Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan militia deputy admits killing Gatluak Gai

By Bonifacio Taban Kuich

July 25, 2011 (BENTIU) – The second in command in the rebel group, the South Sudan Liberation Army, Marko Chuol Ruei, has claimed responsibility for the death of his commander, Gatluak Gai and dismissed accusations against the South Sudan army (SPLA).

Gatluak Gai (SMC)
Gatluak Gai (SMC)
Gai was killed on Saturday in Pakur, Koch county, Unity state after successful peace talks with the SPLA on 18 July. However, SPLA forces in the area were accused of his death despite the repeated denials.

In an interview on Benitu Radio 24 July, Ruei, Gai admitted that he killed Gatluak and accused the latter of instructing his combatants on 22 July to dishonour the peace agreement and refuse integration into the SPLA,

Gatluak had ordered his troops to join forces from North Sudan to attack South Sudan, Ruei asserted.

He also claimed he was joined by other high-ranking rebel officers who did not want to return to conflict and therefore established a coup.

“Gatluak Gai should blame himself for his death,” said Ruei.

The SPLA spokesperson Phillip Aguer last Saturday denied any involvement in Gatluak’s death and accused his deputy Marko Chuol Ruei for killing the former rebel leader after disagreement within the rebel camp.

The SPLA official further said that on Saturday morning clashed erupted between five senior commanders led by Marko Chuol Ruei and Gatluak’s loyal forces when the former went to convince their leader to commit himself to the signed peace deal. Gatluak plus three others were killed during the fighting.

There have long been allegations that the Khartoum government has supported rebel groups operating in South Sudan. Ruei claims the SSLA had been in contact with Khartoum regarding the supply of munitions. However, this assistance was contingent on the SSLA joining forces with other militias headed by Peter Gadet and Bapiny Monytuel.

The SSLA localised rebellion began after Teny, the wife of South Sudan vice president Riek Machar beat Taban Deng Gai to the gubernatorial seat in Bentiu in April 2010. It is believed that Gatluak Gai wanted a county commisionership under Taban Deng Gai.



  • choldit

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    You useless Marko Chuol Ruei. How come you given pressure into something like this. You would better die instead of covering up for criminals.

    You think your life is better than the life of Nuer that being targeted by SPLA and Dinka Govt. You are nothing and will remian nothing.

    Shame on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Bush

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Same on all those who were accusing the SPLA on death of this militia leader now that culprits have revealed themselves. I even asked the question of how much people can trust that peace agreement since Gutluak’s son in-law is still leading a rebellion, was the one even trying to lure the SPLA into something dirty.


    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Good job done by you cde Marko Chuol Ruei..

    let many of them follow the same way and hope that’ those who think that SPLA played her part in his killing will now be a shame and will have nothing to say again about this allegation

    A shame to those who talk about Dinka everyday all day.

  • Naath

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    This guy is very stupid. I he is taking a bullet for spla? Cuz, let me tell you this, your life is in danger. do not think that you are getting anythings out of the killing of your brother. You are alone, spla will get naked. Do not party too much you are next. And also, shame on you.
    Every one know that spla is all behind this killing. Everybody know that you are not acting alone. If you are acting alone, you should be in jail by this time you should be talking enjoying yourself or voiceing in the radio.

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Thanks a lot Marko for your patriotism. Now,the deaf will listen this message through the eyes not ears. marko Chuol has made it clear that galuak gai when to dishonor the agreement and chose to join the North army. The guys was really slave and i think Marko Ruei is the hero because he bring down the greedy rebel. Let go ahead guys for development and leave those greedy people alone.

  • DOOR

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Hahahahahahahahaha! Maburuk Marko Ruei!

    They call him Gutluak instead of Gatluak, that editor must be our comrade in arm. lol

  • Naath

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Mr. Guey, no one is talking about Dinka here. Spla is not a Dinka restreint from that. Marco, is stupid even you, you know that, but you laughing on him since he can not be self worthy. You know in a country were there is justice system, it take time to confest to the law. But for him, he is thinking of get promotion, or money…. He is a stupid head.

  • Chanson

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    This is what I was waiting for.Sudantribune did right thing at last. to bring the voice of Brig.Marko Chuol Ruei to the public forum,about the death of Lt Gen Gatluak Gai.

