Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok

July 23, 2011 (JUBA) – South Sudan’s Salva Kiir Mayardit on Saturday said that the oil contested region of Abyei belongs to the nine Dinka Ngok chiefdom’s and argued that the North-aligned Misseriya tribe do not have any territorial right in the area except access to water and pasture for their cattle.

Salva Kiir (Reuters/file)
Salva Kiir (Reuters/file)
After South Sudan seceded from the North on July 9, Abyei has remained in North Sudan. A referendum was scheduled solve the dispute in January but the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) refused to allow the Misseriya to vote, claiming that as nomads who enter the region for part of the year are not residents of the area.

Kiir said that historically, the borders between North and South Sudan are known.

“The people of Abyei, the people of Northern Bahr el Ghazal, the people of Unity State, the People of Western Bahr el Ghazal, the People of Upper Nile and the people of Warrap State know their borders. They know them tree by tree and distance by distance,” said Salva Kiir

The SPLM leader was speaking at a meeting with community leaders from Abyei who paid him a visit to congratulate him on the independence of South Sudan and for becoming the first president of the new country.

“The people of South Sudan will not leave you alone. Abyei belongs to you. This is what the CPA says. It is your historical and ancestral homeland,” said Kiir explaining Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) is very clear on whose land is Abyei.

Juac Agok, the Deputy chairperson of the SPLM for the area also in a separate interview with Sudan Tribune on Saturday said The Comprehensive Peace Agreement and the ruling by the Permanent Court of Arbitration, which are the legal and binding documents, give clear definition of Abyei that it can never be claimed by anyone a part from the Nine Dinka Ngok chiefdom.

“The CPA is very clear document. It defines Abyei as land which belongs to the nine Dinka Ngok chiefdom transferred to Kordofan region in 1905. It does not say that Abyei was a shared area transferred to Kordofan [in North Sudan]. It talks only about Dinka Ngok chiefdom. This is not what we say. It is what the agreement which we signed with the National Congress Party says, so why are the people refusing to implement”, said Agok in reference to the government in Khartoum.

Ngor Ayuel, the Abyei community vice chairperson in an interview with the press at South Sudan’s presidential palace said they came to give a congratulatory message and assurance of support to the president and to share with him situation facing internally displaced persons in areas to which they fled.

Ethiopia forces have started arriving the area, as part of a deal agreed after North Sudan’s army occupied the area in May. Ayuel said that although the Ethiopian army had begun to arrive in the area the Sudan Armed Forces have not yet started moving out.

The official also accused government in Khartoum of advising the army to remove uniforms and put on civilian clothes in order to be considered by the international community to have withdrawn its forces away from the area.

The contested oil-producing region of Abyei is one of the remaining issues between the CPA signatories that need to be negotiated between the parties after the South Sudan independent earlier this month signaling the end of a six year interim period of power and wealth sharing.

In 1905, the area predominantly home to the Ngok Dinka, was transferred by the British colonial authorities from South Sudan to North Sudan for administrative purposes. Over a half century the Ngok developed a strong sentiment to return to the South where they perceive their physical and cultural heritage to be rooted.

These aspirations, along with other grievances of other Southerners, such as marginalisation and the introduction of Islamic Shari’a Law became the basis for the first phase of civil war in Sudan, starting just before independence from Britain on January 1, 1956.

In the 1972 Addis Ababa agreement ending that conflict and the Ngok Dinka were promised a referendum on whether Abyei should be in North or South Sudan. However, officials from the area say Khartoum never allowed that referendum to take place.

“This is not the first time the government in Khartoum tried to renege any agreement on Abyei. They have done it many times in the past. The 1972 peace agreement allowed the people of Abyei to hold a referendum to decide their fate but it was not held because authorities in the North did not want the people of Abyei to become part of the south”, said chairperson of The Abyei Referendum Forum, Ambassador Chol Deng Alaak.

Because of this, according to ambassador Alaak, the leaders from the Ngok area joined the SPLM when it was formed in 1983, triggering the 22 year war that the CPA ended.

The two warring parties, Khartoum’s NCP and the SPLM, ultimately agreed in 2004 to the Abyei Protocol, which was drafted by the United States; it was the last major piece of the CPA to be signed.

