Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

SPLA to deploy 15,000 extra troops to combat insecurity

August 2, 2011 (RUMBEK) – The governor of Lakes state Chol Tong Mayay arrived in Rumbek on Monday, after spending two weeks in Juba the capital of the new Republic of South Sudan to hold consultative meetings with President Salva Kiir Mayardit.

In a press conference held in the governor’s office on Tuesday, Tong said that there will be no compromises with anyone who undermines state security.

Governor Tong said that the South Sudan government has approved over 15,000 soldiers from the army of the new county (SPLA) to execute a comprehensive disarmament campaign across all states.

He added: “I will not joke and this disarmament will be comprehensive and we are not going to compromise anybody – will cover all villages and Boma as well the borders.”

Tong told press conference that the governors from all ten states of South Sudan were being briefed on how the new nation will develop, deliver services as well as protect citizens.

South Sudan, which became independent on July 9 as part of a 2005 peace deal, has many problems including insecurity from both bandits and rebels groups.

The governor said that Lakes state would have a 6,000 SPLA forces deployed to combat insecurity. Warrap will receive 5,000 troops and Unity 4,000. The forces will carryout joint operations along the borders between the states.

Cattle raids are regularly launched across state borders within South Sudan.

The Lakes state governor has made several appeals to the central government in Juba for a comprehensive disarmament campaign and extra troops for the area.

Despite a 2005 peace deal, that allowed South Sudan to secede in July, Lakes state has not been stable due to insecurity caused by cattle raids, banditry road and fighting between groups within the state.

Governor called upon the Lakes state citizens to allow peace within the state so those developmental projects are implemented correctly without security disturbances.

Tong also told his government officials including directors and ministers to work hard, warning that any director or minister who does not deliver services correctly to public of Lakes state will be dismissed.

He said it was time that development projects were implemented and not hampered by insecurity. Tong urged groups in the state to surrender their arms to the army “without any delay”.

The governor said that it was the duty of all chiefs, leaders, intellectuals and MPs to try and persuade Lakes state’s population to disarm.

Soldiers from the SPLA will be stationed in every district and every village, Tong, said to prevent fighting and facilitate the process.

Governor Tong also warn ministers and directors that he would not tolerate corruption or idleness. he said that officials would be made to make way for younger people looking for work if they did not fulfill his expectations.



  • Khartoum92

    SPLA to deploy 15,000 extra troops to combat insecurity
    the people of Lakes state should not put down their weapons yet that is the only way to prevent the dinka party SPLA from becoming a dictatorship oppressive party. This group of drunkies claiming to be the government of South seriously need to be removed and removed from the South Sudan completely, cowboy kiir needs to be kicked to his cowboy family in the US.

  • Aleu

    SPLA to deploy 15,000 extra troops to combat insecurity
    The governors always missing very important point.

    Why you guys are not talking about girl price.? These young men cattles keepers are desperately about marriage price.

    Did you guys talks about how to creates more jobs?

    Did you governors demanding strong laws needed.? There are many things the governors and the ROSS and GOSS must do right away.

  • SSLA supporter
    SSLA supporter

    SPLA to deploy 15,000 extra troops to combat insecurity
    Mr. Kiir and his SPLA/M commanders and politicians must seriously
    engage in peaceful dialogue with all armed movements in Southern Sudan, otherwise using only forceful means to resolve the issues that let to rebellions in southern Sudan, will only jeopardize the unity of Southern Sudanese which is badly needed for the healthy creation of the ethnically diverse southern Sudanese nation!!

    Using violent to resolve the issue led to the rebellion of those various southern armed movements may escalate into tribal wars and thus the eminent collapse of our fragile and shaky newly born nation!!

    Thus, it will be unwise indeed for anyone to think that military option is the best solution to this sensitive problem due to composition or tribal make-up of southern Sudan!! we can’t afford to go down the Somali road!! remember!! we never been a sovereign or independent nation before but tribes who used to raid each others for cattle etc, we used be organized or run by Beits and then northerners too!!

    So, Let the government promote peace and harmony in this new and fragile country to prevent unnecessary lost of lives and unnecessary blood shed of our whether on the side of Various armed movements and SPLA!! there will be no winner in this war that will waste only young people’s lives and ruin our fragile economic, prevent development etc, just like those wars of SPLA and Anya nya one!

    15,000 SPLA soldiers will not accord to eliminate their brothers in various armed movements in southern Sudan as it will backfire at them in case they try so ! trying to crackdown the movements instead of encouraging with them peacefully,doesn’t always succeed!! don’t waste the lives of sons and daughters of poor southern Sudanese while your kida are living luxuriously in Western world otherwise God will decide your fate!!

  • allan

    SPLA to deploy 15,000 extra troops to combat insecurity
    Khartoum92 or95 see how stupid and dumn u are there is no dinka spla in south sudan , therefore we already forget that name khartoum, so stay away from this websit we dont wanna see that name again thanks

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    SPLA to deploy 15,000 extra troops to combat insecurity
    Mr khartoum92
    i was hopping that you will not talk curb during this day of ramadan yet you are talking nonese here.