    Now his death is clear and what I know some short sighted on this website will still count it on SPLA/M.But my question is this.If SPLA/M used to give/offer rebels amnesty and kill them.Then why is that the SPLA/M didn’t kill Dr Riek Gai and Yaya David?

    We are independence nation, we need no blood to run over our brand new soil again.



  • George Bol
    George Bol

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak

    You are struggling with truth,please swallow it and join the great work of Marko because he does not want our country to be disturbed by the rebels. Why do you guys always support rebels,is that the way you were born? I am serious!

  • Young

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Great mr Chuol to have admits killing of your comrade. Where are those who were accusing the Southern Army of killing Gai.?

  • Abyei Soil
    Abyei Soil

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    If you did it well, the world will appear beautiful to you. If you did it wrong, the world will appear ugly to you. (Johnkudusay)

    Mr. Gatluak never took time to think about this that’s he has gone simply like that. Who should be blame? No body, it is himself.

    Thank you cde Chuol Ruei for siding your act but remember next day don’t kill any rebel like the way you did. Capture him and throw him in prison. Let him work for you and for the benefit of the country. Terminating other life is not a professional way of dealing with crimes even In Mexico were drug gangs are more than the innocents, govt is dealing with drugs cartel gangs smartly and you can see them they are real criminals.

  • Nhomlawda

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Marko Chuol Ruei recognized visionless violent has no room in ROSS.

    Job well done Marko Chuol, another brave commander should rise against Peter Gatdet to treat him the same way Marko Chuol treated Gatluak Gai.

    Marko Chuol has to be assigned more work to deal with those who motivated them to cause aimless rebellion against their innocent people in Unity State.

    More work for Marko Chuol in next few days but now he is a Major General to be after integration.

    kou aye kol kou (thorn is removed with thorn).

  • Alfredo christiani
    Alfredo christiani

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Dear readers
    illiterates criminals are finishing themselves over leadership of money Hhahahahahahahha
    Dinka (Padang and ruweng) are the peaceful peoples in unity state. But Nuers are warlords and food lovers.No Joke this time ,eye with an eye teeth with teeth

  • victor sani
    victor sani

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Dear Brother .


    you know the problem are from Nuer not Dinka .

    iam alway Advising my Brothers that dont put the blame on Dinka for no reason like what happened now Mr Marko Chuol Ruei is not from Dinka ANuer tribe and its the man who Kill Gatluak Gai.
    even the death of Gatlual is not the hand of spla as people where put it.in the wrong side .
    I thanks Mr Marko Chuol Ruie of taking that Crose such that our brothers and sister in Nuer not to put blame on Dinka

    Victor Sani

  • Naath

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Truth sometime need soem ratios to distilled it. But, here we are dealing with true crime that doesn’t need hard evidents to direct the conviction. It is obvouse that spla have fingure print on the death of Gatluak Gai.

  • Cibaipiath Junub Sudan
    Cibaipiath Junub Sudan

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Dear readers;
    What is so funny in getting self promotion and forcing your self to political post to lead others when God has not permitted you to lead the people?

    What is that sweet thing that the North have which South Sudan do not have?

    Colonel, Gatluak was integrated into the SPLA and transferred into prisons where who would have enjoyed all powers to produce enough food for his family using the prisoners.

    Now, He returned into the very soil he was made of.

    Marco Chuol, You were wrong from the beginning to follow him. No need to appreciate you.

  • Mach

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Our young nation’s insecurity is not the priority nor the welfare of our people be put in motion at the hour.

    Security and Justice is done when such an illiterate and a blind minded person like Gatluak Gai’s life is extinct and it wouldn’t end when such a ill hearted man like Machar lead due to the will of the Government and not the good will of the people in the South by voting him onto that seat to represent our nation abroad.

    Simply Nuer citizens need to respect the status of their humble men in the leadership who never defected to our enemies like James Hoth if possible.

    You can say whatever you want because we are all free not because of the will of those who had and now in the enemy side.

  • dakin

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    You dinkas plus some few idiot Equatorian noodles were celebrating wildly here on hearing Gatluak’s death in contrast to the way you disturbed me about your so called ‘dinka massacre.’ what human are you! I had my own reservation not to blame anyhowly but now I know he was killed by the conspiracy of Pieng Deng and Kuol Manyang, two Jaang cowards betraying peace again in South Sudan.

