Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel

July 28, 2011 (JUBA) – The newly born Republic of South Sudan has officially established full diplomatic ties with the state of Israel three weeks after it became independent, revealed the caretaker minister of information, Banaba Marial Benjamin.

A Southern Sudanese man holds the flags of South Sudan and Israel during independence celebrations in Tel Aviv , Israel, Sunday, July 10, 2011 (AP)
A Southern Sudanese man holds the flags of South Sudan and Israel during independence celebrations in Tel Aviv , Israel, Sunday, July 10, 2011 (AP)
On Thursday, President Salva Kiir Mayardit received an official letter from the Israeli government, congratulating the leadership for attaining independence of their new country and pledging for establishing full diplomatic relations with South Sudan.

In an official statement he read out on South Sudan TV today, Barnaba Marial further explained that the two countries will soon open their respective embassies in Juba and Tel Aviv at ambassadorial levels.

He said the letter also praised the leadership in South Sudan for their wise strategy and focus that has successfully sailed their ship across the river to the other side of the shore towards independence.

The government’s spokesperson further lauded the new development, saying the diplomatic ties with the Jewish state will also enable South Sudan to contribute to resolutions of the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East.

Most countries in the Arab League, including North Sudan, do not have diplomatic relations with Israel and consider the latter an enemy state.

The move is an assertion of how South Sudan’s foreign policy will differ from Khartoum as it establishes itself on the world stage. South Sudan is home mainly to Christians and those with African traditional beliefs in contrast to the Islam-dominated North.

South Sudan broke away from the rest of Sudan on 9 July following an overwhelming vote for independence in a referendum conducted in January 2011. The exercise came as a result of a self-determination right provided for in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed in 2005 to end 21 years of the second phase of the war between North and South Sudan.

The Israeli government today also confirmed South Sudan’s announcement.

“The cooperation between the states will be based on the firm foundations that guide them in forming friendly ties, out of equality and mutual respect,” Israeli foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said in a statement.

Two weeks ago, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held talks by phone with South Sudan president, Salva Kiir, offering Israeli help in the areas of infrastructure, development and agriculture.

Israel is home to thousands of Sudanese refugees and migrant workers who arrived on foot after crossing Egypt’s Sinai peninsular.



  • Bush

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    OMG! What can I say now?
    Christians United for Israel.

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    thank you very much south sudan and israel for the diplomatic relations. it has been long overdue and we welcome it. i hope we can share issues on military training and use of “great” weaponry.

  • Brobo

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    it’s very good for south Sudan to have link with countries not only Israel, very great full for us to diplomatic relation with Israel that is what want our freedom forever.

  • Bush

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    @Mi diit

    South Sudan and Israel will fight international terrorism.

  • sebit

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    ????? ??? ?? ???? ??????? ?? ???? ??????? ???? ?????

  • factorx

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    Dear all!
    If there is anything that our Government has done so well to the expectations of the majority then it is what it has done right now. I had been wondering as to why I didn’t see the flag of the Israel Flying High like the Flag of United States of America and other European countries but no body has told me the reason. Honestly, South Sudan is a Christian Nation and there could be no reason why Israel can not be our first friend in Diplomatic category. Now Israel can not help us in Education sector, Health sector or Agriculture sector.
    Israel will be remember for years if it helps South Sudan in these areas:-
    1. Train the Security personnel to be like their security apparatus, the Mosad.
    2. Train our uniform forces, SPLA, Police, Wildlife and Fire brigade.
    3. Provide weapons( Heavy machine guns and light weapons).
    4. Air launches and anti air craft weapons and radar to control our space.
    5. Provide infrastructure( road, rail and air ways).
    Then we shall launch a war to extinguish Arab in Africa and the middle East.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    Cooperation with Isreal where i been six week ago will help us to fight nuer warlord in south sudan inparticular unity State.
    Nuer are became gangster and weapons of distruction of life in south sudan and get rid of them as it is start one week ago by elimination of one militia and surrendered of another militiaman tenygany is a big win for SPLA/M.

    so lat have relationship with great isreal to fight nuer gangster who are stabbing southerenses at the back even after the country has got it independent. they still doing the useless drity job of bloody business of killing their own people.
    death to riek machar teny dongon.


