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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan’s Blue Nile governor scraps meeting with Bashir

August 3, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – A planned meeting between the Sudanese president Omer Hassan al-Bashir and Blue Nile state governor Malik Agar on Wednesday has been cancelled.

Malik Agar, head of the northern branch of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) - Reuters
Malik Agar, head of the northern branch of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) – Reuters
The summit was quietly arranged to discuss on ways to end the ongoing clashes in South Kordofan state between Sudan people Liberation Army (SPLA) units and Sudan Armed Forces (SAF).

Agar is the chairman of SPLM in Sudan (SPLM-North) which is the offshoot of the party that now controls the newly independent state of South Sudan.

Fighting flared in South Kordofan, which borders South Sudan and Darfur, in June after Khartoum claimed that SPLA units led by former deputy governor Abdel-Aziz al-Hilu attacked police station in the state’s capital of Kadugli.

But al-Hilu blamed SAF for attempting to disarm the SPLA soldiers in South Kordofan by force triggering the clashes. A month prior to that, al-Hilu accused the Sudanese government of fraud in the gubernatorial elections in favor of incumbent governor Ahmed Haroun who was the candidate of the ruling National Congress Party (NCP).

Haroun is a war crime suspect wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for his role in atrocities allegedly committed in Sudan’s western region of Darfur.

An internal UN report said the army’s systematic attacks, targeting the state’s indigenous Nuba peoples, could amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Khartoum initially appeared to be seeking a military solution to quell the rebellion and unleashed its might during the fighting including the utilization of its air force. The Sudanese leader urged the army to continue the campaign and bring al-Hilu to justice. He also effectively voided an agreement signed by one of his powerful aides with Agar in Ethiopia that set the groundwork for cessation of hostilities in South Kordofan.

However, Sudanese officials in recent weeks softened their stance and expressed willingness to engage in negotiations with al-Hilu.

Nafie Ali Nafie, who is also NCP deputy chairman and Bashir’s assistant, said this week that his party recognizes the SPLM as “an entity” in South Kordofan and Blue Nile. He, however, stopped short of saying that the former guerrilla movement is recognized as a countrywide political party. This was contrary to earlier positions by NCP which stated that SPLM will not be allowed to operate in North Sudan after the South breaks away.

Al-Hilu said in an interview last month that talks with Khartoum will be only be acceptable if it takes place through a third party and outside Sudan.

Addressing a conference today comprised of political parties and local leaders in the state’s capital of Damazin, Agar said that the war in South Kordofan led to growing tensions in his state. He warned that this situation will be defused only through the implementation of the Addis Ababa agreement that was brokered by the African Union (AU).

He said that he refused to meet with Bashir as SPLM-North chairman after he insisted that the Sudanese leader meet with him in his capacity as governor.

“Bashir as the NCP Chairman may not recognize me as SPLM-North chairman,” Aggar said before adding that he prefers that Sudanese VP Taha or Nafie be dispatched to kick off negotiations and later report to their boss.

“The failure of negotiations at the level of the two leaders [Agar & Bashir] will lead to war in the absence of a party to bridge views” he said.

The NCP political Secretary General Al-Haj Adam Youssef in press statements said that the issue of South Kordofan was not even on the agenda of the meeting adding that the two men were to discuss only the affairs of the Blue Nile state.

The SPLM-North head warned against provocative actions by some military bodies in his state and called on the security services to return to their positions and leave the task of maintaining law to the police force.

“Anyone now has his own army and palace [so] if you cry out loud in your palace I can also cry out loud in my own palace” Agar said.

“If the governor’s chair will make me accept insults to my people I will abandon it” he added.

Agar urged the NCP to tone down their aggressive positions to preserve the unity of Sudan and pursue consensus with other powers on how the country should be governed without endorsing supremacy of Arab and Islamic culture.

He said that other ethnicities need to know where they stand and their position with regard to beliefs, unity and peace, economy, power and wealth sharing and building a state of citizenship.



  • Grader

    Agar is right
    we stand with you

    You’re right

  • modi Losombek
    modi Losombek

    Sudan’s Blue Nile governor scraps meeting with Bashir
    Malik Agar,spacious your eyes wider for your safety and your people. The NCP under the Bashier had worsen the former United Sudan and still wanted to do more to you over-there.

