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Sudan Tribune

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Renegade Gatluak Gai agrees to integrate into SPLA says Unity State official

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

July 20, 2011 (BENTIU) – The newly independent government of South Sudan reached a peace deal on Monday with rebel Gatluak Gai in Unity state. The final agreement came in Pakur payam [district] of Koch County, with the rebel leader being made a Lt. General the Southern military (SPLA).

A member of a branch of the SPLA plays a trombone (Getty)
A member of a branch of the SPLA plays a trombone (Getty)
Unity State government has been engaging in peace talks with Gai for the last six weeks. Gai defected from the SPLA and rebelled against South Sudan’s government after the announcement of election results in April last year.

Gai, is believed to have hoped to become a county commissioner – a position appointed by state governors – if independent candidate Angelina Teny beat the incumbent Taban Deng Gai to the gubernatorial seat in Bentiu.

After it was declared the Teny, the wife of South Sudan vice president Riek Machar, had lost Gai began a localised rebellion against the SPLA and the South Sudan government.

Salva Kiir the president of South Sudan took the opportunity on July 9, when the country became independent as part of a 2005 North-South peace deal, to repeat his offer of an amnesty to all rebel groups in Africa’s 54th country.

On Wednesday the state minister of information and communication Gideon Gatpan Thoar told Sudan Tribune that Gatluak Gai has accepted the amnesty and was ready to join the SPLA.

Thoar said that the SPLA and Gai has agreed the following five points:

1. Gatluak Gai will declare himself and his entire armed forces as part of the South Sudan system and will be abide by the South Sudan’s constitutions and laws.

2. Gai will cease all types of hostility against South Sudan’s government, people and properties including cattle rustling.

3. Gai will not promote or recruit to his armed groups.

4. Gai will produce a list of all the members of his forces.

5. Gai is willing to be move anywhere in South Sudan as instructed by SPLA headquarters.

The peace process was facilitated by both state delegates and representatives from the SPLA’s headquarters in Juba.

Gai’s delegation was led by the group’s chairman Hernery Makany Dhiue. The SPLA were represented by the Southern military’s deputy of operations Lt. General Ping Deng Kuol. Chief Kong Kuol Kualang was present on behalf of Unity state’s elders committee.

As part of the deal, Gatluak Gai will be integrated into the South Sudan army as a Lt. General, a considerable promotion. It is unclear whether his previous position was as a member of the prison services or a colonel in South Sudan’s police or wildlife protection services.

Thoar also said that Gai had given assurances that his group would not be involved in cattle raiding a common problem in the new nation. Unity State’s spokesperson also said that Gai is ready to move wherever he is directed by the SPLA.

A report submitted by seven committee members from SPLA and community elders indicated that Gai has fully accepted the peace agreement. The deputy governor of Unity State William Dawut Riek congratulated the special delegates for the negotiating the peace deal.

Gatluak Gai, who has been operating in the West of Unity State, has been accused of having links with Peter Gatdet a much more high profile defector from the SPLA. However Gai has denied he formed an alliance with Gadet who has attempted to base his attempt to overthrow the Southern government in Mayom county of Unity State.

The commissioner of Mayom county was recently sacked after he alleged the the SPLA had killed civilians and burned down thousands of homes when the Southern army attacked Gadet’s forces ahead of South Sudan’s independence.

Mayom county is strategically important due its proximity to the Heglig oil field and the new contested international border with North Sudan. The SPLA consistently accuse Khartoum of backing rebels in South Sudan but the allegations are denied by the North.



  • George Bol
    George Bol

    Renegade Gatluak Gai agrees to integrate into SPLA says Unity State official
    yes, SPLM will integrate you but do not exepect to be L general mr militia.

    Do you think you will refuse the integration? No!

    becuaes no safe heaven this time. Surroundering is always a key to live. Now, galuak has been wounded for just he has been promise for bribe,what is this?

    The SPLM will not give Gai Lt. general position but he might be given his prision lead. SPLM are not stupid to let me fool be similiar with the committed LT.generals.