    Since you are not respecting your holy month of romandan. i think you eat while others are fasting,
    shame on you brother in a holy month of great people.

  • Chief Alfred
    Chief Alfred

    SPLA to deploy 15,000 extra troops to combat insecurity
    Mrs khartoum92
    Keep your noise away from our issues. Do you know July 9.2011 Mrs khartoum92. South Sudan is no longer part of your country with sharia laws. ours is a pure democratic country where all views of South Sudanese opinions are consider compare to your dictatorial government in Khartoum under mad leadership of NCP.

  • Bith Apac
    Bith Apac

    Governor of Lakes State
    Thank you so much, governor, Mayay. That is what we needs to do your jobs. But tells your government in Lakes State that not to accepted briberies from the citizens of The Republic of South Sudan. Its need you also to wake-up be harsh in terms of orders in all levels including lawyers and normal judges of Lakes State. Briberies is a major issues in our mother land.

    Bith Apac

  • Bush

    SPLA to deploy 15,000 extra troops to combat insecurity
    @Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    This slaved son the so-called Khartoum92 is not a Muslim by default, he was forced and converted in to Islam and a signed responsibility to insult his uncles in the South.

    He eats, drinks and insults in the holy month of Ramadan, shame on you evil doer. Let the NCP that employed him deport him to the South so that we can discipline him.

  • Dinka Dominated SPLA/M
    Dinka Dominated SPLA/M

    SPLA to deploy 15,000 extra troops to combat insecurity
    That is right. it seem like somebody is confessing here. but it is not yet done you will see those gangster surrender just like Tengyeny or end up dead just like militia dog called Gatluak gai who choose death from life.
    Death nyagateen.

  • Alfredo christiani
    Alfredo christiani

    SPLA to deploy 15,000 extra troops to combat insecurity
    Dear readers
    Governor Chol has made a great mistake to announced comprehensive disarmament over FM 98. He has alerted all criminals of lake state to hide their arms and go to big cities. After three months they will come back and remove their guns from hideout and go for revenge killing.
    Disarmament will fail completely in lake state, mark my words. It has been done several times and nothing has been achieved. Top secrets message are not supposed to be announce over the radio .like the way chol did it .
    Majority of lake state citizens are more arms than organized forces ,so they need surprise disarmaments not to inform them . No thanks

  • Malou Manyiel
    Malou Manyiel

    SPLA to deploy 15,000 extra troops to combat insecurity

    Post your comment based on the article.
    Here the governor talked about the disarmament to curve insecurity in the state where by things like developmental programs and delivery of services to the people be carried out in the State peacefully. However, what you mentioned does not come from the governor but the communities in the state, because governor does not proposed expensive marriage in the in the state.

  • Malou Manyiel
    Malou Manyiel

    SPLA to deploy 15,000 extra troops to combat insecurity
    SSA Supporter,
    If you have nothing to say, leave us alone.
    We don’t have 2 separate armies in here again in South Sudan, we have only SPLA which is South Sudan Army. Any other than SPLA, it must be disarmed.

  • John Gum
    John Gum

    SPLA to deploy 15,000 extra troops to combat insecurity

    please u re out of sense,what do u mean of girls price?culture is culture,marriag is individuals agreement which does not requires governor attention even your current hungry governor of lake state can not accept even if he has no girls to get marriage but in he will be having to get hight price as they Dinka resources and note if you have 300 hundred cows and sell them,u can get money that make u not even to look for a job,it can exceed the 27million embezlled by governor.

    Governor,you need to resign such that capable personel can take over to govern lake state to stop,separatist,sectionism,family employement,security and corruption of sending 27million not to repeat it self again as they are belong to citizen.

  • Malou Manyiel
    Malou Manyiel

    SPLA to deploy 15,000 extra troops to combat insecurity

    There is no mistake made by the governor.
    How long will these people you are talking about keep hiding their guns? Since these forces will be replaced after disarmament by the police force who will permanently be deployed throughout the state to keep law and order.

  • Bush

    SPLA to deploy 15,000 extra troops to combat insecurity

    Mr. Aleu are mad, what do you mean by the girls’ price? what’s the like between marriage and cattle rustling or taking up arms to terrorize the villages? Why do you want get married to a girl with stolen cows in the first place? What if those cows run back to the village where they were stolen from? wouldn’t your in-laws take back their daughter from you?

    You really made me to cry laughing today.

  • John Gum
    John Gum

    SPLA to deploy 15,000 extra troops to combat insecurity
    Malou,u re correct,governor has nothing to do with marriabge price.this is the culture and must remained as in the culture.

