Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Jonglei teacher arrested for complaining of pay cuts and regular impregnation of school girls

July 26, 2011 (BOR)- A primary school teacher was arrested in Bor, on Monday 18 July after told state radio station that he had resigned due to low pay, unnecessary pay cuts and the regular impregnation of school girls by some teachers in the state.

Bor mixed public primary school in Jongeli state (ST - File)
Bor mixed public primary school in Jongeli state (ST – File)
The teacher, Mr. Jok Marial, was arrested and is being held in jail on charges of defamation in relation to the allegations of sexual impropriety by teacher in Jonglei.

Mr. Marial said there was a poor atmosphere at educational institutions in the state which was not conducive to learning with no prospects of promotion for teachers. He said that there was a poor social relationship between teachers at his school and that pay cuts from the ministry of education and low payment made him resigned.

The inspector of Bor primary schools Panchol Anyang ordered Marial to be arrest for abusing the education system, and defaming teachers in the state by saying that some had sexual relations with their students on public radio.

He said the salaries given to all teachers are designed from the federal government in Juba and not from the state government.

Anyang said he will take Marial court to justify his claims but has not done since the case arose last week. According to Marial this is because the inspector fears losing the case.

Since he made his accusations Marial said he has been insulted by some of teachers who were angry that he accused some of them of getting their female students pregnant.

Girls education in the state has been severely affected by the practice or early and forced marriages, which means they do not get to finish school. The culture of paying large dowries in cows is often seen as an incentive to find husbands for young girls.

The need to pay a dowry in order to get married is also said to be one of the causes of cattle raiding in Jonglei and other parts of newly independent South Sudan.

In the three girls boarding schools in Jonglei, the number of girls sitting for primary examinations is very low as many girls are forced to drop out if there parents demand they get married of the boyfriends get them pregnant.

Anyuei girl primary school closed in Bor due to food shortage

Anyuei, one of the common girl schools in Bor has been reportedly closed as it was unable to feed its over 400 pupils.

Ajah Majok, one of the girls at Anyuei primary came to the state capital, Bor, last Saturday to complains about the closure of school and urge the government to act quickly to provide food so the school could be reopened.

“We are not happy with the closure of our school. The government always talks of 25 percent to women, if Anyuei girl school is closed then where are they going to get the 25 percent from?”, Ajak said.

In the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement, between Southern rebels and the Khartoum government, South Sudan said that 25 percent of government positions should be taken up by women.

According to the Mr. Mayol John Panchol, one of the teachers at Anyuei, the school had been receiving food aids from Join Aids Management (JAM), a South African non-profit organization which has been them at least 9 bags of sorghum and some tins of oil to supplement the main supply from Catholic Relief Services. Both groups stopped supplying the school earlier this year.

Many schools that were getting food aid from these organisations are now facing the same problems.



  • Naath

    Jonglei teacher arrested for complaining of pay cuts and regular impregnation of school girls
    That should not be right from the authority of Jonglei state. You can not arrest some body because he resigged. if he feel that he do not want to waste his time with low paying jobs, that is his choice. But, there is no suprise since Kuol is the head of state there, he doesn’t know anythings about democracy at all since last summer he was takeing law into his hand by slapping his worker.

  • Man Koryom 2
    Man Koryom 2

    Jonglei teacher arrested for complaining of pay cuts and regular impregnation of school girls
    It is illegal to published an article without author. Who wrote this article? Sudan Tribune must keep those reporters away.

  • Naath

    Jonglei teacher arrested for complaining of pay cuts and regular impregnation of school girls
    I know what you are looking for Sung, You want to report him to Kuol or what? and if not Why bothor, all we as citizens need to hear he said it.

  • Maxi

    Jonglei teacher arrested for complaining of pay cuts and regular impregnation of school girls
    This is violation of human rights. Each and everyone has the right to make his view known of what he think about administration. This has nothing to do with defamation when one is pointing out what is the truth of daily lives.

