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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan accuses North of launching economic war

By Ngor Arol Garang

July 25, 2011 (JUBA)-The newly established government of the Republic of South Sudan (RoSS) on Monday accused the neighboring state in the north of launching an economic war by adopting “hostile and discriminative” policies aiming at crushing its economy.

SPLM Secretary General Pagan Amum holds a press conference in the South Sudanese capital of Juba on July 25, 2011. (Getty)
SPLM Secretary General Pagan Amum holds a press conference in the South Sudanese capital of Juba on July 25, 2011. (Getty)
Speaking at a press conference held at the headquarters of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) in Juba, Pagan Amum, the Secretary General of RoSS ruling party, cited the release of a new currency in North Sudan as one of the strategies aimed at stifling the economic growth of the new nation by reneging an agreement he said was reached by the two parties in January to allow the two states to use one currency for the period of six months.

“The release of the new currency by the North violates the agreement we signed in January”, said Amum.

South Sudan was the first of the two states to launch a new currency on July 18, claiming that it was forced to do so as North Sudan stopped supplying it with cash.

Amum said North Sudan’s move would cost South Sudan US$700 million as the cash they are exchanging for the new South Sudan Pound will become valueless.

He described reports and allegations that the North was not aware of the plans by the South to release its own currency as a “white lie”.

“As a matter of fact, this issue was discussed and agreed by the two parties in Addis Ababa in January 2011. It was again discussed and agreed in March that the two states would even share the features of the proposed currency with the North,” he explained.

He described action taken by the government in the north as “hostile and unacceptable behaviour”.

Rabie Abdel-Aatii, a spokesman of North Sudan’s ruling party said the adoption of the new currency will be gradual and so the people of South Sudan have a chance to change the old currency.

“Our banks now are dealing with the same, the new currency and old currency,” Atti said. “I don’t think this is a big problem … I think it can be resolved technically without trouble for the north or the south.”

Last week Sudan’s finance and national economy minister Ali Mahmood Hassanein cautioned on the possibility that part of the old Sudanese pound would be smuggled into Sudan for the purpose of exchanging it with the new currency and stressed that measures will be taken to prevent that.

Hassanein was apparently making reference to what Sudan perceives as attempts by the authorities in South Sudan to undermine their economy.

South Sudan has been resisting demands by Khartoum to hand over the old version of the pound circulated in the South which was estimated to be equivalent to $700 million.

The Central Bank of Sudan (CBoS) said last week that South Sudan wants to replace old currency only through exchanging it with foreign currency or commercial trade between the two countries.

But Hassanein today dismissed the demand saying that South Sudan can keep the old currency “in the museums”.

They can keep it the same way they kept the [Sudanese] flag [at South Sudan independence ceremony]” the minister said.


The minister also confirmed reports that he had submitted his resignation from both ministerial portfolios and position of Secretary General of the party, but his decision was rejected by the president and the leadership council.

He explained that he had wanted to “give room to new blood in both the government and the party”, denying allegations that he was pushed to resign from his positions due to differences within the party.

He reported that the chairperson of the Abyei negotiations, former president of South Africa, Thabo Mbeki, is expected to visit Juba tomorrow on Wednesday to hold consultations with the officials from SPLM and the government of South Sudan on the way forward on the negotiations.

Last Sunday, President Bashir agreed to the resumption of talks between the two countries over the remaining issues.

Speaking about unresolved issues in the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement, the South Sudan government spokesperson told the press Monday that some critical issues are still subject to negotiations with the help of the international mediators.

The two governments have signed the Abyei protocol to resolve the border conflict and both parties should implement that protocol.

Barnaba Marial Benjamin said 80 per cent of border issues have been agreed upon. “We had prepared Blue Nile and South Kordofan protocols, which will help resolve current issues and bring stability in both countries,” he added.

The minister said his government is committed to the concept of soft borders with the North, allowing freedom of movement to pastoral list and it will welcome and help settle Southern Sudanese who wish to return from the North.