  • Man Koryom 2
    Man Koryom 2

    Renegade Gatluak Gai agrees to integrate into SPLA says Unity State official
    Gatluak Gai is back and where is other Gatma *** Mr.Gatdat Yak. Those brainless Gat will rebelled until Khartoum closed all doors for them. No success for militia and food lover

  • Chakin Riek Rah
    Chakin Riek Rah

    Renegade Gatluak Gai agrees to integrate into SPLA says Unity State official
    You are the food lovers. Gatdet has a point of taking arms against Dinka’s corrupted government, tribalism, and One tribe’s dominated. That’s not a militia that a reason for the militarism against the pressing government.

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    Renegade Gatluak Gai agrees to integrate into SPLA says Unity State official
    dear true south sudanese,

    these are what a nuer elder told me since 2005 to convince me to calm down when the goss was formed on greedy and corrupt foundation by dinka looters.

    1/ he said the dinka are naturally greedy and selfish and can easily sellout in times of hardship as they sold their kids to arabs and murle when simple hunger strikes.

    2/ he said the dinkas are always inconsistent in what they want depending on whether they would get personal or community benefits no matter how short such benefits are. so he said they are neither separatists nor unionists but that would depend on whether they would eat well in united sudan or in indpendent south sudan.

    3/ he said because of that nature, the nuer should allow them to eat like orphans during the interim period of six years to buy their loyalty to south sudan and its process to indeependence. he said john garang used to buy their loyalty with un food rations in refugee camps so that they remained praising the movement.

    4/ he said by letting them loot for six years they will love south sudan as a source of looting environ and will cross the river with us using them so that they don’t look to jellaba for unity of sudan but cross the river with us as they eat with their heads facing down wards.

    5/ he said once they have crossed with us to independence by using salva kiir to mobilize the dinka to vote for secession, then after that they will be exposed to the new environment of check and balance and will feel like fish without water. then will now come the tough question on their records.

    i love the year 2011.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Renegade Gatluak Gai agrees to integrate into SPLA says Unity State official
    Nuer boy are you telling me that all those nuer leader in the Government of south sudan where not surrendering to SPLA/M or what?

    Please my brother[nuer boys you or your father uncles brother fought for it to called your name like this] every nuer leader is a former surrendered to SPLA/M accepted Jamse Hoth Moi who lucked himself to John Garang Base during the nuer confusion.

    Do you think we are stupid late you rule? no we will make sure that you don’t rule in republic of south sudan. we will make other tribe rules but not nuer even Jamse Hoth will not be allowed to that top leadership please we know what we are after. If i were you. i would be a shame to talk about Republic of South Sudan affair dudd

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    Renegade Gatluak Gai agrees to integrate into SPLA says Unity State official
    The simple words is this all nuer leaders in republic of South Sudan where all surremders to SPLA/M

    Nuer boy everthings you have in your mind is finshed so now it is your time of making everythings up ahahahaha God know who love food and sign the Khartoum food Agreement. aka KFA aka KPA

    Nuer boy are you telling me that all those nuer leader in the Government of south sudan where not surrendering to SPLA/M or what?

    Please my brother[ land of Cush as if you or your father uncles brother fought for it to called your name like this] every nuer leader is a former surrendered to SPLA/M accepted Jamse Hoth Moi who lucked himself to John Garang Base during the nuer confusion.

    Do you think we are stupid late you rule? no we will make sure that you don’t rule in republic of south sudan. we will make other tribe rules but not nuer even Jamse Hoth will not be allowed to that top leadership please we know what we are after. If i were you. i would be a shame to talk about Republic of South Sudan affair dudd.

  • afroshimba

    Renegade Gatluak Gai agrees to integrate into SPLA says Unity State official
    To Chakin Riek Rah. your uncle Gatdet is at lock he either come back to repent or will be kill like apig.Iremember when he deffected he went straight back to his home town mayom inorder to mascre the entire village immagine that! idon’t know who he is to you or how you end up supporting him.

  • Sweetmouth

    Renegade Gatluak Gai agrees to integrate into SPLA says Unity State official
    No Gatluak Gai
    continues with your operation.
    don,t surrendered yourself you misbehave with SPLM/A son of believe in truth Nuer rather then your criminal rebel and fought Nuer who else do you think die Mr Greedy.

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