Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan’s Blue Nile state governor calls for resistance against proposed law

July 18, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The governor of Blue Nile state Malik Agar on Monday slammed the proposed amendment to the Popular Consultation law that was endorsed by the Sudanese cabinet today.

Malik Agar, head of the northern branch of the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) speaks during a joint news conference with SPLM north's secretary general Yasir Arman, in Khartoum, July 3, 2011 (Reuters)
Malik Agar, head of the northern branch of the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) speaks during a joint news conference with SPLM north’s secretary general Yasir Arman, in Khartoum, July 3, 2011 (Reuters)
Sudan official news agency (SUNA) said that the council of ministers headed by vice president Ali Osman Taha approved a draft bill for organizing the popular consultation in Blue Nile and South Kordofan states for 2011 presented by justice minister Mohamed Bushara Dousa.

The cabinet’s spokesperson Omer Mohamed Saleh told reporters that the proposed law would extend the popular consultation in the two states for a period of six months. It also empowers the Sudanese president to extend it further at the request of the commissions administering the exercise.

The popular consultation process in the two states is a mechanism mandated by the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) to ascertain local views on the implementation of that agreement and how governance relationship with Khartoum should be re-organized.

However, the process has stalled in the Blue Nile while South Kordofan descended into violence between Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and SPLA since early June.

Agar responded to the new draft law through a statement attributed to him saying that this is a violation to the CPA and that he would not recognize it. The head of the northern branch of the Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) said the government bypassed the Blue Nile state government and its elected governor when it approved the draft bill.

He called on the citizens to “resist the unjust and oppressive law which was passed by a single party that represents no one but itself”.

The SPLM figure did not say what aspects of the law he objected to. He has warned earlier this month that if the ongoing fighting in South Kordofan spilled into his state and Sudan’s war-torn western region of Darfur, it would be “coordinated,” because “the enemy of your enemy is your ally”.

In July, Agar signed a preliminary accord with top presidential aide Nafie Ali Nafie in the Ethiopian capital, that sets the groundwork for a comprehensive political and security settlement in the Blue Nile and South Kordofan, both home to a large number of SPLM supporters.

But President Omer Hassan al-Bashir came afterwords and rejected the agreement and ordered continuation of military operations in South Kordofan which a secret UN report said involved what could amount to war crimes.



  • choldit

    Sudan’s Blue Nile state governor calls for resistance against proposed law
    Bypassing the elected Governor is a violation of the NCP lead government. So, Agar is right. The law must be resisted.

  • choldit

    Sudan’s Blue Nile state governor calls for resistance against proposed law
    Bypassing of the elected governor is a violation of the NCP lead govt. So, Agar is right, the law must be resisted.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Sudan’s Blue Nile state governor calls for resistance against proposed law
    This government of doom is trying to controll the people will without consultation with the people in Blue Nile and south kordfan.
    While the SPLA/M of south is just kept quite with fear that if they involved than the khartoum will wip their asses leaving alon those of Kordfan and Blue Nile to suffered since they where helping South to fight khartoum with their minssionaries of nuer and some element of distruction.

    Talking about SPLA/M of south. the really SPLA/M which used to be people’s party is dead with Dr John garang and the current one is full of nyagateen and bias group specialist in corruption and their motto of for God and their stomach..

    I hope salva Kiir should quite and leave this thugs with useless and doom luck of inable framwork.

    once more. thank to Blue Nile Governor. may God help you with your struggle.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Sudan’s Blue Nile state governor calls for resistance against proposed law
    This government of doom is trying to controll the people will without consultation with the people in Blue Nile and south kordfan.
    While the SPLA/M of south is just kept quite with fear that if they involved than the khartoum will wip their asses leaving alon those of Kordfan and Blue Nile to suffered since they where helping South to fight khartoum with their minssionaries of nuer and some element of distruction.

    Talking about SPLA/M of south. the really SPLA/M which used to be people’s party is dead with Dr John garang and the current one is full of nyagateen and bias group specialist in corruption and their motto of for God and their stomach..

    I hope salva Kiir should quite and leave this thugs with useless and doom luck of inable framwork.

    once more. thank to Blue Nile Governor. may God help you with your struggle.

  • Aleu

    Sudan’s Blue Nile state governor calls for resistance against proposed law
    Malik Agar is right.

    The two States were among CPA although, it did not allow two States to vote with South Sudanese, there was a language that said, the two States have a popular consultation before six years end to decide if the CPA led by Khartoum government signed did satisfied them or not. The CPA also spelling that, there will be no force if they want to decide in 2011 choices then, they have the rights unfortunately, the Khartoum government have already violate when they started forcing SPLA to either accepted disarmment policy or moved to South Sudan as part of New Sudan, South Sudan nation.

    Now they are the one violated consultation for two States and now they are the one come up with another six months proposed. Who they thinks will accept that terrible Idea and too much confusion in Khartoum.? I would recommend governor general Malik Agar to stay cost whatever, they want to come up with them, do not show any weakness SPLA/SPLM is known for bravers and good managing wars.