South Sudan will recognize all legally acquired property and land ownership. It will also respect the right of people living in territory from diverse ethnic cultural and racial backgrounds as the transitional constitution”, he said.



  • Nhomlawda

    South Sudan accuses North of launching economic war
    North Sudan is supporting rebel movements in South Sudan.

    Technically, North Sudan and South Sudan are at war.
    Economic war is part of the bigger war North Sudan is waging against South Sudan.

    SPLM/GOSS should have prepared for this if you were visionary leaders but you made looting your key objective within the last six years.

  • Naath

    South Sudan accuses North of launching economic war
    To add something, Our newly nation needs to expects any uncertainties not only from North Sudan, but also from others country. I personally hits Mr.Amum being so cliamism every time. We are a country, deal with any of uncertainties that comes across your line. North is our enemy, our fight with them will never end as long as they will see us progressing.

  • akot

    new currency
    NCP is nothing, they are just want to imitate Southern Sudanese. i think old Sudan is going to be zero without us,they need us, but we don’t need them.
    South Sudan Oyeeeeeeee, we are all in it.
    I’m Akot Anei

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    South Sudan accuses North of launching economic war
    Thanks Amum,we are going to loose $700 Million but for the Arabs in the north they are going to loose $700 Billion on weary on that
    But we should change our Petrolum pipe line from going to port Sudan,you Government of RoSS should involves a company on this,we can take aloan of three years payment from any company interest in constructing the Pepeline and will be paid in the period we starting selling our oil.


  • Sam.Eto

    new currency
    Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

    Have you been drinking. You need everyone – including and especially North Sudan to survive. The whole world is telling you this. But your too drunk to realise – wait till you wake up and the hangover is over.

  • Anei Matungphat
    Anei Matungphat

    South Sudan accuses North of launching economic war
    Gov’t Servants;
    I thinks we should learn to accept the fact that we’re now a country on our own. What matter in Blue Nile and Nuba Mountain is an internal problem in the North and we should not stick our nose into Northern internal affairs. The only way our government will interven is through international or world concern. Yes! Those pple helps us achieve our freedom & we cann’t let them alone, but there is nothing we can do now except support them illegally without Northern knowledge. However, we cann’t negotiate for them anymore. They can do their own talking.

    Regarding Economic war, we should have a backup plan in position already because this was expected since the South voted for secesion during referendum. It’s ain’t suprise now, is it?

  • Mwalimu Chol
    Mwalimu Chol

    South Sudan accuses North of launching economic war
    There’s no ground for launching of economic if North Sudan is far away from our republic in South Sudan policies.

  • Konan

    South Sudan accuses North of launching economic war
    Wake up guys and stop drinking for a while, the old days have gone forever. Now you are a separate country and your relationship with the North is governed by the International laws. The North cannot afford any further concessions. Your immature leader made the silliest remarks in his life in the presence of President Bashir. You introduced your own currency just days after separation with clear intention to hurt North’s economy despite previous agreement to keep old pound into circulation. Crying loudly would not solve the problem you should set together with the North to find amicable solution to this issue; otherwise you have to stop pumping oil through the North or construct your own pipeline to Kenya or any other country which would not be for free either.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    South Sudan accuses North of launching economic war
    Pagan Amum again! Well this time lying on the open air.At least you should respect the brains of your people.You said you signed an agreement in January to use the old currency for 6 month!Everyone here know that you were the first to have violated this agreement by launching your own currency in violation to the agreement you signed.

    What would you expect from the North? To just sit waiting and watching you to play your dirty and wicked game to destroy our economy!Of course they know what you were planing and they were prepared to launch their own new currency just 1-2 days after your launching your currency.They are more smart than you and there is a huge difference between being smart and being wicked.

    Pagan you have to know very well that we are free to do whatever in our “failed old state” and you are to do whatever you like in your “new sudan paradise”.You can looot as much as you can untill your president ” beg” you to repatriate your money from your foregin account, and we will not bothered.

