe, and that is what happened for the last six years of GOSS.

    Indeed there a need to merge some ministries and commissions since some of them were created to accommodate Kiir’s family members and friends. They don’t have any function and therefore should be out for good now. We don’t also want incompetent ministers who don’t know anything. They should be given other jobs or else go home.

  • Nhomlawda

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    Honuorable King

    South Sudan needs a skills based and corruption free government for there will be no broad based government that can adequately represent more than 200 tribes/ethnicities in South Sudan.
    There will always be a complaint about under representation but that can be contained if South Sudan have a functioning, efficient and corruption free government in place.
    People are more concern about lack of services not representation. Representation without service delivery that meet people’s expectations will be a waste of time and money. Money that goes to politicians do not go to everyone in that tribe or region that person comes from but services delivery affect everybody in that area where services are being delivered.

  • Abikach Ayuel
    Abikach Ayuel

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    Waw ! That is amazing ! u all did try to give your arguments like ladies and gentlemen, learned and civilise persons ! Bravo keep it up and be part of positive documentation than engaging your brilliant minds into arguments that are of no benefit to u all and your beloved nation ! At least few like Josh needs to understand that Kiir is a man of his words, lean government means according to me that ministries should be less than current one in order to reduce payment to ministers and misuse of public funds ! Josh u need to live positively always brother or u could be my sis ! Thank u all keep rolling and ladder going !

  • Deng Dut
    Deng Dut

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    Yeah, dear own people you are highly civilized in the way you are putting across your arguments. I know now we can achieve making in South Sudan a world class country. I am proudly South Sudanese because my people are nation makers rather not trouble makers, we might have no infrastructure and good institutions but we are the best in the region. We will stand in Jesus Name…O God bless South Sudan.

    Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Student of Commerce.

  • objective

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    The SPLA – SPLM has been an organized group in the bush. Their code of conduct has been fairly good. They had rules that protect the animals and environment. It had regulations that safeguarded the family that solved individual and communal grievances. The liberation movement was having an inclusive ideology. But now it is a tribal or preferential treatment ideology. After assuming power in Southern Sudan, the citizens gave the government a benefit of doubt for three years. But in the fourth and the fifth year, corruption is much worst than before. The issue of rampant corruption in South Sudan is an open secret. But the legislature, the executive and judiciary don’t want to raise the alarm because a good number are benefitting from this bad practice.
    • Government contracts are assigned to friends and relatives in a corrupt way.
    • Relatives and friends are appointed to offices regardless of qualifications.
    • Government services and projects are carried out through commissions.
    • Insecurity in Southern Sudan and especially Juba is in dire state. The SPLA MI (Military Intelligence) Security Intelligence which mainly from one tribe or region is carrying out systematic arrests in Juba just like what the Khartoum Government was doing in Juba in the 1990s. There are detention houses created by the ‘SPLA -MI’ for torturing and harassing of citizens. These places are well known in Juba.
    • The night patrols by Southern Sudan Police and SPLA MI (Military Intelligence) who are mainly underpaid and mainly from one tribe or region became a patrol of looting, extortion and harassing. Mobile phones, money, property like motor bikes and houses have been robbed.
    • Personal land plots of individuals have been robbed by military officers and top government officials.
    • The government did not pay much attention to education. Even the MDTF educational project is still far behind.
    • The Southern Sudan Anti corruption is a toothless commission. They have never and can never prosecute any top corrupt government officials. The issue of corruption is being talked everywhere: from churches to mosques, homes to government offices, sport places to markets, primary schools to universities. The Southern Sudan Anti corruption commission cannot any longer carry out sensitization programmes. They have been told we know and you know who the corrupt persons are. The corruption saga scenes are too long: from the grain quotas, oil money, donor funds, commissions, government vehicles, renovation of government houses,