    Marko Chuol I will not belief or respect your words. I assume you would have defected and leave him who had not yet changed his mind, I never trust reports by Bonifacio Taban anyway

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Good on you nuer. kill yourselves it is our pleasure.

  • wudu emmanuel
    wudu emmanuel

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Imprisoning him will not solve de problems,but chuol bullet is de only solution 4 those who does not recognise agreement.Afterall if he is 2 be imprisoned you will see gungs of Nuer surrounding de prison like what happened 2 de Finance minister.So moburuk chuol 4 excellent work done.You deserve credit.4 de mourners let them mourn,but we are celebrating.May his soul rest in Hellllllllllllll.

  • dakin

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak

    Thank you for not posting my comments because they are the most appropriate response to the article.
    No wonder you feel threatened by your own audience

  • Naath

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    I Only see the hell in you bro, death is the only man enemy. Accomplishement of the only words of death in my culture, is evil. Therefore, you are evil.not you parents who brought you to live, but you alone. Don’t relax, only these word alone, you will never be normal person again, and that is follow by you death count your days. you will meet Gen Gatluak very soon.

  • Naath

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    I love you man. you are exactly truth teller. But, please remind our brother that this Nuer Guy Marco is stupid in nature for his action against his boss/brother.

  • Sudan virus
    Sudan virus

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    I am about to trust Sudan tribune!

    So clear and brief clarification on Renegade Gatluak Gai’s death.

    Unless lunatic or perpetrator of militia ship, all readers can believe.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    My sincere tribute is paid to General Gatluak Gai, the victim of SPLA cowardice plot!! eye for eye and tooth for tooth

    All the soldiers who support general Gatluak must join SSLA immediately and without any delay,otherwise they will be killed if SPLA thugs managed to integrate them into their evil forces!!

    Marcko Choul Ruei is a dead man walking!! He started killing and will end up killed in the same manner, it is just a matter of time before he cut his death because my Nuer people are good at taking revenges ask SPLA about the good lessons they learnt when the militia used to fight with eastern Jickeny Nuer!!

    To the author of this biased article!!

    Please learn how to tell the truth as a professional journalist even if it is against your SPLM terror network!! incase you don’t know, there is no relationship between the rebellion of the late general Gatluak Gai rest in peace, which was triggered by the rigging of election by incumbent Taban Kiir Mayardit and the Mayom declaration that gave birth to the SSLA, the true army of ROSS, led by Gatnath ni general Gatdeet. Yaka, God bless him !! please don’t chat lies in order toconfuse the situation!!!

    concerning the relationship between SSLA and SAF friends, well speculate as much as you can and I hope things will become clearer very soon, let everyone remember the say, enemy of your enemy is your friend! so, take it from there and figure it out yourself!!

  • Nhomlawda

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak

    Kuol Manyang is symbol of fear among Nuer people. You guys always accuse Kuol Manyang even if he is just a civilian in Jonglei State.

    It is good to have a man like Kuol Manyang in South Sudan. He is a real solution to traitors. I wish Salva Kiir could have accepted Kuol Manyang to be appointed Defense Minister before he became a governor; there would have been no nyagats now in South Sudan.

    Kuol Manyang is the only man in South Sudan Nuer visionless rebels respect and fear much.

    May God bless Kuol Manyang and give him long life to continue instill fear among those brainless rebels so that they cannot throw this nascent state into dustbin.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    You nuer are becames like Arab who always belames their weekness on isreal.
    Even after the mureder claim the killing of his or brother yet your madness is keeping you in a wrong path of the realities.

    Anglina teny is going to kill Riek machar very soon and i know you will belaim on dinkas since your weekness is our pleasure.

    This is how peter gatat killed william nyuon.
    Against you son of nyagat called dakin will reaim like that until your death. you show nothings but weekness of nuer.

    i hope some nuer will learn after they death of whol generations.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    You nuer are becames like Arab who always belames their weekness on isreal.
    Even after the mureder claim the killing of his or brother yet your madness is keeping you in a wrong path of the realities.