    The game of the “Arabs violated the CPA” is over …bye ..bye PAGAN, and stop lying to your people commerade!This is not going to feed the poor marginalized and starving southrners.Sell your mansion in Australia, bring your kids home and close your foreign account and many poor life will be saved.

  • Adam

    South Sudan accuses North of launching economic war
    I wonder what Mr. Amum is trying to achieve? All the mess we’re in is because of his childish and emotional statements. You started a war and now crying? You violated the agreements first. If you are sincere enough and not lying to us, publish the agreement signed by whomever in the GoS and let us judge who the trouble-maker was. I believe this is just the stage drama and fuss he is making to return to the political arena. But it is too late for you to cheat us anymore.

    Please return our stolen money and fly to Australia or Austria or whatever. Leave this nation alone.

    I am not happy that your resignation was not accepted, as you stated today. You failed to say this immediately and informed us that you were busy bla bla bla.

    In fact I am so frustrated that Mr. President was so weak in front of Western and regional pressures to keep you on office. What a shame!

    Adam Milawaki, Kwajok

  • ebony

    South Sudan accuses North of launching economic war
    OK Pagan..this is on the part of the North (Sudan)..what about our own politicians stealing the money of our own people..our own people who are hungry and poor..let me tell you one thing Pagan..if you want to be on continous confrontation with the North please do it with your own effrots and not waste the money of people of RoSS in Darfur rebels because NCP is evil enough to do the have already given these Darfurians lots of our money what have they achieved? Second..I think it was your plan to change the money early..while RoSS agreed with Sudan to use the old currency for nine month suddenly RoSS launched its new currency after 48 seemed that the currency was printed in a hurry since essetial features like the dtae were missing..the NCP got news of the new curreny and they launched their new currency as well ..who was hurt at the end

  • Agutran

    new currency
    Please north has no economical power to enforce any war! The South has all the economical power and all the South need to do is to enforce it, what you need to do is just say we don’t need to do anymore business with you, and just wait and see who will be crying!

    I heard it the other day on the BBC radio and Television that Pagan Amum is accusing the north of economic robbery because the north is charging the South too much for renting the oil pipeline!.

    Does anyone need to be crying for that? Just say no to that kind of business. Look, I don’t have any Degree in economics and no one need to have a degree to figure this out; it’s just a common knowledge.
    You’re giving the north the power they never have and by no means dreamed of.

  • Dumodit

    new currency
    Dear brother Akot

    What you said is not correct, the statement “we do not want them’. How do you translate the word ‘Sudan?’. Sudan is for black people and we still have those black Nuba and black Eastern, Western and South-North tribes.

    I have to say Sudan is for the Negroes Africa. It is not Saudi. There4, let Arab of Sudan go back to Middle East.

    By Peter Dumodit

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    South Sudan accuses North of launching economic war
    Pagan Amum!!

    hahahahaha, lol, I thought you know what you were doing when you used to behave arrogantly and silly toward north!!

    what do expect when you behave the way you do, without any reservation whatsoever toward north, why do you think north should be good to you and wish you being when your idiotic government is working tirelessly to demolish north using Fur and SPLA northern section, when you are not yet able to look after your own hungry population!!
    when haven’t yet secured the food for your Hungary people!!

    Now it has become clearer to everybody in Sudan that all the decisions you have been making were in fact influenced by alcohol that you are abusing
    day and night and 24/7 in jungle you call a country and not genuinely from your own creative minds!! So,what is next step now, are you going to run away or wait for starvation to roast you in your zoo you call a country!! it is good that north Sudanese are longing for the regime change in ROSS like you are against them ! I wish they they arm SSLA and various armed movements in RoSS to topple your regime, or else they can use port Sudan and oil pipeline as tools to knock you out economically so that your criminal network in south Sudan collapse like an air bubble!!
    just for our southern Sudanese people to breath without your SPLA/M terrorism!!