    • The Southern leadership should create a government of national unity which inclusive and participatory in nature. It should have diverse political and ethnic representation Ethnicity is a sensitive issue in Southern Sudan. The government and its ministries and institutions must represent all diverse political and ethnic groups.
    • Appointments should be done according qualifications, but also taking into consideration the issue of ethnicity. It is should be a balanced selection. It is possible to get qualified people for the government ministries and institutions from the 10 states of the Southern Sudan. Otherwise you will end up appointing all the qualified from one ethnic group or region.
    • Nongovernmental Organizations should be spread throughout the ten states in Southern Sudan. In this manner, the NGOs will create job opportunities in the states they are operating in.
    • National institutions like Police, Prisons, Wildlife and Army, state security forces must represent all ethnic groups. There qualified people for these institutions from the 10 states of the Southern Sudan.
    • The night patrols by Southern Sudan Police must represent all ethnic groups. Those who are found to be corrupt or extorting money or harassing citizens should face the law.
    • World Bank and IMF should not lure Southern Sudan into taking loans. The Sudan foreign debt about USD $ 35 billion is not yet over. It may be divided between north and south that is USD $ 17 billion each. The new nation is a nation with a debt. Worst of all Southern Sudan is infected with corruption pandemic. These new loans will end in corrupt pockets.
    • The Southern Sudan border administration must represent all ethnic groups. Its report should be transparent and accurate. They should be accountable for everything they do.
    • Norway and the other donor countries need to set conditions for make the Government in Southern Sudan comply with the formation of a democratic, transparent, accountable, inclusive and participatory government.
    • The Government of Southern Sudan should be accountable to its people in all aspects. The parliament should ensure sufficient checks and balances on executive power and establish clear guidelines for genuine popular participation.

  • Nhomlawda

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    The president of South Sudan and his vice president should consider the following in the next government appointments
    1. Before new appointments are made, an urgent audit to be chaired by impartial expert needs to take place for all ministries and commissions before president reappoint or remove ministers of former GOSS. This will provide a clear justification for exclusion and inclusion.
    2. HIV/AIDS Commission should be merged with ministry of health (to reduce operational cost and enhance sharing of expertise very closely to ensure effective management of the deadly disease).
    3. Financial and fiscal allocation commission must be merged with ministry of finance and economic development
    4. public grievances commission and employees justice chamber must be incorporated into either Public Service Commission or Human Rights Commission
    5. Ministry of Human Resources Development and Ministry of public service must be abolished and their functions realigned to Ministries of education (see 6 below) and public service commission respectively
    6. Ministries of education should be re-aligned into Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (primary. Secondary and university education under it) and Ministry of Technical and Adult Education (mainly for educating adult people with job skills – this ministry will make South Sudan to develop work force fast if established, therefore, making South Sudanese competitive in the job market full of East African economic influx)
    7. Ministries of Sports, women and child welfare, culture and heritage should be under one ministry.
    8. Ministries of Parliamentary and Cabinet affairs should be abolished and made departments under Ministry of Presidential Affairs which should be renamed as Ministry of Government Affairs
    9. No more ministry without portfolio – please.
    10. Anticorruption commission needs a strong nationalist – Pauline Riak must go to the university as a professor – no more job for her in public service – she had betrayed South Sudanese for not fighting corruption.
    11. Other ministries should b re-aligned and consolidated too into serious ministries that can help the nascent nation established strong national structures and rapid service delivery to South Sudanese.

    In this re-alignment, many people will lose their jobs but it is worth it to make government lean and to ensure rapid service delivery to citizens.

  • Nhomlawda

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    The president of South Sudan and his vice president should consider the following in the next government appointments
    1. Before new appointments are made, an urgent audit to be chaired by impartial expert needs to take place for all ministries and commissions before president reappoint or remove ministers of former GOSS. This will provide a clear justification for exclusion and inclusion.
    2. HIV/AIDS Commission should be merged with ministry of health (to reduce operational cost and enhance sharing of expertise very closely to ensure effective management of the deadly disease).
    3. Financial and fiscal allocation commission must be merged with ministry of finance and economic development
    4. public grievances commission and employees justice chamber must be incorporated into either Public Service Commission or Human Rights Commission
    5. Ministry of Human Resources Development and Ministry of public service must be abolished and their functions realigned to Ministries of education (see 6 below) and public service commission respectively
    6. Ministries of education should be re-aligned into Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (primary. Secondary and university education under it) and Ministry of Technical and Adult Education (mainly for educating adult people with job skills – this ministry will make South Sudan to develop work force fast if established, therefore, making South Sudanese competitive in the job market full of East African economic influx)
    7. Ministries of Sports, women and child welfare, culture and heritage should be under one ministry.
    8. Ministries of Parliamentary and Cabinet affairs should be abolished and made departments under Ministry of Presidential Affairs which should be renamed as Ministry of Government Affairs
    9. No more ministry without portfolio – please.
    10. Anticorruption commission needs a strong nationalist – Pauline Riak must go to the university as a professor – no more job for her in public service – she had betrayed South Sudanese for not fighting corruption.
    11. Other ministries should b re-aligned and consolidated too into serious ministries that can help the nascent nation established strong national structures and rapid service delivery to South Sudanese.
    In this re-alignment, many people will lose their jobs but it is worth it to ensure lean government and rapid delivery of services to citizens.