However, the protocol has not been implemented and the referendum has not go ahead.

As a result of the protocol not being implemented, Alaak said, there has been “virtually no functional governance or services for the abandoned population in Abyei for years. Our people have always been subjected to killing and displacement.”

Alaak described the Misseriya tribe as a neighboring pastoralist population whose large traditional home area lies to the north of Abyei with Muglad as its principal town.

He accused president Bashir of supporting the so-called Murahaleen, who were active in raiding and in some cases enslaving Dinka communities in order to destabilise the area during the conflict, which ended in 2005.

President Bashir has frequently mobilised Misseriya elements for military purposes in Popular Defense Forces (PDF) a government aligned militia and the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF).

Sudan’s president has been indicted for war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court for alleged atrocities in the western Darfur region.

Alaak said that, Bashir has often mobilised Misseriya for his legions by publicly promising them that he would get all of Abyei for them, virtually a commitment to a policy of ethnic cleansing. These promises have fueled high levels of tension between Misseriya and Ngok Dinka, he said, explaining that this had strong implications for the Misseriya way of life.

For several dry months of each year, by long-standing agreements with the Ngok, the Misseriya need to bring their animals into Abyei and even further into South Sudan for water and pasture, a necessity that Bashir’s inflammatory actions could threaten, Alaak said.

In May, 2008 the 31st brigade of the SAF and other Misseriya elements of the Sudan government’s military attacked Abyei and burned most of it to the ground, displacing the entire Ngok population.

As in SAF’s recent occupation of Abyei, the UN protective force hunkered down in their base and did not venture out to protect civilians or provide a visible deterrent.

The SPLM and the Khartoum government went to the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague in 2009. The court defined the territory of Abyei, which was in dispute; both the SPLM and the Khartoum government promised to implement the PCA decision, though Khartoum ultimately failed to do so.

Alaak accused Khartoum of undermining Protocol on Abyei with intentions to deny conducting referendum in which the voters would be members of the Ngok Dinka community and other Sudanese who are residents to decide the future of the area. After the Southern Referendum vote on January 9, 2011, Khartoum escalated the pressure on Abyei by moving SAF into the area, displacing tens of thousands.

Some observers suggest that Khartoum ‘took’ Abyei to use as a bargaining chip to maximise its leverage in negotiating a final North-South agreement on oil revenues and other issues such as debt and citizenship.



  • Nhomlawda

    South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok
    We all know Mr. President Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok but if your government does not devise better ways of getting Abyei to South Sudan, Abyei might in the long run be for Dinka Ngok by name only.

    South Sudan was held hostage for several decades though it was known all over that South Sudan belongs to Southerners. It took us more than 2.5 million lives to take off those hands that had held us hostage that long.

    So, Mr. President, never take Abyei issue lightly. The longer Abyei issue drags on unsolved, the worse are the chances of Dinka Ngor remaining in that land.

  • Dukdal

    South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok
    Mr. President,
    I appreciate your stand on Abyiei issue but let the people of Abyiei wherever they may be, have one unify position. If you chose war as a way of bringing Abyiei back to the South then, my advise would be, first secure the South by disarming all communities in South Sudan especially Warrap, Unity, Lakes,Jonglei, Western Equatoria and Central Equatoria.
    Mr. President, don’t allow those men who are close to you leak out how your next government would be formed. A Government where informations leaks before announcement is always not safe. And take care they will gives all your secrets to wikileak or maybe already there.

    Mr. President, those ministers who sits here in Juba and deceive you that they are the ones who can be consulted on states affairs have undermined your direct supervision to the Governors.

  • Runrach

    South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok
    Mr. President, you seem to be taking side, I don’t think Abyei issue is the only top agenda on your prsidentia desk. I believe there some other terrorail that had been annexed to southern Khordufan recently by one of your governor while these areas or places were not even contested before and yet you don’t even mind or care to include these areas in your speeches.

    However, you need to think twice before you prematurely deliver your press to public, because the people whom you seem to be neglecting their are part and parcel of South Sudan citizens and like they contributes much and in former revolution whereby the lost their sons and daughters for our common objective which crown you as president.

