Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudan parliament to deliberate on Popular Consultation law

July 19, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese national assembly today received the draft bill organizing the popular consultation in Blue Nile and South Kordofan states that was endorsed by the cabinet on Monday.

The new bill amends the original law by extending the popular consultation in the two states for a period of six months. It also empowers the Sudanese president to extend it further at the request of the commissions administering the exercise.

Popular consultation is a mechanism mandated by the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) to ascertain local views in the two states on the implementation of that agreement and how governance relationship with Khartoum should be re-organized.

However, the process stalled in Blue Nile while South Kordofan descended into violence between North Sudan army and forces aligned with the South since early June.

Yesterday the governor of Blue Nile state Malik Agar rejected the draft bill saying it was done without consulting with him or the state. He urged citizens to resist what he described as “unjust and oppressive law”.

Al-Amin Dafalla, the minister of decentralized government, was quoted by the pro-government Sudanese Media Center (SMC) website as saying that Agar’s position “carries no value”. He added that the Blue Nile governor has no ability of mobilizing public opinion.

He stressed that the state government has no say with regard to the popular consultation adding that the legislative assembly is the only party allowed to review the law.

The media officer at the National Congress Party (NCP) Ibrahim Ghandour told SMC that the proposal is perfectly legal and done so that citizens don’t lose their right stipulated by the CPA should no extension be made.

Ghandour expressed regret at Agar’s remarks saying they expected support and not rejection. He said that state officials should be me more responsible when making statements so as not to confuse public opinion.



  • Adam

    Sudan parliament to deliberate on Popular Consultation law
    The original proposal was sent the GoS by the Blue Nile State Assembly. The Cabinet of Ministers has just prepared the bill and sent it to the Parliament for approval accordingly. It is true that The Governor of the Blue Nile has nothing to do with the Popular Consultation. It is the State’s Parliament as in the Protocol. If Mr. Agar is having troubles with the States Assembly, then he should not risk peace and political solution in the Blue Nile for his egocentric ends. Mr. Agar, please don’t listen to Pagan and Arman and work for your people.

    Mr. Agar should not cry for nothing. The move is to guarantee the right of the people as stipulated in the CPA PROTOCOL. He should be the first one to support the bill.

    Why Mr. Agar is trying to complicate the whole process? It is already complicated enough. Please solve your problems with good-will. We don’t want to witness war in Blue Nile which can, for sure, spill to the fragile ROSS. We have enough troubles up here.

    I hope Mr. Jalaby won’t say that we’re putting our nose in the affairs of the North Sudan.

    Adam Milawaki, Kwajok

  • Aleu

    Sudan parliament to deliberate on Popular Consultation law
    Adam you are stupid.

    You pretending yourself to be Southern Sudanese while, you are purely Arab Idiot guy. Why are you making yourself to be Southern Sudanese.?

    A Shame on you. Darfur should dismissing you from making comment here, because you are supporting Khartoum government.

  • Adam

    Sudan parliament to deliberate on Popular Consultation law
    I know! Truth is very bitter. I also know that people calling people names and failing to deal with none of the ideas of the topic before hands are the most convinced with the other’ point of view, but ignorance shield their admission to the right and deny them the virtue of embracing the truth.

    It also seems that brother Aleu you’re very good at issuing and denying citizenship based on your personal likes and dislikes. Why don’t you come and spend few days with me in Kwajok so we better know each other face to face and to provide you a chance to check my DNA.

    Adam Milawaki, Kwajok

  • John Gum
    John Gum

    Sudan parliament to deliberate on Popular Consultation law
    Dear Stupid arabs

    go and kiss father bashir anus,we do not care,no extension that can be made without CPA partners envole,that is a fur crime and we will respond positively upto khartoum

  • Atem Deng malek
    Atem Deng malek

    Sudan parliament to deliberate on Popular Consultation law
    Popular consultation is a mechanism mandated by the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) Therefore it has to be together with it, from where do we get space of extending it for the period of 6 month.

    It has to be in it’s place as being stated out in CPA

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