    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    Having diplomatic relationship with Israel does not grantee safe haven in south sudan.
    Some of us keep on singing “christian united for Israel”
    What a shame!!!!!!!!!!!
    98% of Israelis are not christians as you said.
    Go to school and study multi-religious or theology and google about Israel.
    we got bunch of semi-illitrate people in south sudan who are most pretending to be well educated.
    And to make the matter worst, Israel are most racist people on earth.
    They are the coward people who stabbed the Hitler’s government at the back, and let GERMAN DEFEATED BY Enemies

  • Junior de maber
    Junior de maber

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    No doubt Isreal has got his brother born and they will work together to acheive their freedom from the Arabs and Islam.

    However, our pastport will reads “TRAVEL ANY WHERE IN THE WORLD ACCEPT KHARTOUM”

    We will be comfortable if the North sudan’s pastport reads “TRAVEL ANY WHERE IN THE WORLD ACCEPT JUBA” Because we don’t need them in any way but they need us to continue giving them water,oil and pasture for the case of Bush Arabs (Arab Khalah) in Abyei.

  • Junubi Karuduaks
    Junubi Karuduaks

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    Dear cakertaker Minister (Banaba Marial),
    your information to RoSS is an answer to the Article “Iran’s revolutionary guards arrived to fight alongside Sudan………”, the SAP might be backed by Somali militant, but now it may cause panic to them and Bashir, hearing RoSS has that relationship with Israel.
    I think RoSS has diplomatic coverage og thinking to solve prolem before rxn.
    Keep that, then let’s see, relationship with Israel might help solving Abyei issue —-…
    South Sudan Yes yes…………

  • Bush

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel

    This is my slogan which I used to hurt the Arabs in the North Sudan, but if it hurts too then I’m sorry, and whatever you say will not affect me in anyway, I’ll remain me and you will remain you. The fact is the Israeli are our brothers and we fight the same enemies in common, so there is no harm or objections if one is shouting at the top of his/her voice with joy in their support.

  • Junior de maber
    Junior de maber

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    Dear Dinka Dominated or who ever you called your self, you really have no sense of National. Asumming you are the president of this Nation, would killed all the wrong doers? of coures you will not kill them.

    Those are few Nuer elements who have that thought of rebelion like any other human being.

    Are there no Dinkas against this Government? To prove your lair, we have Abdelbaki Ayii Tong Duong, Athor and many more, so why only Nuer?

    I therefor, advice you, better quite the site if you have nothing to write apart from commencing on trible line otherwise the spirit of Nuer community will be against you.
    Am a black original Dinka but we shouldn’t inciting internet war amongst our communities rather than our common enemy.

  • AdierCien

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    In The Name Of The Trinity God Amen

    Thanks to the leaders of South Sudan and Jewish State’s Prime Minister Netanyau for being attentive to the demand of the people of these two states.

    This relations doesn’t means religious links only but what matters here is the exchange of ideas through diplomatic relation.

    What you see is what you like or hate and what you like or not is what you do or ignore.

    God Bless South Sudan

  • LL Reuben
    LL Reuben

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    Minded DUDE,

    That’s very true!, many Southerners believe so much in the Bible, they think Isreal are the bless ones who are closer to God. Others admire Isreal for killing Arab Palestine, all of which nothing can help us here in our militia-infested South Sudan. However, would a sane person cheer for the killing of other humans whom they don’t have any conflict? I doubt it..

    Ironically, most Isrealites don’t believe in their so-called son, the Jesus of Nazereth, but as you can see, it is very difficult to convince some fellows here. Especially, the uninformed or misinformed. Some of us have just became Christian Fundamentalists overnight, thank to our western Christian a.k.a Donors. The phenomenal is as scary as democracy, but their is no way to avoid its consequenses as you can see yourself.

    Here is what I know fellows. Jews are racist, and they are definately not Christian despite what you read or hear from the teaching of the Bible. Their religious practice is called Judaism, that is very different to Christianity. Matter of fact, its relation to Christianity and Islam is as the same or even much closer to the side of Islam (Ismeal=Arab, Jacob=Isreal). But who to blame for all this…it’s a matter for laughing. So interesting…especially sometimes when you hear about it, see it, or even experience it from our people.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel

    What is important in having diplomatic ties with the Israeli ? what is exceptional about Israel other than being oppressers and human right abuser of Palestinian people?? I know those fools in the SPLM criminal network will drag this country into useless conflicts and unnecessary confrontations with Arab and Muslim worlds, and it is a matter of time before car bombs explosions are heard in that zoo called Juba the Kenyan and Ugandan attacks will be replicated in southern Sudan if those stupid ministers like Marial will not refrain from controversies!!