    Anglina teny is going to kill Riek machar very soon and i know you will belaim on dinkas since your weekness is our pleasure.

    This is how peter gatat killed william nyuon.
    Against you son of nyagat called supporter of nyagateen will reaim like that until your death. you show nothings but weekness of nuer.

    i hope some nuer will learn after they death of whol generations.

  • akot

    you are right, but not only Nuers are food lovers. any miltia who take money from Government and fight against SPLA is the food lover.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak

    Don’t worry, our Naath people are great, we will prevail, that traitor called Marcko Choul will be the target of any Nuer man or women!! unless he will not live in southern Sudan or he changes his name and figure,he is going to die in the same way he killed general Gatluak Gai!! let his army join SSLA to fight SPLA, the dinka militia together!!

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Dinka dominanted SPLA militia,

    How dare you compare Dinka or Jaang (literally means slaves in Nuer) with Israel, are you really that strong, who are dinka before the SPLA militia? and who are you going to be after the destruction of SPLA militia by the SSLA and various armed movements in RoSS!! do you really think that you will survive all this rebellions against you!!

    Nuer have only one mistake not to enslave all dinka during the expansion of the Nuer empire in southern Sudan!! if our Nuer ancestors knew that you will become mad and greedy like this, I believe they would have converted of the Dinka into Nuer and there Should have been nothing called Dinka by now!!

  • Anei Matungphat
    Anei Matungphat

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    I don’t agree with this article because at the end of this articles, it comment on how the North is supporting them with ammos and weapons of which I totally disagree because if they’re getting assistance from the Northern Government then they should deny it as usuall but not accepting it.

    On Gai death, Mr. Marko can accept that and boost about it being a man who can stand on his own principles, but the article or writer is contradicting him/herself. Read and disgest it well…I’ll believe you’ll understand what am talking about.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak

    SPLA is a militia and not a national army of southern Sudan as you people claim! it is very stupid to call a military wing of the party as an army of the nation!! SPLA is not representative, it is being controlled by Dinka tribe, majority of the high-ranking generals are all from the Dinka tribe, so it is a dinka militia and doesn’t qualified to be the army of southern Sudan!! with Kiir being its commander, Nhial Deng Minster of defense, Aquer being the spokesman etc where are the others here!!

    We are going to form a national army that will be inclusive not exclusive like SPLA militia of dinka tribe!! I believe you dinka are psychologically disturbed because of the unusual way you like controversies, and I don’t think you really love southern Sudan because all the destructive things you are doing now are indeed destructive to the country, from constitution to head of John Garang on the bills of south Sudan!! pathetic people!!

  • Liberal

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Childish human being shut up.

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Dear Anei,

    As long one of the rebel( Galuak Gai) die that is important. I anm not care about the other party of article. We got 2 militia leaders. Thanks God!

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak

    I like the way you are crying. Keep it up!

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Gorge Bol

    Nuer is the biggest tribe in southern Sudan, so we have an obligation to put things right for the small tribes and stop dinka from bulling them
    in southern Sudan, we have resources and manpower to confront Dinka because we are courageous people!! Our Nuer justice and equality says so!! That is why we support rebellions in southern Sudan including the militia called SPLA during the bush period!!

  • dakin

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    George Bol,

    This so called Bol is a symbol of how disorganised our RSS.
    Never convince me for good or bad.
    Keep on Mamokdit!

  • Malim

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Good job Mr. Marko Chuol. Your brought freedom by clearing the enemy of his own people. community of Unity state are very happy with the action you did. they will not enjoy freedmo in their own land.

  • dakin

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak

    1. Define for me Nyagat(Nuer) in your own words

    2. Kuol Manyang is a failure by Nuer standards. He can not even march Yau Yau

    NB. Question one is compulsory

  • Michael Anyong
    Michael Anyong

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Thank you very much Mr. Marko Chuol Ruei, well done for what you have did there in Unity State we South Sudanese we don’t want militias again please feel free you will never face justice.this can decrease characters of anyone who want to be militia again and back to Mr. Choldit comment it is you greater upper Nile who normally turn us back to war for all these years for your jealousy of leadership, everybody of your community needs to be a leader. and Mr. Marko has shown a good example for your people to master mind anyone any more and we will practice it with Mr.Marko date 23/07/2011 up to end!!