  • Madut Tong
    Madut Tong

    South Sudan accuses North of launching economic war
    Dear readers,

    I want to appreciate what Mr. Pagan Amum is saying, because it is expected from a ex-foe to fight whoever separates from them. Some people on this website say that it is the South who violated the January agreement, but according to my knowledge is that the South was forced by the north to quicken the launch of her new currency, because the Central Bank of Sudan refused to give them catch. Anyway all this is a reality that the south should face, there is no other way of solving it, so, let the economic planners should work hard to tackle the issue.

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    South Sudan accuses North of launching economic war

    look at you people who tried to deny pagan amum’s resignation. now he has confirmed that he almost resigned as truly floated earlier in the media.

    but why did he tried with the help of cirino hiteng to deny the fact. i hope they listened to my advice yesterday that it was not a shame to tell the truth about the resignation.

    a highly placed minister like cirino hiteng tried to deceive the public that pagan amum was only busy that he could not take oath of office as caretaker. now it is very clear that he submitted his resignation. shame on deceivers.

    now pagan amum himself has shamed them!

    thank you pagan amum for telling the nation the truth about your resignation. i hope you used a smart strategy by ringing the bell in order for the president to beg you and maintain you in the next cabinet.

    clear move, ah!

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    South Sudan accuses North of launching economic war

    Do you really feal happy when you know very well that you are knowingly not tell the truth? You couldn’t phrase it properly!

    Of course there is anotherway. That is to act honestly, transparently and decently.This what is called a win:win game!

    Assuming that others have no brains and that a lie with some noise will work, makes you loose all the games, because nobody will trust you!

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    South Sudan accuses North of launching economic war
    south sudan’s new currency may crash soon if we are not careful. i doubt the professionalism of those dealing with our cheap new currency which is rapidly falling against the dollar as we speak, but i can confirm their corrupt minds.


    look at you people who tried to deny pagan amum’s resignation. now he has confirmed that he almost resigned as truly floated earlier in the media.

    but why did he tried with the help of cirino hiteng to deny the fact. i hope they listened to my advice yesterday that it was not a shame to tell the truth about the resignation.

    a highly placed minister like cirino hiteng tried to deceive the public that pagan amum was only busy that he could not take oath of office as caretaker. now it is very clear that he submitted his resignation. shame on deceivers.

    now pagan amum himself has shamed them!

    thank you pagan amum for telling the nation the truth about your resignation. i hope you used a smart strategy by ringing the bell in order for the president to beg you and maintain you in the next cabinet.

    clear move, ah!

  • Konan

    South Sudan accuses North of launching economic war
    There is no ambiguity in our policy towards ROSS we are ready to cooperate with you and help you build your new state on only one condition just refrain from playing with our enemies to damage our country and stop meddling in our internal affairs, forget about the past and let us turn a new page. You can pretend that you are the strongest and richest country in the World but by that will fool yourself and nobody else. You need us more than we need you. We import nothing from the South. In fact you have nothing to give us. For God sake do not talk about oil, we found it we pumped it and left for you.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    new currency

    Are sure you know anything about Sudan? If so tell me where are these white people in Sudan.

    Again who told you that Eastern Sudan are not connected to the Arabs? Just have a look at the map of Africa and you will see that East African particulary East Sudan, Somalia,Eriteria and Ethiopia were centuries connected with Arab penensula before the Great Africa Rift formed the red Sea and before the Nylotic tribes migrated from Kenya and north Tanzania and other Massai areas into the present Sudan.East Sudan is more Arabic than any part of Sudan.

    Again, who told you that Darfurian are not connected with Arabs.Darfur was the main gate for the Arabs to enter Sudan.

    I donnot know what is your problem with Arabs? Arabs had never invaded South Sudan.Northerners in general had never the South and we did not made these borders.Only after Ugandian refused to annex the south to them the Christian British colonizers decided to annex you what was Sennar state which is forming the Sudan of today.

    You people need to grow and read for yourself and not to remain brainwashed forever!

    We will remain like what we are and we are very much proud of ourselves.Those we want us will be most welcomed , just like the one million who are happy to remain with .Otherwise we will never change!

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    new currency
    Mohammed ali

    Welcome back brother!!