    Even though Southern Sudan as a sovereign country has a constitutional right to have diplomatic ties with any country on thiis plant earth be it Israel or Bangladesh, provided that it is kept at the level of diplomatic ties only and not normalization of ties!! we don’t want our country to be used by American and Israel as the base or war theatre to fight their nonsense war against Muslim and Arab worlds, we shouldn’t be too dumb to allow southern Sudan to be used by Israeli and Americans to control northern Sudan either because that will not serve our immediate or long-term
    interests !!! if that is why they divided Sudan simply to come and fool SPLM with nonsense alliance, I don’t think that will succeed because any deal between them and SPLM will evaporate into thin air once the SPLM regime is toppled or lost election!!

    If Israel want to normalize relationship with southern Sudan and Arab world, then it must recognize the right Palestinians to form their independent state just like the Greater Sudan, under the courageous leadership of NCP, led by the President Omer Al Bashir courageously
    allowed the independence of southern Sudan!! no double standard please!! Let the Israeli also stop slaughtering or massacring innocent
    Palestinian people if they want to leave in peace and harmony with the people in the region otherwise its chance for survival is very slim indeed!!

    Because Isreali are using what our Palestinian brothers called a state sponsored terrorism to violate the human right of Palestinian people day and night , therefore our relationship with them must be very technical because we don’t want our nation to be used against our northern Sudanese brothers or other Arab nations that I prefer to have brotherly and friendly ties wth southern Sudan than Israel, we can afford to lose Israel but not our Arab and Muslim brother, if Isreal claims to be Jewish state, then how many Jewish do we have in southern Sudan?

    Israeli and Americans are interesting in using southern Sudan as a base to control The Republic of Sudan and Arab World from there, with Israeli only interested in controlling the arm supply and smuggling via Sudan to Palestinian resistant or militants!! in the same way we recognize Israel, we should recognize Palestine too as a sovereign and independent nation, if not why not????

  • victor sani
    victor sani

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    Bravo Repu of South Sudan

    Longlive Pres Salva Kiir Mayardit .

    Iappreciated your wish connection with the Israel Government .

    God Bless South Sudan .


  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    No one on this website will doubt my facts finding that the once calling himself Supporter of Naath and who latter changed to Supporter of SSLA is a Northern Sudanese Arab pretending to be one of our cousins Nuer.

    This evil minded lunatic northern had always wrote things that are against Southern Sudanese nation. Not even a single day has he critize northern terrorists despite all the crimes they have been committing in Darfur, Abyei and lately in the Nuba Mountains. He was even so exited to see Mohammed Ali coming back in which he said, he was happy to see his brother Mohammed Ali come back to attack Southern again.

    Is there any Nuer who truly believe this subhuman who called himself Supporter of SSLA is one of them?

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    To be Independent has a big advantage,Relationship with Isreal means alot to me,US and Isreal are very close Friend in any things that means the ROSS will be more stronger than ever before,in many fields especial in the field of Military and its Equipments including good training to our forces.
    But Khartoum should not get worry of this if the Embassy of Isreal are in the south Sudan,since always Arabs do put Isreal as number one enemy in the Whole world, bravo ROSS and the Government of Isreal to start implementing things now on the ground.


  • choldit

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    The state of Jewish will be a good friend to South Sudan. Yes, the South Sudan will do what it can to bring peace in Middle East in anyway possible.

    I am sure the arab countries with no diplomatic ties with Israel will not think negatively toward this development for it is true that peace can never be ashieved without diplomatic ties with the state of Jewish. We the South Sudanese have openned our door to all peace lover countries include Israel.

    Thanks to Vice President Dr. Riek Machar and president Kirr for making this move possible.

  • mohammed ali
    mohammed ali

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel

    First come and collect your brother living in Khartoum before you right anything on your passport.Your government for closing the borders just for few days.

    If it doesn’t hurt the starving, poor, innocent and marginalized southerners we would have closed the borders and shut the pipeline indefinetly.Unfortunarely the looters and blood succors and their families will not be affected.They have already insured themselves abroad!