    Additionally, you learn to give an equal treatments to all Southerners not behaving like a notorous warlord/ particular community leader. NB:Abyei issue lie on every Southern citizens but it has to be combine with other untouched areas because the ownership of these area have got no their own president apart from you.It was because of Abyei that is why you traded in Ghong de Yak ( Kharasanna) in Arabic to Southern Khordufan in order to make their case vital and sensitive a case you badly fail to address it.


    South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok
    Mr President Kiir Miyardit,

    Words of mouth and without action is useless. How many times did you said that Abyei is belong to Dinka Ngok? Abyei is obviously belong to the Nine Dinka Chiefdoms or Sub-tribes of Dinka Ngok namely:


    Those are the Sub-tribes within the territory of Abyei, but because of your shallow and micro-politic which you have, that is why now Abyei is seems to be the land of Arabs. You say the word and then later on you run away from it. Mr Salva Kiir Miyardit, if Awan-Chan Nyel of Akon County in Warrap State, which is your place, was the one in place of Abyei, do you think you can left it behind? There are so many things which you did not even managed to solve since your present when you took leadership on Thursday, 08/11/2005. The border of Abyei with Messirya is not completed. The border of Ruweng Territory of Dinka Ruweng Community of Biemnom is not also completed and you always talk cowardice and fooling the audiences with nonsenses. Do you think that the money you always pocketed in your pockets came from Awan-Chan Nyel? Those huges sum of money which came from Khartoum as a budget to the South came from the two areas namely: Abyei oil and Heglig oil (Toor Aliiny) of Ruweng of Biemnom County in Unity State.

    On my side, you are just a leader by body, but you are not a leader by mind.

    By Augustino Deng. Jech la mer from Tharpam.

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok
    Augustine Deng

    I don’t like those who pretend to white hands more over they are not clear. Why do you like accusing President Salva Kiir over Abyei issues? We are there but no militia formed like that of Misseriya to be ready guarding the Abyei territory till forces from South Sudan Govt come in for assistant. God serve those who serve themselves, remember that. Did we try to serve ourselves and later run out of helps from govt? No, how many spla army from various ten states of South Sudan have died recently in Abyei before my eyes and who contribute them. Isn’t the govt? Stop criticizing.

  • Ayuen deng
    Ayuen deng

    South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok
    Do you think you can do it better,the past few years were for the implementation of CPA but now is the right time to threat the government of khatuom to let Abyei go and this will be done peacefully not throught war unless otherwise.

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok
    dear my cousins of abyei,

    what i believe for sure is that abyei will not come back to south sudan soon. it may take decades. and why?

    1/ abyei people are divided over their fate. some cry south, others cry north. even if those wanting to come to south sudan are majority, their voice is diluted by the unionists like dr. francis mading deng. and so the national congress party will not want the referendum conducted.

    2/ there is no any other legal way to bring abyei to south sudan than for them to vote. as you said, if it took southerners decades to claim south sudan which was clearly theirs, what do you think about the disputed abyei?

    3/ salva kiir is not a good negotiator when it comes to breaking a deadlock with opponent. his approach is always poor and can never convince omer al bashir to issue a decree returning abyei to south sudan per the boundaries drawn by the permanent court of arbitration. salva kiir is not a courageous leader who can commit himself to meeting with bashir face to face in order to break the deadlock. he will continue sending others like deng alor and pagan amum to talk for the sake of talks for a very long time and long time. salva kiir’s lack of courage contributed to just making few meetings about abyei in the previous presidency in khartoum. some of the issues might have been resolved if he was courageous with skillful approach.

    and some of his aides don’t like the idea of riek machar championing the case of abyei because that would increase riek machar’s standing in the public which others don’t want to see. his victory at the hague has shaken them.

    4/ south sudan is still weak to invade and capture abyei by force. the airforce superiority by khartoum is still a big threat to south sudan.

  • Adam

    South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok
    What about our territorial disputes with Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia?

    Uganda is in control of a tremendous land of the RoSS. So do Kenya and Ethiopia.

    Mr. President, are you aware of these issues?