    He (the President) is a failed head of the State in northern now with supporters (NCP).

    Your decision of being out or far from them is better for your life safety and never associate yourself with them because they are evils or they will kill you.

    So your position as the chairperson of Northern branch of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM)to depend the Marginalised people of Blue Nile and South Kordofan.

    God bless you and take care.

    [email protected]

  • victor sani
    victor sani

    Agar is right
    Bravo Malik Aggar

    the South Sudanese people will stand with you .

    thank God that you refused to meet criminal Al Bashir .

    God bless people of South Blue Nile [SBN]



  • jur_likang_a_ likan'g
    jur_likang_a_ likan'g

    Sudan’s Blue Nile governor scraps meeting with Bashir
    Jallaby must know that peace lovers will not rest until justice, freedom and economic prosperity is achieved in Blue Nile, Nuba lands and Darfur. It will be a matter of time for these people to be supported. Black Africa will always be with you and so will be the rest of civilised world.

  • Chanson

    Sudan’s Blue Nile governor scraps meeting with Bashir
    “Anyone now has his own army and palace [so] if you cry out loud in your palace I can also cry out loud in my own palace” Agar said.

    “If the governor’s chair will make me accept insults to my people I will abandon it” he added

    Congratulation Malik Aggar.You,re awonderful leader of the people with outstanding competency leadership style.If they try to talk shit about SPLM-n then talk shit about their savage NCP in your palace too.They can not fool you with that fucken governor,s chair.For them to stab your people at the back.Never at all.Embrace the spirit of togetherness amongst yourselves.

  • Gatluak Manguel
    Gatluak Manguel

    Sudan’s Blue Nile governor scraps meeting with Bashir
    your president must think twice this time. As you said, your strongest army (SAF) can defeat them as you said but surely SAF will not crash them down to nothing. they will still make noice until one day one time your dump government will hear them and they will be the winners just like South Sudanese.

    Do not lean your arguement on military power, military power is not what matters, but do those marginalised people have a right deprived of them? this is the question you people need to answer before running for military confrontation

    mark my words, a government which is against its own people is always a losser. find a peaceful mean of solving those misunderstandings and you will be find. Reserve that military power for your external enemies.

  • Obol Sam Gabriel
    Obol Sam Gabriel

    Sudan’s Blue Nile governor scraps meeting with Bashir
    Congratulation Mr.Chairman SPLM North sector for your stand you have made like a true and trusted leader it’s true that if they want you to fulfil want they want because of the governership better you abandon it.If they are SAF you also SPLA event if they proud of model of the weapon they have how about you people.And let them put in their mind that the weapon itself can not win the war they are beating the dram for and i know all this weapon soon will be captured by you brothers.This NCP regime is a defeated government and by suprise this week when i heard that they brought IRG and the Somalia militant group to come and help them in Southern Kordufan mean while the same group had been slaughtering by you comrades in Jebel hell and that name was given by them because of the massive destruction you have made on them and so that is your nature no change teach them with new tactic this time SPLM/SPLA oyeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  • Nguetbuny de Luelpiny
    Nguetbuny de Luelpiny

    Sudan’s Blue Nile governor scraps meeting with Bashir
    Good job Malik Agar!

    Never listen to those bloody Arab devils figure head.
    We will stand firm up the end of this world against devil Arab Ideology. They will never live in peace in this Sudan Land forward.

    Africa land is for African and Middle East is for Prussian, Arab and Jewish. Arab cannot be allowed to murders African using their bloody religions against black African.

    Long live SPLA!
    Long Live Sudanese Revolutions Army struggling!
    Long Live African Revolution Army struggling!
    Long live Sudanese African!
    Long live SPLM!

    Long live our Almighty River Nile!
    Long live African spirits!
    Long live African believers!
    Long live African Ideology!
    Might God bless Africa!
    Aaa meen!!!!
    Son of the Lord of the Nile Nguetbuny

  • Yale

    Sudan’s Blue Nile governor scraps meeting with Bashir
    Brovo!, Malik Aggar. This is what I want you to do. I warn you before not to meet that fool.

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