  • Nhomlawda

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Nyagat original meaning is a poisonous tree that kills other trees in the surrounding.
    Nyagat current meaning as use by SPLA/M is rebellious person/people who are poisonous to set rules and standards of organization in a country or system.

    On Kuol Manyang, if he is a failure as stated, why do you guys always relate him to issues he is not even aware of?

    Kuol Manyang is a civilian in Jonglei State, he is not part of the military fighting rebels in South Sudan but Nuer rebels are leaving people who are fighting them but complaining about Kuol Manyang who is relaxing with his people (Dinka, Nuer, Anyuak, Murle and Kachipos) of Jonglei State.

  • akot

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    we cannot blame Mr Chuol for killing Cdr Gatluak, maybe Gatluak was trying to kill him and he depended himself, so u cannot blame somebody after something bad happened, let Mr Gatluak go in peace, till we will go to get him. don’t be suprise we lose so many leaders in the same way, like Karbino Kuanyin and william Nyon. no tribe can kill leaders in South Sudan except Nuer.
    Shame on them.

  • akot

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    please Choldit, don’t say Dinka Govt, it is not good because we are all Dinkas, and if u don’t want to be Dinka, u will be Dinka by all means. because the freedom u are enjoying now, was not brought to u by Militias, it was broght to u by Dinka Govt as u have said, so we gave u freedom of speech but don’t say word, Dinka Dinka Dinka all the time,
    we are not your enemies

  • akot

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    you are wrong, Nuer are not going to be like arabs, they are our brothers (Southern Sudanese), only militias are going to be like araba for us, as Southern Sudanese, any militia who is against South Sudan is arab. wether he/she is Dinka or Nuer, we don’t care they must go to Jail.
    South Sudan Oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  • DeltaBravo

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    To SSLA

    Who are you Liberating and Liberating from who? Gadet rebel to supported his family and some of his suppoters dont what is behind his rebellion. That guy got alot of women. Pleas stop supporting war then peace we want our new Nation to be peacefull. Omaaaar Bashir is there to divided our people using money. Sooner or later some of you will regret why you support Gadet.

  • DeltaBravo

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    To Naath

    We are even looking for these all militia leaders including. GEORGE ATHOR,AYII AKOL, GADET YAKA, OLINY and the rest to die. We dnt need militia to make our people uncomfortable. We need peace not war. I hope all should join SOUTHSUDAN ARMFORCE to make peace not war. Iam not again any tribes in Southsudan,but ti united our people to live in peace among themselves rather then fighting each others.

  • dakin

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak

    Tree? And I never heard of a tribe called spla/splm with its dialect in the South? Don’t borrow someone’s dialect without his permission!!!
    The term ‘nyægàt’ derived from ‘gààt or gàt’ is vast and vast in Nuer.
    It may means strong man, conqueror of dinka or else a corrupt personality like nyægàt Lual Achuek and nyægàt Pagan and nyægàt Kiir are true nyægàts of South Sudan wealth.
    It may too implies a thief like nyægàt Kuol Manyang and nyægàt Abel Alier, nyægàt Taban and nyægàt Simon Kun.

    The word itself is ‘informal’ and doesn’t convey seriousness,mainly used by loosers in a way, one reason the Nuer speakers are reluctant to use it in description of coward Jaang!

    And if I told you it means ‘dinka husband’ what right do you have to dispute it?
    Shame on your parents!!!

  • choldit

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    It is clear that who conspired against General Gatluak are against the govt of General Salva Kirr.You may not believe that but you will in the near future.

    If you did read the first info about the killing of lt Gen. Gatluak Gai, you should understand that the Govt in Juba blamed it on Chuol Ruei and addressed Gatluak as the one being attacked for standing for peace agreement.

    After talk with Marko Chuol and his commanding officers, the wind changed to support Marko so that he should be the right scapegoat and cover for Pieng Deng Majok’s conspiracy.

    Chuol Ruei is a naive commando who posted himself as a cover and endanager peace amongst Jagacy Nuer just to cover for soliders like himself. who does he think will believe that unresponsible statement. The whole South know you are forced to make that statement by Peing and his bosses but no one believed you can give in.