    Adam Milawaki, Kwajok

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok

    south sudan has many border issues to tackle (peacefully) with its neighbors such as kenya,uganda and ethiopia.

    but let us first settle the borders with the north. you should have asked about the disputed areas between north and south sudan in addition to abyei.

    we have disputed sensitive border areas with the north which salva kiir failed to mention. these include higlig in unity state which belongs to dinka pariang.

    higlig oilfield was unfortunately and foolishly claimed from unity state and taken as part of abyei by the dinka ngok splm members in nairobi before the cpa was signed.

    it was an internal issue within the spla until the south sudanese leaders, particularly those of unity state conceded it to the people of abyei who were emotional at the time.

    because it was never part of abyei, the truth came to surface during the hague verdict where it was found not to have fallen within the territory of abyei. then the north said since it fell outside of abyei while abyei was in the north, then the area fell within the greater southern kordufan, which hosts abyei, within the north.

    such issues need to be discussed thoroughly, not only that the concentration should be on abyei alone. abyei will take time to come back.


    South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok
    Mr Abyei Soil,

    You have right to dispute whatever came untrue. To be frank to you, my word is very short to you and here is it. Such people like you are the people whom other people played a fool game on him. If you are from Abyei really, then you should have to understand me properly. If Abyei was Awan Chan of which Salva Kiir Miyardit belong, do you think that Mr Salva Kiir can leave it behind. My friend, I was in the SPLA and I know all the game that is going on. In the SPLA, If you are a strong guy who is capable to fight and carry gun, people will like you, but later on when you get wounded, the SPLM will pull away themselves and can not even take care of you.

    To reiterate, Salva Kiir Miyardit is not a leader. I said this and I means it.

    By Augustino Deng. Jech la mer from Tharpam.

  • Dau Mawut
    Dau Mawut

    South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok
    Dear President Kiir,

    You are 100% right to said that,Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok.But where are these Dinkas Ngok of Abyei?

    They are not serious about their own land.If they are! there is no place without WAR.

  • Runrach

    South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok

    You are absloutely right on that point, Kiir is not a nationalist president but a tribalistic leader.

    1/ Since he came into power, all the top govrt portfolio were form his Twic community as if the were the one who fought the war a lone.

    2/ Kiir’s toughness of Abyei issue is not because of any reason but he knew that they have already differed with Pagan and his role will be left as a vacant, so he have to rebuild relationship with Abyei people such he can get one from them to replaced an Splm hardliner/negotiator Hon.Pagan, just imagine Abyei issue had been there since CPA but Kiir and his kitchen cabinets had never been tough as they are showing their muscles early this week.

    3/ Kiir and Unity State governor are the most corrupt element figures in the SPLM leadership and that is why they are share holders in most major companies and this monies come from our state oil 2% plus taxes within the same company and the rest as well as many more lootings.

  • deng

    South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok
    Dear Runrach & Augustino Deng,

    Did anyone of you ever read the story of a dog who pick up a bone and run acrossing the bridge? If not, it goes like this. Once upon time, there was an hungry dog who live near by a bridge. One day, the dog went around the house and saw the bone on the ground. The dog pick up the bone and run crossing the bridge while seeing it own image in the water, the poor dog thought there was another bone in the water and jump in the water ending up losing both. Think about it.


  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok
    Augustine Deng,

    Abyei problems and solutions lay on our hands as Abyei indigenous citizens to arms ourselves and face Misseriya militia group while waiting support from RSS.

    Please Mr Deng, If I am talking to the real Abyei son then let’s remind ourselves to form our own group that correspond with Misseriya militia and let’s leave the culture of criticism.

    President Salva Kiir is doing the will of Southerners and who ever show his concern can be helps therefore, we should put in place our demand for being part of South by fighting Misseriya. I am confidence on this brother. Let us work together.

    Look at Gaza in Israel, the concerned citizens, residents are much attentive to its solutions and there is a saying in Dinka language that “Acin raan jak ke liu nyin thin” means there is no man get rich while not there. However, we can’t be free while we are not ready to face the challenges. Thanks.

  • dakin

    South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok
    Dinka Ngok are in Juba at Bilpam or Kiir’s house, and Khartoum in Bashir’s house, and the Messiriya are in Abyei to answer your question. A lizard, a palace

  • Mading Makuac
    Mading Makuac

    South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok
    You are right but i disagree with you on saying that there is no place without war .Abyei at the first time will be through
    negotiation if not succeed then war will follow .