  • okucu pa lotinokwan
    okucu pa lotinokwan

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    I do not know why Dinka and Nuer use to talk against one another in a bitter tongue, when will these two tribes get civilazers?
    I do advise them to write things in their mother tongue than writting nonesense which is not English language or words.


  • Deng Tut
    Deng Tut

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    It is well done by the Authority of South Sudan to have a Diplomatic tie with Jewish State, if you go deeply in the Bible, you will find that we have some common traditionally with Jacob’s Sons.

    Before 1972 of Addis-Abeba Agreement, the Government of Israeli had been tried hardly to convinced our leaders not to signed that agreed which became disgraceful agreement, but their effort was in vain during that period, they knew about the outcome of these Agreement; therefore they was willing to find the way out to get our Independent from North Sudan during that decaded and continuous always helping us in our struggle movement; I hope our Government should have a especial regards to Jewish, Norway,USA amongst other nations, because when we are weak, they are the one who whole us and when we are crying they are always there……etc

    nyadawech W.P.T

  • Young

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    SSLA supporter,
    I have no doubt that whatever complain and failures you blame on Southern government are flase and your baseless rebels movement will never succeed in Southern Sudan.why do you go against our relation with other States wait for your time so that you may make whatever you think will be good for South-Sudan,and i believe you guys have nothing in mind rather than being betrayal to the government of South-Sudan.

  • Gabriel Machar
    Gabriel Machar

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell done The Republic of South Sudan. the next step to be military partnership. once again keep it up.

  • Young

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    To anyone who think South-Sudan diplamacy relations with State of Isreal as wrong idea to hell with him or her it was suggested by the two governments and wecomed by the citizens of both States.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    Marco A Weck

    You are paranoid and delusional bastard, if you are mentally disabled (due to brain damage or abused when you was a child) and thus don’t have the intellectual capacity to put your argument across in a civilized manner then you better quit this website, because people who are debating here are intellectuals who have personal. no problems with each others but purely interesting in debating or sharing their political views on the issues of common interest!!

    I don’t know you in person and I believe you don’t me too, therefore it stupid from you accuse me of being northerner as if northern Sudanese are not allowed to contribute on this political forum!!
    if I am from Northern Sudan so what is the need to act as Nuer, supporting. SSLA, is SSLA a northern Sudanese armed movement or a southern one??

    Marco, if you are a primary school boy or an emotional person please quit this political forum for social websites such as facebook and Twitter. where you will earn a lot of compliments and leave this forum for people who can handle political debate!!

    I am not asking you for the respect because if your family failed to discipline you so it would be very difficult if not impossible for me or anyone else here to change you overnight, but I am simply asking you not to take politics personally, you know very well that I am capable of cursing you but I just find it ridiculous to imitate a Lemur like you!! but if you continue with your stupidity then I will. have no other option only to take personally with you and will then let my tongue loose on you!!

  • Liberal

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    Thanks to the Government of the Republic of South Sudan.
    The main reason why South Sudan issue was a global concern is the fact that we were fighting Islam.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    Supporter of Naath/SSLA , you are the most stupidest ,coward and hater of South Sudanese people and that has been provened by the way you always side with north.

    Are you against South or Southern government or both? Your comments since you were Supporter of Naath and now Supporter of SSLA had always been against Southerners and southern interests. You moron was even against southern independence that over 99% southern Sudanese earned through their unity against your oppressor masters.

    Supporter of Naath/ SSLA, if you were to be true southerner as you claimed, do you think your support to Naath that are true Southerners would let you turn against south Sudan and their interests and side with the enemy of 99% of our people including Nuer? Don’t you believe Nuer people are not amongst the 99 % Southerners that voted to break away from the people you always support and called them your brothers?

    If you are truly southerner, would you only comet love south Sudan when it is only governed by your northern Sudanese supported militias? And if you are true cousin Nuer, do you ask yourself what the interest of north Sudanese oppressors machines have in their minds when they back these lunatics that will move no farther than Unity State and WARRAP State for cattle raiding?

    Where is that education you are telling me when you are so blind not see what even the majority of our southern people that have no education could see and so voted 99% to break away from north?

