Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Kiir encourages South Sudan’s states to deliver services, W. Equatoria governor says

July 21, 2011 (YAMBIO) – The President of the Republic of South Sudan (RSS), Salva Kiir has encouraged the ten states of the country to focus on service delivery to the people of South Sudan in the upcoming government says Governor of Western Equatoria, who met Kiir in Juba on Wednesday.

Governor Bakosoro being recieved by speaker of state legislative assembly, Edward Bukulu
Governor Bakosoro being recieved by speaker of state legislative assembly, Edward Bukulu
Governor Bangasi Joseph Bakosoro arrived in Yambio, the state capital on 21 July after attending the briefing by Kiir to all the ten state governors and representatives of states on the current situation and way the forward for the new country.

“President Kiir congratulated all the people of South Sudan for having remained patience in the six years of the CPA [Comprehensive Peace Agreement] interim period despite threats of the Khartoum government and called for the unity of the people of South Sudan,” said Bakosoro.

He stated that the President had called upon all the states with conflicts to settle their differences and unite for the development of the new nation.

“The government will be formed based on qualifications, right people in the right places according to Kiir,” said Bakosoro.

He added that according to the president more ministries will be created in the states to enable the national government to deliver appropriate funds to the states for implementation of their projects.

Bakosoro said the president denounced the import of goods and services from neighbouring countries, calling upon all the food-producing states to cultivate and produce more to feed other sisterly states.

“The president has blamed the former government for the interim period system where all state budgets were made in Juba, giving conditions to most ministries in the states that did not deliver to the citizens,” he said.

The governor also pointed out that the issue of a federal system of governance, which was not included in the constitution, will be included in the permanent constitution of the country.

Kiir congratulated the Equatorians for standing firm with the Sudan People’s Liberation Army during the struggle by supplying them with food, among other things.

Bakosoro called upon the citizens of the state to focus on the production of sorghum and maize in order to supply other states that are currently facing drought.



  • DOOR

    Kiir encourages South Sudan’s states to deliver services, W. Equatoria governor says
    Congratulation Governor,

    It is important that you and your administration implement those important agendas and advises from the president.
    Yes, Equatoria soil is fertile and the rain is constant unlike other states and thus they must cultivate sufficient foods to sale to neighbouring states.

    Once again thanks Governor.

  • Nhomlawda

    Kiir encourages South Sudan’s states to deliver services, W. Equatoria governor says

    We appreciate relaying to us what President Kiir said but we are more interested in hearing what you are doing to your people with the money already given to you. South Sudan needs you and other state’s intellectuals to think and come up with innovative ideas on how to improve conditions of people in the state.

    President Salva Kiir should not be the one always telling you what to do at the state level. Take your leadership serious and come up with better ideas for you to implement.

    On federalism, forget about it. You are hearing countries uniting under umbrella organizations such as EAC, AU and EU to lessen territorial controls and you are talking about federalism in a tiny Republic of South Sudan.
    What is federalism to you? I believe decentralization is enough for South Sudan; some of us need states systems abolish too, not even that far federalism idea.

    Your call for federalism will be resisted by all mean. We are tired of tribalism and you want to give tribalism chance to flourish under federalism; no way, it will be resisted by all mean.

    On the upcoming government, all states have their governments to represent their ethnic communities.

    GOSS sovereignty ministries must go to nationalists based on qualification and experience. You know who are the nationalists in South Sudan; so do not ask me to answer that.

  • Bush

    Kiir encourages South Sudan’s states to deliver services, W. Equatoria governor says
    Mr Governor let those Dinka not fool us like that with the minister of information disregarding us (WES) and the president trying to convince us on the other side. It’s true that we the WES fed this movement with our cassava, G.nuts, bananas, sweet potatoes, mangoes, sorghum etc but all that went without recognition and appreciations from some of our leaders.

    I want that minister of information to come to the WES and apologize to my humble people, otherwise he will be the most hated person in our hearts.

  • victor sani
    victor sani

    Kiir encourages South Sudan’s states to deliver services, W. Equatoria governor says
    Dear Bush

    your name is really in his place .

    you don’t know what you are talk about .
    yes Dinka have eat that items you mentioned .because to bring you out from Uganda and free you now.
    so please you are better to give Dinka thanks .
    for well Done and freedom.

    God bless Dinka people .

    Victor Sani Adiangdit

  • Bush

    Kiir encourages South Sudan’s states to deliver services, W. Equatoria governor says
    @victor sani

    Don’t tell me that I don’t know what I’m talking about, you can’t put words into my mouth, which Uganda are you talking of? Do you think I’m some one who grew up in the refugee camp like you? We liberated ourselves from Arabs and from Dinka if you don’t know come and see my pace.

    Let me tell you this, I have never been out of South Sudan during the time of war and I had fully participated in every process that led to the independence today but I’m very annoyed to see that our efforts are not been recognized by those jengay. What thanks can we give to Dinka? do you think Dinka were the only tribe that fought this war?

    You just look like a fool to me.

  • padiit gaga
    padiit gaga

    Kiir encourages South Sudan’s states to deliver services, W. Equatoria governor says
    Let us not let this uneducated president try to decieve us, nothing on his mind only the CowBoy hurt on his head. He does not cares about developement he just make nepotism.

    God help our foolish president or, change him with educated one like Pagan and Riek. this man his mouth is nub by Alcohol. Dinka are canables and also greedy that is why the sold themselve to Arab in ABYIE.

  • Miamangawai

    Kiir encourages South Sudan’s states to deliver services, W. Equatoria governor says
    Congretulation Mr. President and same goes to the State governor of WES.
    The president is complaining about food production from the rich fertile soil of WES but without knowing how dangerous our bush is.
    Only His foolish vice Dr. Riak brought us the heavy threat pretending that he was mediating. So, mr. president, let us work together with you and do away with the LRA who occupied our forest unabling us to cultivate and provide quantity of food demanded by the population.

    WES can feed the whole South Sudan without any shame.

    Please Victor Sani, if this is your name or not, how foolish are you to say that dinka liberate us from arabs? I think you didn’t smell what we smelled during the movement. Do you know why you dinka died during the movement more than other tribes? Yes because you were just rushing for looting and forget fighting. Now as you know things are ok, you claim that you did it alone. Do you think dinka was the only tribe that contribute to the liberation of South Sudan? You coward,remember what the president quoted here ” Thanks to Equatorians for they contributed to the movement with food items as well” Since he knows it that you are the only, why didn’t he appreciate you without Equatorians.

  • wiseman

    Kiir encourages South Sudan’s states to deliver services, W. Equatoria governor says
    Who ever claim to be the only one who fought with arabs to bring independent is fool
    Remember the first time to raise our beloved flag was in Khartoum were so many of us not knowing where the are now was in Khartoum at (Nelin university) so if you think that you have been fighting alone in the bush your lying my pal.

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