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    South Sudan accuses North of launching economic war
    Supporter of North/ SSLA, how about if I talk to hero Pagan Amum to feed you since you are one of his Hungary population before the North feeds you and turn you against us Southerners as they always use you?

    Would you please promise not to turn against your people if he feeds and prompt you to a general headless Quar Midiit? He will even buy you a house in Juba if you want.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    new currency
    Supporter of SSLA, you are the only person claiming to a Nuer who calls Jalaba his brother and welcomes him back.

    I doubt there is any other Nuer apart from you even Gadet with all the support he got recently from jalab in terms of weapons, new uniforms and boots could call a jalab his brother.

    Are you really what you claim you are? And how many cousins Nuer on this website that can call Jalaba his brother? My guess is I doubt there is anyone there that will side with you in Nuer communities that will side with you in your Jalaby brotherhood but you fake Nuer.

  • dingdong

    South Sudan accuses North of launching economic war
    mi diit

    Cirino was not only tried to lie to the puplic but also make himself fool by explaining someone else decision. Instead, president Kiir should have been had better covered up than Cirino

  • Dhalaluaak

    new currency
    Mohammed Ali,

    Have you been drinking lately before you jumped on your keyboard typing your make up history?I think you don’t know anything about the history of Kush,which you recently changed to Sudan [bed al sud ].Land of the the black.

    I can admit and asseverated that you are a Sudanese by birth but your ancestors are Arab traders from the middle east who came to the land of KUSH by crossing the red sea by boat known as DHOW.From there our forefathers welcomed your forefathers and gave them land for settlement as close partners in business ventures.But your greed needs caused a lot of hoax to those who gave you this luckily accommodation peace without knowing your hidden evils.

    You are not A NATIVE of this land[Country] even though you live in it and enjoy her richness.You were beggars for settlement.

    Before you occupied the north,Our forefathers lived there before they moved south-ward.I can challenge you a lot Mohammed.You twisted almost every area in this country in order to suit/fit your interest of claiming KUSH[Sudan] as yours,but the history still betrayed you beggars of land.

    Look at the following examples:
    Original name Twisted name

    1*Kiertuom Khartuom
    2*Wendhurman Omdhurman
    3*Marakal/Makal Malakal
    4*Kush Sudan
    Those are some of the examples to show you that there were no any Arabs in those places for some four[4]thousand years ago.Now i will give you the meanings of the above mentioned places as follows:
    1*Kiertuom means Rivers at a meeting point
    2*Wendhurman means a boy who cries for his mother
    3*Marakal means the lost calf
    4*Kush means black man.
    Hence,those places were inhabited before you came by Jieng/Muonyjang[Dinka],Nuer,Sholo and some other tribes,who are now scattered all over the South.They were our ancestors’ cattle camps even.While on the other,Our brothers the Nubian,Puny and Beja lived in southern Egypt.

    The idea of us being from east Africa
    First of all,you need to know where did the people in east Africa came from.Most of the people living in Kenya came from Kush and Sheba/abyssinia[Ethiopia] but some from Somalia and Bantus from Congo.Don’t bring the deception written by your professor Beshir[not omer Beshir] here.He was a liar who twisted history.Another writer was Ferguson who was trying to annex South Kush to east Africa but failed miserably till he was killed by Nuer in a misfortune way.Even the Bible can judge you wrong because the people,who were described in the gospel as tall and smooth skin disqualify also.We had never been part of any Arab culture from the creation up to now.You are total wrong if you describes Kush as an Arab land rather than being an African land.

    Please don’t ever teach us your fake and baseless history.
    You are not even are in between Arabs and African origin.Even Seligman used to assumed our history to compare us with others,who not kushites by origin.

    Please make a good research before you writes your dump history.

  • belle loboi
    belle loboi

    South Sudan accuses North of launching economic war
    We all know that this sneaking man is clever thief in South Sudan. Where is money(3 million) that he stolen this month.
    pagan need to be very careful about his ideology in his own office and he need to know that his not only one that is education in the South Sudan.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    new currency

    No, I have not being drinking because I donnot drink alchol.