    If your are not coward or hiding your northern true color, why are you hiding your real name? If you are afraid reveal yourself on the the fear that you might be know and killed, then you are not worth what you are fighting for. You can’t be a fighter and a coward at the same time, what I do know Nuer are not cowards and you are not one of them, I grantee that. Oh let me tell you this for your information, instead of by a website warrior, go and join SSLA and fight the Republic of South Sudan government and once you capture Bentui, Wau, Malakal and Juba, South Sudanese will have no choice support you even if that means you will take us back to your master but till then, South Sudanese have spoken and that is they don’t want your masters, get it?

  • akot

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    this is what they say,Israel is the home to thousands of Sudanese refugees and migrant workers who arrived on foot after crossing Egypt’s Sinai peninsular.the independence of our country will change our reputation in Israel. before we don’t have country, but now we are proud of South Sudan. now i can feel like human being, and i believe that God (Nhialic) is for all. anyaway, am a one of thousands from Sudanese in Israel. for Christian Israel is like heaven, and for Muslim Sudia Arabia is like heaven as well.

  • Wundit

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    is you who can wish that good idea to send our arms fores to be train by isreali but you will see those of Gier Cuang and Achuil Manoldit sending their children for such opportunities
    take example of 2009 there was a great chance for all south students to be as pilots they send their sons like Bol Akot now he fail to do that great chane

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel

    Marco A Weck!!

    I am not dumb like you to stupidly disclose my real name on this political forum!! because of fear of reprisal from terrorist network like your SPLA/M!! criminals, let this one get thru your retarded brain!!

    Also, there is big different between fighting a war and exposing your family to invisible enemy like your cowardice SPLA/M syndicate, physically you can’t withstand me even for a second , undersatnd this retarded bastard!!

    Everyone in Nasser knows me, so if I am coward like you have stupidly alleged, I wouldn’t. have disclose my geographical location.

    Well, northern are of course our brothers until you turned them to your public enemy number one with your useless wars that put southern Sudan and its people 50 years back to where they are right now as the world’s least underdeveloped nation on the planet earth, so who do you want ro stupidly blame for that other your useless wars!!

    If you are not stupid, have ever asked yourself or your parent how the civil war started and who started it first? so, what do yoi think will be the consequences war when you ignorantly and stupidly invite the war into your home? what was going on through the mind of that moron called John baboon or lemur Garang’s brain when he was turning southern Sudan into burning hell with his useless and unprepared war that he fought with children of poor southern Sudanese!! do have clue about how many relatives I lost in that Garang’s useless war that he caused out of his stupidity!! it is good. that his Bor community paid an ultimate prise too including that dead moron called John Garang himself given to the disaster he caused to people of Sudan while his kids were living and study in UK!!
    how could someone like that survive to enjoy the blood of our innocent southern Sudanese, the victims of his catastrophic war, God will do justice to him and the rest of SPLA/M warlords, who shed the blood of our poor and innocent southern Sudanese!!

    How could you stupidly blame that guilt of killing to northern Sudanese when your retarded SPLA/M syndicate were the one that ignited the war they couldn’t handle!! what have you achieved through that useless war that only killed poor people of southern Sudan? Don’t. even dare to mention CPA or referendum that let to the separation of southern Sudan that you are delusionally calling as independence as if you were under colonization of northerners, inferior minded retarded SPLMers, because the CPA or KPA or the referendum were reached through peaceful negotiations, otherwise you would have been kicked to Uganda and beyond if you was not rescued by CPA or KPA as Riekese called it.

    How many people got killed during the fight between the rival factions of Garang and Riek, how many innocent civilians died in the hands of SAF who regarded them as the sympathizers or supporters of SPLA/M terrorists just in the same way SPLA/M is victimizing southern Sudanese who are supporters of various armed movement in southern Sudan,so, what is different between SPLA/M and the SAF during the Sudanese civil war, if you don’t answer me logically, then I will consider you as just an idiot who doesn’t deserve any attention whatsoever!

    About SSLA, well, live in delusions and denial as well but you will see how significant those areas that you mentioned are to the fragile economic of RoSS, when they capture certain area your dead government in Juba will just collapse like an air bubble!! it may take time but we are coming to kick you out no matter how long it will take!! Remember the 21 years of SPLA !!

    here you go again with your paranoid and delusional attitudes,you reckless dud, who brought up mate I you are lostboy of Garang disastrous war!!