  • victor sani
    victor sani

    SPLA to deploy 15,000 extra troops to combat insecurity
    Alfredo Christiano

    Dear Readers

    if the Governor of Lake State announce that on Local Radio fm in Rumbek then is completely wrong .because the citizens in Lake State are all well arm then the Army [SPLA].
    the disarmament of Lake State need secrets and surprise to them at Night .
    Like now they all got information and run away with their Guns to unknown place .
    so completely if this happened then the Governor has to carried that Across .
    because the killing happened all the day and Night its because of their many Guns in their hands.
    iam strongly requested although they have information the Disarmament have to continue.to stop killing people in lake state all the time .
    I hope the SPLA will do it nicely this time around not the leave any Guns around Lake State .

    God Bless

  • Mabor Yiel
    Mabor Yiel

    SPLA to deploy 15,000 extra troops to combat insecurity
    If i were a Governor of Lakes State, i would have requested the President to allow 10, 000 SPLA soldiers in Lakes state for a period of one full year because the entire state citizens armed themselves with guns for the purpose of looting, raiding cattle from other sections, which caused havoc in the state for the last five years.

    This is stupid to have untrain personnel to hold a gun in his or her hand just to terrorize the welfare of other inocent people.

  • Dukdal

    SPLA to deploy 15,000 extra troops to combat insecurity
    Dear John,
    Please wait the court hearing. The case is already in court as if you didn’t visited gurtong website or maybe you haven’t read it on this website. Stop talking trash about this issue because you are misleading public.

  • Malou Manyiel
    Malou Manyiel

    SPLA to deploy 15,000 extra troops to combat insecurity
    John Gum,

    Would you specified how hungry the governor is? Please don’t be misled by whoever told you that the governor has stolen public funds. Your are more than Al Shuruq TV. If you have more details, then come to the court when the case open. You always keep posting insult comments against the governor. However, Iam not here to protect him though but base your criticism on the logic.

  • Alfredo christiani
    Alfredo christiani

    SPLA to deploy 15,000 extra troops to combat insecurity
    Dear Malou manyiel
    You deserve to be SPLM state secretary through your own activities but don’t defend governor in everything in order to give you that seat. We have to criticize him if he made a mistake so that he adjusts himself on his negatives parts. Because criticism always is a part of a solution
    I like the way you handled issues of SPLM party very well but don’t associate with governor on negatives issues like 27 dollars embezzled by him .this secrets came out from his own group, Al shurug TV has no satellites of detecting money from Chol account. Mark my words. Those who tell you about others tell other about you. Full stop
    Many thanks
    Alfredo christiani in Addis Ababa capital city of Ethiopia

  • Aleu

    SPLA to deploy 15,000 extra troops to combat insecurity
    Foolishly people like these Malou Manyiel,John Gum, will not understand the main problem why Young people in Southern Sudan need more cows.

    Idocy people like you would never learn the roots cause why young Southern Sudanese are raiding cattles for what.?

    The governors were talking about violent a cross Southern Sudan communities that, need the above numbers SPLA to be depolying in the States and that problems always cattles raid and Mmore fighting for girls why you people don’t understand the real cause for why these young Southern Sudanese love to have more cows and this is because of higher prices demanding for the girl marriage in the community by girl’s parent. Actual it could not make sense to you guys because you have no Ideas how to find cause to cure it for raiding cows and also you have no Ideas how to get solution and problem solve.

  • John Gum
    John Gum

    SPLA to deploy 15,000 extra troops to combat insecurity
    Dear Malou Manyiel
    It’s well know you always depend your uncle but this critics has nothing to do with your depend,our fact goes fact and note no government sweet like” honey”you have been talking of court,who is going with governor to the court or whom did he summoned to be investigate with him?question:what are they activities going on now in lake state sinec Chol came in to power? roads remained very useless and 18million were donated in 2010 as for road construction,the lake state budget for 2 years were is it?taxs where do they go?

    Chol use to talk of GOSS every now and then,misleading public that he talk to president in regard to security stituation in the state,what is not here in lake state?we have all kind of security forces and he doesn’t even visit all state counties since he was unsucssfull recongnised as winner in election,we need 27million if not we will not stop critizing whoever use citizen money,note when you are given powers,does not mean to weath yourself with public money,this describe you as an individual of a man born in desert where there is no water and food.

  • Alfredo christiani
    Alfredo christiani

    SPLA to deploy 15,000 extra troops to combat insecurity
    Dear John Gum
    You are very right to condemned malou manyiel because governor chol surrounded himself with coterie of simpleton and opportunists, he doesn’t care about others since he took over the office but his time is coming to an end soon.
    Public interests are not yet addressed
    1- Health services are very poor
    2- No better roads
    3- Bridges are all broken
    4- Markets prices are very high
    5- insecurity everyday peoples die like chickens
    6- Poor education
    7- Poor hygiene and sanitation
    8- Double names in payroll
    9- Employment of one family in the department
    10- Localizing FM 98 to be for Rumbek central only Radio Rumbek,
    And so many others things. These are ongoing facts over there .some readers may agree with me. Wake up and give needy services to the peoples.

    No thanks
    Alfred Christiani in Addis Ababa capital city of Ethiopia

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