    Just for those who dance at the grave of General Gatluak, let wait for what will be our new nation.

  • B.T.

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    It is extremely sad to read the comments here.

    The NCP has rightly been accused of being racist against southerners (and darfuris, Nuba people etc), but the racism and hatred that is expressed here between Nuer and Dinka is just as shocking, if not more.

    South Sudan will crumble and go into deep civil war unless the people of South Sudan unite around political and not ethnic lines.

  • Man Koryom 2
    Man Koryom 2

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    @ SSLA Arabs

    Where do you put Paulino Matip, traitor Dr. Riek, Hon James Mai. They all Nuer and are all in highest rank. Your uncle Gatdet (dead alive) was high ranked too. Stop being greedy and forget tribe line. Be south Sudanese. Most Nuer never know a word “country”, they are selves centered to their tribe, it will be hard to teach you to behave socially. You will finish yourselves unless you learn.

    You killed South Sudan hero, Nyuon Bany plus many and now Gatluak Gai and you blame Dinka. You will one day kill Gatdet, Chuol (Gatluak killer). Finish yourselves or learn and stay alive.

    South Sudan is not going to be like Somalia, so stop your aggression.

    “We will forgive and we will not forget”. Get this fact in your ears. It was said to Arabs but it also applied to their allies.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Supporter of gatism aka nyagats

    you are one of mad dog in this websit because your retreat menta;;y illness is keeping you in the drakness like non other than traitor.

    your doom mistak of wickedness will not make you rest unitl you end your oaf supportive of nyagateen.
    hop nobody can be bother by your useless claims.

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    dear south sudanese,

    it is highly likely that the so called chuol ruei was pressured to quickly and voluntarily lie in order to cover up the whole crime before an independent investigation is carried out.

    the man might have been told to just tell half of the story of the murder of gatluak gai in exchange for promotions or money. shame.

    otherwise, chuol ruei (the so called deputy) should have told the full story of what happened, or who told him to murder his boss during the peace process instead of arresting him alive if his was an internal coup.

    this reminds me of the attempt on the life of gabriel tanginye at the time when he assembled his forces for reintegration into spla.

    the same on gatluak gai occured during the assembly of his soldiers for reintegration into the spla forces.

    people lied that gabriel tanginye was attacked because he had wanted to rebel again. now the same explanation is given for gatluak gai. there must be something fishy. the devil will one day be exposed and held to account for the crimes and sabbotage against peace in south sudan.

    gatluak gai died a hero because he fought from april 2010 to defend democracy that was stolen by rigging of elections. he did not take up arms between 2005-2009, but in 2010 in defense of democratic values and the stolen elections by south sudan leaders.


    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    God is a real “supreme being” and that is why he let the deputy rebell of Gatluak Gai Mr Marko Chuol Ruei in order to extentuate out the fact of killing his Chairman. I knows myself that Gatluak Gai was not killed by the SPLA, but, absolutely, he was killed by Nuer themselves as the fact was fully narrated by his deputy Mr Marko Chuol Ruei that he don’t wanted to integrate his force to the SPLA, and that is why he killed him.

    According to the point of view of Mr Marko Chuol Ruei, the deputy rebel leader to the Late Gatluak Gai, he is very transparent and clear that he is the one responsible in the killing of his Chairman. On my side, Nuer people in general will not gain or bring any good remark in which the other Southern Sudanese Communities should be aware of them. Lastly, Nuer people will be big in number, but they will not be big by applying a good reasoning capacity to themselves. I hope no one from Nuer will spell out any accusation on Dinka people that they are the people who killed Gatluak Gai. I thanked Mr Marko Chuol Ruei for his committment of admitting the killing of Gatluak Gai.

    By Augustino Deng. Jech la mer from Tharpam.

  • Naath

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Define Good Job for Me if you can!!!

  • Naath

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Please you don’t need people to died that is your problem. But, he is only yours because I do not think ROSS believe in how you are believing. ROSS need to show its capability to bring those people to justice alive not died. Otherwise, ROSS is creating more problems to herself.


