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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan avails new foreign policy, to open 54 embassies

July 25, 2011 (JUBA) — The South Sudan on Monday availed new foreign policy including opening a total of 54 new diplomatic missions around the world.

Barnaba Marial Benjami (ST)
Barnaba Marial Benjami (ST)
Barnaba Marial Benjamin, a caretaker Minister of Information and official South Sudanese government’s spokesperson on Monday told journalist at a press briefing that the newly born state has prepared a new foreign policy strategy following review of existing agreements, including agreement on sharing of Nile river benefits.

“The country has planned new trade agreements with different countries and will open embassies and consulates around the world with new diplomatic service staff,” Barnaba said.

The minister said the newly independent country plans to increase the number of diplomatic missions to 54 in the future. Around 34 diplomatic missions will be opened in a first phase in addition to the 13 diplomatic missions already established.

In line with the 2005 peace agreement implementation the South Sudan government opened Liaison Offices in some neighboring countries and Western countries to manage its interests and regional cooperation.

The minister said that tourists who want to visit South Sudan could apply to the missions. “But, visitors from those countries, where we have no diplomatic missions for the time being, will be granted visa on arrival”, he said.

He further added that the country has already become a member of the United Nations and remaining looking forward to join number of international institutions including the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

“We also have plans to become a member of the Common Market for East and Southern Africa (COMESA) and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in Eastern Africa and will also sign bilateral and mutual agreements with various countries”, he stressed.

The minister said the Republic of South Sudan is working to open an embassy in the United Arab Emirates to boost economic and trade relations between the two countries. He said there are daily cargo flight between the UAE and Juba. The Republic of South Sudan has good ties with Egypt and many South Sudanese students are in Egypt for study and training purposes.

Many states around the world recognized the republic of South Sudan which is proclaimed its independence on 9 July after January’s referendum on self determination where South Sudanese voted overwhelmingly in favor of secession. Sudan was the first to recognize the new state on 8 July 2011.

He said the South would continue to work with the North as an independent and sovereign state as both the countries have common economic and security interests. He further said that the parties are currently scheduled to resume negotiation on some of the outstanding issues, such as border demarcation, the issue of Abyei, and oil revenues.



  • George Bol
    George Bol

    South Sudan avails new foreign policy, open 54 embassies
    We South Sudanese want to finish with the Abyei issue,border, Consultation of the two states before the rest.The South Sudan is the democratic state and will need economic and political relationship with those who need us. Thanks

  • Naath

    South Sudan avails new foreign policy, open 54 embassies
    Let us keep moveing Mr. caretaker. There is a big tast ahead of you sir, and I believe you will handle it.

  • Bush

    South Sudan avails new foreign policy, open 54 embassies
    Let the Ambassadors be appointed fairly and should be based on professions and qualifications and not to appoint only greedy people who will bring shame to our new nation as we are seen it today that the consulates abroad are full of families and relatives of the consulate generals and the so called military attaches.

  • Aleu

    South Sudan avails new foreign policy, open 54 embassies

    Be specific when saying something, who are those greed people will bring a shame.?

    I know some people in South Sudan are now pretending themselves to be Sons of its Southern Sudan nation and want to talk about qualification not thinking the time they were hidding on the Top of Mountains. If you want to be Ambassador please come up and take application but wait before you fillout your application, you must go to frontline there in Southern Kordofan and Abyei

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    South Sudan avails new foreign policy, open 54 embassies
    So what is new in that, every sovereign country does that, so it is not a new discovery idiots!! and I wonder which country we are going to build before resolving all those sensitive issues such as armed movements in RoSS and thus insecurity, corruption, pending issues or what is collectively known as post-referendum arrangements( including, border demarcation, wealth sharing, Abyei issue, international debt ect).
    Don’t forget that you are in cold war right now with north Sudan and your survival as a government will be greatly undermined or sabotaged by that unless you change your attitudes and stop playing with fire, but start resolve all or majority of the issues mentioned above, otherwise, you are a big to me!! and why Arab world, I thought you divided the country because you want to create an African country, why don’t focus on African diplomacy or you are trying to make north jealous!! be honest to yourselves and figure out what you really need dumbs!!

