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Sudan Tribune

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Jonglei to hold urgent inter-tribal peace conference

July 29, 2011 (BOR) – The interior minister for the newly-independent Republic of South Sudan, Gier Chuang Aluang, a son of Jonglei, accused politicians and intellectuals of causing problems at the grass roots level in Jonglei state at a meeting in Bor on Wednesday.

participants of the Jonglei consultative meeting in the meeting hall on 28, July 2011 at South Sudan Hotel  in Bor
participants of the Jonglei consultative meeting in the meeting hall on 28, July 2011 at South Sudan Hotel in Bor
Insecurity is a major problem in South Sudan especially in Jonglei which has been blighted by the presence of rebel groups, cattle rustling and child kidnapping despite a 2005 peace deal, which ended decades of North-South conflict.

As part of the peace deal South Sudan became independent on July 9 after a referendum in January.

“We need to be united. Don’t just say unity, unity and as soon we disperse we say different issues, it doesn’t work,” said Gier who was speaking at a two day consultative meeting held in Bor, which resolved to hold an urgent peace conference between the tribes of Jonglei.

“What I have seen, our people at the grass root are very good and very clean, but it us who are not clean. It will be good if I can ask our reverends and all the religious leaders in the state to pray and neutralise those with evil thinking so that we move ahead.”

In Jonglei, South Sudan’s largest state, tribal clashes over cattle raiding and child abduction have marred relations between the Dinka, Nuer and Murle for several years.

The meeting, which was well attended by local MPs as well as their counterparts based in South Sudan’s capital Juba, was aimed at identifying and addressing Jonglei’s challenges.

During his opening speech, the state governor, Kuol Manyang who chaired the meeting outlined what had been achieved since the 2005 North-South peace deal, which brought the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) to power in the South.

Jonglei State governor Kuol Manyang addressing the gathering with his opening remarks to consultative meeting in Bor. July 27, 2011 (ST)
Jonglei State governor Kuol Manyang addressing the gathering with his opening remarks to consultative meeting in Bor. July 27, 2011 (ST)
Manyang said that the state had made it possible to survey and constructs new roads within the capital, installed a public power station, a clean urban water supply, trained batches of state police and renovated the state civil hospital among others things.

He also highlighted the state’s security challenges which he said were caused by rebel groups and cattle rustlers, a poor road network and underdevelopment.

Four groups of MPs discussed governance, security, service delivery and economic development and came up with several resolutions with a limited time frame for implementation.

The resolutions were put forward during a meeting of state and national level representatives an intensive consultative meeting that started on Wednesday July 27, and ended Thursday, July 28.

According to the resolutions read by Deputy Governor, Hussein Maar Nyuot, the meeting “pledged to do the utmost to promote the ultimate interest of the people of South Sudan and the people of Jonglei in particular”.

To help resolve the issues the meeting resolved to hold an urgent inter-communal peace and reconciliation conference to realise national healing at grass root levels, Maar announced.

Division of Resources

The meeting also called upon the government of the newly-independent Republic of South Sudan to adopt a policy of allocating national financial resources on the basis of the population size and severity of needs.

Since the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2005 that led to the establishment of the Government of South Sudan (GoSS), when Sudan was still united, distribution of national financial resources in the South was done equally among the states.

States received the same amount of money regardless of the 2008 national census results, in which Jonglei was found to be the most populated state with over million people, and severity of needs.

During the state consultative meeting, currently adapted as an annual meeting to update, review, coordinate and plan for the future of Jonglei, the participants called upon the national government “to adopt the policy of allocating national financial resources on the bases of population size and severity of needs”.

The care-taker minister of Interior in the Republic of South Sudan Gier Chuang lauded the government of Jonglei State for this consultative meeting and the resolutions. He appealed to the MPs to abide by the resolutions and work collectively to implement them.

The two day consultative meeting was appreciated by most observers who hoped it will be a turning point for Jonglei.


Deputy Governor Maar Nyuot of Jonglei, Bor, South Sudan (ST) (mp3)


  • George Bol
    George Bol

    Jonglei to hold urgent inter-tribal peace conference
    The regulation and laws must be obey other the cattle rustlers and the rebels must be accountable if caught committing evil deeds. Anybody found against the rule of laws must be fine according.The cattle rustlers must be fine 3 years in prison if guilty. The rebels who just killed civilians must be sentence to live imprisonment.

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    Jonglei to hold urgent inter-tribal peace conference
    I mean 30 years!

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    Jonglei to hold urgent inter-tribal peace conference
    the meeting in bor reminds me of a story of animals conference organized by fox who invited lions, cows, goats, hyenas, rats and cats. they guys got close to each other had very tempting smells. the meeting turned out to be eating spree.

    gier chuang should have started by his own confessions if he was fair about his accusations of politicians. he should have told his own story about what divided his people of korfulus and atar between him and george athor and what the role he played in making sure that george athor never made successful comeback to the system.

    otherwise, as he said the meeting would just end there and the politicians go back to their usual messy businesses.