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok
    Kiir must explain to southern Sudanese in general and Nuer community in particular the mysterious death of General Gatluak Gai, and what steps are being taken to investigate how he ended being up killed while his forces were being integrated!!

    As citizens of this country we need to know why the so-called Marcko Choul killed him and as who, a someone independent or an affiliate of SPLA, where is him right now and what happened to the integration process!!

    Kiir, to. investigate someone’s death is a universal basic human right, you have to do that otherwise you will be next in the assassination row mark my words dumb!

    Now, this is the Forth time an integration of rebel forces by your SPLA thugs ended up with blood shed! I don’t think you will be able to getaway with this crime because you are government now even though it is just by name only, you will still be accountable for those evil acts committed by your subordinates simply because you are not rebel anymore although you still behave like one!! stop your nonsense talking about abyei but focus on the real issue, assassination of general Gatluak Gai rest in peace, in your custody!!

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok
    Abyei was transfered from the South in 1905 and CPA award it to the Ngok Dinka who were transfered from the South,so now the matter of Abyei will another battle that the Khartoum will not forget in their lives unless they cooperate with us the south and obey the CPA and allow the DINKA NGOK to go south peace. The problem of Abyei is not that simple dear brothers

    . If you think that you are non Dinka and Abyei do not represent then we the Dinka and the patriot are capable to bring back the Abyei by peace or by force. If the North has Dinka in the North then the will argue. Folks, you must stop opening your mouth while not knowing why Salva Kiir talk like that.

    My freinds ABYEI problem is similiar to the South problem,so if you disagree then prepare yourselve for refugees because we DINKA and the other proud citizens can not allow Abyei to be taken by Jallaba.

    This is a real war. the occupation of abyei in May was the plan by Khartoum to take the whole CPA to zero level and that is why we want out country to be announce officially be ready with their aggression in the border issues like the Abyei. Folks, leave the Abyei problem to us and just close your nonsesen.

  • Michael Angelo
    Michael Angelo

    South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok
    Dear Augustino Deng,

    As per your comment about president Kiir’s remark on Abyei issue. What do you expect president Kiir to do? What is your point of airing out those negative words on president? Why are you always so judgemental of him while he is doing his best so far? Anyone who has been followed your comments can tell you how naive and a hater you are. Without Kiir’s patience, South Sudan wouldn’t have celebrated her Independence you have had enjoyed recently.

    In addition, all your comments are full of criticisms and insulting while forgetting the fact that he’s in a difficult situation that require good judgement and patiency. Yes, freedom of press and speech gives us right to criticize our leaders, but we shouldn’t criticized those who are doing their best for the betterment of our future. Let’s support our leaders and not discouraged them. We need to join hands with our leaders and work together in order to develop our country.

    Brother Augustion, I’m not a mentor of Kiir Mayardit or related to him by clan either, but I suggest that we should give a little appreciation to our leaders even though we’re doubt that they didn’t fulfilled all our expectations.

  • Runrach

    South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok
    Thank for your Bibical parable Mr.Deng and I wish I knew your personal address or Email such that that I could send you a transcript or certificate of being a good preacher.

    Since, then, Augustino and I never knew each other as I don’t know were he live and he don’t even know were I live as well.But collectively,our commences were identitically the same and that was not an allegation to president Kiir position but it is a real existing fact Mr. president doesn’t care of any other boundaries in which they have recently signed some documents to annexed some areas or places if you like to be part and parcel of Abyei territories.

    Second to that, Being a Dinka/Southerner Abyei issue is my number one target but let bring it back a long with some areas of which Kiir blindly failed to foresees its potential implications.

    Kiir thought by given these places to Abyei will make Abyei case stronger and vital for the RSS govrt meanwhile he failed to analyses Arabs at the same token got exactly the mathematical formula.

    In brief,I pity those who adorned Kiir leadership simply because he is a Dinka and an SPLM/A loyalist while they badly failed to critizes his mess.However, as per your preaching parable.