  • Bush

    South Sudan avails new foreign policy, open 54 embassies

    Such mentality that you have are what I meant, I had been in the front line at the age of 16 years old and I didn’t fear anything, what will make me fear today if I were told to go to front line? I did not hide in the refugee like you only to and pretend to be a soldier after when the CPA was signed. Since I sacrificed my life for this country I will not sit back and let these greedy people loot our country, read all my comments here and analyze what type of person I’m, if I didn’t fight the war then I would have been very a shamed to comment here.

  • wacjak

    South Sudan avails new foreign policy, open 54 embassies

    That is a problem with people of your kind. Why should you boast of your sacrifice? If you are true to your words and you fear nothing, would you kindly reveal yourself, such that I could trace you. I have not been in the front-line like you and others, but I having moving in the South and I do know and still stay with many of your folks who suffered the brand of 21 years of struggle. That is my simple request from you brother.

    Why do I inquire your identity is simply because, am sure, you never participated not even for a day during the liberation struggle. Because had you joined in, then you would not finger-point at others to have looted the government of the people. Real liberators are gentle, kind and sober, not boasting like you.
    Thank you.

  • Bush

    South Sudan avails new foreign policy, open 54 embassies

    I’m not boasting about my scarifies, but Mr Aleu wants to who I’m and I just wanted to tell him that I was not among those who were hiding on the top of the mountains during the time of war.
    To be frank, I’m really very annoyed with some of leaders because of what they are doing now, we didn’t go to bush to liberate ourselves only so that we become rich in expense of others, but to correct the wrongs that we fought for, provide good governance and deliver better services to the communities too.

    Don’t mind you know my identity soon and prove that I’m not a liar because we don’t live on lies.

  • Michael Angelo
    Michael Angelo

    South Sudan avails new foreign policy, open 54 embassies
    Aleu & others,

    Bush is right by saying that the RoSS should appointed qualified and straightforward Southerners who will not bring shame into our country. Aleu, did you read or listened to the speech that former Sudan Ambassador John Ukech Lueth gave when he denied Darfur genocide in USA? Brother, such people are the very same people that Mr. Bush is talking about here. I also believe that such people should not represent us in the foreign countries. NOTICE! Aleu, there is a nepotism going on now and I can prove that to you if you’re not already aware about that cancer.

  • Lo Isu
    Lo Isu

    South Sudan avails new foreign policy, to open 54 embassies
    @ Aleu & Wacjak.

    You people are just cowards, coz if that isn’t so you could have shut President Kiir immediately and publicly when he said appointment of the next cabinet shall be based on qualifications. You are good at making noise over this web page, when in reality you will struggle in holding a genuine rally to address this your useless comments.

    We are talking about Diplomacy here and not barking and yelling or war or Quarrels. Can’t you for once think sensibly.

    Surely your judgment is premeditated, preemptive and biased.

  • Bush

    South Sudan avails new foreign policy, to open 54 embassies
    @Lo Isu

    My bro,

    Do you think even they are happy with the President about what he said regarding the appointments?


    South Sudan avails new foreign policy, to open 54 embassies
    Listen Every one,

    Time is now for development, stop language of frontline because with such people we will never develop this country, many of them are staying under the trees waiting for FREE money from Government,.

    as our belove President said, time for Qualify people at hand, and time for ACCOUNTABILITY at place, if you have some think to develop this nation rather than Mr. Frontline you are well come.

    such people doesn’t know the reason of all this struggle between Khartoum and the belove people of south Sudan, they though only they will get what they want for their families only, my friend am sorry to said so, but it is the fact.

    all southerners have contributed for this struggle, either directly or indirect

    Long live Qualify people
    Long live south Sudan

  • akot

    South Sudan avails new foreign policy, open 54 embassies
    the God will punish SSLA, if u are SSLA suporter than u go to hell too.we will get ride of u soon as we finish with arabs. SSLA is nothing to GOSS,

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    South Sudan avails new foreign policy, to open 54 embassies
    If you may allow me to interfer , sicerely you donnot need 54 embassie at least for the next 5 years. 54 embassy means at least $ 540 millions hard earned money and very much need to build your new state. Unless you want to squander your money by investing in pleasing and satisfying the so called “intellectuals” and politicians, you donnot need that.

    Each embassy will need at least $ 10 million for rents, cars,salaries, recptions and parties and..bla..bla.., with very little return to your country.

