Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLM in South Kordofan slams rumored divisions over war decision

July 31, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) has denied allegations that its armed struggle against Sudan’s army in South Kordofan state has created rifts within its ranks.

In a press release seen by Sudan Tribune, the SPLM in South Kordofan, which has been racked by fighting between the SPLM and Sudan army since 6 June, stressed that its decision to fight a war against Sudan army and calls for overthrowing the government are broadly supported by nearly all ethnic components of South Kordofan.

“However, and despite this support, a handful of power-seeking opportunists in Khartoum…started to blur the position of the SPLM and create a negative public opinion against the leader of the change revolution Abdul Aziz Adam Al-Hilu, those include Maj-Gen Daniel Kodi and [former SPLM’s health minister] Tabita Petrus.”

Kodi, who was the deputy governor of South Kordofan and a senior commander in the SPLM’s military wing, Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) said in an interview on Sunday with the subtly pro-government daily Al-Ra’y al-Amm that Al-Hilu’s rebellion in South Kordofan had created divisions within the SPLA.

The former deputy governor accused Al-Hilu of taking a unilateral decision to engage in war without consulting Nuba leaders. He further said that there were no justifications or objective reasons to take up arms in South Kordofan unless the war is justified by “agendas concerning Al-Hilu as an indifvdiual and not South Kordofan as a state.”

The SPLM slammed the talk on Al-Hilu’s personal agendas, and called on the state’s people not to heed “lies and rumors” propagated by the ruling National Congress Party (NCP).

It went on to announce that the SPLM’s organs in the state would hold a meeting in the coming days to issue a punitive decision against anyone who was involved in collaboration and coordination with the NCP.



  • Aleu

    SPLM in South Kordofan slams rumored divisions over war decision
    Dear SPLA.SPLM and the Nubian people.

    Please never listen to Khartoum government, their agandas was become clear to any Black African tribes living in Sudan. They always bringing tactics that, would divide none Arab people in the Sudan so that, they will keep leading and murdering none Arab in the nation.

    It is time for all Black African tribes to turned against Arab who have been the root caused of many million lost their lives innocents people and they dies for no reason but blame on the Islamic agenda towarding none Arab in the Sudan. The July9,2011 is the good road for you guys Nubian people and South Blue Nile and even Darfurian people. All young Black African tribes must not afraid to take guns against Arab in Sudan this is become clear that, Arab was against all Black African tribes including Southern Sudanese. Arab can understand only when you did bad thing to them.

  • victor sani
    victor sani

    SPLM in South Kordofan slams rumored divisions over war decision
    Bravo Aleu

    we will fight them in any direction
    2-South Blue Nile
    3-South korodafan
    the only problem with Darfuorain is because of thier Many Rebels in .

    So my Advised to Darfuor is let them have one rebel then they will Achieved their Goal.

    God Bless Darfourian.


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