    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Mr Mi diit,

    Truth is truth. Whatever story Mr Marko Chuol Ruei had revealed to the people of Southern Sudan in general, it is enough. We don’t need more information as Mr Marko Chuol Ruei had already manifested it in the news that he is responsible of killing Mr Gatluak Gai because he don’t wanted to integrate his force to the SPLA. That one is a full information, but on your side, you wanted to hear from Mr Marko Chuol Ruei that Gatluak Gai was killed by Dinka.

    You Nuer people you don’t accepted your own wreckless that taunted other Southern Sudanese Communities as a whole. 98% of Nuer people in Southern Sudan rebel against SPLA, and now Nuer people are they people who are not enjoying this fucken Independence of Southern Sudan. Shame on you all.

    By Augustino Deng. Jech la mer from Tharpam.

  • choldit

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Mi diit,

    The questions that go on in my mind are:

    Why people like General Hoth Mai, Taban Deng, John Luk, Khok Ruei, and thier like have to sellout thier Nuer people in the way they are now?

    What is it that go on in the minds of Salva Kirr and Dr. Riek now that thier govt is being destoried by the killers within?

    What is the expectation of bring General Gatdet and Athor into round table for a peace talk after everyone realised that the president Salva Kirr words means nothing to his generals who conspires and kill people they signed peace with?

    What really is the reaction of General Gatluak Gai’s army after all this? what is that going on in the mind of intimidated Marko Chuol Ruei after hearing the outcry of South Sudanese about him being lure to make that childlish statement?

    What is level of desire for peace amongst South Sudan people after they realised that there are elements with in the govt that work against the bring of peace?

  • Dau Mawut
    Dau Mawut

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Nyagat Nuer (Chuol Ruei) Oyee!

    You are right @ this juncture for KILLING Useless Man of no vision.

    But change your self from these Nuer.I mean you must joint SSNA (SPLA) now,but not tommorrow!

  • Bush

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    @George Bol

    With all those ranges that they have and up to now those of SSLA supporters are still crying for more, what will other tribes who have less and yet contributed much in the movement say? LOL!

  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Coward Jaang/Slaves,

    You’re right to laugh/dance when you see your “Cancer,” Nuer you fear to death dying. No blaming here because it is your right and wishes to see that happen to your number one headache in the South.

    Was it not the same Nuer Warriors who enslaved your great greatfas since 1800s and still doing it?

    The capture of 372 young women and girls a year during the period of 1818-1905 would remove 32,625 productive females from the Central coward Jaang/Slaves and Anyuak population and thus eventually decrease that population by 110,915 indiduals. The capture of 125 boys a year over the same period would decrease the Central Dinak and Anyuak population by an additional 5,250 persons. In sume, the proposed of rate of capture would effectively transfer 116,165 persons from Central Dinka and Anyuak population to that of the Nuer.

    How many young women and children were taken as captives by Mighty Nuer Warriors during 1991 incident let alone cattle?

  • biarawieu

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Hi All, a man is title harvested what he want, good luck on Gai as well as DR Riek Machar is most wanted by Lou Community he might get the same price.

  • deng

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Supporter of Naath cause!

    Well said that Nuer is the biggest in South Sudan until then you failed to accomplish your goals on rebellion. Ask Riek Machar.


  • deng

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak

    Good job mean eliminating the trouble makers by all means through their chosen choices of death.Remember SPLA/M movements won’t last for 21 years against Khartoum government if it weren’t because some shallows minded Southerners were paid by Khartoum to murdered their own people. Chuol Ruei was a responsed ending up killing Gutluak because he started it.


  • Nhomlawda

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Kim Deng

    That is why Jieng/Dinka are telling Nuer to stop fighting their producer. If you know significant portion of Nuer population is made up of Jieng people, why do you fight your own creation?

    Are you not cursing yourself as a community for fighting a community (Jieng) that you came out from?

    That is why Dinka do not attack Nuer and Murle because killing members of those tribes equate to killing ignorant and insane Jieng people since majority of them are descendants of Jieng immigrants or raided Jieng children. Jieng consider Nuer as a community of poorly oriented and insane Jieng descendants and Murle as a community of ignorant Jieng descendants.

    God had put Nuer under Jieng leadership forever because of Nuer ill intentions and bad wishes to others.

    South Sudanese do not bother much about killing of a visionless militia leader.
    Militias went to the bush aimlessly to kill, loots and be killed.