    You need 5-6 embassies in africa , 5-6 in Europe ” one embassy can cover several countrie e.g scannavian countries” 1 in the state , 1 in China, 1 in India, 1 Japan . That will do very well.Any diplomatic releationship which will not bring money IN you should consider thinking about it 100 times!

    I doubt very much that the RoS has got 54 embassies.That is too big waste of money!

  • Bush

    South Sudan avails new foreign policy, to open 54 embassies

    You are right bro, it’s not the right time to talk about who did what and who didn’t do what during the time of wars but there some individuals who grew up in the refugee camps abroad wants to question us about our credibility that’s why I wanted to tell them who we are and what we did.

    There questions are always provocative so what can we to such people?

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    South Sudan avails new foreign policy, open 54 embassies

    Me alone with my microbiological expertise can destroy your SPLA using biological weaponry that I can easily make in my house in any corner in southern Sudan, so you will here that very soon!!

  • Nuer

    South Sudan avails new foreign policy, to open 54 embassies
    We need good relations with the world,However, we can have a very excellence relations with the all world If Mr.President task Dr.Barnaba in foreign policy as a minister of Foreign Affairs and international Cooperation.

  • Naath

    South Sudan avails new foreign policy, open 54 embassies
    Good man!,Those of refugee camps don’t understand how much suffering people had been during the struggle. The same things that is happening now in government those who advice president are those that have flied to Egyt, Khartoum, Uk you name it. Now, when the food is ready, they came to advice stupid ass men. They also made Mr.Kiir foreget about his fallows soldier. As you can see now many people including william Nyuon, Kerbino Kuanyin those guys start our lebrations by killing Arab soldiers can you emagine it.

  • Naath

    South Sudan avails new foreign policy, to open 54 embassies
    Guys, we have to say it because some people make as say so. Without frontline, there is not food. our Enemy was intentionally trying to eliminate us in our land so that he can have it all. If today those who fought push him back, they deserve respect. Which is not happening at all in the south sudan what can we do? All the families of those who fought and died for our freedom are the last people in south sudan this is some things a loyal man cannot take. Seeing disabled war veteran laying on the street is not worth.

  • LongTweng

    South Sudan avails new foreign policy, open 54 embassies
    SSLA supporter,
    you are now turning to forgery, lies and propaganda and you are not the first one to do so. But weak hearted people like you are amongst every community, they alway exist but never achieve one single thing in lifetime. Let me tell you that SPLA Fighters, with their unyielding determinations and courage rise up before your very own naked eyes, shinning and singing wild patriotic national hymens. They are brave men who left the daydreaming world of the likes of you but rise up above their physical and emotional strengths to aims high and to liberates our land and our people from traitors and oppressors. Every day, I will looks up to the stars in heaven and say thank you brothers and sisters above for your dream has made me proud and free forever. Because their action gave me the opportunity to achieve what I had achieve but troubled darken soul like you ignored them and seek the pass of destructions, may they forgive you and lighten your heart before your broken teeth hit the very motherly earth dirts.

  • wacjak

    South Sudan avails new foreign policy, to open 54 embassies
    Am glad you mentioned ” you are disatisfied with some of the leaders in the ROSS.” This is how a man should talk, because what is happening is not everyone’s business. Because if you say so, then you are committing a fallacy of generalization.

    Indeed there are a few individuals in the New Republic of South Sudan who are only eager to feed on other people’s things. These people can not be tolerated. And if you are talking of this, then I would be your staunch supporter condemning the act.

    As for MR. Lo Su, he is one of those who were hiding on the mountains. Am a hundred percent sure he never gave any help.
    Qualification in the strict sense of the word means many things but if I may stipulate on it and to contextualize it, it means, one must be qualified to have participated fully in the war that happened in the Sudan on the side of SPLA. One should have shown good governance in the war era.
    One should have not shifted sides. One should be able to read and read. One must be a South Sudanese.
    Minus all this, you are not qualified.


    South Sudan avails new foreign policy, to open 54 embassies
    my Bro, it is Good to write on this site, and it is bad when you are judging who went to fight who didn’t.

    Un qualified people always looking for excuses, still we have many wars ahead, if you can liberate abyei plus the internal rebels Alone then you have right to talk on it.
    secondly not all people have to be in frontline, if you know the meaning of SPLA/SPLM , you will avoid such ugly language in this front.
    SORRY , your still my Brother

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