  • Man Koryom 2
    Man Koryom 2

    Jonglei teacher arrested for complaining of pay cuts and regular impregnation of school girls
    @ Naath
    I am not reporting him to anyone. The teacher did a right thing and he has every right to choose where to work. I appreciate his decision to quit and talk because there is a freedom of speech in new constitution. My problem is with Sudan Tribune, let the reporter write their name…. it is legal way in 21 century. Let us know them.

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    Jonglei teacher arrested for complaining of pay cuts and regular impregnation of school girls
    This teacher was jailed because he used improper speeches which has no point of supports. The teacher should have filled the report and provide the names of teachers who have impregnate his students so that his arguments should be evaluated. You people should know that the ethic is there and so you need to careful and evaluate your speech before expressing it out to the public. If that teacher was resigning because of low pay,then I agree that he has been using his rhetoric speech since he has been in a bad mood. See!

  • panda

    Jonglei teacher arrested for complaining of pay cuts and regular impregnation of school girls
    your all right but you should look into the case properly nothings to do with girls education the blame goes to the government of Jonglei not caring for his people

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    Jonglei teacher arrested for complaining of pay cuts and regular impregnation of school girls
    it is poverty that impregnates those poor girls. it is normal because the girls and their parents are after the salaries of those teachers. they see them as future able husbands and capable payers of dowries.

    but kuol manyang juuk, governor of jonglei, should exercise democratic values and legal channels of handling issues. he should have reacted to the misjudgement by achol who ordered for the arrest of the whistle blower.

    there is nothing wrong in revealing the misconduct by teachers at the school. it was general and not directed to individual teachers by names. if some one among the teachers was singly offended by the statements on radio, then it is him or her to sue marial in court and not the authority on behalf of all the teachers. that is not legal!

  • Adam

    Jonglei teacher arrested for complaining of pay cuts and regular impregnation of school girls
    This adds to the long list of shameful negative actions and behaviors we suffer in the RoSS. The article is just another manifestation of human rights violations, injustice, and poverty, lack of ethics, corruption and lack of system of any sort. It seems we’re beyond repair. This is very frustrating indeed.

    Adam Milawaki, Kwajok

  • David Arok
    David Arok

    Jonglei teacher arrested for complaining of pay cuts and regular impregnation of school girls
    Every citizen wherever they are enjoyed these civil liberties. In Republic of South Sudan Constitution a man is innocent until prove guilty. There is also a different between civil wrong and criminal offend. If Mr. Marial express himself no person should interfered because he has that right to freedom of expression. Secondly, the fact that Mr. Marial did not mention anybody’s name can dismiss this case. Thirdly, whose right is infringed by this poor teacher to accuse him of defamation? Mr. Marial issue is a civil case and he can be brought to justice by a person who believe his expression damages their reputation. It is inconceivable to say that a whole education department is damaged by his expression. There must be one person, and the fact of not mentioning any person qualify accusation against him baseless.

    Fellow Compatriot, there is nobody above they law. And now that the chief inspector Mr. Panchol ordered police to kept Mr. Marial incarcerated, he has already took the law in his hand and he breaches the RoSS Constitution. He has also abused his powers and should be hold accountable for it. If Jonglei government is functioning then Mr. Panchol Ajang should be jail because he breach the constitution, use his powers inappropriately. So Mr. Marial should be set free of any wrong doing. Chief inspector is a citizen like Mr. Jok and has no royalty to ordered police to imprison this innocent man when he has not done anything wrong. So please if there is any journalist report that the chief inspector Mr. Panchol should be charge of two criminal offend. Misappropriate conduct and breach of a national constitution.

    JAIL MR. PANCHOL and set Mr. Jok Marial free.

  • David Arok
    David Arok

    Jonglei teacher arrested for complaining of pay cuts and regular impregnation of school girls
    Mr. Mi Diit,
    I concur with you and I respect your judgement on this case. Mr. Panchol Anyang should be jail because he has abuse his powers, and he also breach a constitution. In RoSS Constitution a man is innocent until proven guilty of any wrong doing.