  • Adam

    Sudan’s Blue Nile state governor calls for resistance against proposed law
    I don’t know if Mr. Agar has made that statement or not.

    The article is so vague and no specific reference is made. The article further states that “Agar responded to the new draft law through a statement attributed to him saying that this is a violation to the CPA and that he would not recognize it….. The SPLM figure did not say what aspects of the law he objected”

    This, to my understanding, labels this article as not professional. The title is so aggressive for no reason “Sudan’s Blue Nile state governor calls for resistance against proposed law”

    Brothers! There is no single good reason that Sudan Tribune publishes this article with such weak reference and burning title.

    As I read in the SUNA news that only the dates of the consultation are extended. No change has been made at all to the Protocol itself. Even the law states that “It also empowers the Sudanese president to extend it (consultation) further at the request of the commissions administering the exercise”. So what is wrong with this law as the CPA has already expired?

    I believe that Mr. Agar should make a clear statement regarding this and Sudan Tribune should replace this article by what Mr. Agar would say. Please call him over the phone and take his account on the issue.

    Adam Milawaki, Kwajok

  • Sudani Logik
    Sudani Logik

    Sudan’s Blue Nile state governor calls for resistance against proposed law

    What the hell are you talking about? The article is very clear, any alteration to the popular consultation protocol is unacceptable period!

    Stop defending your NCP mafia with your confusing nonsense…

  • Adam

    Sudan’s Blue Nile state governor calls for resistance against proposed law
    Mr. Logik,

    Please be logical. The article did not mention in any of its parts that the PROTOCOL has been amended or changed by the new law. I did not support such a thing. Brother you misunderstood what I was trying to say. The article is just not professionally produced. A statement like “through a statement attributed to him” is nothing in reputable Journalism. Statement like “The SPLM figure did not say what aspects of the law he objected” nullifies the whole article

    Please read my contribution again and concentrate so you can get my message. Be polite brother.

    Adam Milawaki, Kwajok

  • Anti Dinka's
    Anti Dinka's

    Sudan’s Blue Nile state governor calls for resistance against proposed law
    welcome to resistant side Dinkaboy dominated SPLA/M LOSER PARTY


    are thieves & corrupt
    they will never help southerners let alone helping somebody else


  • Abraham Majur Lam
    Abraham Majur Lam

    Sudan’s Blue Nile state governor calls for resistance against proposed law
    Bravo uncle Agar for your stand and I hope the community of Blue Nile will join you. Wish you the best as you ressist the wicked gov’t on planet earth.

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    Sudan’s Blue Nile state governor calls for resistance against proposed law
    Malik Agar,do not give up with your communities,that is the thing the NCP try very hard in giving the referendum law for the south sudan,you and Yasir resist any wrong laws the NCP want to post it on the pupolar consultation both in Blue and South Kordofan states.
    Second things do not agree to intergrate your soldiers with the SAF, otherwise that is your end.Be very wise in dission making with them,those are big FOX
    May God Bless all the two states Blue and south Kordofan


  • The Republic of South Sudan
    The Republic of South Sudan

    Sudan’s Blue Nile state governor calls for resistance against proposed law
    I am really sorry for Dr.Garang confusion Mr. Governor. Dinka who can tell the truth will realize this and can physically apologize to you and your people, Blue Nile Community.

    Dinka who are greedy and like this country to mess are just talking. No one of them who attacked those Nyagateen they are talking about one day and captured their place such as Nasir (eastern Nuer), Bentui (Western Nuer), Padoi or Fagak (Central Nuer) are just talking.

    I have been told that Bahr el Ghazal was capture by Paulino Matip in 1990s and spent good three months there not by peace but war.Governor Malong knows it and can tells more. Lou Nuer(un trained young men) captured Bor and came up to Mangala and took some Madari cattle, let a lone Dinka Bor properties and cattle.

    I think war between us (Nuer and Dinka) will not help us especially we Dinka even though most of big machine guns and ammunition are being handle by us (Dinka) according to National intelligent report, Nuer will still find their way and capture our areas except my home Rumbek becuase we don’t provoke and we know how to defend our place not just talking like Dinka Bor. So, need to do a way with culture of provoking and show off.

  • Dinka Aliap Chawul
    Dinka Aliap Chawul

    Sudan’s Blue Nile state governor calls for resistance against proposed law
    Hi! Everybody. What i dore most in Sudan tribune here is the webs doesn’t have aguided rules & regulations of which any person with a mental disorder would come,join and begin insulting individual tribes/personel.We’d believe in religious,cultural,political & social diversity and focus on what the article is about if we’re to have a prosperous nation of Southern Sudan where people would be responsive for their intelectuallity & professionallism.Please share webside in a good faith.Diehard moron will never change and foresure those fairly stupid will become good guys in nearest future.Comingback to the article,there’s lack of co-operation,mistrust & disbelieve btn parties NCP-SPLM/A Northern sector and this y no one agree with each other prosposal.A pray for two Sudan.

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