Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Jonglei governor hope increased security will boost agricultural production

By John Actually

July 20, 2011 (BOR) – The state governor in Jonglei expressed his concerns over insecurity caused by tribal clashes over cattle raiding and child abduction as the Republic of South Sudan is prepares to develop itself after independence.

Governor Kuol Manyang
Governor Kuol Manyang
In his office on Wednesday, governor Kuol Manyang told reporters, after returning from Juba where he attended the meeting between the states governors and the President of the Republic of South Sudan Salva Kiir which discussed the ways forward to develop the new nation South Sudan, that his state has put insecurity as first priority to ensure the state communities lives in harmony.

He said this will help the people to settle and cultivate what he called “the vast unused fertile land” for both substantial and commercial purposes.

“To combat lawlessness and create a peaceful state is our priority”, Manyang said.

Manyang said he would try his best to bring people together through peaceful resolutions to end their conflicts saying the peace dialogue that were done in the past did not meet their expectation.

“We will conduct peaceful resolution to bring people together. If peace is there, development can go on easily”, said Manyang.

Manyang traced the root causes of conflict in the state to raiding and child abduction, which he said are caused by poverty.

Many tribes in Jonglei, Dinka, Nuer and Murle depend largely on cattle as their sources of livelihood as milk and meat are used for food. Cattle are also used to pay dowries.

“Killing through cattle raiding and child abduction is brought about by poverty since our people food for themselves”, he said.

“Since people they don’t cultivate, everyone wants to cows to pay as dowries, to feed their families and if they don’t have cattle people go raiding in which you may be killed or you kill someone”, Manyany continued.

According to the governor, building roads and getting rid of insecurity in the state will bring tremendous change in the state as the agricultural mechanisation through the use of tractors will easily be moved to the counties and villages for use.

He said he will channel all available funds in the state to build roads, bring in the required agricultural tools and to peace in the state at the expenses of education among others.

Jonglei expects high agricultural production this year.

In a separate interview with the state minister of agriculture, Mayen Ngor said the state agriculture production in the counties from farmers groups and local people is expected to be high despite late rains this year.

According to Ngor, the farmers and local people had made use of the tractors and seeds distributed to them by the government in April.

“The farmers groups using the tractors is one of introducing Jonglei state into mechanised farming. We appreciate it and it will be a pulling factor to private investors to invest in agriculture”, Manyang said.

He said the state is ready to support people investing in agriculture by giving them land and agricultural extension services.

He said the most the crops planted are maize, sorghums, and groundnuts among others.

Manyang expressed his worries that if the long rains of this year do not continue up to September or October then crops will die.



  • belle loboi
    belle loboi

    Jonglei governor hope increased security will boost agricultural production
    I aggregately agreed with Governor Koul in this specific issue. we need to impelement more security strategic plan in the region of Jonglei States.This time we are not going to allow anyone kill by anyone in South Sudan as whole. whoever did or do will bring to justic whether entire Villages or County by GOSS, it is time for very individuals in the South Sudan to move freely without intervention.

  • Bigcat

    Jonglei governor hope increased security will boost agricultural production
    Dear Jonglei Governor

    Good morning gorvernor?
    it seem all state government public power are in your hand?
    you also seem to be state spoke peson?. I always read the news on jonglei state but i witness jonglei governor as the only spoke person in state..don’t you have state public government stracture like

    1. state ministry of agriculture
    2. state police comissioner
    3.state local government
    5.an many others

    mr. governor try to distribute power to the rest of public sector>.. you make yourself as state icon but will faced charge very soon…

  • Sweetmouth

    Jonglei governor hope increased security will boost agricultural production
    do you think jonglei will be good with poor management?
    where is ICC jonglei is qualify for ICC to take action.
    do you think jonglei will be stable while you are more corrupted and the same time more greedy.continues looting jonglei with your friends you employe and the time will come to stay in your house OK.

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