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    Mi Diid,

    so that SPLA will use those military expertise and weaponry to wipe-out your stupid Dok Nuer of that self-centered dwarf called Reik Machar!! sellouts and traitor who caused the mess we are going through right now,

    Many Naath got killed because of his confusion, I hope Malak Ayuen will arrest and hung him very soon as things settled in RoSS for the alleged Bor massacre by his loyalist!! God will get rid of him very soon and he will follow Garang and William Nuon and likes of SPLA/M criminals in the burning hell, all bloody warlord must go to hell.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel

    It doesn’t work like that, we can’t let you ruin the country while sitting aside and look, what gives you that privilege to do as you like in a country that you didn’t liberate through war!! you have been fighting for 21 years without capturing any major city such as Wau, Malakal or Juba, even JEM were better than you when they fought within Khartoum which sound like a dream to you!!

    We will not allow you to ruin our country, so we will fight until we find out what is going on your brains!!

    What the rust in establishing diplomatic ties with a country like Israel? are you trying to silent northern Sudan with Israeli!!
    what relationship will you have with northern Sudan after this controversy!!
    Your government must go for south and north Sudan to see peace in that part of the world!!

  • Jay

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    You guys are way over your heads! Having the best diplomatic relation with a certain country doesn’t means you have to have the same religion, or of the same race and what have you.

    United States has the best relation with Israel, does it mean U.S is 98% Jewish? The same application applies to Saudi Arabia, is the United State 100% Islamic state that they have diplomatic relation with Saudis?

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    Supporter of Naath/ SSLA, I know you don’t have the gut to show yourself to me even if you know me leave alone doing me any harm like you claimed it.

    All you know to do best is lose your temper and insult people as if you are a street boy. where is that high education? Although you claim me being poorly brought up, yet your behavior on this website is an indication it is you who is poorly brought no doubt about and everybody knows that.

  • deng

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    SSLA Supporter,

    The guy Wek prove you wrong traitor that you aren’t Southerner. Here is the point, your hometown isn’t Nasser, it’s Nasir sucker!


  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel

    Get lost bigoted moron!! Go and find your type on the youtube,facebook and Twitter!!! Nasser is not sucker but you are confused bastard!!

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    Marco A Weck,

    If I am not courageous as you are stupidly claiming, I wouldn’t choose the SSLA Supporter as my liaison name on this political forum, I can’t be outspoken this way too, that is, I can’t speak out my mind like this without any reservation whatsoever because an attack by some rude boys like yourself, but because I am full of confident about my ability to handle any dud who might wants to let his tongue loose on me, I went to far as revealing my home town in southern Sudan, so as give you a clue about the community I hail from, as give you the freedom to conclude as you wlish, I know you traumatize southern psychologically with your brutality
    and aggression since time your criminal network used to rob and abused the citizens that it claims to be fighting to liberate, from there our people developed what I term as SPLA/Mphobia, or morbid fear of SPLA/M, It is going to hatd to revive their confident again and. speak out their brain as the free citizens of southern Sudan only when SSLA manage to overthrow your self-centered and aggressive regime in RoSS.

    What education means to you? In Dutch, if you insult or curse a kid, he/she says”je ben wat je zagt! which literally means you are what you say, or the same to you!! I am a Molecular Bioscientist by profession, but that doesn’t mean I should let myself being abused by rude people on this websites, now, I assume you to be educated too but that didn’t prevent you from cursing me as subhuman, moron, stupid, slave whose masters are northerners etc, so, was drunk when you was cursing me? and if you believe that an educated person should not use vulgar language when debating, so, why did you do that? by the way, I treat different people according to how they treat me, if you treat me with respect, I give you double, and of you treat me roughly then I do you the same way!! like that bastard called Deng above,who cursed me for no apparent reason, what do you think I should to him othet than cursing him as well, and if one uses F.words too, well I will make that person quit or change his name like tha bastard dud called Unity unity first1, whom I taught a good lesson using F.words as he started to use them against me and I will get a way with it as no one knows my real aname that is the advantage of not revealing your real name so that you say things that you can’t say if your identity is known to contributors!!