    Below is an answer to your commet: Once upon a time, Mr. fox said I wish I had a closed brother and friend of mine he could sincerely tell me my bad deeds before public known them. And since I knew nothing bad might be going on in my daily living therefore I had to used pathway as my toilet because nobody advices me not to do so and I found myself as the most clever animal in the forst. In this regard, Kiir is our president and it is our moral duty as citizens to advice him wisely.

  • Good Citizen
    Good Citizen

    South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok
    Absolute nosense. we know Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok, but when will they finally own? it belongs to Dinka Ngok by Mouth? this is very irritating to say the least.

  • Cuei Rooi
    Cuei Rooi

    South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok
    Its seem here mr president is wasting his time telling people of Abyei the history they know.yes evidences that exist show that Abyei territory belong to the nine Ngok chiefdom but the fact is what can you do about it because, its has been taken by North sudan.

  • Naath

    South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok
    Yes brother Dinka Ngok need to decide then get help from our government that how democracia work. We need to see them worrying about their future and show it to the world so that we as family would be able to help them. As you can see now they are just hidding shame on them.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok
    Hello! Deng

    I am just asking a simple question, are you sure Salva Kiir is from Twic tribe and not Rek? I thought Salva Kiir mother was from Twic tribe.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok
    Hello! Runrach

    I am just asking a simple question, are you sure Salva Kiir is from Twic tribe and not Rek? I thought Salva Kiir mother was from Twic tribe.

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok
    guys, almost every body in south sudan knew that abyei ‘belonged’ to dinka ngok. that didn’t need a lecture on the subject by the president of south sudan salva kiir.

    the question is does abyei technically now ‘belong’ to dinka ngok? no.

    abyei is currently ‘occupied’ by north sudan forces, not spla. abyei is currently ‘populated’ by arab messeirya tribe, not dinka ngok.

    90% of dinka ngok population has fled from abyei, crossed the north-south border and moved into south sudan in warrap, northern bahr el gazal and unity states.

    so, the area is claimed by mouth and on papers but practically it is under the occupation and population of the arab north sudan.

    the president should have just talked of his scheduled meetings with omer al bashir to resolve the issue instead of boring us with the lecture that abyei belonged to dinka ngok.

  • Runrach

    South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok
    Mr. Cadaai,

    To be honest, I do believe Kiir belong to Kuach section in Twic tribe. But is not the case of where he came from, my concern is that Kiir as a president of the Republic of South Sudan has to deal with Southern Sudan issues fairly instead of taking side.We all belongs to RSS and that is our main objective.

    Until then I hope you got me right.

  • Atem Deng malek
    Atem Deng malek

    South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok

    Thanks for your graet statement, but let’s not forget one thning about the issue of Abyei, yes geographically Abyei is a part of South Sudan, but decided by the following nine chiefdom to be a part of north Sudan which is under the responsibility of two political parties NCP/and SPLM, the issue of it will be determine by two thnigs,

    1- Strong initiatives from nine Dinka Ngok chiefdoms.

    2-SPLM will also take part by follow up the process of demarcation, and deployed some SPLA troops around the boarder for the better security for Dinka Ngok community and their properties in Abyei Area.

    3- Selfdetermination to be conducted by Dinka Ngok only with out Messiyria and it has to be facilitated by SPLM and am sure SPLM will facilitate all these process like the same procedures which they have taken on CPA untill they get our new nation the Republic of South Sudan.

    Therefore we not claim our president about the issue of Abyei, we can only say to our president that please go ahead with the same procedure and the same spirits of struggle to make Abyei to be apart of South Sudan.

  • Cadaai ?o?
    Cadaai ?o?

    South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok
    Thanks Runrach,

    My question was purely non-political, it was purely inquire because I am a writter. This year I have completed book about Dr. John Garang. Title: Dr. John Garang de Mabior: The Undiscovered Stories about Man Behind South Sudanese’ Freedom. Inside that book, I have wrote Salva Kiir as he is from Dinka Rek and his mother from Dinka Twic west. I know your concern, because some people here may take this pure inquire question into political form. Again, thank you very much Runrach.

  • syklops1

    South Sudan President asserts Abyei belongs to Dinka Ngok
    Bursa Cam Balkon
    izmir psikolog
    izmir psikolog
    bursa evden eve

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