  • Nhomlawda

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government

    The president had no problem with his vice president since the vice president had already apologized privately for the wrong position he had taken during the transitional constitution debate. The transitional constitution had been passed as drafted by John Luk Jok committee and the problem is over.
    The two men are now back to business as usual.

  • Nhomlawda

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government

    You are right, broad-based and lean are terms that do not go together. Let us wait and see how the two approach will play out in the next government.

  • True South Sudanese
    True South Sudanese

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    There is one thing/word interesting in your comment, brother/sister objective, since I do not know your sex.The word is the word “ethnicity”.The word is always ignored by those who like to comment along the tribal/ethnic lines and haul insults/blasphemies at other tribes/ethnics grouping in South Sudan about their seemed to be dominance in the government. I would therefore like to elaborate a few points about this word, since a new gov’t is going to be formed.If you have greed with ethnic diversity in the Republic of South Sudan brother/sister,then you must accept the following facts that will still be seen in the forth coming gov’t structure.
    > Among all the ethnic groups present in the Republic of S.Sudan,Nilotics is the largest,about 3/4 of the population of the country, with Dinka tribe leading,about 1/3 of the population of the country and with the current federal system of states,Dinka is in 7 states (NBG 99%,Warrap99%, Lakes99% ,WBG 20%,Jonglei40%,Unity 30%,and UN 40%),followed by Nuer in 3 states,Shilluk in one state and the rest.
    > Bantu is the second lagest ethnic group and Azande is the largest and the third after Nuer in the country.
    > The rest of the ethnic groups follow.
    Therefore,with this in mind,if it is to be based on the ethnicity,the above facts will be potrayed and Dinka followed by Nuer will still dominate.Others still will complain after here.
    If I ask the following questions ?
    – If the representation of both the parliamentary and ministerial positions are to be based on ethnicity,and for example 3 are taken from each state,which tribe do you think should come from Lakes,Warrap and NBG,leaving the other 4 states where there will be balancing or less number of Dinka?
    Hence,to avoid boredom of reading this comment,I urge my brothers/sisters in the Republic of S.Sudan to carefully and orderly post their comments,not expressing hatred,envy about other tribes if at all your tribe is not represented,because some tribes are equivalent by number to sections,clans and even families among the Dinka and Nuer.
    The outgoing Government is well balanced,yet others still complain bitterly.Equatorians are dominating in NGOs,they are even working in Dinka and Nuer lands,but no complain is heard.