    So, if you behave yourself and comment without insulting me, then I don’t have any problem you because at the end of the day, we are just debating our political opinions or views and nothing personal, also you should not dare to defense the government of Kiir that loots the public fund is as if you are physically killing the innocent civilians of southern Sudan, what are going to. get from Israeli other than ruination of relationship with Muslim and Arab worlds, what. is link between us in southern and Israeli? Are you Jewish, because they don’t give a monkey about Christian that is for your information! so, keep your emotion under control because if you easily become emotional and start to curse me on spot, then I will have no other option only to throw it back to you as hot as possible!!

    What do you want from my name Marco, I don’t want yours either because I have nothing to do with it, I have already told you enough info about myself, plus up to now, you didn’t say anything about yourself, so, where is your bravery!!!!

  • Waucity

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    What is so good about Isreal?…Please give us a break but work hard instead of placing your hope on somebody..I know, you think you will be power if you unite with them…But we are not imoral, to let the group of people banished on earth…The are killing them in Gazza.

  • Mgedaref

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    For your information The Majority of Israelis want to live in peace with their Arab Neighbours. Those are true citizen of Israel and they know what wars mean.
    Secondly The population Of Isreal & South Sudan doesn’t exceed 20 millions (The Arabs & Middle Eastern including Israelis bx they are Middle Eastern Too exceed 600 millions)
    Which one is Better to live in Peace & Harmony with them
    Or in a continual destructive wars for both sides.
    I assure you The Politics of Elimination is Over & short lived.
    Start a better Life for yourself first ?
    These countries have good relation with Israel Eygpt,Saudia Arabia,UAE,Gatar,Kuwait,Mouritania,Morocco,Jordan,Turkey
    One Day Northern Sudan Too will have good relation with Israel based on mutual respect bx (NCP) Government will not last for ever.

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    Supporter of SSLA, I don’t support the government of south Sudan as you might think but my southern people that includes you if you are one.

    I do not have any problem with you criticizing your government but when you side all the time with the enemy of south Sudanese people, you betray your people. If you were only supporting SSLA, one would give you some credit but the fact is you are always supporting northern Sudanese with their genocidal armies than have killed and oppressed us Southerners for many years. How would think any body would believe your southerner-hood when you are always supportive of the the killers oppressors that they rejected 99% and if you are from Nasir as you said, the 99% who voted to break away from those whom you called brothers and your friends were equally being rejected by our brothers and sisters in Gajok even when they new SSLA were out there.

    Yes SPLM/SPLA are not angels but they are the ones who kept the fire of our freedom burn and made it possible for our people to chose their freedom.

    Supporter of SSLA, look at south Sudan now and south Sudan before 2005 and you will see very big difference. Yes official are corrupt but time time will tame these beasts. North Sudan has gone through this and still go through corruption but one thing with Arabs or Muslims in general, they don’t disclose their corruption until a person dies or overthrown from power. See example in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Sudan during Jafar Mohammed Nimari and there are many more of them.

    Do you also know Gadet stole the money that was meant for the army and when they wanted to investigate, he requested medical leave to Kenya just to find himself in Khartoum where he could get protection from his former alley who could use him like usual to destabilize South Sudan as usual and not what he was claiming.

    My advice to you is not to be emotional and use the language of insult that doesn’t match what you say you are.

  • Young

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    We are not going to tolerate any of those we needs to be in relation with Isreal if North Sudan think our relation with Isreal will affect them,well and good they have to pull-out,because each Country has the obligation to be in relation with which Country she feel like,so it is not compulsory for the South or North to have good diplomatic ties.

  • ahme adam
    ahme adam

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    A white Israeli will never marry a southern sudanese while northern sudanese married millions southern sudanese

  • Marco A. Wek
    Marco A. Wek

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    Ahmed Adam, if you want to talk politics my advice to you is do yourself a favor to learn how to write your name first before jumping in blindly.

    Ya zol, we are not dancing in the party here so that anyone even those who do not know how to dance want to jump in a theater and start jumping up and down when professional dancers are in the field. That is, there is no one who said Israelis are going to marry Southerners or Northerners, however, it was said Southerners are going to have diplomatic relations Israelis and that is that.

  • akot

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
    am not placing my hope on anybody,but if South Sudan make a good relatinship with Israel, we don’t think we will be power, but we will be respected, and that is all we need.

  • syklops1

    South Sudan establishes full diplomatic relations with Israel
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