  • Anei Matungphat
    Anei Matungphat

    Jonglei teacher arrested for complaining of pay cuts and regular impregnation of school girls
    RSS Readers;
    There is one thing that we should understand all and be familiar with it. The Term “Republic of South Sudan.” What does it mean to you/us actually as a concerned citizens? Well, a republic is a form of government in which the people, or some significant portion of them, retain supreme control over the government, at least in theory, and where offices of state are not granted through heritage.And our government is a democratic government as we said it is.

    This give people in the autherity to retain their powers and do anything they need to do. Our government is not a democratic government, I repeat, our government is not a democratica government, it’s a Republic government whereby someone in power right now can exercise his/her powers to the maximum whether you like it or not.

  • belle loboi
    belle loboi

    Jonglei teacher arrested for complaining of pay cuts and regular impregnation of school girls
    This mwalimu is absolute right because those Kenyan and uneducated Southern in school are just taking comparative advantage to our girls in Jongeli State. This teacher that has been jailed is truly HERO for our future for girl and need to be released as soon as possible. I recalled when I was in primary school in Kenya, Four of my teacher died from AIDS. so please my fellows Southern do not support something that is clearly relevant to our future. This is not about Nuer and Adinka but about our future in long term.

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    Jonglei teacher arrested for complaining of pay cuts and regular impregnation of school girls

    don’t try to abuse the meaning of the word ‘republic’ and try to wrongly educate us on. we are more informed.

    the word republic has more to do with sovereignty. it is not against democracy as you think. have you ever heard of the american political party called ‘the republican party?’ are they not democratic when in power. how was george bush of the republican party doing? was he acting like panchol by arresting people against their freedom of speech?

  • Agutthon

    Jonglei teacher arrested for complaining of pay cuts and regular impregnation of school girls
    This is very sensitive in deed. am a citizen of Jonglei and i know what happens there. First of all resignation is a personal decision and right of which nobody should force the resignee.
    Overall there is a tendency of some people in spreading their genes uncontrollably. This is evident when the late and present leaders had very many wives and numerous children
    1. Nyuon had 50 wives
    2. Kuanyin had 50 wives
    3 Gatdet has 55 and counting
    4. Gai had 45 and so on

    Panchol Anyang was a church leader who did not live according to Bible teachings.
    He is now a teacher — just like goats and hyenas
    To Constitution now, Where is the freedom of expression and speech enshrined in this document?
    The inspector has no authority to arrest any teacher who simply tender resignation.
    Let him be set free because he has no charges to answer about

  • Sweetmouth

    Jonglei teacher arrested for complaining of pay cuts and regular impregnation of school girls
    it is a corruption bring all this thing continues with it.

  • Anei Matungphat
    Anei Matungphat

    Jonglei teacher arrested for complaining of pay cuts and regular impregnation of school girls
    Mr. Midiit;
    First of all, thanks you for your concern about my words. As a matter of fact, am not abusing “Republic” but that’s the way I’v learned it from the dictionary. I gave it a thought before writing it to the press Mr. Midiit.

    Second, Look at the case of US President Mr. George W.Bush. He went to war in Iraq illegally even the democrates, Representative and Senates voted for no war in Iraq and because he was in power, he just decided to announce tha “we are at war.” Even UN upto date condemn the war in Iraq.

    I hope you did understand my point brother.

  • dingdong

    Jonglei teacher arrested for complaining of pay cuts and regular impregnation of school girls
    South sudan constitution doesn’t even mention the so called abuse of power that it should made those of powers aware when doing their jobs

  • David Arok
    David Arok

    Jonglei teacher arrested for complaining of pay cuts and regular impregnation of school girls
    Sure, but if those fundamental principles are not incorporated in the constitution, where is the government?

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