  • Nhomlawda

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    In order to achieve lean government, the following ministries should be the ministries of ROSS. Presidential advisors should be reduced to four only.
    1. Ministry of Defense
    2. Ministry of Interior
    3. Ministry for Finance and Economic Development
    4. Ministry of Justice
    5. Ministry for Foreign Affairs
    6. Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development (Irrigation to be merged here)
    7. Ministry of Health (HIV/AIDS Commission to be merged here too)
    8. Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
    9. Ministry of Technical and Adult Education
    10. Ministry of Transport, Roads and Railways Development
    11. Ministry of Mining and Petroleum
    12. Ministry of Trade and Market Development
    13. Ministry of Energy and Industrialization
    14. Ministry of Housing, Public Utilities and Urban Development
    15. Ministry of Water, Fisheries and Aquatic Ecosystem Protection
    16. Ministry of Environment and Forestry
    17. Ministry of Wildlife, Tourism and Hotel Industry Development
    18. Ministry of Communication (Telecommunication, postal services, and internet to be under this ministry)
    19. Ministry of Information and Media Development
    20. Ministry of Government Affairs (combining Ministry of parliamentary, cabinet and presidential affairs)
    21. Ministry of States Affairs (combine all various state coordination offices in Juba and deal with other GOSS and States linkages)
    22. Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport
    23. Ministry of Cooperatives and Rural Development
    24. Ministry of Women, Child and Disabled Welfare
    25. Ministry of Land and Settlement
    Important Commissions
    Public Service and Human Resources Development Commission (Ministries of public service and Human Resource Development to be merged here)
    Anticorruption Commission
    Human Rights Commission
    Investment Authority
    Humanitarian and Resettlement Commission
    Demining Commission
    Disarmament Demobilization and Reintegration Commission,
    Public Employment Pension Fund Authority (to deal with retirees and their maintainance)

  • Nuer

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    @ Madingthith,

    Is up to Mr. Kiir to put back or leave out any of those names from his coming government, but I would strongly suggest to Mr. President that we need a very excellence person in foreign Affairs this time then spoke person, therefore, It could be better when H.E President can appoint Marial Benjamin in external relations.

  • chep makur
    chep makur

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    designing a system that will helps and generate positive ideas and also helps to devolped whatever we are doing to the best we wish is the way to go. if south sudan want to move forward then we put aside tribes wars, corruption and fight one more goal which is to bring our country to good living standard, i know everwhere you go we will have good people and bad people but that doesnt stops us from achieving what we have die and live for, without all of us as southern sudanese to helps those in power to see what we see then we cant helps ourself then if all we do is fight.
    all am saying please my people put aside things that will tear us apart and focus on things that will helps us, also if we needs to go forward then we have to challengers(oppositions) that will direct us to the wrongs we are doing, the opposition of anything you are welcomes to said anything that will helps our nation but not just who is good and bad and who is from my tribe or not, we fight and live as brothers from southern sudan and that will never change,
    used this site for construtive ideas not thing that bring will problems back to our society.

    remember whether you are nuer, dinka or equatoria, we all from south sudan and that is the point and nothing else will ever change that, let talks about society challengers not personal challengers, our time will comes when we gonna rule later as young generations

    peace, love and unity

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    hurry or nhiamlowda,

    very simple, broad based but lean governmnt means inclusive cabinet with various political parties but the total number of ministers in the government must remain small. for example if they will be reduced to 20 instead of the current 32, yet still those 20 must include other political parties. i hope i help you understand it.

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    is this not the same nhomliawda the usual speculator? who will take you serious this time when you don’t even know when and where the two leaders meet. stop telling lies it will spoil your reputation.

  • Wundit

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    hahhah… it,s so laughable even women’s are talking of blood shed do people from Equatoria know how hold gun? you better go for training for another 75 years that will qualify you to be a good fighter now otherwise let nuer and dinka’s talk

  • Nhomlawda

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    Mi Dit

    Do you know how many political parties and other interest groups do we have in South Sudan? Know their numbers first before educating us on lean broad-based government in South Sudan.

  • objective

    South Sudan leadership reveals it will form broad-based but lean government
    @ True Southerner,
    When I hinting the issue of ethnicity, remember the question of inclusiveness. I know Dinka and Nuer are found across several states of the Greater Bahr el Ghazal and Greater Upper Nile. But Dinka or Nuer or Zande or Shilluk or what you may think have sub divisions. At the moment even though people call it a Dinka dominated government, many Dinka sub groups are marginalised. The issue of ethnicity I want southerners to pay attention is not about the many of counties or payams you have to get such a many of representation. Some places in Southern Sudan, have fewer many of people and they are given counties and payams. But this have been done politically. The point I want to make is inclusiveness in the political representation. The old system of creating counties and payams on the basis of having more members in the political arena cannot bring stability. Even if you are 500 only of a tribe and you have a political representation, and those who think that they are more 1 million have political representation it will be okay. At the end of the day even though you are more 1 million it does not mean that all should have seats in the government.

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