    Gatluak Gai had received a reward for treachery against his nation and people.

    Gatluak Gai is a gone case. People of South Sudan just wanted to know Gatluak Gai, a notorious militia leader who has been terrorizing civilians in Unity State, is no more. How he died is of little interest to general public except his admirers.

  • Chakin Riek Rah
    Chakin Riek Rah

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    It’s good for all of us that we got our’s independent but Dinka still remains as the Nuer number ones enemy in South Sudan now.

    Dinka betrayed some our Nuer’s brothers who are the Spla supporters to kill each other in name of an amnesty but continuing doing that there will be a paid back if you don’t stop that in the future.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Dinka dominated SPLA militia!!

    you are not only mad dog but also a maniac alcoholic like your dinka sultan called kiir, you are provoking the tribal clash that you will not be able to extinguish once it ignite!!

    dumb people like your type are the very one that cause genocides between tribes!! all the people on this website are concerning about political debate while you are busy provoking tribal hatred between Nuer and Dinka!! if you have a problem with Reick Machar why don’t you sort it out with him rather than generalizing all Nuer people including those who are not support Reik like myself!! if you are not maniac why are you not specific to Reik and his supporters!! leave nuer alone mate!!

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak

    Nyagat means Nuer ideologies.

  • belle loboi
    belle loboi

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Everyone in this website seem to be more excited simply because Nuer man had died. but if one Nuer is still alive, he or she is equivalent to 100 people in Southern Sudan, so stop your happiness. We know those who killed this General and many would follow.

  • belle loboi
    belle loboi

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Everyone in this website seem to be more excited simply because Nuer man had died. but if one Nuer is still alive, he or she is equivalent to 100 people in Southern Sudan, so stop your happiness. We know those who killed this General and many would follow.

  • belle loboi
    belle loboi

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Everyone in this website seem to be more excited simply because Nuer man had died. but if one Nuer is still alive, he or she is equivalent to 100 people in Southern Sudan, so stop your happiness. We know those who killed this General and many would follow.

  • Naath

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    DR.John Garang kill alot of Dinka people, does he has Nuer Idiology? ALso, what is Nyagat mean from your perspective?

  • Naath

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    You are lieying hight to motively would not even cure your own problems. Dinka will be slave in south sudan if that is what you are praying for. If you will contue with this kind of behavior, good luck.

  • Odingo

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    Cowardic Dinka Your Hell Day Is coming soon.

    Folks, to be honest General Marko Chuol Ruei did not kill LT. General Gatluak Gai period. General Gatluak Gai, the lovely son of Nuer Kingdom, was killed by Cowadic Dinka especially General Pieng Deng Majock, Governor Taban Deng Gai and Piliph Aguer.Those are the SPLA terrorist who killed General Gatluak Gai in cold blood.

    The death of General Gatluak Gai was big lost in South Sudan especially Nuer Kingdom plus his cousins Greater Equatoria. If General Gatluak Gai did not signed peace deal with those stupid SPLA Terrorists criminal, he would be still alive today.

    I believe that Nuer Warriors will revenge the death of their lovely brother very soon.

    Remember ya cowardic Dinka, the General Gatluak Gai you killed, will result in paying back big worsen than 1991.

    Folks, General Gatluak Gai (GGG)was killed in cold blood by Coward Dinka, but his Great Name will alway be remeber in Nuer Kingdom, from Eastern Nuer Kingdom all the way to Western Nuer Kingdom.

  • Young

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    SSLA Supporter
    where were these people during the battle with Arabs..? I need your answer don’t just make noise.Dinkas fought Arabs until the CPA was signed those who knows the right will not and cannot asked why is the South-Sudan’s army high ranking Dinkas mostly,because the struggle for independence wasn’t that easy that was why some of the high ranking tribemem runned away and joint Arabs,so do we have to promote someone who was by then sleeping..?To be sincere mojority of you Nuer did nothing during the battle with Arabs rather than fighting Dinkas for leadership for more information you may Riek himself…

  • Wundit

    South Sudan militia deputy admits killing of his leader Gutluak
    TO odinga
    hahah.. you like to single that song and i don,t thing whether you will manage to fight against Dinkas unless equatorian.

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