    I will just refer you to two reference , the best about Kuch and Nubia for a man who was digging in Sudan for decades.His name is Derek Welesby . He was excavating in Sudan since 1982.

    These are the reference ” sure yiu have never heard of them”

    1- The Kingdom of Kush. ISBN 0 7141 0986 X

    2- The Medieval Kingdoms of Nubia ISBN 0 7141 1947 4

    Go and read these books first and then come and ask me to make research.

    Few thing to tell you abou Kush and Nubian ” the language of who we still speak”

    1- Nubians were christians since the 6th century with their churces everywhere even in Soba just south to Khartoum , while southrners by and large are still Pagans. Christianity only came to the south in the 19th century.Mostly in the south you worship the cows just like the massai and drink it’s fresh blood the same way.

    2- Names of the people like ” Nugud” as in Nugud Allah which means Abdullah , Seti which means the bow .These names exist among us the Nubians up to this date and not among you.

    3-Because you don’t know what was the name of Khartoum you invented that translation. Khatoum used to be called Khartoum-Tutti until it was declared as the capital by the Turks , when slowly it became Khartoum.Even this was not the original name it was jus a modification of the original name which was KOURKOTTI , which means ” clay soil or mud or in Arabic teen”.

    4- The Amhari and tigrawi languages in paricular are classified ” scientifically” as Afro-Asian languages. They all share gentic characteristic in their Y chromosomes with the Arabs.This evident in their facial features,nose, hair and colour. Their language came from the Geez language which is a semetic language.

    These are few things to help you to enlighten yourself a little bit .If you need further reference donnot hesitate to ask. Even within the internet I will show you where to find information.

  • Dhalaluaak

    new currency
    Mohammed Ali,

    I am a Sudanese both by birth and nativity than you are ,son of the immigrant.You cannot tell me anything about the history of my people than i know by myself.I can’t just summoned on your fake references written for bogus or lies to distort the real history.For instance you said the “Nubian were christian in 6th century”.What a big liar you are Mr.Mohammed,to correct you better the NUBIAN were the first non gentile christian in Africa in 3th century.The first Nubian christian[Eunuch] was baptized in river Jordon by the apostle Philip.From there,they carry on their christian belief up to the 6th century where they felt in 670 AD due the emergence of Islam by your people.They kept fighting the Arab in Sudan,Egypt and Eritrea.Unfortunately they lost power and failed drastically.That was how the Nubian became Islamized by you land beggars.

    Another big lie is that,you said Christianity reached the South in the 19th century.Wrong,Christianity reached the in 1846[Upper Nile],in 1848[Khartoum],in 1853[ Bari-land-Equatoria],and later the missionaries withdraw among the Dinka in 1854,1859 and 1860 to Khartuom.But the first dinka evangelist in 1869 returned to Khartuom in order to assist missionaries with baptism.The Comboni Philosophy of NATIVE evangelization seminary was founded in 1867 at Verona.Comboni missionary sisters established a school for girls in 1900,where you picked up the wrong history of Christianity in Sudan.

    You had mentioned that an excavation was made in 1982.Well,to whom did those fossils resembled?In order to be frank,the remains were resembling Dinka,Nuer and Sholo respectively. That fact was put forth by Scientist.You also mentioned Tutti,incorrect his name was Tut,a Nuer by tribe was a chief whose cattle camp was situated in Omdurman.If you think i lied to you then ask any Nuer you know,he/she simply will tell you the same thing i have told you.My father was born in 1880s,so i know more histories than you do.

    If you want to know much about our histories than i can recommend you to study the followings:
    Scientific anthropology and Cultural anthropology
    Ethics and geography
    These will help you how people belief,behave,organized and where they came from,especially their origin.Like you who just came temporarily for trading purposes from Saudia Arabia.

    Don’t ever refer me to read your bogus books.I am good in at History,anthropology and Psychology.If i ask you some few questions you will never answer me right.I hope you will understand and correct your weak history from the above.

    I don’t have time to preview my typing in case of any errorneous occurrences.

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