  • Kon Ajith Deng
    Kon Ajith Deng

    Jonglei to hold urgent inter-tribal peace conference
    Conference under Mr.Koul Manyang will not succesed,there were alot of conference made in Jonglei State before,and there are still killing amonge tribes going on in various counties of Jonglei State,this conference is not for unification of people of Jonglei State,it is a wasting of money,may be the changing of corruption channels in the Republic of South Sudan,Mr. Koul have no good faith in unity of the people Jonglei State,he wants his tribe to dominate everything in Jonglei State,we want division of Jonglei State into two states,and let Dinka Bor be in their State.

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    Jonglei to hold urgent inter-tribal peace conference
    Kon Ajith,

    Who will listen to militia that we all know during the war to request state?The liberators can request state but I doubt about you!

  • Malou Manyiel
    Malou Manyiel

    Jonglei to hold urgent inter-tribal peace conference
    Mi Diit,

    You are so dangerous in this website.
    You will never gain anything brother no matter how long will it take you to continue that habit. Have a change of heart brother to stop this for God seek and the people of South Sudan where you belong. It is like you hurt one part of your body. Allow God’s spirit to enter you.


    Jonglei to hold urgent inter-tribal peace conference
    my fellow citizens,
    Kuol manyang is a true living freedom fighter,and he is now our elder regardless what tribe he belong to.
    Now, we talk about south sudan and yet you dont know who cut sudan into two states. One of them is Engineer Lt general koul manyang juuk.
    This is time for governor kuol manyang,and there will be time for you too guys who throw anything or all blames to the governor.
    One person is rule at time.
    You are very lucky indeed ,kuol manyang was supposed to replaced John Garang when he died. There should be no rebellion in south sudan.

  • George Bol
    George Bol

    Jonglei to hold urgent inter-tribal peace conference
    Dear Southerners,

    I have seen that almost every one in the peace conference looks depress and sad. We have a huge problem because those leaders and they are the one in the pictures can show unhappiness. The peace conference should be conducted with happiness instead of staying dull and unrealistic.

    I am very sure that few of the above in the pictures knows very well what they will do to their communities ,while others are thinking about what or where to raid cattle in the near picture. I am serious about the roles those sleeping guys in the meeting can do to their communities. Seriously!

  • Gaador Juat
    Gaador Juat

    Jonglei to hold urgent inter-tribal peace conference
    Minded: Dude

    mind you dude, the killer, murderer and dictator known as Kuol Manyang’s inter-tribal peace conference in Jonglei will not yeild any peace among the ethnic groups in Jonglei but it always creates division, confusion, tension, hatred and jalousy among the Jonglei people whereby Nuer v Murle,Dinka Bor v Nuer and Dinka v Murle and so on. The entire State of Jonglei never experience peace within itself during brutal Kuol regime becoz his policy of divide and rule did enot detected by many people include some opportunist politicians. Hence, inorder to protect his hyprocited tribal minority Bor Dinka,murderer Kuol Manyang created war between Nuer and murle in addition to Nuer and Nyarweng. The killer Kuol Manyang Juuk murdered about 35 nuer officers in Equotoria during 1991 split which led his disputed with late William Nyuon Bany Machar in 1990s.

  • Gaador Juat
    Gaador Juat

    Jonglei to hold urgent inter-tribal peace conference
    George Bol
    wat war have you fought guys we only know during the liberation struggle the noctorious devil John Garang used non Bor people at varoius frontlines whereby when a town fallen of SPLA than John Garang used to deployed you afer fierce fighter that is the liberation you are talking about. No no dude,those who reaaly participated in war were Dinka from Bhar Al Ghazal, Nuer,Shilluk, Nuba, Punj and Equatorians special in first battallions 104, 105, Tiger, Timpath,Koryom etc.Hence, whether you like it or not Jonglei under Dinka Bor is very dangerous to others include Majority Nuer tribes and Murle I doubt no other ethnic group will volunteerily accept to remain with such selfish people like you neither Nuer Fangak, Nyarweng, Anuak or Murle. waw waw you have long way to go duuuuuuuuuuuuuude

  • Mi diit
    Mi diit

    Jonglei to hold urgent inter-tribal peace conference
    george bol,

    very excellent that you people understand things with your eyes and not with your minds and hearts.

    read my first comment up there again and again.

    see, i said the meeting is similar to that of animals conference organized by a fox.

    now you have seen in the picture the conferees do not look happy. this is because the fox who organized the meeting has not told the truth about his role in the mess. the rest are angry at his speech. they will just go back and resort to usual business.

  • Cuei Rooi
    Cuei Rooi

    Jonglei to hold urgent inter-tribal peace conference

    accuse my language brother.are you a pastor or something?this is not a church.you most be at wrong place.

  • Dr nyoch
    Dr nyoch

    Jonglei to hold urgent inter-tribal peace conference
    Many thanks Mr Midiit, as you have told the truth,I don’t know who are there to listen to these failed men in the caliber of Guer Chuang and Kuol Mangang who know nothing in this earth more than corruption.
    Guar is counted among the worst men and he is the very person who keeps on working day and night that Peace will not prevail in Jonglei as he is always uncomfortable whenever peace is signed between government and George Athor,
    Guer and Kuol are the most people who contribute to the state of lawness that have engulfed the state.
    they will never achieve anything until the day of their retirement in politic.

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